Sunday: Interruption for Ministry
Jesus steps off the boat on the shore near Capernaum. (See Mark 5:1-43.) His disciples are still reeling from the harrowing encounter with the demon-possessed man in Decapolis. As usual, a crowd is there to meet Him.
Eager to get His attention, individuals in the throng jostle to be near Jesus. Immediately He is asked for help, this time by a ruler of a synagogue.
Read Mark 5:22-43. While Jesus was on His way to minister to the needs of this ruler of a synagogue, what interrupted Him, and how did He respond to the interruption? More important, what lessons should we take from the story for ourselves about how we react when interrupted for ministry?
Let’s face it, none of us likes interruptions, do we? We are busy, we have things to do, places to go, jobs to get done. We set goals for ourselves and want to meet those goals, sometimes within a certain time frame as well. Interruptions can get in the way.
That’s why, if someone comes with a need or with a request for help, it can be annoying if the time isn’t convenient. Sometimes you just can’t drop whatever you are doing. At the same time, how often could we drop what we are doing and help but don’t because we simply don’t want to?
Yet often the greatest opportunities to minister to people’s needs come through interruptions. Most of us try to avoid interruptions, and get upset when our plans are derailed. As we look at the ministry of Jesus, we notice that some of the needs that He cared for came as interruptions, to which He lovingly responded. If we think about it, many opportunities we get for ministry come in the form of interruptions. We have already looked at the story of the good Samaritan. Who knows where he was going and what he was going to do when he got there? But he stopped anyway to minister.
Talk about an interruption!
When was the last time someone interrupted you with a need and a request for help? How did you respond? |

Maybe many of us find interruptions that call for us to give of ourselves annoying because we are not interruptible. Jesus was, and is still interruptible. If He were not, during His Ministry so many people would not have experienced His love.
He was teaching, but stopped to bless children (Mark 10:16). He stopped and listened to blind beggars. He gave time to lepers, halted entire processions to speak to a woman with an incurable illness. The key in all these instances is that Jesus was already going somewhere to do something. But when people interrupted, He let them because they were the object of His ministry (CBC).
This may appear simplistic, but interruptions sometimes save us from stress, harm and danger. Imagine rushing out to get to work before the traffic gets heavy, and being interrupted by a neighbor who has an urgent need that delayed you by an hour or so. Listening to the evening newscast you learnt that an accident (at the time you would have been en route) delayed traffic for hours. The take-away here is that the Lord may have caused that interruption to allow you to give a helping hand, rather than being caught in traffic jam or accident.
Jesus new when to do what ever was on His mind. His life was spent filling the needs of an agenda. That being the salvation of as many as possible, those that He loves. Jesus didn't allow interruptions when praying to the Father in the garden. Jesus didn't allow interruptions when tempted in the wilderness. Jesus didn't allow interruptions when being lost in the temple preaching for three days.
Would a surgeon interrupt heart surgery that wasn't life threating?
Yes there are times and circumstances that are inconvenient, and needed help is offered because? Fill in the blanks____.
There are times when somebody brings an interruption to us, unaware that we might already be feeling pressure to do something. There are times when an interruption is brought, and the person knowingly intrudes. Perhaps in both cases the "interrupter" is gracious and courteous, and we are happy to re-prioritize or multi-task as best we can. But this won't always be the case, will it?
If a person is ministering in the pulpit, and an aggressive heckler raises his/her voice in an effort to interrupt the speaker, what should happen in such a case?
I think the speaker should tell the heckler that his/her concern can be addressed at an appointed time, but not during worship time. If the heckler continues, an elder or two could escort him/her to the pastor's study and address the situation right away.
Stewart,Our normal instincts would be to eliminate the disturbance in some fashion if it detracted from the ability of those trying to gain a blessing from the message. Some would ignore the situation and hope. Some might pray that God would use His control to remedy the situation. Some might even use strong arm tactics. As I have noted often, we are all different because that is the way we were Created. I find most interruptions more as a temporary annoyance. For some it is more than temporary and a bit stronger than an annoyance.
I have seen that happen on several occasions and each case was handled differently because of the circumstances.
There is a lot of difference between handling a person who has a mental illness, and a person who is interjecting because of a perceived issue with church theology or politics.
If a church is functioning like it should then these problems can usually be handled as an issue among friends rather than in a combative way. And I have to say that most of these incidents that I have seen have been handled very well.
Thank you Lecates and Paul.
What you are saying, in effect, is that not every "interruption for ministry" can be, or should be, accepted. Even the heckler is often requesting (or demanding) to be ministered to in some way, but their manner is generally disturbing and inappropriate.
Lecates, I agree with your approach.
And yet our own church history contains an episode in which an interruption was hugely important. In a camp-meeting in 1844 (in Exeter,) Joseph Bates was speaking from the pulpit, when a woman in the audience called out that there was a man beside who had light. Mr. Bates invited the man to come forward, and Bates relinquished the pulpit. The man that came forward was Samuel Snow, and he then presented the Oct 22 1844 date to the people. It was a huge step, and it had tremendous results. All because the minister allowed an "interruption".
in this case i think the speaker has to pose for a moment, as the other church ministers like the deacons/ses take away gently to listen and care for the heckler's needs.
as a elder in the church i must say this. our pastor's are well trained and the elders are able to take over. we stand to preach to our congregation and i must say that God has us prepare our sermons. also God brings those to us who need our help. we need to address those needs when they come about.
what if a visitor comes and is taken out. who gets the blame if that person loses his salvation because we refuse to answer his question. i would hope that the whole congregation would help the pastor with the question.
sorry! but i see Christ meeting needs when needed. so should we. when God brings us a person to us for help, let's not hinder the situation.
it might be the person's last hope.
God orders our experiences.
Would you like to expand on that Clive? Or are you saying that if we let him God will indicate the order that we should handle certain experiences?
I'm interested in hearing your expansion.
I don't intend to speak for Clive, but if we pray daily "Thy will be done", can we expect anything else? If our own will remains supreme in our mind, then God's "interruptions" will seem as such to us, when they are only the answer to our prayer.
As long as the accuser exists, our faith will often be put to the test that we might bring glory to God in answer to the endless accusations against us and our profession of faith. What will our witness be in these "interruptions"?
Thanks Clive. I do agree with you that "God orders our experiences". I also know that God has given us the power of choice to make decisions that will or will not honor Him. Yesterday I rushed from work around midday to attend a meeting at church. As I was getting in my car I saw a lady walking in the hot Caribbean sun and instantly I said to myself "that lady will need a lift but I really cannot stop. As I started the car I reiterated to myself "I CANNOT STOP".
What happened next is nothing less that a miracle. As I drove out of the hospital, I found myself stopping the car and asked the lady if she needed a lift. She said I could drop at the bus stop and I agreed. It was a little out of my way but it would take me less than 5 minutes. As she sat in the car I told her I was rushing to a meeting in a particular district which was about about 20 minutes away and I could not be late. She exclaimed that she was going to that same district and she told me that she was just saying to God that she needed a lift because the sun was so hot and all. She said God had sent me. We laughed together about God's way of doing things (we named it God's small miracle) and I made myself a new friend. I took her to her destination which was about 2 minutes past my destination.
The story did not end there. When I got back to my destination the meeting had been cancelled (unknown to me). Had I missed that opportunity to show compassion I would have missed a blessing (laughter and all) and would not have made a new friend. And my friend would have had to walk to the bus-stop and then wait for a long while then after the bus-ride she would have another few miles to walk to get to her destination. I felt really blessed and I still don't understand why I stopped in the first place. This one will go into my "Laughter from heaven" book. My conclusion is that God ordered that experience.
Christine, that is truly an amazing story and I thank you for relating it to us. So many blessings have been the result, that we all can share. A God that filled so many needs that each of us can appreciate more each day. Words cannot adequately express. We have to marvel at the sequence of all the events. Wow.
Thank you, Christine, for sharing your story that illustrates the "interruption for ministry" in the lesson title so very well. 🙂
Jesus encounters two individual that has been isolated far from society because people are scare and afraid to interact with them.. So I guess he encounter with individuals because people live in villages greets neighbors, participate with neighbors activity such sports, social event, safety, etc. People live in community has decent career, relationship with family, etc.
I learn Jairus loves his daughter, He begged Him earnestly similar to ask physician. I kind a compare with physician, but Jesus is different, personally I have learn when we had a high fever when we were elementary, our parents brought us to doctor and doctor prescribe medicine. After few days we lie on a bed sweating and pain in head. Then we consume medicine, then we get better.
attending to interruptions is one way of ministering, therefore, in as much as we ignore them lets be assured of incompleting the mission assigned to us.........however much the interruptions sometimes may eat part of our time lets know that the time spent in such hasn't gone at awaste
We must be always readily available to others. We may not be financially ready all the time but we can lead others to Jesus by our reaction to the interruption. Keep in mind interruption comes in all forms. From the beggar on the street to a grieving family. As Christ followers being able to accept interruption is a perfect example of our Christian character. If we cannot assist we can find someone who can.
I know!
You spike that thing!
It occurred to me that, That my "should have been-millions-of-dollars opportunities since '02), we're just that, interruptions, needed for the kingdom!
Thank YOU Tinah Richard.
That spoke deeply to me
An interruption might be having to take care of an elderly relative or family member. Having to leave your home & live with them to look after them. An interruption could be looking out for your neighbour friend child niece nephew . Pray God gives us the right attitude got the Interuption .
Let's face it, if we're walking in Jesus footsteps, every thing Jesus encountered, were not excluded, yes? So let us think like him, let us see things just as he saw them, and let us love our neighbors as we love ourselve, Amen? It's okay to be interrupted, we're living the life of Jesus!
How is it seen that the disciples were “still reeling” from the wonderful demonstration of God's compassion on those wretched victims of sin, and His power over the Legion, setting those men free from their horrible bondage, being “clothed and in their right mind”? (At least as the dictionary defines reeling.)At Jesus' command, they went to tell others of God's great mercy upon them that day.
The unfolding of the events in Jesus' day was no interruption, but only the well-laid plan and leading by the Holy Spirit as Jesus prayed always "Thy will be done". Look at the results! Look also at the fact that the woman's illness and the age of the young daughter were the same; 12 years. Just a coincidence or a direct appeal to a nation about to perish as their probation was drawing to its close?
Jesus came to "confirm the covenant with many" during their last "week" of probation(Dan 9:24)and knew the time was near when the people must reveal their choice and receive their fate. He wanted to halt the hemorrhaging of their faith and raise them back to Life, but the choice was/is theirs/ours to make.
Without faith, the nation must(and did) perish, but a remnant was being raised to take the gospel to the world. (How are we doing with that?)
Indeed no one needs any interaption but what matters is the way how u can respond to them..... Am very much interested with the way how Jesus handled the interaption he mate in everyday so we also needs the same charecter so that we should take many to christ
Jairus, a leader of the synagogue, respected and well known person became desperate and helpless because his 12 year old daughter got very ill. He ran and fell at the feet of Jesus and pleaded with Him to heal his beloved child. He went to the Master because He believed that only Jesus had the power over sickness. Christ was full of compassion (Matthew 14:14) and felt the pain felt by Jairus. Although He was engaged in an important mission in the synagogue He did not hesitate to go to Jairus' house. On His way there the Master stopped to help the woman who was probably isolated by society, regarded unclean, full of ashame and scorn. Thus He showed that He was a personal God who made Himself accessible to be touched, detained, interrupted and loved by sinful human beings. In this way, He broke down social barriers and displayed a readiness to help those who believed in Him no matter what their social status in society was, rich or poor, high or low. Jesus was never too busy to be interrupted. These are hard lessons we too must learn and apply as we continue His mission on earth. We are to show His love in action.
Many years ago, 2005? West Virginia, a friend was taking me to the airport when her car stopped in the middle of nowhere and I could have missed my flight. A very nice lady interrupted her journey to take us to the airport. I thank God for 'nice' people and pray for the blessing/opportunity so I could be used in the same way.
I agree with the lesson but some people take advantage of our willingness to help. I work at a hospital. Sometimes church people asked for my phone number seemingly for other things. Once they get it they call me any hour they feel like to ask something medical. Sometimes at 3am my phone rings/WhatsApp msg cones to ask about a rash that they have had for 3 days. What do I do in a case like that? These interruptions are intrusions on my rest. Shouldn't we draw a line somewhere?
Hi Kemchau, I hear your frustration but don't stop doing good. Do your remember the "anyway principle" we studied about a few weeks ago? Keep helping anyway. And yes, there is a line that you need to draw. Before giving out your numbers let the folks know their responsibility to the relationship. Also you can pray asking God to "order your experiences". It could be that God has ordered it and He is giving you and opportunity to comfort someone even at 3 a.m. You don't know that your words could have saved that person from going over the 'edge'. Listen to the Holy Spirit and ask yourself WWJD (what would Jesus do)?
I hope this helps.
Found this answer tonight ...8 years after posting I am only now reading your reply. Thank you so much for your kind words. Sadly not much have changed but I am God bless you too and I would continue to so good.
Hi Kemchau. Why don't you tell them go to their Doctor. Stipulate when you give your number out that they shouldn't txt or ring after a set time. Tell them you won't be pleased. People should be considerate. You must be good at diagnosing problems. Are you usually right? Do you give good advice? Don't answer the phone in the middle of the night. Switch it off.
Hi Karen,
Its been 8 years. Only now read your reply. According to the patients I usually give good advice. I have become a little better at selecting who to answer but there is a Lot of room for improvement. Thanks so much for your response.
Dear Kemchau, It seems that you feel you are being used, and you may be correct. God does not require us to allow ourselves to be used at the expense of our rest and usefulness the next day. That's where establishing good boundaries comes in. Jesus went to "solitary" places for some much-needed rest, thus making Himself unavailable to the crowds. And, yes, He probably attended to "interruptions" along the way when He recognized genuine needs.
You have already received some good replies such as, "don't answer your phone" or "turn off your phone." If there is a reason to have your phone on at night because you need to be available to someone, having Caller ID would probably be a worthwhile investment. I suggest you pray before answering any such calls as you refer to. Not all calls have to be answered.
That said, if you are in the habit of praying, there will be occasions when God will give you the strong impression to answer a particular call, and that will be the "interruption for ministry."
And, by the way, you refer to people asking you "something medical." You did not say what your work is, but I surmise you are not a doctor. In this part of the world (North America) you could be sued for giving "medical advice" under such circumstances. It might be wise to suggest people go to a doctor to get their medical advice. Helping people live healthy lives (which we should be able to do) is different from giving advice regarding medical conditions.
WOW! it's been 8 years. Now coming back to this post, Inge. Yes I am a doctor and things have slightly improved but I still need to change. Thanks so much for your kind words. God bless you.
Found this answer tonight ...8 years after posting I am only now reading your reply. Thank you so much for your kind words, Christine Isaacs. Sadly not much have changed but I am God bless you too and I would continue to be good.
Divine interruption
My favorite saying is
Life is what happens when you have other things planned
We just have to learn to cope with whatever comes our way
To add my 2 cents worth, *[[Mat 15:23]] KJV* But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us.
Hope I am not taking it out of context, but I believe that there are some interruptions that need not be dealt with right away, especially at 3 am.
Ask God for guidance, yes, Jesus did respond and eventually heal but I think there is some lesson in this situation for us all.
If we pray daily "Thy will be done", and someone is brought to us at 3:00 AM (remember the parable in Luke 11:5-8), do we assume God has made a mistake?
I believe there are no interruptions from God to those who have committed their way unto Him, unless their own attitude sees these events as such. Doesn't this reveal something about faith or a lack of it? In the events you cited, didn't Jesus go way out of His way just to minister to this "lost sheep of the house of Israel"? He went right back as soon as her need was met. Seems like some would find that an interruption. Jesus followed the lead of the Holy Spirit at all times. No exceptions. The Holy Spirit will never mislead anyone who is praying for Divine guidance.
@kamechau am one of them who can do that. my kid has difficulty in breathing. she needs first aid. she is two weeks old. I call a doctor and tells me something so simple that works and we get to the morning. That is 2014 1:00am! I have never forgotten.
You can't switch your phone off! through it you comfort physically and then spiritually. Am a teacher. don't parents call me over the weekend?
Hi Ongeta,
Thank you for your reply. However, we do not have that kind of system here where a doctor is on call at night for emergencies. If there is one they are supposed to go to Accident and Emergency which is easily accessible and free of charge. Most persons that call me very late like 9 or 10 pm call about a rash that they have had for many days. They refuse to "waste" their time to go to see a doctor during the day because they hate waiting and then call me at night. It is disheartening and is also part of the reason why medical workers in many countries suffer from "burn-out."