Sunday: The Power of God
“I am not ashamed of the gospel: it is the power of God for salvation to every one who has faith, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed through faith for faith; as it is written, ‘He who through faith is righteous shall live’” (Rom. 1:16-17, RSV).
What do Romans 1:16-17 say to you? How have you experienced the promises and hope found in them?
Several key words occur in this passage:
- Gospel. This word is the translation of a Greek word that means literally “good message” or “good news.” Standing alone the word may refer to any good message; but modified as it is in this passage by the phrase “of Christ,” it means “the good news about the Messiah” (Christ is the transliteration of the Greek word that means “Messiah”). The good news is that the Messiah has come, and people can be saved by believing in Him. It is in Jesus and in His perfect righteousness-and not in ourselves, or even in God’s law-that one can find salvation.
- Righteousness. This word refers to the quality of being “right” with God. A specialized meaning of this word is developed in the book of Romans, which we shall bring out as our study of the book proceeds. It should be pointed out that in Romans 1:17 the word is qualified by the phrase “of God.” It is righteousness that comes from God, a righteousness that God Himself has provided. As we’ll see, this is the only righteousness good enough to bring us the promise of eternal life.
- Faith. In Greek the words that are translated as “believe” and “faith” (KJV) in this passage are the verb and noun forms of the same word: pisteuo (believe), pistis (belief or faith). The meaning of faith as related to salvation will unfold as we progress in the study of Romans.
Do you ever struggle with assurance? Do you have times when you truly question whether or not you are saved, or even if you can be saved? What brings these fears? On what are they based? Might they be grounded in reality? That is, could you be living a lifestyle that denies your profession of faith? If so, what choices must you make in order to have the promises and assurances that are for you in Jesus? |

The lesson's author asks an interesting question.
Why do we struggle with assurance or question whether we are saved? If our answer includes our "behavior" or our "works" then we are not recalling the assurances in Scripture.
Eternal life results from our accepting Jesus totally as our Savior and our walk with Him helps us maintain that assurance. We do not lose eternal life just because we sin one day. Accepting Jesus brings us into a relationship with Him. That relationship is not severed because we may sin. The prodigal son's relationship with his father was not severed when he left.
As a result of our relationship with Jesus Christ, our salvation is assured, because our salvation is not dependent on us, but on Him.
Let me quickly add, that is not the same as once saved always saved.
Fred, if I’m not mistaken, I sense a gingerly approach to the subject, especially in the last sentence caveat. If God’s salvation and eternal life is dependent on “our accepting” Him, then retaining Him or maintaining a relationship is dependent on our attitude also. We could just as easily throw Him out if things are not going the way we expect or desire, like the rocky ground hearers. But we know that Christ gives eternal life to whom He wishes (Jn 5:21), to all whom the Father gives Him (Jn 17:2), to His sheep (Jn 10:3,10,11,14-16,26-29; to “all who have heard and learned from the Father” (Jn 6:45). None comes to Christ except as drawn by the Father (Jn 6:37,44). They are all KNOWN by Christ (Jn10:14). They are KEPT by the power of God through Faith (1 Pt 1:5; Jn 17:11,12). They have eternal life (Jn 5:24; 1 Jn 5:11,13), and all will be raised up on the last day (Jn 6:39,40,44,54).
“My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. I and the Father are One.” Jn 10:29,30. They are `sure because they are convinced by the Spirit that God DIED for them. That is an eternal guarantee of eternal life, It is impossible for anyone for whom Christ died to perish.
Kenny, a question that may arise from your last sentence which says and i quote "It is impossible for anyone for whom Christ died to perish" Didn't Christ die for all humanity?, is there a select class of people whom he died for?, if the answer to my first question is yes (which i believe is obvious), then definitely, there must be a separator for i am convinced that, somebody somehow will perish......
Pascal, I too was a bit perturbed coming to grips with the statement “Christ ‘died for all’”in 2 Cor 5:15. We know that it was Adam’s sin, in his encounter with Satan, that brought sin and death into this world, abetted by Satan of course. As Head of the human race this sin passed to all his seed, progeny. All have sinned (Rom 5:12; Heb 7:9,10). Adam ceded authority over this world to Satan who became “Ruler, Prince, god of this world”(Jn 12:31;14:30; 2 Cor 4:4).
Jesus Christ came as Head of new creatures, a new human race, a people born of the Spirit, like Isaac, literal sons of God (1 Cor 15:45-49). Christ called them his brothers and sisters before He came into the world (Heb 2:10-16). Adam was a servant son who was put to work in the garden. He was not the heir, although given dominion, as a steward, over the world. Christ the Heir, came in our flesh to “save His people from their sins” (Matt 12:21). In His encounter with Satan, as Head of the new human race, Son of God, He vanquished Satan, the root of all evil and god of this world (Heb 2:14,15).
With this victory Christ reclaimed all things in heaven and earth (Jn 3:35; 13:3; Matt 28:18; 13:44-47). That is what victors in war do, so that even Satan’s angels have been reclaimed by Christ, but they are bound for hell. But just like in Adam all his seed sinned and die (1 Cor 15:22; Rom 5:12-14), so in Christ all His seed, those IN CHRIST, have gained the victory (1 Cor 1:30; 2 Cor 1:21,22; Rom 8:1,9; 1 Jn 1:12-14; 5:4). Before the foundation of the world, through the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, Christ’s seed (Isa 53:10,11; Jn 12:23-26) were seated in heavenly places while still dead in sins (Eph 2:4-10). There is the surety of God’s salvation to His people whom He calls His own (Jn 17:6,9). They are not of this world(Jn 15:19; 17:14). God could not fail to fulfill His commitment.
God, in His infinite wisdom, reserved for Himself a people from among Adam’s seed (Rom 11:3-6; 9:27-29). If God had not done that there would not be any one to redeem. For through Adam, we all rebelled against God and turned our loyalty to Satan and sin. God taught us that only the “next of kin” can redeem one who has “sold himself into slavery to a stranger” (Lev 25:47-51). If the slave-master kidnapped or violently captured his slave, Abraham’s method of deliverance of Lot can be employed (Gen 14:14-16). Christ said that he was not ashamed to call the “seed of Abraham” His brothers and sisters (Heb 2:9-17). We know which seed that is. God called them His sons and daughters who were created for His Glory (Isa 43:1,3-7; Heb 2:9,10). He redeems only His own. The others have made their choice.
All of them were buried with Christ and raised with Him since they were IN HIM. All are redeemed, justified, reconciled, and sanctified for the same reason (Rom 5; 6; 8:28-38; Eph 2).
I fully agree with you on all this Fred Roberts, yet even the words of John and the Apostle Paul inspired by God's Holy Spirit says in 1John 1:9 and 2:1,2 and Hebrews 4:16 that if and when we sin we need to CONFESS THOSE SINS TO GOD and we need to come BY FAITH to OUR ADVOCATE JESUS who is at THE THRONE OF GRACE FOR US to cleanse us of those sins.
But didn't Ellen White teach that we should never be taught to say or feel that they are saved?
In my studies of her, I have found that she never wanted to be quoted. She would rather we quote the Bible. 2 Peter 1:10 says to make our calling and election sure. 1 John 5:13 says... that you "know" you have eternal life. I believe being sure we have salvation comes from the faith described. We must have FAITH in knowing we are saved. I can believe God can do something, but that's just belief. When I believe that God WILL do something, I consider that to be faith. Be blessed.
Jennifer, that is the whole point of Paul in Romams 8 and the great discovery Martin Luther made in the 1500s. It is OK to believe and know that one is saved despite what you know is still inside. Christ's righteousness is imputed to us as if it were our own and we stand blameless before God's throne. That truly is, "Good News".
Once saved always saved (OSAS) says that no matter what the Christian does he/she cannot be unsaved. If in the end the believer is lost then he was not saved in the first place. It is a kind of circular reasoning. Paul didn't teach OSAS "Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. Keeping God’s commands is what counts." (1 Cor 7:19) Belief is not enough because the devils also believe and tremble. (James 2:19) Salvation is ultimately about our personal relationship with Christ.
And yet SALVATION is not about being PERFECTLY AND FLAWLESSLY SINLESS. Even King David said in Psalms 40:11, 12; for GOD to let HIS "Loving Kindness and Truth to CONTINUALLY PRESERVE HIM," because his INIQUITIES were more than THE HAIRS OF HIS HEAD. And King David was clear about what TRUTH AND LOVING KINDNESS had the power to CONTINUALLY PRESERVE HIM. It was and is the very TRUTH he wrote about in the same Psalm 40:6-10---THE TRUTH OF, JESUS CHRIST, THE COMING MESSIAH AND SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD AND OF ALL SIN.
Carl, i think your reasoning is correct, if a believer is lost then he/she was not saved in the first place. The only problem that i have found about the aspect of once saved always saved is that it may tend to breed complacency in the Christendom. I feel It is like going into an exam room with an already answered exam paper, or somebody telling you to say" study hard but you do not have to weary yourself, i will make sure you pass anyway"
There is only one God and Savior (Lk 1:47; 1 Tim 1:1; Acts 4:16). When God saves He saves completely Phil 1:6; Jude 24.
But we must allow Him to save us. God can only save us with our permission, which is by our faith in His promises to save by Christ any who will receive Him and believe on His name. So the matter is this: what is receiving and believing? How does one do this? The teachings of prophets, apostles and Christ tell us don't they? We must study to show ourselves approved unto God. Many will say "Lord, Lord!", yet be lost forever and die in their sins. The Gospel has requirements and we may know them if we seek with all our heart.
When we get saved, we acquire a new character n become sons of our father. This means that we develop a desire to do what pleases God. This answers the writers which ways do u need need to rectify your short coming?? Yes we need to..the people around us don't need to b told we r saved..lather our actions, behaviours, altitude..etc should speak more louder and reflect we are Christians.
Practicing what we preach right?
today's question!
in red captures it
A haunting reason why many doubt their salvation, is the fearful concern that they have to face their sins in the Investigative Judgment, or that they names will come up in the examining "roll call" of all those who have ever borne the name of Christ.
The Bible has much to say about that. Here is a sample of the truth from God's word.
1 John 1:9 has encouraging words - "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
Where do those sins go? Micah 7:19 - He will again have compassion on us, and will subdue our iniquities. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.
Heb 10:17 - Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.
John 5:24 - I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.
Yes, those who do not experience "the way of Peace" have yet to surrender fully. God gives enough evidence to remove all fear and doubt, yet, it is the presence of sin (known, but not surrendered) in the life which robs any who harbor it of that perfect peace and assurance which is promised by Christ. Only by being yoked with Jesus, denying our self, taking up our cross and following Him will we find His peace. This yoke, cross, and denying are in the act of repenting/forsaking of all that God regards as sin. We are asked to do the will of God always(as Jesus did always), and yield to it as He makes it known to our constantly searching heart. Paul wrote: "Be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is". Our natural state does not want this knowledge, and Satan has many temptations that will lead many to reject what they know is God's will, while following their own inclination instead. This is the point of failure for all who cannot find peace with God. It is only found by faith: which is acting on all that Jesus has taught us, which even a child can understand.
A excellent example of how we get rid of doubt, is the story of Christ healing the paralytic. Christ said, "take up thy bed and walk", the paralytic did not say, "Lord if you will heal me, I will obey your command." No he believed, and immediately got up and walked, carrying his bed, praising the Lord. The same should be with our salvation. Believe we are saved, because He promised he would save to the uttermost those who turn to Him. Hebrews 7:25. Act upon our belief in His promises, and God will give us the power to believe. He gave the paralytic the power to walk, He will give us the power to believe we are savable. A good text to keep on the tip of our tongue is. Phillipians 4:4-8.
So why is it I'm worried that I may commit the same sin again? Why don't I feel relieved that after confessing?
I don't understand faith. For example I prayed and asked God to take away my love for a particular sin and help that love will take the place of Him. But in less than hour my mind goes back to that longing and desire. Does that mean God has forsaken me because I'm not seeing any change or feel His presence? I'm so confused.
I would suggest that every time the thought enters your mind. You immediately pray to God about it. Tell Him 'Lord God here I am deliver me'.
Don't forget the song I need thee every hour.
I understand what you are saying. I had experienced the same problem.
Sometimes after confessing and asking for forgiveness, I did not "feel" forgiven or cleansed. I however "chose" to believe the promise. It is not easy, but I have had to tell myself, repeating to myself constantly for a long while, "I am forgiven. Thank you Lord for forgiving and cleansing me."
Even if the words do not seem sincere, you have to repeat them (or something similar). The Holy Spirit will work in you to give you the assurance that the Lord hears and will answer you.
Faith comes by hearing ... the word of God. Rom 10:17. Even though your faith is weak, you have to immerse yourself in the Word of God. Putting aside everything else until you are saturated in the Word of God. Start with the book of John.
Try the strategy outlined in Phil 4:8 - whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things, over and over again.
One more recommendation, as found in 2 Cor 10:5 - remove from your thoughts any and every thing that exalts itself in you against the knowledge of God, and bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
Apply those continuously until victory is yours in Christ Jesus.
I am praying for you,
Your brother in Christ
The issue is whether to follow a feeling or faith. Faith requires no feelings, only belief. Act on that belief regardless of any feelings. Satan reaches us through our feelings, for they can be powerful, but they are only feelings. Some feelings have been nurtured until they can overwhelm us, but focus on faith. Read the promises of God and choose to believe them. When feelings that we know will lead astray arise, we must reject and banish them as soon as we recognize them. Any delay will weaken our resolve. We may need to do this many times, but if we do, the feelings will weaken and ultimately, fade away. How long this takes will depend on our action in rejecting them. If we resist the devil, he will soon flee from us. We must be more persistent than the devil. Yes, pray for help at every need for it, which will be often. This is what God wants from every child of His; an automatic turning to HIM for every need at the moment of that need. This will become a new habit. It's the best habit we could form, and in this life, is the most important.
Daily prayer and study of God's word is a must in forming this new habit. If we are not growing in grace, we will be dying in sin. It's always one or the other, but we get to choose which it will be, and God has promised never to leave or forsake us. Believe that no matter if you "feel" it or not. Faith is never based on feelings, but on promises. We cannot be dependent on seeing any results either, but by simply finding and receiving the promises. This is the life of faith, which requires no tangible evidence to confirm what God has promised.
If indulging in any sin, the desire for it is strengthened, and may take many rejections until the desire fades and loses it's power over the soul. Satan knows our weaknesses and will always use them against us. Read Daniel's good counsel in Dan 4:27. This is a natural principle. Notice how weeds cannot thrive where the soil is cultivated and planted with something else, but weeds will ALWAYS grow naturally in uncultivated, unplanted soil.
What's in our garden? What are we planting, if anything? Satan will always be casting seeds of doubt, unbelief, and every evil thing, and in this ONE thing, we would benefit from Satan's example of persistence. Persistence will make the victory sure and resistance easier with every effort. And never forget, no one can do this alone. Read and accept the "exceeding great precious promise" of Jesus in Matt 11:28-30.
The richest blessings belong to all who believe.
"Blessed assurance Jesus is mine." this is the most reassuring lyric I can think of. I know there may be other, but I learn this as a little girl. God assures us salvation. It is our choice to walk by faith. In other words, salvation is a walk of faith.
Nicky, God has not forsaken you.Start each day with a prayer asking God for the Holy Spirit to strengthen you. When temptations come send a prayer at the time of the evil thoughts for removal of those thoughts. The Christian path is a struggle. But, the more you lean on God, He will help you to overcome. Keep remembering that He will never leave you or forsake you.
Thank you all for the uplifting words.