Sunday: Your Reasonable Service
With chapter 11, the doctrinal part of the book of Romans ends. Chapters 12 through 16 present practical instruction and personal notes. Nevertheless, these concluding chapters are extremely important because they show how the life of faith is to be lived.
For starters, faith is not a substitute for obedience, as if faith somehow nullifies our obligation to obey the Lord. The moral precepts are still in force; they are explained, even amplified in the New Testament. And no indication is given, either, that it will be easy for the Christian to regulate his or her life by these moral precepts. On the contrary, we’re told that at times it could be difficult, for the battle with self and with sin is always hard (1 Pet. 4:1). The Christian is promised divine power and given assurance that victory is possible, but we are still in the world of the enemy and will have to fight many battles against temptation. The good news is that if we fall, if we stumble, we are not cast away but have a High Priest who intercedes in our behalf (Heb. 7:25).
Read Romans 12:1. How does the analogy presented here reveal how we as Christians are to live? How does Romans 12:2 fit in with this?
In Romans 12:1, Paul is alluding to Old Testament sacrifices. As, anciently, animals were sacrificed to God, so now Christians ought to yield their bodies to God – not to be killed but as living sacrifices dedicated to His service.
In the time of ancient Israel, every offering brought as a sacrifice was examined carefully. If any defect was discovered in the animal, it was refused, for God had commanded that the offering be without blemish. So, Christians are bidden to present their bodies “a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God.” In order to do this, all their powers must be preserved in the best possible condition. Although none of us are without blemish, the point is that we are to seek to live as spotlessly and as faithfully as we can.
“Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2). In this way the Apostle describes (Christian) progress; for he addresses those who already are Christians. The Christian life does not mean to stand still, but to move from that which is good to that which is better.” – Martin Luther, Commentary on Romans, pp. 167, 168. What does it mean to move from the good to the better in the Christian life? |

We are surrounded by the enemy and fight temptation. The good news is that we have the privilege of having a relationship with Christ who has given power to be a victorious Christian, and fall in line with God’s will, perfectly. Yes obedience is an expression of our choice to serve God, or faith, in God, and love for God. I will just sit back the next two weeks and listen to the sermons.
Merry Christmas to-all, and Happy New Year, talk to you next year.
Have faith in God my friends.
Certainly, nobody knows what is in our minds, but only God. As good christians we try our very best to please God for whatever we do, it must be acceptable and can glorify His name. Though sometimes our actions are different from what we think, and so our neighbors conclude to us, but in reality God knows how much we as good christians wants to be a better to serve Him in reasonable way. So we must not conclude with our neighbors as we do not read their minds, and truly, not all our thoughts are correct. Let us keep the advice of Apostle Paul to a high standard of obedience, works that comes from our heart and mind.
The author says "in the time of ancient Israel, every offering brought as a sacrifice was examined carefully. If any defect was discovered in the animal, it was refused, for God had commanded that the offering be without blemish. So, Christians are bidden to present their bodies “a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God.” In order to do this, all their powers must be preserved in the best possible condition."
Taking into consideration that for some of us,our bodies bear physical scars of sin. Namely,some are physically disabled, some before they knew God changed their gender, some live on ARVs etc.
Are these people left out of Romans 12:1? What does this "holy, acceptable unto God" mean? Are their bodies not acceptable to God because of these defects?
One of the important principles that we should use when studying the Bible is investigate what it says on the whole idea and not just what it says in one verse.
Here are a couple of texts which shed light on the issue:
And in the parable of the feast, the host issues this instruction:
Clearly, those with physical defects are welcome. But remember; in one version of the parable one person did turn up wearing his own clothes rather than the clothes provided by the host and he was cast out.
Now there is something to think about.
The problem is with the interpretation of the verses. A closer look at the last part of that extract reads: "in order to do this, all their power must be preserved in the best possible condition." To me it's not incumbent upon the Christian to put all his power to preserve himself. The spirit filled Ellen White says "Man, fallen man, may be transformed by the renewing of the mind, so that he can “prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” How does he prove this? By the Holy Spirit taking possession of his mind, spirit, heart, and character. Where does the proving come in? “We are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men.”A real work is wrought by the Holy Spirit upon the human character, and its fruits are seen." 6BC 1080.4. Clearly this is the work of the Holy Spirit not my " all power..."
I believe if they confess their sins, and change their wicked ways. God will except them and use them for His purpose. We are not the judge of no man. And no if the come to Him with a clean heart and mind they will not be left out.
Good point. In the context of the remaining chapters of Romans, the form of this sacrifice is clear: God wants our hearts. If he has our hearts, how we treat others in what we do and say will show it.
Psalm 51:16-17 “You do not desire sacrifice; or else I would give it; You do not delight in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise."
See also Isaiah 1:10-20. If God does not have our hearts, there is no point in playing "church" because he cannot be fooled and mocked.
Anele, Jesus is our substitute. It is only He God sees when we approach the throne of grace.
Hi Jim. I have a couple of questions about what you have said (which is a commonly held belief so I ask these questions more broadly to anyone who wishes to respond).
Question 1: What is the biblical basis for the view of Jesus as our substitute. I have done a word search of the greek word/s that mean substitute and I cannot yet find any references/verses where these words are used to describe Jesus. I find plenty of references to, for example, redeemer, but haven't yet found any for substitute. Am I missing something?
Question 2: If it is true that God only sees Jesus when we approach the throne of grace, what happens to the stuff in us that God doesn't see? Does God just pretend its not there? Surely it can't be that God is, with respect, 'short-sighted'?
Phil, read Genesis 22, and I think you'll see the substitute part. Abraham saw it and rejoiced.
Also, study Lev 4 and see how the sin offering was killed while the repentant sinner went home freed from his transgression.
Then you have Paul, filled with the Spirit of God writing; "...that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;"
If Jesus died for your sins so you can live, how is that not a substitute?
For the 2nd question; if we confess and repent of our sin, God sees the righteousness of Christ in stead of our sin. He sees all that we do not confess or repent of, and this lack on our part nullifies the Gift of grace, and He sees every sin we cling to, and without Christ as our surety, we retain every sin.
Thanks for your reply Robert. So I can answer your question "how is that not a substitute", I need to ask another question first: How does Jesus dying for my sins enable me to live? How specifically does that work? (The reason I ask this question is that the substitution view appears to be dependent upon that assertion).
Phil, in the simplest terms I can state; if Jesus doesn't die for you, then you must die for your violation of God's eternal law, which is just, holy, and good. You see, the law must be propitiated by the death of the transgressor. But God has set forth Jesus as our propitiation if we repent and receive Him (by accepting His righteousness by faith[justification] and through transformation of character until we are holy[sanctification] as God is holy), then God can pardon our sins, which have been paid for by Jesus' death, and we will not die the 2nd death.
One way or the other, in the end, the law will stand justified and all creation will honor it for eternity, while those bent on it's violation will be no more.
Jesus death for sinners brings every sinner a choice on how God's Law will be propitiated on account of their sins. Isn't that great news?!
This verse helps in understanding what Paul means by Rom 12:1
"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." Jas 1:27
Worldly thinking = blemishes
Anele, I really appreciate your comment and question as it is very relevant. Our only sacrifice and substitute is Jesus Christ. We have all sinned and fall short of God's glory. The presentation of our body is not just our physical appearance, but it's what we do with our body. It's not how beautiful our lips are, rather what comes out from our lips (heart). Once we have accept Christ, our minds are renewed to be like Him. Our physical bodies will be renewed on His second Coming.
Praise God!!!! 🙂 Hope this was encouraging.
Reasonable service includes our time,talents and resources
Indeed, by putting on Christ' robe of righteousness, our blemishes and defects, though physical, will be covered. Thus, we shall be made acceptable to God.
True! Sometimes we are blurred by our own mind and heart! Wronged, believing we are right. Our trust has to be based on Jesus, because we are limited! We have to learn to hear His voice, and be wise! Difficult exercise, but necessary, with all our natural tendencies to be egocentric!
"God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth" John 4:24 NKJV
Can someone please explain what exactly is our "reasonable service". Thank you
spiritual worship
If you are presenting your body as a living sacrifice to God, reasonably (logically), it is no longer yours but his with which to accomplish his will. The meaning is clearer in the Greek. The word translated "service" is derived from λάτρις latris (a hired menial), that is, someone hired to do whatever his employer wants him to do. And what are the wages? Nothing short of everything God has (the mercies of God) as demonstrated by his Son Jesus (see Romans 8:32; 8:38-39). It seems pretty "reasonable" that if God loves me so much that he gives everything for a nobody like me, then I would give him everything I have in return, including my heart, soul and mind. To me, that is "reasonable service."
Yes, we were reminded that Paul was making reference to what the people then knew to be. But let’s also remember why it was necessary to sacrifice the animal and what were the requirements. We know that Jesus took on our sins and became the sacrificial lamb for all of us. While we’re not physically perfect (you mention all the ways), God sees our heart and desire to be of service to Him. Thus by willingly sacrificing our carnal desires (everything that goes against God’s perfect will for us) we’re offering up our bodies as a living sacrifice. As we continue to wilfully keep ourselves from becoming polluted but remain pure through the blood of Jesus we’re (expressing our Spiritual worship) holy and acceptable to God.
We cannot appear before the God wearing our own righteousness which are filthy rags. We must be covered with robe of Christ righteousness. Total surrender to Jesuss Christ our High Priest who intercedes for us in the Most Holy Place.
EGW says the will is represented as "Cutting off the hand or the foot and casting it from us." I used to be addicted to watching TV. I used to get up in the morning and turn it on and would just take breaks to go the the bathroom for my biological eliminating needs and also for my biological food eating needs etc. But when I took this addiction to God and asked him to empower my will to come in line with temperance with the TV, God gave me what I asked Him for and empowered my will so that I am no longer addicted like I used to be addicted to the TV. I have will power now and only watch the TV for an hour at a time and use my time for other things and better things too. God is so good and I praise His Holy Name for giving me will power over my bad habits.
Now this is what Paul was talking about: Sanctification is all about...therefore...After what God did for is our reasonable service.
What do Metamorphosed means?
Metamorphosis is the transformation from one kind into another e.g. eggs which hatch as caterpillars and becomes chrysalis, then meta"morph"osis into a different and most beautiful creature namely, the butterfly and so it is that as we choose to be covered by Jesus righteousness, we too are changed to reflect His beauty in our character 🙂
Anele, What we need to understand in this context is that, its the spiritual holiness and not physical.
Thank you all for your wonderful reasoning. I was concerned about presenting a sinful body as a sacrifice, because must be unblemished. I remember the lord said they that worship him must worship "in Spirit and in Truth", is this how God will accept our sacrifice?
I do remember reading that every tenth animal was holy to the lord, regardless of it's condition and was not, if memory serves me, to be substituted for one that was without blemish..please feel free to advise if my thoughts are perhaps off track or if that passage is perhaps referring to something different, thanks
Reasonable Service: a) living a dedicated life to God's service (Total Member Involvement); b) living a life without blemish in order to serve God; c) living a spotless and faithful life on a daily basis; d) putting our professed faith into action, i.e, our faith must be seen to be working to glorify God (faith is the inward character which must be revealed by the works which is outward)
Paul in 12:2 explains & reveals the significance of what he is writing in verse 1. A persons character is revealed by their thought processes.
"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." Prov 23:7 (first part)
The mind is the control tower of thoughts, words & actions.
This is why these verses are so relevant.
"Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his THOUGHTS." IS 55:7
"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every THOUGHT to the obedience of Christ. " 2 Cor 10:5
Jesus as our substitute does not render the Father's moral character X-ray vision invalid.
"Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the COUNSELS OF THE HEART: and then shall every man have praise of God. 1 Cor 4:5
The essence of the gospel is restoration of the character of humans.
Salvation involves thought replacement therapy.
God's grace will offer an alternate thought for every carnal one.
"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a WAY TO ESCAPE, that ye may be able to bear it." 1 Cor 10;13
Because the good that we're doing is like filthy rag it leaves room for improvement so as the lesson is saying do good but do better we must strive to do things as thoroughly as we can to improve upon what we're doing
Are we to think that no matter what we think or do, God is never satisfied, never mind pleased?
"When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, "Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith." Matt 8:10
"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." Heb 11:6
Evidently God can be pleased
"Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous." 1 JN 3:7
Should John have added..."but anyway, ours is still filthy rags." ??
Thank you Jim Bob, I like your reasoning.
We can renew our minds by keeping away from those those unholy words, thoughts and actions. We can do that by surrendering our life to Christ daily, asking Jesus to take control of our life. May Christ be born again in our heart.
Renewing our minds is so much more than keeping away from the bad things. It must include filling our minds with good things. One Bible verse that comes to mind:
I agree Maurice,
Let's take this idea a little farther. What is the incentive or motive for replacement therapy?
One has to have a project, mission, agenda, goal, outreach mindset.
If there is none of these, then people stay in their same secular, carnal rut.
"The GREATEST HELP that can be given our people is to teach them to work for God, and to depend on Him, not on the ministers. Let them learn to work as Christ worked. Let them join His army of workers and do faithful service for Him." 7T 19
If SDA members are used to just going to church as spectators/listeners, then they will leave without any work assignments.
Many come to Sabbath school without even reading any bible or their lesson. I have mentioned that members should consider the SS lesson time as a spiritual potluck and bring, to the class, one point in the lesson that they want to share or have questions on.
The text in Philippians 4:8 brings to mind a text that is applicable, Philippians 2;12,13.It says work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.It is God who works in us. There are more bad things closer to us than many might imagine.
As to Romans 12:1 it seems to me that Paul is alluding to the spotless righteousness of Christ as symbolzed by the sacrifices of the sanctuary service. Inasmuch as Christ is sinless, his rightousness is absolutely blameless and sinless (2 Corinthians 5:21). Sinners -- being justified by grace, receiving Christ`s spotless righteousness by the empty hand of faith -- are freely granted this heavenly gift. It is in this condition only that the justified sinner is qualified in Christ to offer himself on God`s holy altar as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God. The verb translated "to present your bodies" is denoting the mood or kind of action as a singel fact, which corresponds to accepting Christ`s righteousness.
This single action is followed by a verb denoting ongoing action in the imperative passive present tense (be not conformed to this world). Paul goes on to describe this sanctification as a fruit of justification (Romans 6:19.22) by exhortig the believers to be transformed by the renewal of their mind (ongoing action in sanctification).
Romans 12:3 up to 13:14 is describing different areas of live within and without church and society following justificaion by faith as stated in Romans 12:1.
Winfried Stolpmann
Being "conformed", the life style is the same as usual. "Transformed" a complete change. The only complete change is a heart transplant by the Holy Spirit. The problems that occur are promoted by a sinful being that continually seeks ways for our destruction. We are promised a very present help in trouble Psalms 46:1. God help us with all our struggles.