Singing with Inspiration – Lesson 4: Old Testament Faith
The memory text for this weeks’ lesson study instantly brings to mind
Hymn 337 or 338, “Redeemed! How I Love to Proclaim It”.
This theme continues in Thursday’s lesson study. We are redeemed by Christ.
In Sunday’s lesson, it appears the Galatians have forgotten what
Hymn 237, “In the cross of Christ I glory” says.
As our faith is “Grounded in Scripture”,
Hymn 272, “Give Me the Bible” and
Hymn 273, “Lord, I have Made Thy Word My Choice”
will enhance the thoughts of Monday’s study.
Tuesday portrays the obedience of Abraham
Hymn 590, “Trust and Obey”.
Even God preaches the gospel to Abraham (Wednesday in Gal 3:8), so all the more reason for us to:
“Go, Preach My Gospel”, Hymn 378.
Blessings to you for a wonderful week and Happy Sabbath.