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Sunday: Three Blessings — 24 Comments

  1. That humans were made a little higher than the beasts of the field, fowls of the air, and fish of the sea (Genesis 1:26-28) is not reason to boast, celebrate, or find comfort any more than angels might find such reason in relation to humans (Psalm 8:4-8).

    The blessings of the powers assigned to various beings are not to invest creatures with status of which they could be proud, as Lucifer became; but for service and relationship.

    It pleased the Creator to make beings at different levels and assign authority and roles as he saw fit. The creatures of love ought to be grateful they were created and contented with their assigned sphere (1 Timothy 6:6-8). Unfortunately there is a notion that if someone gets help initially, over time that one becomes entitled to it. This attitude is brought even to God.

    No one deserves anything good from God, and if the Creator takes back something He previously gave it is His peculiar right and privilege to do so (Job 1:21).

    Capitalizing on the fallen desires of humans the self-esteem movement started by the serpent in Eden has spread its influence widely among Christians in spite of clear scriptures which stand as a bulwark against this (Mark 10:18). It has created systems of merit which encourage striving for higher status.

    Nonetheless God is pleased with those who acknowledge their blessings and like Christ consider how much they might give up to improve the lot of others (Philippians 2:5-8). In the New Earth the Creator will have only citizens who can be trusted to be content, and not be obsessed with their own value or something they think they deserve (John 3:30; Luke 14:26).

    If anything gives value it is love which is not intrinsic, but comes from God (1 Corinthians 13:2).

  2. I find it interesting that in the six days of active creation, there is ONE day that is without a declaration that something in it "was good". That omission is in the Second day, and the omission is no accident, no oversight on the part of Inspiration.

    The Second day was the day in which the waters were divided.

    • So why do you suppose God "left out" this declaration? Was it not good anyway even though He did not say so?

      • Daniel,
        I've pondered how best to answer you, and I think the best I can do is simply to express my view, without adding much explanation/comment. (I've been cautioned about going too far from the Sabbath School Lesson, and rightfully so.)

        But basically, I believe that the Creation days were viewed by a tremendous audience of angels. And each day [apart from being literal, practical, preparations etc.] was full of lessons for them, teaching principles relating to the war (and the separation) that had so recently occurred in heaven. Day Two, I believe, specifically pointed to the great separation among the angels, and in this, there was nothing, in God's assessment, that could be seen as "good".

        Again, I would say that the omission is no oversight or accident. This is the view I currently hold.

        • Stewart I do not doubt for one moment that "the Creation days were viewed by a tremendous audience." I also believe that each day was not only full of lessons for them but for us also. The wisdom seen in the sequence of Creation is just another revelation of God's unfathomable intelligence. But at the end of Creation God looked back on His work HE saw that "it was VERY good!" This off course would have to include each and every day.

          Your thoughts regarding day two are somewhat puzzling to me. Where do we find in God's word that the angels were separated on that day or for that matter in any other persons writings?

    • V.Hughes, In reading the second day and the third of creation it all has to with waters. The dividing of, the gathering into place etc it was all good.

      • Yes, I accept that both days have to do with waters. But in my view the activities were quite different. In the Second Day a body of water was separated, which produced a firmament (a "great space", or an "atmosphere") around the earth. The Third Day brought a different kind of separation to the lower body of water, in such a way that dry land was exposed/revealed.

        In Genesis 2:4 it says in summary of the days, that "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created..." . Here "each day was called a generation, because that in it God generated or produced, some new portion of His work." (Patriarchs & Prophets p.112.) So yes, day Two and Three involved waters, but each day was a distinctly "new portion of His work."

        In my mind there remains only ONE portion that is without a declaration that something in it "was good".

      • Otieno,
        It is understood that chapters and verses were introduced into the Bible for convenience, and as an aid for study. But I understand that the "paragraph markers", still found in many Bible versions, and used to separate sections/thoughts, were carried over from the original texts. The description of the Second day ends in verse 8 according to this reckoning.

        Also, in my view, the pattern seems to be quite clear that each day's description ends with the words - "And the evening and the morning were the [first, second, third, etc.] day."

  3. In an online conversation recently with an unbeliever, he noted how unjust it was in his mind that God allowed the animal/fish/bird/insect part of creation to suffer the results of man's fall and become the "dog eat dog" predatory paradigm we witness today. Anyone have an answer as to why God did allow that?
    Perhaps it does have a connection to our loss of sovereignty over the earth, and the current scenario we witness is a direct result of Satan's usurpation of power? That the animal kingdom has fallen victim to the effects of The Great Controversy as collateral damage?

    • How much more unjust is it that the creator took the "punishment" for creation! Ultimate justice is not fair but necessary! Would we understand how evil self-centeredness is without the evidence in all creation?

    • Maybe it could not be helped? If we were meant to be the keepers, and we disobeyed, than it seems quite logical, to me, that things assigned to our keeping would be affected. By disobedience, we gave Satan the influence on the Earth that obedience to God would have prevented. If we exercise poor health habits, do our children not suffer? Doctors now know that even the father's health deficiencies can be passed to the children, not just mother's. Yet, the children did not ask for suffering. It simply is natural, human fact that our poor decisions affect more than ourselves.
      One day, God's merciful design is to restore, forever, what was lost, temporarily.

  4. The story of creation must inspire the human race with a strong sense of responsibility.
    God made us special that we may think much of the trust He bestowed upon us.
    We must strive to live according to His expectation of love, peace and respect of each other especially in a world plagued by things like racism, xenophobia, and senseless wars.

  5. Three things God blessed here. God is not a human being that he can fail to feed his children's who where created in his own image if he is able to feed the birds He will do the same to you.

  6. God gave Adan and Eve the extra responsibility to take care of the earth, is this responsibility for us as well? Want to encourage everyone to do their part in this extra responsibility.

  7. Genesis 1:29. This verse is one of the most important for people who want to present their bodies as a "living sacrifice" to God in the "end time"

  8. It is important to note that when we commit sin, we are not the only ones who are affected. We eat the sour grapes, according to the Bible, and set our children\'s teeth on edge. Let us also be mindful of persons who look to us for example, especially young people. Let us ask the Lord to give us the strength to resist evil and do what is right and good.

  9. I am very interested in this quarter sabbath school. I want to ask one question. The bible says on the seventh day, God rested but the bible did not state the exact day. so in this modern world, what shows that saturday is the sabbath day?

    • All one has to do is check out the history of the Jews. They have kept the true Sabbath for thousands of years. Also the Scriptures are clear that Christ rose on the first day of the week, and the whole Christian world celebrates that resurrection on Sunday.

    • Asante,
      In Bible times the days of the week were always identified by their number sequence - 1st, 2nd, 3rd,etc and their cycle has always been consistent to this day. Today the days have names. The name doesn't much matter, but being the 7th day does, because it is holy. Every 7th day following the original 7th day is holy. Look up "Saturday" in different languages and you might find it interesting that the word "sabbath" is recognizable in the name even if you don't know a word of that language.

    • This is my idea on this. Please understand that I'm not a theologian or historian. Not even close!

      The conclusion I came to is that God commanded the observance of the 7th day. Wherever you live, on this entire planet, simply worship on the 7th day. I'm not sure God is so particular for us to try to count the time down to the last second through Earth's history, as He is about us observing that 7th day time in our own corner of the world.
      Sabbath peace to you, brother.

    • I like the answers that have been given. A little bit of history might be of interest too.

      In the days of the Roman Emperor, Augustus, two kinds of calendar were being used. A nine day week (based on an old agricultural market day cycle), and the seven day week.

      The days of the seven day week were called (in Latin, in the order then used) :
      1. Dies Solis
      2. Dies Lunae
      3. Dies Martis
      4. Dies Mercurii
      5. Dies Lovis
      6. Dies Veneris
      7. Dies Saturni.
      The most recognizable names might be
      1. Dies Solis (the day of Sol, or the day of the Sun).
      2. Dies Lunae (the day of Lunae (i.e. the Lunar day, or Moons day)).
      7. Dies Saturni (the day of Saturn (i.e. Saturday)).
      This is important history for us in a way, because it shows what the Romans were calling the week-days in the time of Emperor Augustus. (And what is most important here, is that Augustus died when JESUS was about 10 years old.) So Dies Saturni (the day we now call Saturday) was the 7th day of the week in the time of Jesus!

      But Jesus and the Jews did not call it Dies Saturni (as the Romans called it, or Saturday, as English speakers now call it,) Jesus called it the Sabbath.


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