Singing with Inspiration – Lesson 11: The Elect
“God’s love for humanity and His great desire to see all humanity saved” on Sabbath afternoon’s lesson is reflected in:
Hymn 76, “O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go”,
Hymn 77, “O Love of God Most Full”,
Hymn 78, “For God So Loved Us” and in
Hymn 79, “O Love of God, How Strong and True!”.
To this we need to add hymns of humanity being saved:
Hymn 216, “When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder”,
Hymn 336, “There Is a Fountain” and
Hymn 180, “O Listen to Our Wondrous Story”.
The recurring word in Sunday’s study is ‘righteousness’, hence:
Hymn 177, “Jesus, Your Blood and Righteousness”.
Hymn 109, “Marvelous Grace” of our Loving Lord enhances the thoughts of the study on Monday, and again on Tuesday. Add to this
Hymn 295, “Chief of Sinners” to round out the day.
Let us show mercy to those around us (Thursday) to lead others to Christ:
Hymn 110, “God’s Free Mercy Streameth” and
Hymn 521, “Depth of Mercy”.
“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”. – Romans 1:7