HomeDailySunday: Abraham in the Crucible    


Sunday: Abraham in the Crucible — 27 Comments

  1. Whatever way you look at this event, you are faced with an enigma. It is very easy for us to put a post-Christian interpretation on it, saying that it prefigured Christ as our substitute. That is fine for us, but I am not so sure that it was crystal clear to Abraham.

    Here are a couple of things to consider. It is probably safe to assume that other religions of that time were requiring human sacrifices to appease their gods. So, the request from God to sacrifice his son, while distressing, may not have seemed out of the ordinary to Abraham. Other gods appeared to require human sacrifices, so God was in a sense just like other gods. Abraham still had much to learn about the character of God. The dilemma for Abraham was that this son has been promised by God to be the seed of his inheritance. Perhaps, the big lesson here was that God was making a statement about human sacrifices. They were not a requirement. Ever! They were wrong. Jewish literature takes that viewpoint.

    Sometimes God teaches us an important lesson for the present. It is not always about type/antitype, or prophecy but for the now. That does not preclude type/antitype interpretation and we can certainly learn from that application.

    • Types and antiTypes are the Spirit of Prophesy IF not Judaism was hijacked by Greek philosophy and turned into Christianity .. ..
      Case in point .. man in a cave shadows on the wall reality !?

      • I don't have any problem with a type/antitype interpretation but it is an a posteriori application. That does not make it wrong or lessen its importance. I still believe that such interactions with God also had a pertinent application for the participants (in this case Abraham and Isaac) for their time as well.

        I am not sure what your point is regarding the platonic cave wall allegory. The Bible, notably Hebrews (Heb 8:5 and Heb 10:1) used the illustration a couple of times. It is a powerful metaphor. I even used it in teaching physics (rule/reality).

  2. One of the study questions asks:
    What are the ways He communicates His will to you?

    US fallen humans ??

    God's eternal plan in the Godhead !!!!
    Ephesians 1:1-23

    If I was to give a Bible study today to someone, who had no biblical insight, I would start in Ephesians Chapter 1.
    I have been taught and learned the hard ways in our education systems that start at the start and do not start at the conclusions.

    In the conclusions, questions arise in the mind and subsequently our minds are looking for meaning and answers immediately.

    And so, unlike Abram/Abraham and all pre Christ without the New Testament about Christ (which had only shadows/types) the light that came into our world was God's glorious plan for Son's and Daughter's in his completed image.
    How fortunate we are to live at a time like this to have many advantages and blessing in Christ, than what was unknown in past generations.

    There are many topics that can spin off from this question above, but the written WORD of God is first thing that can reach the mind and hearts from his mind and his Spirit hovering over a New Creation (you and me) as he done in Genesis 1:2
    Bringing order and beauty to our chaos !

  3. Today's lesson proposes that the timing of God's request for Abraham to sacrifice his son "was calculated to exact the deepest possible anguish". I do not believe this was the reason for the time. Rather, as per the presented Ellen White quote from Patriarchs and Prophets (p 147) that "God had reserved His last, most trying test for Abraham until the burden of years was heavy upon him, and he longed for rest" was rather that God left it to the point where Abraham had accumulated the most experience of God that He could across his lifetime - and therefore that Abraham could and would draw upon that experience and consequently experience the least possible degree of anguish (though the anguish was still severe).

    By this point in Abraham's journey, not only did he better know God's voice, he also knew God's heart and associated faithfulness and trustworthiness.

    But that is just my perspective of who I am (re)discovering God to be, for what it is worth...

  4. I have a question. Phil 1:6 tell us, "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
    This verse seem like a key verse for this quarter, especially this past Sabbath study, "Seeing the Goldsmith's Face.

    But my question as it pertains to Phil 1:6 is, how would the relate to the Laodicean church. If God is faithful to finish a good work in us, how can we be "Luke Warm" and all component following in Rev 3:14-22

    If anyone wouldn't mind clarifying...thank you.

    • Hi Nelson

      In a nutshell... as per the principle expressed in, for example, John 3:16 regarding 'whosoever' or whomever is (authentically) willing, God's ability to bring restoration in us to avert perishing eternally is dependent upon our willingness to actively co-operate with God's offer of undergoing such restoration. One of the main identified problems with the Laodicean church is its lack of awareness of need of restoration (Revelation 3:17) which, in turn, results in its unwillingness to actively and co-operatively participate in such. And hence the suggested 'remedy' (Revelation 3:18) that includes the dire need for having their eyes opened (ie, eye salve) in response to the Holy Spirit attempting to reveal to them their need for such restoration/renovation. Crucible experiences (ie, gold tried in the fire) are allowed by God to help Laodicea hopefully realise its lack and therefore need of restoration to Christlike character as well as facilitate formation/progressive development and refinement of Christlike character (white garments via the gold. refining process and opened eyes). James 1:2-4 also refers to this same process.

    • Good question ...

      The apostle Paul was confidence that those born again of the Spirit of and in Christ Jesus would be given every opportunity to grow in grace and knowledge to a FULL measure in his/her place in the body of Christ.
      Ephesians 4:1-16

      Conversely, those who deliberated and continually insult the gift of the holy Spirit, that abides in us as born again believers, whom receives the precious perl of great price (holy Spirit) on The Bases of the at-one-ment of justification though Jesus's work in flesh, overcoming Satan, Sin and death, on our behalf, that allowed his Father to be BOTH #Just#, (consistent with his own divine nature) of Love, Mercy and Justice and #Justifier# that allow his divine nature in clay pots (you and me as a temple of God) to overcome Satan, Sin in the the working of his power in us to keep our temple/mind and heart in a sanctified state, until a glorious transformation in a resurrection like his.

      If our temple falls short of losing the presence of holy Spirit, like in Israel of old, it (the temple) was plundered and destroyed.

      Hope this helps, here are some scriptures.
      Hebrews 6:1-4
      Galatians 3:3-9
      2 Peter 1:3-12
      Colossians 1:27
      1 Corinthians 6:15–19
      Revelation 3:3-6
      Romans 8:8-16.

      Sorry, that was a little wordy, but you get the Spirit of it !

      Shalom in Christ , 🙏

  5. This lesson is clear in stating that the Key to Abraham’s surviving and learning through the whole process was his knowing God’s voice.

    How do you know the voice of God? How do you know when God is talking to you? What are the ways He communicates His will to you?

    When I was a kid, my mother use to have a special whistle for us when it was time to come in. It was distinct and there was no other whistle like it. Other could whistle the same tune, but it would not sound like her, it would not have the same (and at a lost for words), but my brother and I know it was not her. My mother’s whistle was very distinctive. Even though she has passed, that whistle still has a meaning and sometimes, I replay that whistle in my mind.

    John 10:27-28 – My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

    But let me point out something that I feel is important with this verse.

    Samuel heard the voice of God but did not recognize it until he was instructed by Eli (1 Samuel 3:1-10). Gideon had a physical revelation from God, and he still doubted what he had heard to the point of asking for a sign, not once, but three times (Judges 6:17-22, 36-40).

    So, how do we know when God is communicating to us? Here is a thought to this question.

    We hear His voice when we spend time in Bible study and quiet contemplation of His word. The more time we spend intimately with God and His Word, the easier it is to recognize His Voice and His leading in our lives. Employees at a bank are trained to recognize counterfeits by studying genuine money so closely that it is easy to spot a fake. We should be familiar with God’s Word that when someone speaks in error to us, it is clear that it is not of God.

    While God could speak audibly to people today, He speaks primarily through His Word. Sometime God’s leading can come through the Holy Ghost, through our consciences, through circumstances, and through the exhortations of other people. By comparing what we hear and the truth of Scripture, we can learn to recognize God’s voice.

    Something that Samuel and Gideon did not have is the written Word that you and I study today.

  6. We can't be lukewarm. John recieved the word from the Holy Spirit as a warning to us that we can only be hot or cold lukewarm is not acceptable. He has promised to give us the desire and the power to do His will(to be hot). Philippians 2:13. Recently I was listening to a sermon on a website and the SDA pastor said, "family have you ever led some one to Christ?" and there was only one response. Pastor said we are going to do something about that. We are going to start with a event and invite the community and show them Adventist can love too. I believe the congregation will get the hint and prepare to beable to tell of there love for God, and think about what they can answer that would lead someone to Christ and then step back and let the Holy Spirit do the rest. Peter put it nicely. 1Peter 3:15.

  7. The lesson asks "How do you know the voice of God? How do you know when God is talking to you? What are the ways He communicates His will to you?"
    I study the bible, read my sabbath school lesson and pray. Yet throughout all these years I've never heard the voice of God. I've always wondered why. Does my sinful self just drown his voice out? Is he communicating with me in other ways yet I refuse to listen?

    How do I really hear God's hear voice?

    • Do you expect an actual audible sound ?

      People say in a phrase "I hear you" meaning #I get your message#, #I understand you# !

      Jesus said ..He opens my ear ?
      The meaning is obedience to God !

    • Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God...". In the early morning stillness when God guides my study of His Word, I hear His voice. In answered (and unanswered) prayer I hear His voice. In advice from a friend I hear His voice. In criticism from a friend or loved one, I hear His voice calling me to recognize changes I need to make. When I am out in nature praying, I have literally heard His voice speaking in my mind. I know it is Him because He is telling me things that I never would have thought myself, and it is in harmony with His Word. Sometimes there is a recurrent theme that begins in my morning Bible study and echoes throughout my day, I know it is Him speaking. Have I ever heard Him audibly say my name and tell me something? Not yet, but I hope I will know it and stop and listen when I do. I have heard the Holy Spirit telling me to do something and I have not done it and regretted it. However, when I listen and do it, something beautiful happens and I know it is Him. Sometimes in my classroom I have sensed His presence by the Harmony and the way everything comes together in a lesson, when we recognize the Spirit's presence and follow His lead everything works out beautifully and hearts are touched and changed. That has been my experience, can anyone else share their own?

      • Yes I can. One day, a long time ago, I was taking a walk and this voice kept telling me which way to go. Go down here. Turn this corner. Go up the hill, and so forth. When I get home I was worried it didn't seem to have a purpose, so I thought maybe Satan was leading me. I wasn't sure of God's voice this time. So I got on my knees and I prayed fervently to know his voice. The most wonderful thing happened to me. I found myself at his throne; but I felt my guilt for the sin in my body and I felt as though I would be crushed if I stayed there. It frightened me so that if Satan had opened up a door, I probably would have jumped in because my presence in my sinful self did not belong in the presence of God, The Almighty.

        As I grovelled on the floor of His thrown, God commanded that I rise and stand before Him, and He said, "you do belong here, my child." I asked Him why because I felt unworthy, since I saw myself as a sinner. As He filled me with His gentle love, He moved his right arm to his right side and said, "Because of what my Son has done for you." I turned and saw Jesus standing there in all His bright glory. I ran to him and worshiped at his feet. Now many years later I found out that when he guided me around my neighborhood it was him speaking because he was calling me to walk my neighborhood and look for people of God so that we may share in his goodness. Praise be to God.

    • Frank Lambert,
      That is a very good question. I ask myself pretty much the same question. My question is how do I KNOW it is God's voice I'm hearing. I've heard all the typical compare with scripture, if you spend time with him you will know his voice, that you have to have faith etc. I believe that's why Gideon, asked for a sign those three times. He was unsure if this was really God.

      I was praying about a situation, while praying three verses of scripture popped into my conscious thought that didn't align with what I "really" wanted to do. But I took that as God speaking to me directing me in the way I should go. Honestly, I haven't doubted that this was God directing me. But sometimes I do wonder if I am up to the task. Then 2 Corinthians 12:9, Proverbs 3:5-6 among other scripture will come to mind. This helps to steady me on my path.

      I still wonder if?.....

  8. Why did the LORD decide to test Abraham? Did He test others?

    I believe one of the reasons was because previously Abraham had failed and the LORD wanted him to be an example to future generations of a person who lived by faith.
    Gen 22:12; Heb 11:17

    Other times that the LORD tested His people are found in Deut 8:2,16; Ex 16:4; James 1:12;

    Why? "to know what is in your heart"

    Doesn't He know already?
    1Sam 16:7
    Is it to help us and those in our circle of influence to know?

    • Further, to submission by Ms. DeBeer, the story of redemption p80 reveals that "If he had endured the first test and had patiently waited for the promise to be fulfilled in Sarah, and had not taken Hagar as his wife, he would not have been subjected to the closest test that was ever required of man"

      • And yet without this test, Abraham would have known less about God's plan of salvation and we would have missed a powerful story to teach us as well. I don't want to question EGW, but I wonder...

  9. Frank, sometimes we’re longing to hear God speaking to us just like we hear each other. Indeed sometimes God is doing that. We can hear his voice clearly and than we wonder who is talking to me. But most of the time God speaks to us through His word. In reading His word under the guidance of the Holy Spirit God give us the answers we need on that moment. Right now I ask God to help me to overcome a problem, one that is affecting my character. He gave me the answers in His Word and through two readings of EGW . When I saw the answers I said: ”Lord is this for me or the other person. Minutes later God show me again through His Word: It is for you, not the other person. I will take of that, not you.” Sometimes God uses other people to communicate with us. Important for me is to know that hears whenever I talk to Him.

  10. Scripture here very definitely says that God "Tempted" Abraham. Yet, we tend to say that God "temps" no one. Please explain this apparent contradiction here about God and Abraham and God "Tempting" Abraham.

    • Good question Pete that illustrates the need to dig a little deeper into our Bible reading and understanding than merely superficial reading and assumption.

      Unfortunately words are frequently not nearly as precise in conveying meaning as many would assume. Add to that the process of translation from ancient texts to modern languages and there is even greater risk of mistranslation.

      The Hebrew and Greek words associated with the words you refer to can variously mean to tempt or to test, with either being undertaken in a positive or negative manner. Hence, as in many instances of Bible interpretation, context determines which of the range of meanings is meant in a particular passage. And context includes knowing the nature and character of the participants in the particular situation.

    • Hi Pete
      Testing progress, is like Quality control of a product, whereas, tempting to sin is outright destructive !
      Hebrews 12:4-8

      Do we really think God wants to destroy us ?
      No, he wants to destroy Satan, sin and death, wherever and whoever !

      Keep on trucking (meme)
      Shalom in Christ

  11. It's a great lesson for the faith of Abraham, he knew that if God gave him a son at that age then he would bless him again.

    Still we see that after Abraham had offered his son as a sacrifice, God fulfilled his promise to him.

    Moral lesson is that if we do God's work then he do ours and will bless us for our service. May God bless us as we learn to trust him.

  12. Our lesson pointed out that the biblical meaning of "tempting" is actually "testing"! That helps me understand that God does allow the same temptations to come our way over and over in order to keep testing us until we submit to Him and allow Him to give us a victory over the temptation. Praise the Lord! Victory comes through Jesus.

  13. The Bible does not say specifically but I for one assume that God explained to Abraham following this episode, that He, God, would one day offer His own Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice for all Mankind. Abraham and Issac now had a new appreciation for what that sacrifice would mean as they passed on this new knowledge to their posterity.


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