Singing with Inspiration – Lesson 13
The first Bible text in this weeks lesson, Isaiah 53:5, 6, reminded me of two songs from Handel’s “Messiah”; Chorus 24 “Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs” and “No 26 Chorus “ All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray”. The Memory Text then follows the story very closely with many beautiful hymns of the story of the cross:
Hymn 237, “In The Cross of Christ I Glory”,
Hymn 303 “Beneath The Cross Of Jesus,
Hymn 154 “When I Survey The Wondrous Cross”,
Hymn 328 “Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone”, just to name a few. The themes from these hymns carry successfully through the Lesson study on Sunday also, with the culmination of our faith in Romans 3: 21, 22
Hymn 517 “My Faith Looks Up to Thee”, or
Hymn 523 “My Faith Has Found A Resting Place” and our salvation:
Hymn 339, “God Is My Strong Salvation”.
2 Peter 3:11 in Monday’s Lesson study asks how we should live and Hymn 316, “Live Out Thy Life Within Me” helps us along the road to the answers for this text.
Tuesday’s study skips to the hope we have in Jesus Second Coming. There are so many hymns that reflect this great hope that our church is built on. Here are just a few:
Hymn 200, “The Lord Is Coming”,
Hymn 201, “Christ is Coming”,
Hymn 209, “That Glorious Day Is Coming”,
Hymn 213, “Jesus Is Coming Again”,
Hymn 438, “You Will See Your Lord A-Coming”, and
Hymn 454, “Don’t You See My Jesus Coming?”.
Let us search our scriptures daily and as is said in 2 Peter 3:2 we “should remember the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets”:
Hymn 272, “Give Me The Bible”.
The children’s song from so long ago completes our lesson study this week:
“Read your Bible
Pray every day, Pray every day, Pray every day
Read you Bible,
Pray every day
And you’ll grow, grow grow”.
Blessings to you.