Sunday: The Authority of Jesus
As a physician and scholar, Luke was acquainted with the role of authority. He was familiar with the authority of philosophy in Greek scholarship and education. He knew the authority of the Roman law in civil matters and government function. As Paul’s traveling companion he knew the ecclesiastic authority that the apostle commanded with the churches he founded.
Thus, Luke understood that authority is at the core of a person’s position, an institution’s role, a state’s function, and a teacher’s relationship to his or her followers. Having rubbed shoulders with all kinds of authority at all levels of power, Luke shared with his readers that there was something matchless about Jesus and His authority. Born in a carpenter’s home, brought up for 30 years in the little Galilean town of Nazareth, known for nothing great by worldly standards, Jesus confronted everyone-Roman rulers, Jewish scholars, rabbis, ordinary people, secular and religious powers-with His teaching and ministry. His fellow townspeople marveled at the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth
(Luke 4:22, NKJV). He once brought hope to a widow in Nain by raising her dead son to life (Luke 7:11-17). The entire town went into a shiver of fear, and exclaimed: God has visited His people.
(vs. 16, NKJV). The authority of Jesus over life and death electrified not just Nain, but Judea and all the surrounding region
(vss. 16-17, NKJV).
Read Luke 8:22-25, Luke 4:31-37, Luke 5:24-26, Luke 7:49, Luke 12:8. What do these texts reveal about the kind of authority that Jesus wielded?
Luke took time to record, not only for his friend Theophilus but also for generations to come, that Jesus, through His ministry, had established the uniqueness of His authority. As God in the flesh, He indeed had authority as no one else ever did.
Lots of people do things in the name of God, which would then of course give their actions a lot of authority. How can we be sure that when we say, God led me to do this,
He really did? Discuss answers in class on Sabbath.

It was not church office, status, popularity or mass approval that gave Jesus authority. More people actually followed Christ for what he did and could do than for what He taught; for they were more interested in what they could get than what they could be (John 6:64-68).
The Father granted all authority, both in Heaven and earth, to the Son (Matthew 28:18). By this authority Christ’s followers are instructed to teach others to observe all things He commanded (Matthew 28:20).
In the face of persecution and empowered by the Holy Spirit the apostles used the authority effectively to preach the faith of Jesus, the straight testimony of Christ, and the church grew in numbers and in faith (Acts 2:41-43). In our day many promote their personal opinion or twist the meaning of scripture in contradiction to other portions or selectively use that which will support what they wish to believe from the Bible and spirit of prophecy. Such is a work without Heaven’s authority.
As the church prays for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit the remnant people ought to understand there is no latter rain on those who are not prepared to preach the undiluted teachings of Christ (Revelation 14:12). Those who have no interest in sharing the final warning message and lend their best influence to earthly causes may not notice when the Spirit is poured out, but remain in complaining mode (Jeremiah 8:19, 20).
The power and authority is to be granted to those who have learned submission and are ready to proclaim the unpopular truth, even if it seems all others decline (1 Kings 19:10). Yet they are never alone, no, never alone (Matthew 28:20).
God has relinquished all authority in regards to citizenship qualification for heaven to mankind and humanity. This authority included the power to redeem the lost as a substitute for the wages of sin, repentant sinners being justified for He has been given the authority to Judge during Judgment day (the Pre-Millennium that is before Jesus Return, Millennium that is during the Millennium in Heaven and Executive Judgment after the Millennium before the annihilation of the Devil evil angels and the wicked people) and authority to intercede or as an advocate or out attorney during Judgment, and in this He has authority to raise the Sinners saved by Grace to Eternal Life and condemn the wicked to destruction.
1). In this effect Christ has delegated a branch of this work of His Mission of Seeking and Saving the Lost to His church period.
2). It did not give the Church authority to forgive sins that is the sole prerogative of the Trinity.
3). It did not give the Church authority to change laws or days of worship.
4). It did not give the Church authority to create another source of direction sourcing its mandate except the Bible.
5). However, the authority to Discipleship of the Lost has specific mandates;
a). Spiritual Gifts whereby individual saints should through it determine the best ministry to maximize its utilization.
b). The discipleship was to present Christ Centered doctrines et al.
c). When Christ outsource this part of the Seeking and saving the lost to the church, the by product to any given saint was the Fruit of the Spirit, for no one could have the fruit if he/she did not maximize the gift of the Holy Spirit.
But the other authority given to the Church as a whole was the most important mandate "To Love One Another.
1). To successfully carry out this authority of Discipleship of the lost is for the workers with Christ should be loving, forgiving, admonishing each other as co workers with Christ.
2). That ever each individual saints have a part and role to finish this work of seeking and saving the Lost.
3). Last but not least the Holy Spirit on behalf of Christ works and impels saints to seek and save the lost, meaning also that the saint should lift Christ up so the people would be drawn to Christ.
Therefore we are given the authority to use, go and disciple the lost in the name of Jesus and there is no better authority to work with the authority of the Seal of Christ's name as Creator and Re Creator of Mankind and Humanity.
We construct walls when we are hurt to safeguard our hearts and prevent any future wounds. We become selective, denying entry to all we fear will hurt us. We filter out anyone we think owes us something. We withhold access until these people have paid their debts in full. Eventually, our walls of protection become a prison. At that point, we are not only cautious about who comes in, but so in terror of future injuries that we cannot venture outside our fortress...Jesus confronted everyone-Roman rulers, Jewish scholars, rabbis, ordinary people, secular and religious powers-with His teaching and ministry.
Wow, you just spoke a sermon to my heart! Thank you for sharing...
one thing which we have to put in our mind all the time of our lives is that though Jesus left this world for heaven he still have the authority over us
Authority - that is a word that affects different people differently depending on background and social environment. To some it causes fear while in others their eyes get as big as saucers as they think of the power they can weld.
When the disciples thought of the thrones they were going to sit on and who was going to be the closest to the top position Jesus directed them to another path. He told them that in order to be great a person needs to think like a servant:
In the kingdom that Jesus sets up authority carries with it far more responsibility than it does power. To Jesus power is only as good as one is willing to accept the responsibility that comes with it.
In the beginning when God gave man dominion it wasn't so he could push others around, it was so he could be a blessing to those put under his authority. The good shepherd not only lays his life down for the sheep but, "the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice" (Jn. 10:3-4 NKJV). That is how Jesus leads us with that still small voice and that is how we are to lead each other. We don't make demands and "lord it over them" but rather we treat it as a privilege that is to be exercised with humility and mercy and a great deal of love. Most of all we do not drive like dictators do - we lead - there is a difference between the two.
Jesus authority came from his father, he rebuked but always had compassion,jesus never abused his authority, had he used his authority that was given outside the will of his father we would not be here today hence satan tried all tactics against jesus hoping that jesus in his humanity would yield to one of his attacks,jesus has authrity over all things,he even had authority in the laying down of his life,he had authority in the raising of his life because jesus did the will of his father all authority has been given to jesus,we can do nothing without christ,it is through christ working in one that they are able to do all things when man uses his own intuitions and intelligence and removes jesus out the equation they are being led by another source beware watch and pray who we look up to as humans meaning that people within the church may have been given certain responsibilities and may feel as though they have the authority over others be wary no man has authority jesus has all the authority if man is willing to be used of christ we Are vessels through which jesus demonstrates his authority not the perSon but jesus alone some people are so deceived in pastors thinking that they are ppwerful no it is jesus no man should takE any credit for what is required of him to do jesus takes it for it is his place it is jesus authority help me jesus to be faithful to you all glory all honour all power belongs to you not me lord but you amen