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Thursday: The Early Explosion — 3 Comments

  1. It's hard to share Jesus with the rich, but our Lord who never gave up on rich because He also died for them. And like His disciples who laboured to share Jesus, did all what they had to do, so we have to carry on the work that our God gave us to do and that is sharing Jesus to them. We sow and Jesus waters the soil.

    • Daily I am realizing that the same Holy Spirit who is working with me is the same Holy Spirit who will work with the rich. Many people now are studying their way into the church without anyone inviting them, visiting them, or studying with them. Many are coming to the Sabbath truth by studying the bible and the Holy Spirit is interpreting it to them. But we still have to do our part. Some of us have one talent some have two and more, what some can do, some can't. Therefore those of us who work or come in contact with the rich should use every opportunity to do witnessing.

  2. Matthew 24:14 states,"" And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then shall the end come'' May our lives be in accordance with the readiness to proclaim to the world as witnesses for Jesus, also be ready for next ''gospel explosion''. Great men and women will be converted by the power of the Holy Spirit, as we continue to pray for them.


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