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Sunday: Suffering, Jesus and Salvation — 8 Comments

  1. As my creator I know he loves me greater than my earthly parent and I know how much they loved me. When he saw me from the beginning of time fall into the pit of sin lost and helpless. He made prevision to save me from my sins and to restore me back unto Himself. What manner of Love he has shown unto me. I feel comforted to know that the King of the universe loved me so much that He could not pass me by no matter how small I am in all of creation. My Jesus is the way the truth and the life through Him I am somebody special and so are we all. Amen.

  2. God has been so good to me! Although I do not deserve, I feel He loves me and cares for me and my family! He has given us one more day as a present! As a gift of His constant love. One more chance to recognize our dependance of His grace!

  3. A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord to take upon Himself our deserved punishment and gives us life,salvation, forgiveness, mercy,grace and love, deserves our adoration, praise honor and total commitment to Him.

  4. It was and is God Himself in Jesus for me, as my priest and my king and as my sacrifice, that died for my sin 2,000 plus or minus years ago at Calvary that also gives me the eternal life that only he can give to me and all by faith now and forever. Amen.

  5. "For He will never leave or forsake me" As long as I believe, have faith and know that as my heavenly father, He will grow me as a mustard seed into what He has ordained.

  6. what a love! Redeemed by the precious blood of the lamb. He gave everything for me to be saved. God strengthen me so that I will be part of your saving grace.Amen.

  7. Can someone explain Leviticus 16 verse 18 that says Aaron takes the blood of the bull and the blood of the goat, and put it upon the horns of the altar.

  8. Not all can be said as to the day of atonement and its implication for the plan of salvation as a whole. So we have to briefly try a preliminary answer. On the day of atonement, once a year, there is a general all inclusive cleansing going on. Not only has the High Priest to offer a sin offering for himself and for his house (Leviticus 16:3.6.11), also the people have to have their sins cleansed by a sin offering. (Leviticus 16:5.15)

    During the daily sacrificial ritual, taking place before the day of atonemant, sin was first transfered from the sinner to the unblemished animal. (Leviticus 4:4) During the following ritual blood was either sprinkled at the veil of the sanctuary (Leviticus 4:6), or upon the altar round about. (Leviticus 3:2) Thereby sin was transfered to the sanctuary resulting in its defilement. As the Holy God dwelled in the midst of the congregation, within the sanctuary, nothing and no one remained clean: all and everything needed cleansing. (Exodus 25:8; Leviticus 16:16; Isaiah 6:5-7)

    The day of atonement was instituted in order to have all and everything to be cleansed and purified: sanctuary and God`s people. The multiple object of cleansing is clearly stated: The holy sanctuary, the tabernacle of the congregation, the altar,the priests and the people of the congregation (Leviticus 16:33).

    After the atonement by the blood ritual was completed and ended, (Leviticus 16:20) the scapegoat ritual eliminated all atoned for sins and all uncleanliness from the camp. (Leviticus 16:20-22) The scapegoat ritual had nothing to do with the blood atonement itselt. The scapegoat did not shed his blood at all. Driving him away into the wilderness, after the already atoned for sins were laid on his head, symbolizes the total elimination of sin from the camp.

    Returning to the spistle of Peter: God did not spare the angels that sinned, but cast them into the deep, delivering them into chains of darkness -- against the background of Isaiah 14:12-15; Revelation 12:9 -- in order to be reserved for judgement and final elimination of all evil. (Matthew 8:29)

    Christ has delivered us from sin (1 Peter 1:18-19), but the world is still unredeemed. (Hebrews 2:8) Looking out of the window or into the latest news on TV, every one will notice that the world is still not redeemed. Not until Jesus has come and this earth is dissolved by fire and the new earth been recreated, will redemption be end-completed or consummated. (2 Peter 3:13) We do have this hope.

    Winfried Stolpmann

    On the day of atonement


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