Thursday: The Greeks and Jesus
Now there were some Greeks among those who went up to worship at the festival. They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, with a request. Sir, they said, we would like to see Jesus. Philip went to tell Andrew; Andrew and Philip in turn told Jesus. Jesus replied, The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified
(John 12:20-23 NIV). How does this incident help us to understand the heartfelt cry of people everywhere for salvation, for hope, for answers that can be found only in Jesus?
These Greeks were probably converts to Judaism,
since they came to Jerusalem to worship at the feast. Commentators have noted that these Greeks went to Philip, who, though Jewish, had a Greek name, which might have attracted them to him. Thus, while pioneering Christian work can be accomplished by foreign missionaries who have cultural sensitivity and a sympathetic understanding of the people they want to win for Christ, the most effective groundbreaking work is done by people with the same background as the target people.
The Greeks came only days before Jesus’ crucifixion. They no doubt were amazed by His words about His suffering, death, and final victory. (The voice from heaven gave them something to think about, as well.) Jesus would have been encouraged by their desire tosee
Him. Their approach signaled the beginning of world evangelization. It was acknowledged even by the Pharisees, who had exclaimed,
(John 12:19, NKJV).The world has gone after Him
What we see here are men, outside of Judaism, wanting to come to Jesus. What a sign that the world was ready for His atoning death! These Greeks, representing the nations, tribes, and peoples of the world, were being drawn to Him. Soon the Savior’s cross would draw the people of all lands and in all subsequent times to Him (John 12:32). The disciples would find the world ready to receive the gospel.
Read John 12:20-32. What is Jesus saying about losing your life in order to keep it? Why would He say that in this immediate context? How have you experienced just what He is talking about?

Though contrary to common expectation sometimes it is the case family and friends/associates are more difficult to reach than foreigners. Jesus, the Master of discipleship, had this experience and remarked, "A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and among his own relatives and in his own household." (Mark 6:1-6)
Friendship evangelism either was not tried or did not work in Nazareth.
Oftentimes a kind of passive contempt is bred by the familiarity of those who are close. It may be quietly felt that God has no reason to use one any more than the others who are all alike ordinary or equal. Miriam sought to elevate herself and encouraged Aaron to express such sentiments to Moses and incurred God’s displeasure as a result (Numbers 12:1-15).
As well knowledge of the flaws of God’s agents causes others to underestimate how Jehovah might work through His chosen.
It is probably not by chance only a foreigner thanked Jesus for cleansing from leprosy (Luke 17:15-18) and so many Samaritans flocked to Jesus (John 4:39-44) and the Greeks wished so much to see Jesus (John 12:20-22).
The strangers and foreigners did not feel a sense of entitlement to equal standing or any special favor from above. They did not deserve to be blessed and highly favored, but were just grateful to receive mercy drops when showers of blessing fell on the Messiah. They were little in their own eyes (1 Samuel 15:17).
Do not be afraid to share the truth with foreigners, strangers or casual acquaintances, especially when family and close friends do not seem to be listening. The reach of your witness may only be revealed in Heaven. And be grateful for it is only our privilege to be used by the Savior and to point the way to those who wish to see Jesus like we do (John 12:21).
We have the example of nonacceptance from those close to Jesus.However,lets not second guess what the Holy Spirit can do at any given time.We still must herald the message whether they are (close)relatives or friends. 2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine.
Jesus tells us that the Holy Spirit convicts people of sin, so that is not our job. The Greeks came to Philip and asked "we want to see Jesus", this tells me that our job is to show people Jesus, show His character, His love, His wisdom, His worldview, His divine power and they will be drawn to Him and will want to be with Him and to be like Him.
This lesson to me is about my comfort zone. As a missionary am I willing to step out of my comfort zone to meet/talk to the 'Greeks'.
There are always many visitors at our church BUT none of us are making enough effort to personally welcome them (I think). We have so many baptisms after a successful evangelism program BUT the numbers just dwindle before the month is over.
We tend to meet/greet ONLY the people we know. Our visitations are only to the few church members we know. To me that sounds like the Jews in Jesus' days. Frightening? Jesus is COMING soon!
The only way to keep new members is by constant fellowship,not just on Sabbath after church is more important. New members have to see the Churches love at all times. We must be in the lives of new members as we are in the lives of our immediaate family and extended relatives. After all don't we call ourselves the family of God? How many of us don't see our immdediate family on a day to day or regular basis? People need to be loved regularly not just on Sabbath or Prayer meeting!
We evangelize our communities, friends & famiels and wonder sometimes if our evangelism is effective in reaching them. But we are encourage by the powefull sermon Peter had recorded in the book of Acts 2. It said that about 3000 souls were baptised. But most of that group of Samaritans, Greek's & Jews came to repentance because Jesus sowed seeds of love, kindness, joyfulness & faithfulness well before the time. It reminds us when we walk with God we should not worry about our ministry' just trust in God through the power of His Holy Spirit. Just keep on sowing the good seeds.
Jesus wanted to emphasize that he came to give his life for us; however, it is not enough to follow Jesus, he knew that because the world had rejected him, those that choose to follow him were going to suffer the same faith and he wanted us to be prepared and understand that this life it is nothing compare to the joy of serving and living with him forever.
When we give of ourselves many will come to know the saving grace of God it will be a wonderful experience to know that we are in the mist of saving others from the devil grip. Jesus name is so wonderful and the power that comes with that name is to be share with the world, though others may reject him and think that they don't need him we are to still tell them of the God we know they will not be rejecting you but the God who tells us to warn the world of the judgment. We as Adventist know the prophecies and to not tell the world what we know is truly bad on our part.
We must let them see Jesus in us and though us. They must know that we have a Jesus that came save and is willing to save those who come to him.
His word says any man come to me I will in no wise cast him out. He will wash us in his blood clean us up and start our life over as the New Birth that he has promise to give to every man that comes to him.
Praise the Father above for the New Birth that we each came have. In Christ we are all New Creation.
We must give up our lives and allow God to take resident within our temples.
One of the things I love about our community on SSNet is that we can see how the same passage in the Bible impacts us in different aspects.
This is the power of the Word it speaks to each of us in terms of our current stage of our walk with the LORD.
Hugh - Do not be afraid to share the truth with foreigners
Shirley - Share the true character of the LORD
Peter K. Wangi - speak to visitors at church
Peter Fouldien - don't worry about results, keep sowing
Esther - keep your eye on the eternal results
Ruby - the New Birth is the goal
Karon - allow God to live in your heart
Praise the LORD, He has a special and different message for each one of us which we can share with others that He sends to us because they need to hear that particular message.
what I have learnt from the great teacher is his humility. we have to lift Jesus Christ in our life's there is no greater evangelism than live the word. as it is written in 2 Corinthians 5 vs 20 we are Christ Ambassadors so we have to live like one. so let us lift Christ in our lives' and He will draw many to Him John 12 vs 21. have good Sabbath
Greetings to all,
May i simply say that thanks a lot for the insights.May God be praise!
You are such a blessing to me.
Several things come to mind in considering the cross cultural mission. The meeting of the Samaritan woman at the well. Was this intentional or chance? Could have been either, however John 4:6 says Jesus was weary because of the distance of travel and the time of day,about the Sixth hour "noon". A place to sit and rest and most likely some shade. Plus they were hungry. Jesus with his ability to read minds and see future events could have planned the meeting, or could have taken advantage of an opportunity to reveal who He was. So how the story is viewed determines what emphasis is applied. Secondly the Greeks that ask Phillip to see to Jesus ,John 12:20-36, as is noted were most likely Jewish converts. They wanted to probably talk about religious questions pertaining to Jesus and wanted first hand information. The reason for Jesus' refusal to meet with them was given in the answer about the grain of wheat and that His hour had come. After His death and resurrection they would have the answers they were looking for. How are we doing as a denomination, mission wise? Of 237 countries and areas of the world recognized by the United Nations, 216 have Seventh Day Adventist established work, in progress. As of 2014.