Thursday: Favor With People
There’s no question that we, as a people, have been blessed with so much light from the Lord. This light isn’t just in theology, such as understanding the Cross, the sanctuary, the state of the dead, the Sabbath, and the great controversy, which are great blessings in and of themselves.
When we think about the light given us in regard to health and healing as well, we surely have so much to offer those around us.
In fact, the health message can be a powerful point of contact to help us reach out to our communities. After all, even those who might not (at least at first) have any interest in our beliefs care about having good health. What an opportunity for us to share what we have been given. As we have already seen, Jesus said: “ ‘For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more’ ” (Luke 12:48, NKJV). And there’s no question: to us much has been given.
Read Deuteronomy 4:1-9. What is the Lord saying to His people at that time, and in what ways does the principle expressed here apply to us, including the Lord telling them that they must be sure to obey all that He has commanded them?
A few years ago a Seventh-day Adventist congregation was thinking about this question: Would our community miss us if somehow our congregation disappeared overnight? The answer was simple. No, they wouldn’t be missed. Their community had no confidence in them.
Not liking the answer, they decided to move from building walls to building bridges. Careful not to compromise what they knew to be truth, they worked in partnership with organizations that are already doing the work of God. They became engaged with these organizations on an ongoing basis, not simply doing one-time projects but maintaining an ongoing program that greatly benefited their communities. No question: attitudes toward the church soon changed.
Read Acts 2:42-47. What connection was there in the early church between “enjoying the favor of all the people” (Acts 2:47, NIV) and church growth? Compare the values mentioned in this passage with your church’s values. |

Lesson 10 is about developing relationships. When you have a relationship with someone it is easier to give information, give advice, and share the gospel. You may ask why?
(1) they know you have their best interest at heart
(2) they trust you that you will not betray them
(3) they watch how you handle yourself in different situations (not laying your religion down)
(4) they believe in you that you practice what you preach
(5) they see your unselfish commitment to God and them
God has shown us what type of relationship we should have with His people by showing the relationship He has with us, His followers. My Sabbath School teacher says " if these lessons don't give you a sense of what work we should be doing, I don't know what will". If this work, with the right attitude, is being done, then God will add to His church daily.