Sunday: Our High Priest
The New Testament book that speaks the most about Christ as Priest is Hebrews.
The Old Testament backbone of Hebrews consists of two verses quoted from Psalm 110. Verse 1 is cited to confirm that Christ is exalted above all because He sat down at the right hand of God. This is a recurring theme in Hebrews, one that emphasizes Jesus’ divinity and Messiahship (Heb. 1:3, 4:14, 7:26, 8:1, 12:2). Psalm 110:4 is used to demonstrate that Christ’s priesthood has been foreshadowed by Melchizedek (Heb. 5:6).
In what ways does Christ fulfill the divinely promised priesthood according to the order of Melchizedek? Compare Gen. 14:18–20, Ps. 110:4, and Heb. 7:1–3.
The Bible does not provide much information regarding Melchizedek. Yet, what it does reveal shows remarkable similarities to Jesus. Melchizedek is the king of the city Salem (Salem means “peace,” so he is the “King of Peace”). His name means “King of Righteousness,” which speaks of his character. He is detached from history, as his familial line is not given; his birth and death are not mentioned; so, it seems as if he had no beginning and no end; and he is “priest of the Most High God.” Melchizedek’s priesthood is superior to the Levitical priesthood, because through Abraham, Levi gave tithes to Melchizedek (Heb. 7:4–10). Melchizedek, then, is a type of Christ.
But Christ is even more. Aaron was the first high priest in Israel. Hebrews 5:1–4 describes an idealized Aaronic high priestly office: divine appointment, representative of men, mediation before God, compassionate, and offering sacrifices for the people and for himself.
The book of Hebrews portrays Christ as the new High Priest. He is of a better order than even Aaron; not only does He fulfill the requirements of the Aaronite priesthood, He enhances them. Jesus had no sin, was fully obedient, and did not need to bring an offering for Himself. On the contrary, He Himself was the offering–the most perfect offering possible.
Jesus fulfilled both the Aaronite and the Melchizedek high priesthood in a better way than either of those priests, or priesthoods, ever did or could. Both types met their antitype in Christ.

I think that there is no other Priesthood in heaven it is the only One, the priesthood of the King of Justice in such kingdom the justice is the first stone of His government so Jesus always was the first Priest in heaven and He was who met to Abraham on the way to his home.
As Jesus was the first Priest in heaven, when He returned to heaven after His resurrection, He continues in the same charge that for short time left in heaven while He was in this earth.
Meditating on the fact that God loved us so much that he designed such a perfect plan to save us has overwhelmed with such love for A God that loves me, us that much.
The lesson alludes to Christ fulfilling divinely priesthood. Lets contrast Aaron and Christ as we unearth Christ as a better high priest.
1. Melchizedek a priest king/Aaron was a priest ... Jesus in both priest and king.
2. "Aaron was priest over an earthly household; Christ is Priest over a heavenly people."
3."What Aaron did was symbolic whereas Christ is actually able to address sin directly and permanently."
4. Aaron had to be replaced since he was man..Jesus will never die – His priesthood is forever.oh how wonderful.
5.As a man Aaron had certain empathies with people’s problems and weaknesses, but was ultimately in need of atonement himself. Christ not only became the qualified and ultimate atonement for sin, but because He was tested to the full beyond anything any human can endure, He actually knows our trials better than any man, Aaron included."
Are we not thankful that Christ is High Priest?
Lord I am thankful that you reign over my life and that you are a high priest. I praise you because you understand my weaknesses better than any other and you promise to wash away my sins.
Shepherd/Lamb, Sacrifice/Priest, Servant/King, Creator/Brother, Commander/Mediator, there is no more complete example of God's character of love. There is no other perfect Lord!
Iam cherished by this man Melchizedek as king of Salem,he demonstrated much more,our King is the Most High,who dwells in Heaven,sitting to the right hand side of God not for His benefits but on our behalf,pleading for His father to have mercy upon us.