Thursday: Gathering for the Battle of Armageddon
Read Revelation 16:16. How successful will Satan’s end-time deception be in gathering the people of the world to the battle of Armageddon?
The deceptive demonic miracles will achieve worldwide success. In having spurned Bible teachings, people will believe a lie that will be accompanied by deceptive miracles (2 Thess. 2:9-12). They will unite together in purpose, symbolized by their gathering to a “place”, which is in Hebrew called Armageddon, meaning “the mountain of Megiddo”. Megiddo was not a mountain, but a fortress city located in the Valley of Jezreel (or the Plain of Esdraelon) at the foot of the Mount Carmel ridge. It was an important strategic site.
The Plain of Esdraelon was known for many decisive battles in Israel’s history (see Judg. 5:19; Judg. 6:33; 2 Kings 9:27; 2 Kings 23:29-30). Revelation uses this historical background to depict a final great conflict, called Armageddon, between Christ and the forces of evil. The people of the world are portrayed as a unified army under the leadership of this satanic league.
The “mountain of Megiddo” is an apparent allusion to Mount Carmel that towers above the valley in which the ancient city of Megiddo was located. Mount Carmel was the site of one of the greatest clashes in Israel’s history, between God’s true prophet (Elijah) and the false prophets of Baal (1 Kings chapter 18). This showdown answered the question, “Who is the true God?” The fire that came from heaven demonstrated that the Lord was the only true God and the only one to be worshiped. While the spiritual issue of the battle of Armageddon – Will we obey God or man? – is decided before the plagues fall, those who side with the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet (Rev. 16:13), will then be totally controlled by the devil (as Judas was, leading up to Christ’s crucifixion [Luke 22:3]).
Having chosen the losing side, they will be among those who cry for the mountains to hide them (Rev. 6:16; read also 2 Thess. 1:7-8). Before the plagues fall, however, Revelation 13:13-14 portrays the earth beast bringing fire down from heaven to deceive the world into thinking that Satan’s counterfeit, which will include false revivals led by another spirit, is the work of God.
Armageddon is not a military battle among nations to be fought somewhere in the Middle East, but a global spiritual contest in which Christ decisively confronts the forces of darkness (2 Cor. 10:4). The outcome will be like that at Carmel but on a worldwide scale – with God’s triumph over the forces of darkness.
For many years, people have been looking at political and military turmoil in the Middle East as signs of the end and of Armageddon. Despite many predictions and date- settings, Armageddon, as they have envisioned it, has not come. How can we protect ourselves from making similar mistakes in regard to interpreting these localized events as the fulfillment of biblical prophecy? |

There is only one reference to Armageddon in the Bible and while it may be a reference to the area surrounding the city of Megiddo, it is probably best to regard it as a symbolic. I am aware that in the USA, there is a view, popularized by Ronald Regan, that the geography is more literal than symbolic, but I suspect that has more to do with political justification of American actions in the Middle East than anything else. For the rest of us, Armageddon is symbolic of a conflict that will take place (is taking place) on the world stage.
There are a couple of ideas that may be considered.
While the reference gives an indication that the rulers and their armies are united, we should make the distinction that the unity is in purpose and not necessarily belief. War makes strange bedfellows, and we only need to look to World War 2 to see European Fascism unite with Japanese Imperialism. In many respects, these two allies were poles apart in their thinking yet they united together in a common purpose to bring destruction and death to a large part of the rest of civilization.
In the final conflict, I believe that the enemy likewise will be united in purpose, to destroy the righteous, but diverse in their beliefs and world views. The main driver for their unity is not belief but self-interest. I do not see those who are essentially godless giving up their belief that there is no God, to accept the false view of God portrayed by the Beast and its Image. I do see them combining together in self-interest against those who believe in and live the faith of Jesus.
Secondly, in the previous verse, there is an instruction to those who put their faith in Jesus:
There is no need for us to be unprepared for this final conflict. We are invited to be watchful and prepared.
Will I be able to stand?
Elijah the prophet who slaughtered 850 false prophets of Baal. The great marathoner who defeated king Ahab's horses on the way to Jezreal was finally made to fear and run for his dear life by Jezebel.
I may be cheating myself to think that Satan will be deceiving the others in the other churches and leave me alone because I know about the Armageddon and end time deceptions.
If whatever is happening in the world is affecting my church today whether it is music, fashion, betting etc then these deceptions will be directed to the saints also.
Satan will make other churches look better than my church, he will make my preachers to compare me with them telling me that I don't pray as the Muslims do, I don't evangelize as Jehovah's witness do etc.
This will make me feel that I am in the wrong church and after opening my eyes to see only the negative side of my church, I'll at last leave and join the battle against Christ.
It's so simple to be deceived and it has already happened to many.
Will you be able to stand?
Are you sure?
Are you really serious?
May the almighty God help us.
God bless you.
The insertion of one of the seven blessings in Revelation is important to note. Why would Jesus discuss His Second Coming in this plague? Could it be that the counterfeit of His coming by Satan is taking place? God's people would know what kind of appearing Jesus would actually have in the phrase coming as a thief. The counterfeit coming doesn't square with the descriptions of Scripture on the real coming of Christ.
The best Old Testament stories to help one understand the battle of Armageddon is:
1. The story of Cain and Abel
2. The story of Exodus of Israel from Egypt.
The central issue on the battle of Armageddon is well captured in Rev 16:15 which gives the clarion call on how one prepares for it.
By studying our Bibles, and even along with these Blessed study guides, we can begin to understand that the last battle will be of a decisive conquest of the darkness that prevails in the world today in the hearts and minds of those whom are not yet believers in the LORD YESHUA MESSIAH
This as reflected by the great controversy, outstandingly so-between The MESSIAH and the evil one.
This is one way we'll keep from mistakes in interpretations regarding Armageddon, per today's last question.