Sunday: The Promise
After the Last Supper, Jesus told the disciples that He would go to a place where, at least for now, they could not go (John 13:33). The thought of being separated from the Master filled their hearts with sorrow and fear. Peter asked, Lord, where are You going? . . . Why can I not follow You now?
(John 13:36-37, NKJV). Christ knew their desire and assured them that the separation would only be temporary.
Read Christ’s promises to us in John 14:1-3. Apply those words to yourself. Why should they mean so much to you?
Our Lord’s pledge could not have been more emphatic. In Greek, the promise I will come again
is in the present tense, emphasizing certainty. It could literally be translated, I am coming again.
Jesus has given us the certitude of His Second Coming. He did not say I may come again,
but I will come again.
Every time He mentioned His return, He referred to it in certain terms.
Sometimes we make promises we later cannot keep, even in spite of our best efforts and determination. That’s not the case with Christ. Many times He proved unmistakably that His word is trustworthy.
Referring to His incarnation, the Lord prophetically announced through David: Behold, I come
(Ps. 40:7, NKJV). And He did (Heb. 10:5-7). The reality of His first coming sustains the certainty of His second.
During His earthly ministry, Jesus promised a despairing father: do not be afraid; only believe, and she will be made well
(Luke 8:50, NKJV). And sure enough, Jairus’s daughter was made well, although she had been dead. Christ announced that three days after His own death He would rise from the grave; and He did. He promised the Holy Spirit to the disciples; and He sent it right on time. If our Lord honored all His promises in the past, even those that, from a human perspective, seemed impossible, we can be certain that He will keep His promise to come again.
How can you keep the fire burning in your own heart for the second coming of Jesus?

We can continue to walk in the Spirit of Christ who will give us mission in life. This mission will be our life work. When God is our employer He gives us purpose, value, and every kind of support we need to accomplish the mission of our lives. He will also give financial and every other type of support too, if we trust Him and be about the mission He brings to us to do. Ask Him for wisdom and direction to properly execute the work and He will give it to you and will give you more as you can handle it.
This mission properly performed in the Spirit of Christ will help keep the fire burning in our hearts to continue in good order until the second coming of Christ. Don't let the world distract you from the mission.
To some the preaching of the Second Coming has lost its appeal. Although a specific time was not set somehow the event has taken too long. The urgency once applied to the final message has faded, whether as a result of ridicule by the intellectual class, or the fatigued feeling that they had hoped for too much. They no longer wish to be distinct, but just blend in with the crowd and be seen as ‘nice.’
Still the Advent people of this generation may learn from the past. The disappointment of the pioneers in 1844 revealed the difference between those who were simply preparing for an event and those who were in a relationship and ready to go the distance. Before the date a great multitude were anxiously waiting for the Lord’s return. After the date only a small fraction was willing to go on.
The apparent delay is a kind of purging time. The weary soon faint if they are not growing, if their character is not being renewed. Then there are those who have made gain and success in this world their contingency in case the Lord does not show up, justifying their course by the thought that God wants them to prosper (2 Timothy 3:1, 2). As well some possess an independent spirit and will not listen to counsel from the prophets or God’s messengers. The Spirit has to talk with them personally they think (Numbers 12:2-8).
The final events and crisis will require more than many imagine. It will be like the days of Noah, in which evil and violence was unchecked (Genesis 6:5, 11); and the characteristics of Sodom will be widespread (Luke 17:28-30; Jude 1:7, 8). Only those who love the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:10) and live a holy and godly life (2 Peter 3:11) may expect to stand with the Lamb (Revelation 14:1).
Could you use some more time, or are you really ready for Jesus to come? How firm is your foundation? How strong is your love for the Redeemer?
Hugh. It is my understanding that the last days will be like the days of Noah was in some respects yet quite a bit different. “At that time Michael shall stand up, The great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; And there shall be a time of trouble, Such as never was since there was a nation, Even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, Every one who is found written in the book” (Dan 12:1 NKJV). Notice that when Michael stands then the time of trouble begins. In standing up symbolically John is indicating that judgment is over. It is important to see that the time of trouble comes after judgment while the saints are still on the earth.
“And out of the temple came the seven angels having the seven plagues, clothed in pure bright linen, and having their chests girded with golden bands. Then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the wrath of God who lives forever and ever. The temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from His power, and no one was able to enter the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed” (Rev 15:6-8 NKJV). Here it is important to see that when the seven last plagues begin no one is able to enter into the temple which means that mediation has ceased and will not be going on during the plagues. We also need to note that all of this happens before the Second Advent. That means that the saints live through the plagues and basically undergo the same sort of ordeal that Christ went through on the cross when He also felt abandoned.
This is vastly different than what Noah went though during the flood for he never felt that God had abandoned him. That means the 144000 will go through an experience totally different than anyone has ever gone through except Christ. That also means that they will be under an enormous pressure of faith where they will be tried almost to the breaking point. That will take everything they have but it is necessary for the settling of the great controversy.
Thanks for your contribution to the discussion. When Jesus said the last days would be like Noah's He meant a lot. EGW spiritual insight helps us in Country Living page 14, and the broader account in Patriarchs and Prophets chapter 7, "The Flood," along with other references. There are many parallels which we may learn from and should not underestimate.
For example the closing of the door typified the sealing and close of probation and the period of seven days wait prefigured the time of trouble. Those outside the boat became more violent (an important point). Those inside were tested, although shielded.
See excerpt below:
"Noah was shut in, and the rejecters of God’s mercy were shut out. The seal of Heaven was on that door; God had shut it, and God alone could open it. So when Christ shall cease His intercession for guilty men, before His coming in the clouds of heaven, the door of mercy will be shut. Then divine grace will no longer restrain the wicked, and Satan will have full control of those who have rejected mercy. They will endeavor to destroy God’s people; but as Noah was shut into the ark, so the righteous will be shielded by divine power.
For seven days after Noah and his family entered the ark, there appeared no sign of the coming storm. During this period their faith was tested. It was a time of triumph to the world without. The apparent delay confirmed them in the belief that Noah’s message was a delusion, and that the Flood would never come. Notwithstanding the solemn scenes which they had witnessed—the beasts and birds entering the ark, and the angel of God closing the door—they still continued their sport and revelry, even making a jest of these signal manifestations of God’s power. They gathered in crowds about the ark, deriding its inmates with a daring violence which they had never ventured upon before." (Patriarchs and Prophets p. 98, 99)
"The picture which Inspiration has given of the antediluvian world represents too truly the condition to which modern society is fast hastening." (Patriarchs and Prophets p. 102)
Ready or not here I come! Actually Matthew 24:44 says, "Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect."
Jesus promise us that He will come but He did't specify the time when He is coming. Thats why we sing (we not the time when He cometh nor evening or day...) so lets repent so that He will find us holy as His
The second coming of Christ is as certain as his first coming. The most
Important focus for each of us is to be ready.
The longing for Jesus 2nd coming is kept alive in my heart by watching and praying, noticing the various signs Jesus said would come to pass as the day approaches. Things I heard as a little girl are rapidly and consistently taking place. I can read God's Word and read headlines in newspapers and they are running parallel. Deaths of so many of the matriarchs and patriarchs, as well as children. Depravity, wickedness in high and low places. Children disrespecting parents, elders, people of authority. Man's inhumanity to man. People in authority preying on people they are sworn to protect... The list goes on and on... Sin running it's course just as God's Word says it would.
These is the surety tha JESUS will come ust as HE said HE will and with every second that passes, the fire if longing for HIS return burns hotter and deeper and I am encouraged as I watch and pray... He that shall come, will come, and will not tarry. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, AMEN!!
A promise is a promise made by loving Saviour. It may not come suddenly but even if it delays, it is certain. We cannot abandon our faith or doubt because of His delay for He moves beyond time and space. Everything He does "are done in truth and uprightness," (Psalms 111:8). Christ is the essence of truth and truth will still prevail at last. All we need to do is to reach our neighbours with the everlasting gospel. For "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance," (2 Peter 3:9).
If Jesus kept his promise to come the first time, knowing that his first coming would involve his suffering and death; I conclude that his second coming is more sure, because he is coming this time, not to suffer ignominy and rejection, but to gather the fruit of his sacrifice. This would be akin to refuse to cash a check in payment of your hard work.
Tyler, my understanding of the words, "as it was in the day of Noah so shall it be in the day when the Son of man cometh", was referring to the state of the world at that time. People would be going about their business. Example, eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage,etc. I did not think that it refered to the condition of God's people. I seem to remember somewhere in EGW writings she talked of us going through Jacob's trouble.
I basically agree with you Eileen and I think Ellen White wrote about Jacob’s trouble in “The Great Controversy” at the end of time. However, I would only add that I don’t think we should get ourselves into the mindset that thinks that we are better than everyone else because as Paul said to the Jews, “Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things” (Rom 2:1 NKJV). The church has and will always have its trouble, besides, inspiration prophesied that the last church would be in many respects the worst of all and most pathetic because it thinks it has everything when it actually has nothing (Rev 3:17).
The promise of Jesus is already enough for us to hold on and to believe that He is coming again but God is so good that He even coupled this promise with signs/specific major events that will take place in succession to show that He is really coming back. Here they are
1. the fall of Jerusalem (Matt. 24:15) which happened in AD 70, just 39 yrs
after His ascension.
2. Matt. 24:29
Great earthquake which we believed to be the Lisbon earthquake in 1755
Darkening of the sun which happened in 1780
Falling of stars which was witnessed in 1833
3. The most important event in 1844 - the cleansing of the sanctuary. What
is Jesus doing in the Most Holy Place? JESUS IS FINALIZING THE LIST OF
CANDIDATES FOR THE KINGDOM. Jesus is surely coming back very very soon
and we are in His list so far.
4. Now (2014) up to His coming - one more major event is to take place and
that is the Sunday Law. After Sunday Law we have the close of probation
and the 7 last plagues and then the promise - His coming. How far or near
is it? We are truly nearing home.
The danger - We Adventists are masters of last day events. Because of our knowledge of this future Sunday Law, we might be tempted to make predictions. Like for example we may say, Jesus will not surely come this 2014 (because we can actually estimate)and we might think or plan to relax in our faith - This is the most dangerous decision that we can make if ever.
Remember, There are two lines of events that we should be watching.
1. line of events that will end up in the 2nd coming of Jesus, and
2. line of events of our life that will end up in death in which we have no
control and will come anytime we cannot predict.
If we die unprepared, then our waiting will be in vain because we will not only see Jesus coming but the worst is we will miss the privilege of living and being with Jesus eternally.
Last week we learned that death = sleep. If death equals sleep then we can say that we die every night because we sleep every night. (Who knows, if we are breathing or not when we are asleep because we are unconscious. Maybe Jesus is just returning our breath in the morning)
So it is very important that we should live under His grace everyday because we do not know if we will still wake up tomorrow.
I know this is outside of our lesson.. Yesterday I was asked by my Catholic friends to share John 4:19-26.
I would be grateful if you would help me in this. I am still learning. Thank you for your attention.
All bible prophecies that predicted of Christ's advent were fulfilled exactly that way. Christ did come as per the words of the prophets. On His departure and even before Christ said that He is going to come for us. He went to prepare a place for us. Unlike other prophecies which were uttered by the prophets, Christ's promise was made by Himself. It is certain that He will come just as He promised. He is not a human being to change. We should therefore be watchful in prayer and bible study to keep in touch with His promises. We should keep our flame of faith burning in these end times through fasting.
A lot of emphasis is placed on the events surrounding the second coming of Christ as if one had a choice in the matter as to whether he or she is going to be there or not. Think, is the great controversy about me, or about Him?! "Strive to enter the strait gate, broad is the path that leads to death but narrow is the way to life and few enter in." This is the commandment of God spoken through His Son Jesus. Readiness to go through the time of trouble is no different a task than the one the disciples had and every Christian since that time. for there is "no way to the Father except through the Son" This is the narrow path and if we habitually enter into itby our chosen lifestyle our lives will reflect a noble influence upon all we come into contact with. Our outward religion and a motive to be first is Pharisaical and not in the Spirit of Jesus. By the way my big picture God is not going to let any who come to Him perish.