Sunday: The Church at Ephesus
In Revelation 2:1, Jesus is pictured holding the seven stars and walking among the lampstands as He addresses the church at Ephesus. These symbols point to significant realities. The lampstands are the churches, and the seven stars are angels tasked with caring for the churches (Rev. 1:20).
In other words, there is a close connection between the churches and the throne of God in heaven. The churches have a crucial part to play in the great controversy.
Read Revelation 2:1-7. In what ways can we see the great controversy played out in these texts?
The message to Ephesus begins with a description of its character. Jesus is fully aware of its strengths and weaknesses. He commends them for their activities, their patient perseverance, and their intolerance toward false teachers in their midst (Rev. 2:2-3, Rev. 2:6), a clear warning that false doctrine should not be tolerated in the church. It seems that the church at Ephesus, originally enlisted by God in the struggle against darkness, has suffered a counterattack by Satan. It came in the form of false apostles, followers of Nicolas-perhaps one of the original seven deacons (Acts 6:5) but who had evidently formed a breakaway movement. Whatever their heresy, Jesus hated it (Rev. 2:6).
The trouble with the Ephesian church was that it had left its “first love” (Rev. 2:4). This is very similar to the language of the Old Testament prophets who likened the apostasy of Israel to a person chasing after illicit lovers (for example, Hos. 2:13).
The situation may look hopeless, but Jesus specializes in redeeming hopeless situations. First of all, He encourages His people to remember from where they have fallen and to get back to what they were doing in the first place (Rev. 2:5). This is not a call to turn the clock back to “the good old days”; rather, it is a case of using past experience to guide them into the future.
“‘That you have left your first love'” (Rev. 2:4, NKJV). Why is that so easy to do? What happens to us, either individually or as a church, that could make our love for God grow cold? How do we keep a passion for God and His truth burning within us year after year? |

The Nicolaitans have been referred to in this page, but if I may, I'd like to submit an alternative view about this group of people. It is based on a view presented by A.T.Jones (and others) during our relatively early days. Perhaps this will be of interest. (I hope the length of this thought does not hinder its readablity.)
The Nicolaitans are referred to twice in the Bible, and both occurrences appear in chapter 2 of the Book of Revelation.
The first refers to the "DEEDS of the Nicolaitans" (Rev 2:6), while the second refers to the "DOCTRINE of the Nicolaitans" (Rev 2:15).
I suggest that the distinction is significant. Working on the basis that the 7 churches represent 7 successive periods of church history, the issue becomes clearer. But first, it is worth briefly considering the name "Nicolaitans".
It is a symbolic name, used in a similar sense to "Jezebel", which is employed as a symbolic name later in the same chapter (Rev 2:20).
It is a compound word, made up of "Nikao" (#3534) and "Laos" (#2992). Nikao, refers to the idea of triumphing or ascending, while Laos refers to the common people. (Loas is the root word from which "laity" is derived.) It points to an attitude of ascendency, victory, or dominance, over the common people.
Jesus had established the idea that all His people were to be brethren, and that there was to be no heirarchy among them. The "Nicolitans" were attempting to bring the very opposite concept into the church, but all such efforts filled true-hearted, humble, Christians with horror.
"Deeds of the Nicolaitans."
In the period represented by Ephesus (33A.D.-100A.D.), there was no doctrine of "primacy"; nothing was being taught to legitimize a heirarchial church structure. But nevertheless, people were appearing (people such as Diotrephes, in 3Jn 9) who loved to have the preeminence over the people. The efforts of such men - their "deeds" - were rejected ("hated",) by the apostles and by the faithful Christian brethren.
During the next period (represented by Smyrna (100A.D.-323A.D.)) there was no thought of rank or superiority among the brethren (and it is for this reason the Nicolaitans are not mentioned). It was a period of Imperial persecution and suffering, and their suffering effectively shut out any thought of introducing a heirarchy. The bonds between the people were so strong that none of them sought "pre-eminence".
"Doctrine of the Nicolaitans".
But later, in the period of Pergamos (323A.D.-538A.D.), which spanned the time from the rise of Constantine till the end of Emperor Justinian's reign, the DOCTRINE of the "primacy" of the church of Rome was developed. During this time, churches were competing for distinction; and a "doctrine" was gradually emerging, which asserted that the church of Rome held first place among the churches, and that the Bishop of Rome was head of all the churches.
Note that other churches [including Constantinople, etc.,] developed rival "doctrines" to assert their dominance, but EVERY teaching that promoted "dominance" or "headship" within the Christian church horrified the true people of God - they hated it.
The Nicolaitans represented the twin "isims" -- The "I will ascend"-isim, and the "I will be greatest"-isim, which were originated long ago in heaven by Lucifer.
Thank you so much for sharing
Where can we find more about this from AT Jones
My original source was the book, "Lessons From the Reformation", by A.T.Jones.
Although I am mindful now that the view taught by Jones did not originate with him... it was advocated by others before he came upon the scene.
Thanks for the insight
Really informative and does make sense.
Not clear for me,about "Nicolaitans"!
The source of your information.
What is Ellen G White'view on them?Thanks.
that is some research!
"history is the best subject to reward all research", indeed!
We build our faith through hearing the word of God. And so we can only keep our faith strong by constantly being prayerfully in the presence of the Lord. As we know more about the Lord, we shall be able to know when false doctrine is presented to us we shall know. I also thank the Lord for the spirit of prophecy which is in this church because what we learn is true prophecy.
It seems that the church of Ephesus had the correct stand on the issues of the controversy, but had lost the correct motive for warring against falsehood. While correct in doctrine, they seemed erring in spirit. True worshipers are to worship in Spirit and Truth. Only by being yoked with Jesus, learning of Him who is meek and lowly of heart can we be His faithful witnesses.
Without perfect faith, our love will wax cold. "Perfect" knowledge is not enough.
The book of Revelation shows very clear the Great Controversy. Jesus is unveiling the secret of his people. He wants them to repent because there is no hope without repentance. Though the book shows how tough the controversy, Jesus comes with solutions as follows, Remember---, Repent and do the first deeds----, He who has ear----. His purpose always is to find out how he can save us.
I especially love verse 5 where it says "Repent and do the things you did at first".The church in Ephesus had forsaken their first love by allowing so many distractions to come between them and their love.
Don't we all remember how beautiful it was when we first accepted Christ and all our focus was on him? when it was just us and Christ against the world, when everything whether good or bad we brought to him..and just like the Ephesus church we have allowed so many things to separate us from him, we have complicated the relationship with religiosity and at times worldly doctrines and we think only when we meet this standards can we be worthy of Christ.
Jesus is calling us to repent and do the things we did at first,to uncomplicate our relationship with him by remembering how simple and beautiful it is when we fix our eyes only on him, the author and finisher of our faith. For we are his bride and him our first and forever love
As we study this week's lesson, there is a message for all us. God knows the good and evil that is existing in HIS church. At one point or another we all find ourselves in any of the situations these churches were. At no point should we point at ourselves and declare..behold am perfect. We will always be sinners saved by Grace. In spite of the negative things that exist in the church, God is hopeful that the church shall be triumphant at last. It is our duty to help each other in pointing towards the first love---total commitmnet to do the will of God... Let us be hopeful that we shall finish strong.
What are the main issues that the great controversy are over?
If you think you know, cite sources.
It is not by chance that the almighty is seen to be walking amidst the seven golden candle sticks Rev 2:1, it should be a consolation to us to know that he is overseeing the operations of his church, he is watching over the affairs of the church. If per chance one ever doubted if God cares about the well-being of the church remember that he is watching and walking amidst the Churches through the ages. This should also be a warning to any who for selfish reasons would want to manipulate the mission of the Church for selfish gain, he is watching . Psalm 121:4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
Hi Everlyne,to answer your question as to who are the Nicolaitans in our church today. First of all as we read from the scriptures, the Nicolaitans were an opposing group that did not heed the word of God. They were representing Satan with their immoralities and feing teachings. In other words, they were exercising apostasy within the church. For example in our church today, there are groups who would want the church to say it's ok for same sex couple to get married. We know from the Holy Scriptures that God instituted marriage between a man and a woman. Yet, in our church today, there are those who would oppose that teaching to satisfy their satanic way of life. We're not here to judge anyone. But God's truth will surely march on with those who are living by faith to please God.
can you please help with the book of the bible where you are getting the explanations of the nicolaitans?
Hello Margaret.
The Book of the Bible I'm using is the Book of Revelation.
The key elements are (1) the name itself (i.e. it's literal meaning), and (2) the thought that the name, "Nicolaitans", is symbolic, in the same way that the name "Jezebel" is symbolic in the same chapter.
I would mention too, that in the opening verses of the Book of Revelation, Jesus explains to John that He will be showing him things which "must shortly come to pass". I believe that some of the things shown to John DID INDEED SHORTLY COME TO PASS.
Things occurred in John's own lifetime that were revealed to him before the event... and things happened in the generations immediately following John's that were also revealed to him, and recorded. And so to me, Church history is very relevant in many of the chapters in the Book of Revelation.
what does ephesus mean?
Ephesus means desirable or the desired one.It was full of spiritual vitality and strength. The Desired One, which aptly describes the Church as Jesus sees it. However by the end of the 1st century the people had left their first love (for Christ and each other).
The word angel in Greek stands for messengers or ministers. Therefore this message is being directed to the Minister of the Church in Ephesus (desirable). The Bible goes on to say that God speaks His word through His people whom He has appointed. Hence the recipient of this message in this letter is the leader of this Church and he ought to convey the contents of the message to the congregation as a whole. The Church here is not the building but the people who are fellowshipping at this particular church. The Bible says our bodies are temples of God and in this case this message is going to church members at this place.
The sender of this message is Jesus Christ. He ‘holds the 7 stars in his right hand and walks among the 7 golden lampstands.’ The right hand is of power, authority and safety/protection. God’s ministers are symbolized by the 7stars (read Revelation 1:20).So when Jesus says that basically what He means is that its Him who give them power and authority to do His work and there are also under His protection. He knows them fully well, He feels them with light and guides and directs their movements. ‘He walks among the 7 golden lampstands’ – lampstands represent Churches (Revelation 1:20) - He knows exactly what is happening in the Churches. Jesus because He loves His Church is actively pursuing His desire to have deep fellowship with us. The 7 ‘golden’ lampstands – gold stands for purity and lampstand for Church and therefore the Church ought to be in such a state.
Jesus goes on to say ‘he knows’ ….this is one of the greatest things about God. He knows us intimately – like the relationship between the husband and wife. He is our groom and we are the bride. Nothing is hidden to him (Hebrews 4:13).He is omniscient (has total knowledge).Jesus goes on to commend the good that the church was doing which was their:-
1. Deeds (Action, task or service)
2. Toil (To labor to the point of weariness)
3. Perseverance (Capacity or ability to endure)
This Church was hard working, constantly serving God, were involved in the work of ministry.
From face value or human eye point of view we would conclude that this Church is awesome and has it all together but God sees beyond that. Christ is able to discern between the good and the bad. This goes on to encourage us that we should not worry that the good deeds that we are doing that they will go unnoticed, people may fail to see but God who is all knowing does see and will reward you one day. The other good thing about this Church is that they do not tolerate false doctrine. It is not sinful to prove all things and examine the doctrines that men preach. They were strong in both doctrine in ministry. They called a spade a spade and could smell heresy a mile off because they knew God’s word.(Acts 17:11 –the Bereans).If you know God’s word inside out ,you will be able to identify false teaching. However, having the right doctrine is not enough.
There is something that God has against this Church. This ‘somewhat’ that He has against this Church in not a little problem – it is a HUGE ISSUE. We would do well to learn from their mistake, lest we fall after the same example. From human point view you will think that this is a healthy Church but instead Jesus saw sickness in this Church. God looks at the heart…church attendance, religious activity etc are not a barometer for spiritual health. The Church had forsaken their first love. It does not mean they no longer had any love for Christ at all, rather it means that the quality of their love for Him had weakened. It has 2 meanings ‘as you loved me at first’ (Chronology) and ‘my first love’ (Priority).Many today have shifted their love for Christ to love for doctrine, that is what we call legalism – right thing but wrong motive.
This means they were no longer on fire for the Lord Jesus Christ. The Church has lost their real love and devotion for Christ. Can the groom (Jesus Christ) see His wife (bride-us) grow cold and not be grieved? The Church had become defenders of faith and got involved in the service only to discover that in the battle they had lost the one quality without which all others are worthless. The Bible says the greatest commandment is to love your God with all your heart, mind and soul (Matthew 22:37-39) but now they got themselves so involved in the work more and neglected the love for Christ. If we are to check (Galatians 5:22-23) we realize that the fruit of the spirit are 9 and love is listed first and its not by mistake that it is there, without it you will not be able to do the rest.
When you lose something, it basically means it’s exactly where you left it.The next thing to do is to go back and find it. Same with the love for Christ, go back and find it and the good thing is you will find Christ exactly where you left Him and His love for you never changes and is the same today ,tomorrow and forever .He is still waiting for you to come back, you are His first love. The Church had lost fellowship with God and the principle is regardless of how much of the Bible we may know, how much we serve Him etc we cannot walk with the Lord without loving Him. Jesus wants a relationship not a performance. It is significant that of all the sins Jesus points out in these 7 churches, the first sin He names is the one that grieves Him most, a loss of affection for Him. He is a jealous lover. Beware of anything that competes with loyalty to Jesus Christ. The greatest competitor of devotion to Jesus is service for Him. Lets not be people who honor God with their lips and yet their hearts are far from Him.
We ought to:-
1. Spend time worshipping the Lord. Know the scriptures well & sing and worship God in spirit and truth
2. Maximize time with godly people – people who are on fire for God and it will rub to you too
3. Repent from the pride of busyness – God never meant for your duty for Him to replace your love for Him
4. Set an appointment with God – He is a jealous lover so avail yourself. Imagine if you were stood up.
Three steps to Return to your 1st love – REMEMBER, REPENT & DO THE FIRST WORKS
One of the greatest principles of spiritual renewal is REMEMBERANCE. It is so easy to forget where we came from and what the Lord has done for us. One of the keys to restoration with the Lord is to be honest with ourselves. Until we are willing to admit that we have fallen, then we can begin the restoration process. We must remember the love that we have for Christ, how wonderful it was to know that our sins had been forgiven, how much we loved to open the pages of the Bible, hearing the word of God penetrate our being, the love and joy that we felt when we first met the Savior.
The 2nd step is REPENT. Some people fall short there. There are willing to admit that they have a problem but not willing to go the next step of repentance. Repentance is more than just saying ‘I’m sorry ‘or ‘Lord forgive me. ’It is a change of the heart and the mind (total change of thought & behavior). Only when we despise the sin that so easily torment us we will be ready to get free from it.
Once we have repented we need to ‘do the first works. ‘Get back to what we were doing when we first got saved. They ought to draw near to God and God will do the same (James 4:8) Praying, reading the word of God, laying aside weights and sins which stain our spirits. That is what restoration is all about. Remember -----Repent----- and Do. We must follow through our resolutions.
What a wonderful insight.God bless you so much. This was so helpful.I will share with my class on Sabbath.
Thanks Stewart for sending me back to "Lessons From the Reformation",
thank you pipo for your comments,tambu you have made me to fully understand wat the lesson meant..we thank God for dat.
Thanks Tambu, very interesting and informative points.
Of the many ideas such as the source of the Nicolaitans and other symbolic possibilities, I would wonder where the distinction, or the line is drawn between reality and imagination. A quote that I read as plausible, is from the NKJV, the Andrews Study Bible. "The book of Revelation is primarily symbolic 1:1. The language should not normally be taken as literal" page 1658. I question some exaggeration when liberties are at stake.
The thing about the last question for today's lesson is that;
it gets really bogged down, to feel and acknowledge that you are going it alone, or lack a sense of unity that drags You down, because people aren't willing to be honest and follow The LORD GOD!
And so per the second part of the question, it is to simply keep studying the word like this, especially with the study guide, as it will be the only thing that makes you feel liberated!
standing on LORD GOD'S WORD is IT!
and it's super nice, as well, when You have beautifully blessed historical rendering, like
Mr. Stewart Craft's above, that Really helps to fill-in the blanks!
Thank The LORD for faithfulness!
thank you so much for the wonderful lesson be blessed and may God help us to have the first love