Sunday: The Opening of the First Seal
Read Revelation 6:1-8 along with Leviticus 26:21-26 and Matthew 24:1-14. Note the common key words in these texts. What do you learn about the meaning of the first four seals on the basis of these parallels?
The events of the seven seals must be understood in the context of the Old Testament covenant curses, specified in terms of sword, famine, pestilence, and wild beasts (Lev. 26:21-26). Ezekiel calls them God’s “four severe judgments” (Ezek. 14:21, NKJV). They were the disciplinary judgments by which God, seeking to awaken His people to their spiritual condition, chastised them when they became unfaithful to the covenant. In a similar way, the four horsemen are the means that God uses to keep His people awake as they await Jesus’ return.
There also are close parallels between the first four seals and Matthew 24:4-14, in which Jesus explained what would happen in the world. The four horsemen are the means by which God keeps His people on the right track by reminding them that this world, as it now exists, is not their home.
Though symbolic, Revelation 6:1-2 is about conquest, too. It brings to mind Revelation 19:11-16, which portrays Christ as riding a white horse and leading His heavenly armies of angels to deliver His people at the Second Coming. As a symbol of purity, the color white is regularly associated with Christ and His followers. The rider on the horse holds a bow and is given a crown (Rev. 6:2), which evokes the image of God in the Old Testament, riding a horse with a bow in His hand while conquering His people’s enemies (Hab. 3:8-13; Ps. 45:4-5). The Greek word for the crown (Rev. 6:2) worn by the rider is stephanos, which is the crown of victory (Rev. 2:10, Rev. 3:11). This rider is a conqueror going forward conquering and to conquer.
The scene of the first seal describes the spread of the gospel, which started powerfully at Pentecost. Through the dispersion of the gospel, Christ began expanding His kingdom. There were, and still are, many territories to win and many people who have yet to become followers of Jesus before the ultimate conquest is realized with Christ’s coming in glory.
Prophetically, the scene of the first seal corresponds to the message to the church in Ephesus; it describes the apostolic period of the first century during which the gospel spread rapidly throughout the world (Col. 1:23).
Why must we always remember that, in Christ, we are on the winning side, regardless of our immediate circumstances? |

Today's lesson is essentially about the first horse, but even the author recognizes that whole passage about horses should be read together to get the meaning.
Adventists have traditionally applied this section prophetically to historic periods in the history of Christianity, but are there any other applications?
That is all that is said about the white horse and its rider. It looks like purity and purpose. Given that the other horses indicate a downward trend, what is the lesson for us?
'going forward conquering to conquer' in the Greek is the most continuous expression possible and He will go on and on and on conquering until there is nothing left to conquer. This process is not limited to the first century. People will continue accepting Jesus until He returns, they are becoming "overcomers". Conquer and Overcome are translated from the same Greek word. I believe the seals describe, among other things, the process experience of people who accept Jesus as Lord, peace with God but division from those who were close but have not also accepted Jesus, they are warned of the result of lack of the Word and eventual death of the relationship, these are the four horsemen on the way to become overcomers.
"Conquer and Overcome are translated from the same Greek word."
These words remind me the posting by
Maurice Ashton on January 17, 2019 at 10:30 am said "Overcoming seems to be pretty important." Please read the entire posting.
The first seal shows Satan will not have free ride on this earth.
He who declared enmity on the garden of Eden will continue to conquer from Eden to Eden.
He alone is capable of conquering the world from the reign of Satan.
"How fitting then it is to end with Shirley de Beer on January 26, 2019 at 5:50 pm said: "He will go on and on and on conquering until there is nothing left to conquer."
Daniel 2
44 “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever. 45 This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands—a rock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold to pieces.
“The great God has shown the king what will take place in the future.The dream is true and its interpretation is trustworthy.”
He who speaks is trustworthy.
What does the white horse symbolize? Choose the correct answers.
(A) It portrays Christ as riding a White horse and leading his heavenly armies of angels to deliver his people at the second coming.
(B) It represents the Antichrist. Christ's role as the lamb who opens the seals makes it unlikely that he would also be one of the forces released by the seals. The rider of the white horse wields a bow and wears a single crown that is given but not taken. Christ in revelation 19 rides forth with a sword wearing many diadems.
(C) It describes the spread of the gospel which started powerfuly at Pentecost.
(D) It represents the holy spirit. It represents the sending of the holy spirit by Jesus.
(E) It corresponds to the message of the church of Ephesus. This is the apostolic period of the first century.
I believe it is symbolically Jesus through the Holy Spirit and the church spreading the Good News of Jesus victorious enthronement as Redeemer and High Priest. It is not yet Jesus of Rev 19, that will be at His Second Comming.
Remember this is the revelation of Jesus Christ, so as with the churches the four horsemen are revealing aspects of Jesus' relationship with His people in its positive and negative depending on their response to Him and His covenant just like in Lev 26.
I choose option F...
"Christ's role as the lamb who opens the seals makes it unlikely that he would also be one of the forces released by the seals." Personally, I believe the opposite. Christ is unveiling/revealing the history of the church that was initiated by Himself.
I personally believe the first white horse rider is Christ in his role as the second Adam - initiating the actual process of Redemption. My rationale for this belief:
* The white horse representing the 'power' of Christ that is manifest through His Christlike character that is founded upon the principle of self-renouncing love. A Christlike/Godlike character based upon the foundation of self-renouncing love is the most 'powerful' thing within reality because all reality is based upon and arises from this foundation.
* Carrying a bow, but no arrows: Again, expression of power but not power by domination. This kind of power and its manifestation is expressed in Isa 42:2-8.
* Conquering and to conquer: Jesus, as the successful second Adam (Rom 5:19), conquered the death-sentence of sin that was/is upon humanity (Rom 5:14) through re-establishing self-renouncing love once again within humanity via being it's second Adam representative (ie, The Son of Man: Mk 10:45, Immanuel: Matt 1:23).
* The re-establishment of self-renouncing love as the foundational principle to a Christlike character was the 'antedote' to the condition of sin which needed to be copied/reproduced within each individual via rebirth (as per Jn 3:3-6) and growth (Col 2:6). In this way Christ's original conquering of sin in His life goes on to conquer via its replication in the lives of each believer.
Thank you, Phil. Your explanation makes sense with the description of the white horse. Along with what you mentioned, I think we can also see that white usually represents purity in the Scriptures.
I would like to suggest that the white horse represents the gospel message wherever and whenever it is proclaimed throughout history. It is God's clarion call to worship Him as Creator and Redeemer and thus to be adopted into the family of God.
Sunday's lesson showed us that when the call of love fails, God uses other means to awaken people to their need of salvation. He allows warfare (red horse), which is usually followed by famine (black horse), and widespread death (pale horse). These horsemen have sallied forth into the world again an again throughout history. When the gospel entered a new field, often warfare followed. (For instance, what happened after the Great Awakening in the US?)And war is inevitably followed by scarcity of food, disease and death. And under such conditions, people are awakened to their need of God, and a great ingathering of souls follows.
That's what happened after World War II in Europe. It happened after the Korean war, as I recall. (Think of the size of the Adventist church in Korea now!) If we look for the evidence, we will find this scenario repeated again and again around the world.
Thus I believe that the Four Horsemen represent ways that God uses to call people to Himself. I see no evidence in the text that the activity of each horseman is limited to a certain period of church history. The gospel was preached in all these periods of history. Warfare was waged in all these periods, and war was followed by famine, sickness and death - all of which made people realize their need of help outside of themselves, namely God Himself.
Notice that in Rev 6:8, 3 horsemen appear to ride together to "kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beast of the earth." That doesn't fit the church period interpretation. But this has happened throughout history, with the first horseman not killing but always calling people to worship God.
As I see it, Revelation 4 and Revelation 5 represents a judgment setting. And Christ is qualified to "open the seals" which present critical events that form the basis of judgment.
For me, that view hold much more light than the traditional view of a recapitulation of the 7 churches. I invite you to prayerfully examine Rev 4, Rev 5 and Rev 6 with this view in mind.
Inge: I agree completely that as history repeats itself, so does prophecy. So I fully affirm your proposition.
Consequently, I should clarify that what I outlined is only one of the recurring fulfillments with prior and subsequent additional fulfillments as you have outlined.
PS: I like how discussion is moving to a larger focus upon how to interpret prophecy as opposed to only being limited to trying to identify/rehearse every small detail.
I'm not sure how to see Rev 4-5 as a "judgment setting", when there is no indication of it. Isn't this showing Jesus just after accomplishing His work on earth as the "Lamb of God"? The seals are all future events from John's day, which was not 1844, but near the end of the 1st century. Yes, the judgments are clearly indicated in the seals(5th and 7th), but not mentioned directly, and was nearly 1800 years in the future from the time John received this vision on Patmos. Yet Jesus' ascension to heaven was only a few decades previous to this, and is being depicted in this scene during the 1st century when Jesus received "all power".
Not arguing, but discussing...
The lesson authors give lip service to the importance of the sanctuary settings for each segment (act) of the Revelation, but they fall short of applying the lessons. One of the purposes of the Hebrew sanctuary services was to play out in type what Christ would do as the antitype. Thus the whole sanctuary year spanned the whole period of Christ's redemptive work. At the end of the year, the service of cleansing the Most Holy Place was accompanied by a type of judgment of the people. As long as they complied with the terms of the covenant - in this case it was a matter of being, in type, covered by the blood of sacrifices, they were to remain part of the people of God. (See also, "May You Be Sealed."
The sanctuary setting for the seals is an open door to the throne room of heaven, with God Himself on the throne. Rev 4:1-5 The presence of God in the Most Holy of the heavenly sanctuary was clearly typified by the Shekinah presence in the Most Holy Place. The divine Being on the throne had a book in His right hand. Rev 5:1. What is the significance of a heavenly book? See Psalm 56:8, Psalm 69:28, Psalm 139:16, Daniel 7:10, Daniel 12:1, Malachi 3:16, Philippians 4:3, Revelation 3:5. Daniel specifically refers to the books in the judgment, but the other texts also suggest that information in heavenly "books" is used to determine fitness for heaven.
Now please show me from the Bible why I should interpret this section of Revelation as referring to the history of the Christian church, rather than a demonstration of how God did all He could do to save people, but some would not be saved.
I believe that Rev 5 is the inauguration of Jesus as the High Priest in the Heavenly Sanctuary. The Holy Spirit is sent out on the day of Pentecost. The scroll is not open - that is the crisis, it is only completely opened after the 7th seal is broken open. I will collect the information/points why I believe this over the weekend and will post them.
Two texts to begin with are Rev 3:21 Jesus "overcame & sat down on the throne"
Rev 19 - we see many similarities to Rev 5 but it is clear here that Jesus is now riding out to execute judgement.
I agree I don't see exact parallels with the churches, but I do believe all three - churches, seals, trumpets start in the first century and carry on to the Second Coming. Will post more over the weekend.
Shirley, as I suggested before, the sanctuary scenes ought to give us some clues as to when some of these scenes begin. A view of the Most Holy Place should tell us that the main action begins after 1844. I'm familiar with the "coronation" interpretation but I believe it is anachronistic. The Father on the throne holding a book (in other places in the Bible heavenly books contain human records relevant to judgment) does not suggest a coronation. Rather the Lamb's fitness suggests a fitness to judge.
Please try reading this section of Revelation with that view in mind. As much as I like Jon Paulien, he doesn't necessarily have everything right. 😉
Your and Phil's discussion is an awesome illustration of the principles of present truth... where the continuing unveiling of our understanding of the ancient texts not only confirms the historical approach to Biblical prophecies, but helps us understand our place in history in this unveiling of Biblical prophecies, (this is preaching to the choir) long as we avail for ourselves the priceless guidance of the Holy Spirit.
However, regarding the first four seals, does God create those other methods for us to realize our need of salvation? Or does God use the consequences of our rebellion to draw our attention to our need for salvation?
If this is straining a gnat please let me know.
But, is it possible that the answer to that question could reveal to us more of God's character?...that is Love?
Yes, Gary, I totally agree that "God uses the consequences of our rebellion to draw our attention to our need for salvation." However, it is not always just the consequence of our individual rebellion, but the rebellion of the human race that brings about war, famine, pestilence and death. If God had not continually held in check the forces of evil (as represented by the angels holding the four winds), God's people on this planet would have been destroyed long before this.
I believe God gave us the book of Job specifically to give us some insight into why bad things happen to good people. It happens because humanity believed the deceiver way back in Eden and ever since. (We have all demonstrated our own lack of faith, but if we will but step out in faith, God wills strengthen that faith so as to become unmovable.)
Hi Gary
"If this is straining a gnat please let me know."
No, you are not straining gnats. Sometimes the seeming smallness of surface differences belies the vast chasm of difference that lies beneath.
This is one of those times...
Regarding the white horse: “for the LORD of hosts hath visited his flock the house of Judah, and hath made them as his goodly horse in the battle.” (Zech 10:3) As for the bow, who carries a bow without arrows, when going forth “conquering and to conquer”? Doesn't the bow signify the intention to use arrows? Also, consider Isa 66:19, “And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, [to] Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, [to] Tubal, and Javan, [to] the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles.” It appears that the bow is the “weapon” to “declare my glory among the Gentiles”. There are other references to the use of arrows against sin/sinners, perhaps signifying conviction.
The idea of going forth “conquering and to conquer”, which is the same original word used in addressing the 7 churches: “to him that OVERCOMES...”. So the church is going forth overcoming (nikao: "victory" see my previous comment below). John tells us that we overcome the world by “our faith”.
The church is depicted here with it's original Truth given by Christ, including “beginning with Moses and all the prophets”. This is the church before the corrupting influence of the world as depicted in the 2nd-4th seals. This is the church that will prevail through all 7 ages to the end, the remnant of every age who remain faithful to the light given them through the Word of God, which was also “made flesh”. Their white robe(s) and crown signify their righteousness in Christ and their victory over sin/temptation through faith in the Surety. Righteousness by Faith. This is the sealing message isn't it?
It portrays Christ as riding a White horse and leading his heavenly armies of angels to deliver his people at the second coming.
Sellah, that is true of Rev 19:11, but the context here is different. I believe the white horse and rider represent Christ's work on this planet in the warfare against sin/selfishness.
The *first seal* was broken, and John saw a pure (white) horse. The horseman was brandishing a long-range weapon (a bow) and was victorious (crown).This horse is a symbol of the early Church.The early Church received power at Pentecost and “went out conquering and to conquer.”Only 30 years after the death of Jesus, Paul said that the Gospel “was preached to every creature under heaven.” (Colossians 1:23)a
I have come to understand the first 4 seals as depicting the visible church and it's fall from grace as compromise crept in unchecked. Yet, there were always faithful servants of God throughout the history of the church who have overcome and labored to save the lost in obedience to Christ's great commission, as even today some may be found doing. The white horse goes through to the very end, resulting in the 144,000.
In the first seal, we see another symbolic view of what appears to be the first two of the seven churches which remained faithful for the most part, to the truth committed to their charge. Interesting to note that in this first seal, the rider(s) go forth “conquering and to conquer”. The root word used is “nikao”, the very same word used by Jesus to the 7 churches when making His promises “to him that overcomes(nikao). So this is the church going forth to overcome. What does this mean? If we don't overcome sin, we will be overcome by it. Our greatest battle is with self, and the true servants of God are they which overcome in the name and power of Jesus. The white robe and crown are symbols of this overcoming, and the church is depicted by the white horse as the true and faithful, I believe, throughout the centuries until Jesus comes. This is the True church, often hidden from view as the worldly church rose to great power in the centuries to follow after the apostles passed away. I believe the bow symbolizes the gospel work, taking the word of God with power to the world.
About that word “nikao”; it comes from “nike”(nee-kay), the greek goddess of victory(yes, the name adopted in the early 1970's by a well-known athletic shoe maker).
As I read the first part of this day's lesson just now, I am really confused by the first question and comments on Lev 26:21-26 and Matt:1-14. What do these passages have to do with the four horseman? Am I the only one who was confused by this? Can someone explain this for me?
Jamaal, the third horse seems to represent a spiritual famine. Leviticus 26:21-26 and Matthew 24:1-4 mention famines.
Jamaal, what is your question:
A) why are we referring to these OT and NT passages?
B) what in these specific passages help us understand the four seals
If it is A then - we have discovered that that God speaks to His people in the language and experience of their past. We discover that John is using OT passages to help describe what he is seeing.
If it is B, Lev 26 describes God's covenant with Israel and how He will provide and protect them if they are faithful and how He will remove His protection if they are not faithful, how they will get seven times worse every time. Four conditions are introduced - sword, famine, plague and wild beasts - through out the rest of OT we see these four conditions used almost as short hand to describe the results of being unfaithful to God. Now we see these in the four seals and we understand them as consequences of being unfaithful to our covenant with Jesus, always rembering the end of Lev 26 which shows that He was trying to get His people's attention and get them to repent and be faithful, like in 7 churches.
In Matt 24 Jesus was telling them about the conditions that would happen before He would return, he uses words like war-sword, famine, pestilences which we see in four horsemen, being killed as in fifth seal and earthquake as in Sixth seal.
So we believe if we read and study the background passages they are the best way to understand Revelation.
When doing an exegesis deep Bible study on the text Rev 6:2, one cannot say I think, or I mean, or I feel. When doing sound Bible study one quotes a text to support a text. When one says that the white horse in Rev 6:2 is the same period as the church in Efesus: the first century, one has to prove this statement with the Bible and Bible only and not preconceived ideas.
I would like to suggest that even in prophecy the least complicated or simplest explanation is more likely to be correct than a complicated explanation that requires extensive outside knowledge. And the view that Rev 4 and Rev 5 represent a judgment setting (following the view through the "open door" into the Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary)is the simplest and most sensible explanation.
The lesson author rightfully emphasized the importance of the sanctuary setting for the different segments of the Revelation, but then he (or the committee!) failed to follow through on the significance of the sanctuary setting in interpreting the visions.
We understand that the Most Holy Place ministry involved judgment - both in the Hebrew Sanctuary and the heavenly sanctuary. Thus Rev 4 and 5 describe a judgment setting in the presence of God the Father, the Holy Spirit, the host of angels and representative of humanity in the form of the 24 elders. (Reminds me of the jury in western judgment scenarios.)
Then it follows that the seven seals have something to do with judgment, which I reference in my response to Phil.
I like your view that Rev 4 & 5 suggests a sanctuary scene which includes the judgment. Therefore, the following for seals and horses are related to the judgment of God. I have never done an in depth study of Rev 4 & 5, maybe it will be a project for the future. However, your sanctuary judgment scene in Rev 4 & 5 ties in with my in depth study of the four seals/horses. I came to the conclusion that the four horses are all related to the judgments of God when riding into Armageddon with the first seal, fighting in the middle of Armageddon in the second seal, the time of judgment during the millennium in the third seal, and the final second death after the millennium in the fourth seal.
Tony, if we consider the sanctuary setting as providing the timing for each section of Revelation, then the seals begin in 1844, at the beginning of the Pre-Advent Judgment. The last section left John hanging, with the condition of the last church bad enough that Jesus was about to spit it out, unless repentance followed.
The following section demonstrates how Jesus brings out an army of 144,000 (Revelation 7) from the unpromising situation of Laodicea. He sends out the gospel with the power of the Holy Spirit (the white horse rider), followed by the "four sore judgments" (Eze 14:21) The whole chapter is instructive regarding God's way of dealing with humanity. Note also how horses are used as symbols of God's oversight of this planet in Zechariah 1:8) See Lev 26:21-26 for further insight into how the Lord brings people to repentance when they feel no need of Him.
Thus I understand that Christ shows John (and us) how He is going to bring a faithful army of 144,000 out of the discouraging situation of Laodicea. He will use the same methods He has used throughout history, but the battle for souls will intensify as time goes on, to culminate in the Battle of Armageddon. As I read the text, the "horses" continue to ride - i.e. the red, the black and the pale horses ride together with the white horse, but they usually ride consecutively in different parts of the earth.
At some time in the Pre-Advent Judgment, those who have been faithful witnesses for Christ in times past, especially the martyrs, are given "white robes," signifying their justified status and their readiness to enter the marriage feast of the Lamb. Yet Christ continues to pursue those who are still deceived by presenting them with the gospel through His servants, then allowing them to experience the difficulties symbolized by the three other horsemen, so that as many as possible will be saved. (I actually believe that the 144,000 constitute the final army of the righteous who will demonstrate the character of Christ to the world and thus will bring in a rich harvest of souls from the as-yet-undecided - an innumerable throng.)
The result of this battle for souls is demonstrated in the character of the 144,000 in Revelation 7. After that, there is "silence in heaven abut eh space of half an hour" while heaven is emptied to pick up the overcomers from this planet and escort them home to heaven in a joyous journey through the skies.
Others may prefer to see the seals has just another way of presenting the history of the church, but I could never see a biblical basis for this. But the interpretation that I have described has spilled a flood of light on the text for me. It is enlightening, encouraging and exciting. Christ will triumph gloriously through and with His people!!
Inge, In your statement you present some interesting thoughts on the seven seals. I agree 100% that there is no Biblical basis for presenting the four horses/seals as part of the history of the church. I would also go along with Rev 4 & 5 as the pre-advent judgment beginning in 1844.
However, you have not given me one text from the Bible to support the idea that the white horse in Rev 6:2 represents the gospel to the whole world. I need one text or more to imply that the white horse with the bow and arrow refers to the gospel. We agree that the Bible interprets the Bible, do we not?
Will you grant that the rider on the white horse in Rev 19:11 is Christ Himself? Can you also grant that Christ is the very embodiment of the gospel? After all, He said He is "the Way, the Truth and the Light."
The same symbol may be used in different contexts, indicating different time frames. In Rev 19:11, the context is clearly end time. In Rev 6:2, the context is not clearly end time. Rather, later in the chapter, in Rev 6:14-17 the Second Coming is referenced.
Inge, are we seeing God in a judicial capacity imposing punishment for sin? Or is it possible that we see God in a court scene where the Lamb is receiving recognition and authority, (ordination? commissioning? coronation?) to break the seals and receive worship? And, how do these understandings about God reveal his character?
Are the seals a revelation of the history of salvation, or the history of the Christian church?
And why do you see these scenes as judgement? Is it because of what happens when the seals are opened? Are these a revelation or God ordained outcomes? And what does our understanding about the origin of these events tell us about the God we worship?
No, Gary, I do not see God in a "judicial capacity imposing punishment for sin." Rather, as I have suggested in other comments, the seals portray the way God prepares humanity for the final judgment - the separation between those who accept Christ as Redeemer and those who refuse. First He presents the gospel, symbolized by the white horse, with the same symbol being used for Christ Himself in Rev 19:11. After all, Christ says He IS the Truth and the Life. He IS the gospel incarnate. Throughout history we have repeatedly seen the introduction of the gospel followed by bloodshed, famine, and death not only from war but also from disease and other causes. These "severe judgments" (see Sunday's lesson) are symbolized by the red, the black and the grey horse. God allows these results of sin to play out to awaken people to their need of a Savior so that He might save as many as possible.
Christ is qualified to "open the seals" which contain the record of people's response to the gospel presented under various conditions (symbolized by the horsemen) because He lived out the character of God as a human being. He is qualified to be both humanity's Advocate and Judge. No one else is thus qualified.
To my way of seeing, the seals do not present a chronological view of church history. Rather they illuminate several aspects of salvation history and the great controversy between Christ and Satan relevant to the judgment. (Note that heavenly books or scrolls are referenced in other parts of Scripture as containing the records humanity.)
The Lamb breaking the seals of the book does not suggest a coronation to me. Rather it suggests His fitness to do the work of determining who will enter the Kingdom.
Inge, I cannot reply to your statement on Rev 19:11 as the text to support the white horse spreading the gospel because there was no reply button. Rev 19:11 is Christ riding into Armageddon. The door of grace is closed. The gospel has been preached and accepted by believers and rejected by unbelievers. One can not use this text to support that Christ is still preaching the gospel because the proclamation is finished. Still waiting for the text to support your idea that the white horse in Rev 6:2 is the proclamation of the gospel..
If I may ask the Bow with rider what is it symbolic of ?
Ika, you ask about the *bow*. Scripture indicates that it is God’s flock/people/church, Judah (Zech 10:3,4; 9:13-16; Jer 15:19-23). They are also His “majestic horse in battle” (Zech 10:3). Christ dispenses with carnal weapons (Zech 9:9,10; 2 Cor 10:4) and enters into Judgment with His people. He “rides” on His people just as the glory of God rides on the cherub(s)(im) Ps:18:10. The arrows of judgment and righteousness issue from hearts filled with the love of God imparted by the Spirit. They judge the rulers/shepherds of Israel who have scattered the flock. In v4 Christ is the Cornerstone, the Ruler, the rejected Stone who is the rider. The double reference to “conquer” implies certainty of victory.
This is, as most have said, the proclamation of the gospel with Christ reigning and dispensing Righteous Judgment (Ps 2; 9:7; 110:1,2; Isa 9:6,7) - first to Israel and then to the world (Rom 2:9,10; 1 Pet 4:17; Jer 25:29; Ezek 9:6; Amos 3:2; Acts 3:26; Rom 1:16).
I have come to see the bow symbolizing the work of preaching the gospel. (See Isa 66:18,19)
Why do I see the seven seals as a second cycle of the history of Christianity, not as the judgment scene starting in 1844?
1. Christ has been with God the Father on His throne since His ascension, but this does not mean the judgment began then. It is a common argument of those rejecting 1844 to think God's throne can only be in the Most Holy judgment setting of the sanctuary, so I don't think that is a good argument. Hebrews 8:1, 12:2 talks about Christ being seated on the right hand of God's throne. Stephen in Acts 7:56 is given a glimpse into heaven and sees Christ at the hand of God of the Father. God's throne is not limited to the judgment scene setting.
2. The old testament sanctuary service has the work in the holy place BEFORE the work in the Most Holy. Too often this work is not regarded or studied. Yet, Christ fulfilled the Holy Place work from 31 A.D. to 1844. Christians must understand Christ's "tamid" or holy place ministry in the heavenly sanctuary or they will have problems with "judgment" ministry in the Most Holy.
Unless the repentant sinner by faith and confession sends their sins beforehand to be covered by the blood of Christ and have "pardoned" written by their names, any thought of judgment is pure terror. Thus yes, the heavenly assembly rejoiced greatly when Christ took the scroll -- for only the Lamb slain could do this work and place the stamp of pardoned by the blood of the Lamb, by each name of sinners who had throughout all the ages repented and sacrificed their lambs in faith of the coming "Lamb of God", as well as the generations after the cross, who had repented and placed their trust in the "Lamb of God". In the judgment when the books are examined, only those who have "pardon" stamped by their name will remain in the book of Life!
"From age to age, all who have truly repented of sin, and by faith claimed the blood of Christ as their atoning sacrifice, have had pardon written against their names in the books of Heaven, and in the closing work of Judgment their sins are blotted out, and they themselves are accounted worthy of eternal life. {4SP 309.1} See also Rev. 3:5
We need to remember BOTH phases of Christ's sanctuary ministry.
3. In the fifth seal the martyrs ask "how long till the judgment" so the judgment has not yet started in the fifth seal. But it is promised "white robes are given them". Thus it seems to begin around the end of the fifth seal or in the sixth seal.
The four horses depict the Christian church going out with the message that PARDON is secured by the blood of Christ for every sinner that turns to Christ in repentances and faith.
1. White horse -- the message of pure and powerful.
2. Red horse -- the message meets serious opposition by persecution.
3. Black horse -- the message is compromised, blackened and distorted and getting harder to find.
4. Death-like horse -- the truth of life in Christ is hidden, and without that message religion is deadly.
Horses are symbolic of warfare.
And yes, it is the great controversy.
Christ and His ambassadors go out to win people to LIFE!
The devil sends out his warriors to persecute, distort, and kill.
I don't think God manufactured the "curses" -- they come naturally when people lose sight of their Redeemer and Savior.
What happened to the Christian church, too often also happens in individuals. They rejoice in the truth, face persecution, start compromising, and then lapse into a deadly religious slumber which results in spiritual and eternal death-- UNLESS there is an awakening -- the 5th seal -- the reformation, which again gets heavy persecution with many martyrs.
The horses keep riding.
But Revelation reveals that the WHITE horse wins!
See Rev. 17:14
and Rev. 19:11-14