The Spirit and the Word – Discussion starters
- A new beginning. The Holy Spirit and Spirituality is the topic for the next three months as we delve into God’s Word to learn more about how God’s Spirit deals with us. The introduction to these lessons suggests that God is the primary force of the Old Testament while Jesus plays the lead role in the New Testament. But didn’t Jesus play an active role in the Old Testament, too, His hands creating the world, and His heart aching with the misbehavior of His people? Isn’t God the Father and the Holy Spirit one? The Holy Spirit in the words of our Biblical counselor, Ellen White, “makes effectual what has been wrought by the world’s Redeemer.” But is He and has He always has been God?
- The Holy Spirit and Revelation. The two channels through which the Holy Spirit delivers God’s eternal message from God to us are revelation and inspiration. Why do we need the gift of revelation? What is lacking in our earthly lives that only revelation can supply? What did Peter mean when he said that “prophecy never came by the will of man”? Didn’t ordinary men touched by God write the words that became the Holy Bible? What then was supplied by the Holy Spirit?
- The Holy Spirit and Inspiration. How does inspiration go side by side with the gift of revelation to enable the Holy Spirit to help us understand God’s will and workings with us? Which is more direct–inspiration or revelation? How would you explain to a new Bible-believing Christian that God has often inspired selected human beings so that they could make clear the teachings of God? What are some practical ways that we can instill a deep and abiding trust in God’s word as inspired by God Himself? Will the Holy Spirit lead us in this endeavor?
- The Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Truth. How do you think the gift of inspiration helps us to keep the Word of God true? Shouldn’t people like you and I spend time going through Scripture to select those passages we can trust? Do you ever ache inside when you hear people with a limited view of the Bible’s total message pick and choose–and ignore–Bible passages as they see fit? Does God have a better way for us to know truth? If so, what is it?
- The Holy Spirit, our Teacher. Do you ever sense frustration when trying to make the gospel message clear to someone? Do you long for instruction by the Master Teacher so that you can take the words of the Bible and present them in a full but clear manner to others? How can the Holy Spirit fill that role for you? What can you say to people you meet who insist that the Bible is too hard to understand? Can the Holy Spirit help you find the essence of Bible truth and deliver it in a simple but powerful way? Are you willing to ask for His help?
- The Holy Spirit and the Word. Can you and I do anything to support the Bible in reaching people’s hearts? What do you say to a person who believes he or she has been directed by a holy influence to support belief not found in Scripture? Non-Biblical teachings such as people going to heaven when they die have captured the hearts of thousands as have snippets interpreted to mean God changed Sabbath to Sunday. How can the Holy Spirit help you share your conviction to accept the Bible and the Bible only?
blessed lessons.amen
i thought it has a summarized version only to find not
I wish you could detail a summarized content.
Wish you well in Jesus name .
Erick Ondieki