Thursday: The Cost of Grace
The great news of the Bible is that we were created by a loving God who has provided us all a way out of this mess of sin and death through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. This is a theme that appears one way or another all through the Bible. We can see it here also in the following parable that Jesus told.
Read Matthew 22:1-15. What does this parable teach about salvation by faith?
However harsh this parable might seem, it’s important to remember that crucial issues are at stake: eternal life or eternal destruction for every human being. In contrast, what else really matters?
When we look at the Cross, at what it cost God in order to make a provision for the salvation of humanity, we should be able to see just how vast and deep and incomprehensibly profound the issues are. We are talking about One Person of the eternal Godhead bearing upon Himself the full brunt of God’s own wrath against sin. It doesn’t get more serious than that. If this is a theme that we will be studying throughout eternity, it’s no surprise that we can barely get our minds around it now.
Hence, we have these powerfully uncompromising words in the parable. God had made full provision for everyone to be part of the wedding feast (see Rev. 19:7); everything that was needed had been graciously provided at a cost so deep that no parable could even justly reveal it. So it was bad enough that the people who had been invited to the wedding actually “made light of it” and went about their own business. But some even attacked those who came to give them the gracious invitation. No wonder the uncompromising response.
What is the meaning of the “wedding garment”? See also Rev. 19:8.
The garment represents the righteousness of Christ, a righteousness that is revealed in the life and acts of the saints. The man without the garment represented professed Christians who claim the privileges of grace and salvation but haven’t let the gospel transform their lives and characters. At a great cost, every provision had been made for those who heed the invitation. As this parable then shows, there’s more to entering the kingdom of God than merely showing up at the door.

God is good loving and cares
There were many symbols and metaphors in the parable of the marriage to the king. The part that the invited guests represented , was much as we are. Too busy and less important than our lives deserve. The guests that were invited again , were more than happy to be admitted to the presence of the king, all but one. How important that one guest with out proper attire was. The saddest representation is like some of our lives. How can one imagine being thrown outside in the dark, bound with no way of escape. The scene of weeping and gnashing of teeth, is beyond the sort of imagination our minds can comprehend. Yes change is in order. How is the wedding garment made ready for us? Matt.24:14 is a familiar verse , that may be misunderstood, that some are not called. It means the few unchosen are those that choose not to be called by the own decisions. That would be the first guests in the parable.
A Surprising discovery I made was that the second round of King's invitation consisted of all manner of people; both good and bad. Did the bad people, as quoted in the Bible, have the weeding garments?
What a marvelous grace! Everything is provided by Him. "God had made full provision for everyone to be part of the wedding feast". even the garment must also be provided by Him. All we have to do is recognise that our garment is not appropriate for the wedding feast and seek that of Jesus. That involves total transformation by the Holy Ghost and total surrender from the guests.
For all those who keep the commandments of God and have the Faith for Christ. Thank you heavenly Father for your kindness, grace and Mercy. May you grant us your wisdom and victory in Jesus Holy name,Amen.
Grace is something that we don't work for. It is given by love and receive by love. where there is no love there is no Grace. The giver of Grace is the root of love.
I think what we need to keep in mind is Grace, and Love are both GIFTS. The standard definition for Grace, most often used, is unmerited Love.
Hebrews 2:3 How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation... May the Lord help us to abide in him.
Very powerful quote i love,,,,, but let remember to keep our cloth clean n pure white n let help other to wash their,,,,,,,,
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. you are invited we did not choose for our self but we have to show the initiative that we need this gift because God He is not going to force us. Matthew 22:10-12 So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests. 11 And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment. it was not the self righteousness so we have to enter with the garment provided
Neglecting to put on the righteousness of Christ will cost us eternal life.With it we can walk in His footsteps daily and appreciate the high cost of Jesus sacrifice for us He gave freely so we can receive freely
God's grace and mercy will bring us through He is waiting to enter our hearts why not let Him come in. He does not force us. He is our rock. PRAISE HIM!
I thought the many that are called are not part of the kingdom, and the few that are chosen are those going to be part of the kingdom of heaven. But l have realized that
few chosen ones = special guests who did not attend
many called = those found on highway
hence 'many are called, but few are chosen'
Therefore the kindom of heaven is filled with people saved solely by grace who did not find themselves deserving of the honor that God give them through his Son Jesus Christ
We must take heed and repent. For sure if the trumpets are blown signaling the second coming of Jesus Christ, we will be found wanting. The time is now, let us shun sin and keep away from the devil.
Dennis, repentance cannot be overlooked or dismissed, while concentrating on reoccurring issues, that are also important to our salvation. Romans 2:4 , 2Peter 3:9.
Very true, we should also acknowledge that endless love God has for us
He invited the good and the bad. The Jews and the Pharisees had refused and he had to call in the gentiles. We are now of the kingdom, its up to us to proclaim. What a wonderful God he is!!! We should praise him without fear.
The man was inside why was he thrown outside?
how can we servive?
Hello Ssegawa,
I believe the parable means that the man was inside the church. He was professing to be a follower of God, but he didn't have the robe of righteousness that Christ offers. He wore his own clothes (his own righteousness) instead. The parable teaches that we cannot be saved with our own righteousness, we must humbly accept what Christ offers.
Ssegawa An interesting question. We could ask several, what if's. Like did the crowd just mingled with everyone that was entering and no one noticed? However Jesus is telling the story and chooses the ending.
What is the difference between going to church on Sabbath in our own righteousness and going to church on Sabbath in the righteousness of Christ?
The question we need to ask is: Why do we go to church? I expect that some of us go to church on Sabbath because if we don't we won't be saved and get to heaven. Some of us go because we have been saved by the grace of God and we want to share in the relationships that are restored by the Sabbath experience.
Far too many Adventists express the notion that Sabbath keeping is a requirement, rather than a gift. I am not disparaging of those who keep it as a requirement because I hope that somewhere in their experience they will understand and appreciate the difference. Its a bit like growing up. I did some things because my parents made me do them. Now I am a bit older I do those things because I like doing them.
In our Christian experience we need to allow for growth of understanding. And some people will take longer than others. God understands that!
Why do I go to church?
For 35 years, it's been the same reason: to spend time with God; and to read, study and hear His Word. The hymns and fellowship bring joy and inspiration. There's always at least one, but usually more, special message(s) that God gives me during Sabbath School and/or church. It could be correction, enlightenment, comfort, or all of them. I like to plan ahead for the special visit with God on His Sabbath day, and I look forward to it all week. 24 special hours with Him.
Gospel invitation is given to all. This is grace that God extended to all when His Son died at the cross. Now it remains to you and me to accept this provision by by faith and follow. Now we are to live by faith through His Son. Heb 10:38.
When we accept God's Grace its not the end. The maxim of saying once saved always saved is not gospel truth. we need to show acceptance of this grace by Faith in our daily walk to salvation.
It may also apply to the Remnant Church being the chosen church of God but it is refusing the invitation by Jesus to his wedding. Just like the Jews rejected the Messiah and even now still waiting for a Messiah to come. All these 'chosen' people will be destroyed and the invitation being open to any willing person who wants self to die with Jesus on the cross.
Eternal Life and Salvation from death is not available thru any Religion but is available thru a personal relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ.
The first two calls to the wedding were made to those people that were specifically "bidden" - that is, to the Jews, the chosen people.
I suggest that the FIRST call spanned that whole period leading up to the coming of the Messiah, and that the SECOND call spanned that short half week (3 1/2 years) after Jesus' crucifixion, which was the final part of the 70 weeks. But the whole 70 weeks were dedicated to the 'calling' of the Jewish nation.
When their time was over, the armies of Rome came soon afterwards "and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city." (Matt 22:7) [Multiple sieges occurred between AD66 and AD70, culminating in the destruction of the Temple in AD70].
When the 70 prophetic weeks (490 literal years) which had been specially "cut off" [i.e. allocated] for the Jews, was over, a THIRD and final call was made.
"They which were bidden [i.e chosen] were not worthy" (Matt 22:8), and so the Lord's servants went out into the highways to invite as many as they could find, to call them to the wedding.