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Sunday: The Promise — 9 Comments

  1. I thank God for Romans 8

    There is therefore NOW (not in the future, TODAY) no condemnation
    Condition - we have to be found In Christ. Jesus said, I came to do the will of My Father should be our moto.
    Not walk according to the flesh - Our temptations are going to be great. We must choose to surrender our will at the foot of the cross every moment of our life.
    Walk according to the Spirit - Listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Submit to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

    It is the only way which Christ himself modeled while walking on this Earth.

  2. I am too much grateful to the author/authors of these lessons since I am using this during our daily worship and especially in the lesson study during the Sabbath School lesson.

  3. Greetings to all in Jesus Christ name. Saints I have a question since now we also study about judgement. I hear a lot of people saying when we stand in from of the judgement or when we are in heaven that's when we will be told how we got there and answer about waisted times and be told why others are not with us. If anyone undestand my question please, where can I find Bible references that suggest so. Are we going to answer for sins we committed? Thank you.

    I wish we had a live discussion on Bible verse.

    • Amandile, you are absolutely correct, some questions cannot be easily explained in posting

      Revelation 20: 1-3
      Explains Satan being bound.
      He is bound because satan thrives on deceiving people during the 1000 years the saints have gone to heaven and the wicked have been slain by the glory of the Lord. The earth is empty with no one alive to be deceived.
      Revelation 20:4-6 This is when we will be given authority to judge.
      1 Corinthians 6:3 Do you not know that we shall judge angels.

      God will allow us to investigate His attempted redemptive work definitely on the lost; otherwise, there will be doubt in my mind why my earthly father who was perfect (in my eyes and perception) did not make it to heaven. Sin WILL not raise the second time. No one will question the validity of the Love of God.

      My imagination - Don't have biblical evidence. Based on the character of my Savior I can imagine:
      1) If David Meets Uriah the Hittite knowing David, I know he will confess and be reconciled.
      2) Some situations will be reconciled between God and me.
      All crooked path will be made straight.

      All doubt, preconceived ideas, perceptions, prejudice thoughts from our heart will be answered without question.

      Then inside the crystal city Jerusalem and outside the walls of the crystal city of Jerusalem every knee will bow, every tongue will confess Jesus Christ is Lord.

      Conflict of age series begins with
      GOD is Love
      Conflict of age series ends with
      GOD is Love

      May we be found In Him.

  4. Isaiah 1:17 goes along with Romans 8:1. Walking after the spirit is a learning experience where we "Often fail in our efforts to do good." But we also succeed to do good too. And we have the hope and promise that inspite of our ups and downs we have no condemnation either because of Jesus' perfect sinlessness and flawlessness in our behalf always.

    • Pete, I think that walking after the Spirit keeps us in a condition of keeping the law. It's only when we don't walk after the Spirit that we fall.

      • I believe Pete is correct in saying walking in the Spirit is a progressive learning experience. As we grow (with practice) we overall spend a greater proportion of each day walking in the Spirit and a lesser proportion walking independently of the Spirit. Even then, we will unfortunately still have the occasional ‘bad day’ - not an excuse, just an explanation.

        Paul had the ideal way of approaching this reality as stated in Philippians 3:12-15.

        • Yes, Phil, I agree with you and Pete. There is another point I wanted to make. That is, if we fall, it is when we are not walking after the Spirit. At the point of a fall we must not just try harder but rather repent by opening the door Jesus (by His Spirit) is knocking on. When He is restored to His rightful place in our lives we are forgiven and we walk in full repentance as long as we continue after the Spirit. Jesus said that if we will "watch and pray" we can keep going without falling.

          Jude 1:24 KJV
          [24] Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,

  5. My comment is this, even though I do not understand fully, the Holy Spirit has shown me, in my life, what Paul means. When I first gave my life to Christ, I was so fearful of sinning, and when I did, whether willfully or just plain by accident I cringed. But then I found God's word that goes with, there is therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus...it was I John 1:9 that said, if I confess my sin, God is faithful and just to forgive me of my sin and cleanse me from all unrighteousnesss. His blood covered my mistake, but I had to confess it to Him and accept His forgiveness. It took a while for me but I learned I no longer had to be afraid, but I did have to confess and ask Him to help me to overcome these weaknesses. You know what, after that I felt free. God still loved me, He did not condemn me, but the HS did convict me. I was wrong, so wrong. I hurt the one who loves me the most, my heart was broken, and I learned to call on Him for help before and after so my life may glorify Him. This does not mean I am perfect, but that God is perfect and that His perfect love cast out all fear. Friend, God not only forgives, He also forgets, He casts our sin in the midst of the sea, they never come up again. I am like Mary, I keep going back for His forgiveness and each time I grow stronger and stronger, by His grace that is sufficient for me, His strength that is made stronger in my weakness, and my joyous shout like Paul..."Therefore I glory in my weakness, for when I am weak He is strong!!! Praise God.


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