Sunday: A Prophesied Coming
Following their 70-year captivity in Babylon, the Jews began to return to Jerusalem. They were excited to be rebuilding their temple, but as the foundation was laid, those who remembered Solomon’s magnificent temple realized that this second temple wasn’t going to be anywhere nearly as nice. Thus, they “wept aloud” (Ezra 3:12, NIV).
The people received some unexpected encouragement from two men standing among them: an old prophet named Haggai and a young prophet named Zechariah. Haggai reminded the people that the true glory of Solomon’s temple didn’t come from what Solomon or anyone else brought to it. It wasn’t Solomon’s temple. It was God’s temple. Haggai said: “‘This is what the LORD Almighty says: “In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,” says the LORD Almighty. “The silver is mine and the gold is mine,” declares the LORD Almighty. “The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,” says the Lord Almighty’” (Hag. 2:6-9, NIV).
Things got even more hopeful when the young prophet Zechariah spoke: “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, lowly and riding on a donkey, a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zech. 9:9, NKJV).
How do these amazing prophecies apply to Matthew 21:1-11-Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem?
“Christ was following the Jewish custom for a royal entry. The animal on which He rode was that ridden by the kings of Israel, and prophecy had foretold that thus the Messiah should come to His kingdom. No sooner was He seated upon the colt than a loud shout of triumph rent the air. The multitude hailed Him as Messiah, their King. Jesus now accepted the homage which He had never before permitted, and the disciples received this as proof that their glad hopes were to be realized by seeing Him established on the throne. The multitude were convinced that the hour of their emancipation was at hand. In imagination they saw the Roman armies driven from Jerusalem, and Israel once more an independent nation.”—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 570.
Again and again, we see how Scripture was fulfilled and yet, at the time, the people didn’t understand it. What lessons might we take away for ourselves about how preconceived notions could distort truth? |

We should always let God lead and we follow. Our thoughts in most cases seem to be right when in essence they're not.
When I think of notions related to the time Jesus came the first time it causes me to think of notions of people now days as we expect the second advent of Christ. I have come across several notions about the second coming of Christ and what it takes to be prepared for this. Some of these notions could be very damaging to our readiness for Jesus to come. And some of these notions could be very helpful if we would act upon them appropriately.
One notion is that everyone's going to heaven we don't have to worry about it.
Another notion is that if we would just preach the gospel to every person in the world, then we can go to heaven.
Another notion is that if we can just have a real good feeling about God and want to be in heaven real bad at one time in our life and we're "saved", it and doesn't really matter any more about our preparation for Christ's second coming because our salvation has been secured because of what Jesus did for us on the cross.
We can draw another notion from the thief on the cross beside Jesus who was saved and died very soon after, and so then we can say, "Well, since the thief on the cross still had a bad character we can all go to heaven with a bad character."
Some may think that since Jesus said you must be perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect, that we must have a perfect character to go to heaven.
Some think of the time spoken of in Revelation where we are told that those living in Christ will have to go forward in their life from the close of probation to the time Jesus comes without a mediator and if we should sin during this time we will not find forgiveness because there will be no mediator between us and God. Therefore, at that time we must have a character that is perfected in the character of God.
I am interested to see how our audience here would react to these various notions.
Perhaps one of the most dangerous notions about the second coming is that we have the map or timetable of what is going to happen before Jesus comes. I have heard people say, Jesus cannot come yet because ... and they list a series of events that must take place before Jesus can come. Such timetables can become dangerous because they lull us into a sense that we have time *before* we need to get ready.
When I read the accounts of the second coming in the Bible I am impressed with the sense of how unexpected it is. It makes a lot of sense to live life as a saved person now, not in the expectation of being saved in the future.
The Jews in Jesus time had a lot of ideas and expectations about the coming of the Messiah. They were wrong. It is quite possible for us to build up our expectations about the second coming and be just as wrong. Jesus will come again, but it is going to be a surprise when it happens.
A reply to your last two "notions". As to going forward with no mediator- "let him who is holy be holy still!" At that point in time, Christ's righteousness as so encompassed me, mediator is not needed! A saviour is always needed!
I am perfect as I abide in Christ - even now! Praise God He does it all! Is not the small shoot of corn that just broke thru the ground as perfect in its space as is the mature plant with several ears on it! Christ and only He is my perfection today and in heaven!
Yes! Just stay in Christ.
What gives me comfort is in the parable of the marriage feast. In that parable only the one not wearing the wedding garment was cast out and not because he was "good or bad," and the rest who were not cast out were kept in having nothing to do with being "good or bad," but simply because they were wearing "the wedding garment." The wedding garment in "The Righteousness and Merits of Jesus Christ." That is what allowed "The Thief on The Cross," in also. In relation to every single Promise of God to us, we are all like the thief on the cross no matter how far along in the process of sanctification we may be.
Is the wedding garment Christ in me producing His righteousness in my life or is it just His righteousness of His own self and that's it?
It is both. When we exercise faith in the Merits of Jesus to make us better people God empowers us to be better people. But we only do better, but never perfectly flawless and sinless, as we can never equal God's goodness, mercy, and love this side of Jesus second coming; but here is where what Jesus did for all humanity 2,000+ - years ago in Israel and is doing now in heaven for us all that makes up for this deficiency in us with His Wedding Garment.
Are you saying that God cannot give us His character completely in this life or just that being frail humans we will make mistakes as we grow on this earth as maybe Jesus did as He was learning different skills growing up?
Thank you Don for the thought provoking notions you have brought forth. Perhaps one of the most dangerous ideas we have is the map. We have become so comfortable with the idea that for as long as this part of the prophecy has not come to fruition we still have a lot of time. While we have prophecy to point us forward, we also have no guarantee that we may be alive until the next 3 hours. Often as Christians (myself included) we make the mistake of forgetting that if a car would bump me now and I lose a lot of blood, this is the end for me. It's sad and scary to be honest, to look at our lives and truly accept that we are not prepared for His coming.
The Israelites had a map from the prophecies, written in black and white, John the Baptist was revealed in prophecy. What happened when he appeared? They asked him who he was and what authority he used to baptize people. Jesus from Genesis had been revealed as the Messiah, every action of His fulfilled prophecy but because of the "notions" (like ours) they rejected and even accepted his blood on their hands.
The end may be in the next hour, it would be wise to live in this belief.
Yes, a sobering thought. I believe the kingdom of God is at hand as jesus and his disciples preached in His day. I believe that it is within our reach today. We can reach out to God for his Holy Spirit. He is already reaching out to us.
We need to encourage one another to continue reaching out to receive God's Spirit that we may be like Him and that He can have the permission He needs to put His character within us involving every issue of our lives at every moment.
I think this takes continual vigilance and prayer-- as Jesus pointed out several times, and even in the book of Revelation.
A little thought on preconceived notions and expectations.
(A parallel between the first and second temples, and the former and latter rains.)
"Unless we are daily advancing in the exemplification of the active Christian virtues, we shall not recognize the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the latter rain. It may be falling on hearts all around us, but we shall not discern or receive it." (Maranatha p.219)
To me it is quite scary to think that people all around us may be receiving the Latter Rain, when we do not even recognize it. I don't expect that there will be anything like the "tongues of fire", or any 'identifying' miracles like that, when it comes to the time of the Latter Rain. It will not be difficult to miss it!
The Second Temple had a greater "glory" than the First (Haggai 2:9), but the Second Temple was much LESS impressive in terms of its OUTWARD DISPLAY. In a similar way, the Latter Rain will have a much greater "glory" than the Former Rain, but the Latter Rain will be less impressive in terms of outward display.
Let's not be expecting/ looking for the wrong things with the Latter Rain.
If Haggai 2:6-9 is read, the readiness now, that is being discussed in other comments, is not a surprise for some. Some are unaware, such as God declared in Haggai2:6. God shook every conceivable place in the universe to wake up and to make known what to expect. What is being shaken is nations and powers. A new Messianic Kingdom will be established. What does it mean when we hear, it's time to get ready? If anything is news, why? Maybe because some want to measure prophecy time lines, then readiness will be immanent. The readiness for me is a daily walk with God to seek guidance, claim promises, and be thankful for each one.
Yes, Paul, I believe that's what it's all about--the continuous walk with Jesus in His Spirit, in His thoughts and feelings, and in His righteousness--constantly choosing the motivation of His Holy Spirit for all of our thoughts and feelings.
[In reply to this comment.]
Don, I am saying the same thing that EGW said in different ways. 1. She said that "we can never equal The Pattern, (The Pattern being Jesus and His Character.) 2. She also said that "We will often have to bow down and weep at the feet of Jesus because of our shortcomings and mistakes (shortcomings and mistakes are flaws and sins of character etc.) 3. She also says that "We shall often fail in our efforts to copy the Divine Pattern," that Pattern is Jesus' Character. 3. She also says that "We can never be safe to say that we are sinless until we have laid down our armor at the feet of Jesus and we have glorified bodies, (this does not happen until after Jesus second coming.) But your question to me including that Jesus had to learn etc would apply to us this side of His second coming however, Jesus was always sinless and we are not, He did not need a Saviour but we do, He never needed a Wedding Garment and again we do.
Is it possible that the Righteousness of Jesus is of the Father via the Holy Spirit? Is it possible that the robe of Christ's Righteousness for us is of the same source as for Christ after He was incarnated as a human?
Do you think that Enoch was still stumbling and quite imperfect in character when he was translated to Heaven?
We are told that a time is coming before Jesus comes again when we who are living will be sealed filthy or clean. EGW wrote some on this subject. After this there is no more need for a mediator because all are sealed.
At this time the Character of God will be perfectly reproduced in His people. I don't believe this will be done in the slightest way against their will. This means to me that we should live with the goal that God has for us--to have His character perfectly produced in us.
EGW wrote that in every generation there have been those who have attained to this goal that God has for us. We must be encouraged to keep this in our vision for where there is no vision the people perish.
I don't mean to say that if I die before this goal is accomplished in my life that I am lost. I have an advocate with the Father. This vision of God perfecting His character in us is not contrary to Bible or SOP, and I believe it will happen for some--probably before they know it has happened.
All we can do is watch and pray for the Lord to open our understanding and allow us the recognize the times in which we are living. Knowing the prophesies will not save us from what is to come, it is knowing them and abiding in Christ that protect us from failing. Many Jews knew what Jesus said concerning the signs prior to the destruction of Jerusalem; however, only the Christians that act according to Jesus advises were saved. So it is today for us, the Lord has giving us plenty counsels in his holy word and also in the spirit of prophesy; however, many seventh day Adventist churches are not longer teaching from the spirit of prophesy and what the teach from the bible is very selected "truth", so the unconverted members will not disturbed with a the real truth. The time is at hand, may the Lord have mercy upon us.
To even consider relying on anything other than the scriptures is in no way trusting the power of the Holy Ghost. There are no writings by anyone that can "trump" the scriptures. If we think so then we are concluding that God's word is incomplete.
The author of the "Spirit of Prophecy" stated I am "a lesser light" pointing the "Greater light," which is the "Bible." She penned this quotation to open our eyes, ears, and heart to contemplate what Christ finished on our behalf: “Christ was treated as we deserve, that we might be treated as He deserves. He was condemned for our sins, in which He had no share, that we might be justified by His righteousness, in which we had no share. He suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive the life which was His. “With His stripes we are healed.” -Ellen White, Desire of Ages, Page 25.
There is no where it written that Spirit of Prophecy was replacing the "Bible the Word."
Are the "Scriptures" what define truth or does the Holy Spirit define truth? Can there be a combination of Scriptures and Holy Spirit defining truth? Can the Holy Spirit help us define truth in science and nature and personal experiences?
Good question, since Scripture was inspired by the Holy Spirit if follows the Holy Spirit is the source of truth. Thus the Holy Spirit can help us define truth in science, nature and personal experiences.
However we need to be careful if what we think the Holy Spirit has lend us to understand contradicts what the Bible says then we need to question that. Either we have misunderstood the Bible, or we have misunderstood the leading of the Holy Spirit.
BThe Bible does say that our hearts are deceitfully wicked. We can likely be deceived by our own notions, but I don't find that this is something God can't correct if we let Him have our will to work with allowing His Spirit to motivate us in His thoughts and feelings to produce His character in us.
It does sound scary that we might be wrong and think we are right, but not following Jesus' example by not allowing ourselves to realize the Divinity if God's Holy Spirit within us is even more scary to me.
So whom do we trust the Bible or the Holy Spirit?
One thing I do know sin will not be in heaven for the wages of sin is death
We must be born again and our obedience is essential
Jesus didn't shed His blood for our sins in vain
Let's not be deceived well be disappointed
The fulfillment of prophecies in the Bible shows we serve a living God. He always stays true to His word. Therefore we should trust Him and have faith in Him. Indeed He is coming again, another prophecy/ promise that will be fulfilled.
As a child growing up in the church I have always had my own idea of the last day events would be like, proceeding Jesus's second coming - laws passed, churches closed, persecution, running to the hills. Although these events are truths in reading Matthew 24 it's reinforcing to me to study more, to pray more, to get myself right and to lean on the Bible than my own puny understanding.
History is repeating itself indeed. The vast majority in Christ's day did not understand the prophecies pointing to His first advent, let alone His mission and His Messiahship. Why is the key question? In my humble view:
1. Some did not study the Word as they should have
2. Those who did study did not study with an open mind and heart to hear what the Spirit of Lord says to the churches
3. Others (i.e. the heathen around them) had not had a chance to hear the Word as yet e.g. Roman soldiers
These 3 scenarios do exist today and for us as Adventist the application point is 1 and 2 can and should be avoided by humbly and earnestly searching the scriptures daily to understand and assimilate the truths in the Word of God for the Words that Jesus speaks they are spirit and they are life (see John 6:63). May God help us study with open hearts and submissive spirit so as to live out the truth revealed to us.
"Truth that is not lived, that is not imparted, loses its life-giving power, its healing virtue. Its blessing can be retained only as it is shared." - Ministry of Healing p.149.
Above all yes it is our responsibility to do all in our power to hasten the coming of the great day of God (see 2 Peter 3:12) by ministering to the needy around us and sharing the word with them thus helping them leading them to Him so that they can become a part of HIs kingdom of grace.
Because we have our own timetables and lists of things that must happen before Christ comes, we forget that it is not guaranteed that Christ will find us alive. We forget that death is nearby and we have to be ready for it when it comes and that is by surrendering to Christ and live a holy life
We see the fulfillment of prophecies. God does not change and His Word is true. In fact He has exalted His Word above His Holy name (Psalm 138:2).Hence, on our part we need to be ready when our Saviour is coming back again. Are we passing on the message of salvation, because surely our Lord is coming back soon? Nobody knows when exactly but let us be prepared for His second coming. His desire is that ALL should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).We have already started to see by the end time signs that His coming is drawing nigh.
I think that there is a danger of placing good, prophetic, realities in the "preconceived notions" basket.
It is true, isn't it, that no-one has yet received the "mark of the beast"? And it is true isn't it, that the "image to the beast" has not yet been formed? (No twin to the old Papacy currently exists - i.e. there is still no world-power which blends church and state.) These elements of the "third angel's message" are still laying ahead of us.
We have reliable, definite, waymarks, and these should not be allowed to fall into disrepair, and lose their value.
Yes, as Christians we should be teaching constant readiness, but we should also be careful not to "cry wolf". (Hear the old military officer, restraining his men as they face a great frontal attack - he is calling to them, "hold hold hold", until the right time.) Year by year we are still hearing voices pointing to 'this or that', as if certain events pointed to the soon coming end, but nothing comes of it.
Far too often mis-guided people have cried "wolf", and those messages of warning have done a work that the enemy can approve of. Yes, warnings based on silly, preconceived, ideas definitely cause damage (and there is a flood of them online), but we have real "markers", and these need to be carefully maintained.
Stewart, I couldn't have said it any better, or had similar thoughts, many times. The reason being, my expected life span keeps dwindling with each day, and I have wondered, does anyone believe in self-fulfilling prophecy? When we are made aware of changes in our world, seemingly more rapid with each day, the element of surprise doesn't seem as significant as before.
we must not get discouraged, when the time is right ,it will happen !!! Just be ready , and not caught sleeping. There has always been a Tarrying time before all events ( Time of Waiting ) this is when people loose faith and stop looking up , keep waiting , It will come and i am ready and waiting
If i can be allowed : The Tarrying Time · Habakkuk 2:2-4, Everlasting Gospel, Jesus is coming very soon. Is there a time of "ripening" before His coming? We can observe in the
amazing facts is another Saturday Sabbath abiding site
God Bless
Dear friends, here is a poem bearing on the second advent written by an unknown author.
In the crimson of the morning, in the whiteness of the noon,
In the amber glory of the day's retreat,
In the midnight robed in darkness, the gleaming of the moon,
I listen for the coming of His feet.
Down the minster-aisles of splendour, from betwixt the cherubim,
Through the wondering throng, with motion strong and fleet,
Sounds His victor tread approaching, with a music far and dim-
The music of the coming of His feet.
Sandalled not with shoon of silver, girded not with woven gold,
Weighted not with flashing gems and odours sweet,
But white-winged and shod with glory in the glory-light of old-
The glory of the coming of His feet.
He is coming, O my spirit! With His everlasting peace,
With His blessedness immortal and complete!
He is coming O my spirit! And His coming brings release,
I listen for the coming of His feet.
I hope this poem gives joy to all who read it. We should all be listening for the coming of His feet. AMEN.
Again and again, we see how Scripture was fulfilled and yet, at the time, the people didn’t understand it. What lessons might we take away for ourselves about how preconceived notions could distort truth?
We may think that Jesus will only come when the world is in a very bad state in terms of crime, poverty, diseases and environmental catastrophes. When we see the current seemingly peaceful environments, growth in economies and technological development, we may be side tracked to think that there is still plenty time for his Second Advent.
When the reasoning of philosophy has banished the fear of God’s judgments, when religious teachers are pointing forward to long ages of peace and prosperity, and the world are absorbed in their rounds of business and pleasure, planting and building, feasting and merrymaking, rejecting God’s warnings and mocking His messengers—then it is that sudden destruction cometh upon them, and they shall not escape {LDE 233:3}
If we had no promise of living a future life in a better land would it be worth it to live NOW according to the love of God in our lives brought to us by his Spirit?
I think that if it is not worth living in the Love of God NOW, then it is not worth it later "there."
Isn't it wonderful that we have such an opportunity to live in the atmosphere of Heaven ALWAYS NOW.
If we don't want to live without selfishness HERE and NOW, we forfeit our chance later, we are stuck with our selfishness and all the "HELLISH" life that it brings.
Don, in response to your quoting the statement in Revelation where it says that "he who is filthy let him be filthy still, and he who is righteous let him be righteous still." etc. This statement is in the last book of the bible and it is not only in the last book of the Bible but it is also in the very last Chapter of that book.
EGW says that there are two things that God has not revealed to his people: 1. The day and the hour of Jesus second coming and 2. Exactly when probation closes.
So it is very possible that this statement of no more "sinning," and perfect flawless sinless characters by God's people applies when it is all over and after Jesus has "made all things new," and maybe even after the 1000 year millenium and after God finally destroys the wicked and all sin and sinners.