Thursday: Growing Up Into Christ
What danger threatens the Christlike maturity of the church? Ephesians 4:14.
Paul perceives an environment not unlike our own in which various ideas, such as “every wind of doctrine” and “deceitful schemes” (ESV), are thrust upon believers. He uses three sets of images to describe the dangers of wayward theology: (1) the immaturity of childhood, “so that we may no longer be children” (ESV); (2) danger on the high seas, “tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine” (ESV); (3) being swindled by clever people who, like gamblers, practice sleight of hand.
Paul uses figuratively the Greek word kubeia (“dice playing”) to mean “cunning” (ESV) or “trickery” (NKJV).
Paul believes divisiveness to be an important mark of error: That which nourishes and grows the body and helps it hold together is good while that which depletes and divides it is evil. By turning from the divisive teaching and to that of tested and trusted teachers (Ephesians 4:11), they will advance toward true Christian maturity and play effective roles in the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12-13; compare Ephesians 4:15-16).
In what ways does a healthy church function like a healthy body? Ephesians 4:15-16.
In Ephesians 4:1-16, Paul advocates for the unity of the church and recruits the addressees to foster it actively. While unity is a theological certainty (Ephesians 4:4-6), it does require our hard work (Ephesians 4:3). One way we foster unity is by being active “parts” of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:7-16). Each of us is a part of the body and should contribute to its health and growth (Ephesians 4:7, Ephesians 4:16). We all should also benefit from the work of apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastor-teachers (Ephesians 4:11). These, like ligaments, tendons, and “every joint” (Ephesians 4:16, ESV), have a unifying function, helping us grow up together into Christ, who is the head of the body (Ephesians 4:13, Ephesians 4:15).
What are some of the “winds of doctrine” blowing through our church today, and how can we stand firm against them? Bring your answer to class on Sabbath. |

On one of my trips to the USA for computer science conferences, Carmel and I took a few days off to visit Yosemite National Park. We were near the base of El Capitan when we heard the loud exclamations of some nearby tourists as they looked up the rock face. At first, I could not see what they were looking at, but after a lot of pointing, we finally made out the tiny dots of rock-climbers far above us. Wow, I immediately felt the nausea of vertigo wash over me. It was seriously scary just looking at them, even with my feet firmly on flat ground.
We watched them for a while but it was pretty boring - like watching paint dry. The rock-climbers did not seem to be doing much, They would seemingly rest for long periods of time before making a couple of moves, Of course, we knew what they were doing. They carefully studied the surface to ensure that the next move was safe before proceeding. No move was made without careful thought.
In our study today Paul talks about being blown about by the winds of doctrinal change. The cliff face of spiritual growth is not a place to take risks, nor is it a place to sit still. Growing spiritually requires thought, and guidance from the Holy Spirit.
This week we have been talking about working together. In the rock-climbing metaphor, a team of rock-climbers must work together for their own safety and to progress up the rock face. Unity of purpose is paramount. That does not mean that each individual thinks the same, But, they bring their own perspectives and skills together for the common goal. We need to remember in our spiritual rock-climbing, that the Holy Spirit works with the team, and not just the individual.
Do we tend to devise or listen to ideas that go in different directions from those we cannot understand? (Nowadays, anybody can find what they want; information is only at a 'touch distance.') Disconnected from the True Vine, ideas may just become a delusion.
To be firmly grounded in the Faith, knowing in Whom we have believed and why we have chosen to follow Jesus Chrsit's Way by Faith, is to me the foundation for working out the issues regarding the unity of the local as well as the worldwide Ekklesia.
Regardless which issues are addressed, to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance should be the first step one takes. Personally or collectively, we do not 'roll the dice' - choosing the way which seems to be right in our own eyes. When consulting the Word of God, aksing the Holy Spirit to guide us and then stepping out by faith, we will always be on solid ground.
What prevents the believer from ‘being tossed about by every wind of doctrine’? Having singleness of heart – loving God with all our heart – holding nothing back to be governed as revealed by His Spirit! The Ekklesia demonstrates their unity in their loving, caring, harmonious fellowship and outreach as the Body of Christ.
For the individuals not to seek to have their ‘own way’ provides the peace and harmony which goes a long way toward establishing unity. Expressing meekness, not esteeming oneself higher or more important than the other, also supports its unity.
I consider the most important aspect of the Ekklesia’s success is by not establishing a ‘hierarchy’ within their own ranks as the world does. All believers are required to put ‘self’ away, so closing the circle of living by faith, enjoying the Grace of God as they reach out to each other with the love of Christ.
'Love God with all your heart, and love your fellow man' – these two directives containe the highest aspects our Christian Faith calls for, and this is what the Ekklesia needs to come to terms with when seeking to establish the Unit of/by the Sprit in the Body of Jesus Christ.
How are we to withstand the 'winds of doctrine' blowing through our church today?
Standing firm, is to be a functional part of the church. Just as with the computer, airplane, or body, each part is vital, working in unity for the betterment, growth, outreach, strength, and steadfastness of the church.
The reason we go to church is not only to worship and adore our Saviour, it is also for sharing the above attributes. There is the benefit of being with like belivers, but not dependent on them because we cast all our cares upon Christ, as He cares for us.
1 Peter 5:7.
We find our strength in Him. Psalms 28:7.
When I look at the spiritual gifts that are mentioned in vs. 11 all seem to be grounded in the Word of God - whether prophet, pastor, evangelist - all are to point people to God's Word and of course, Jesus, who runs through the whole Word and brings it together.
What's mentioned in vs. 14 seems to be very much real in our world and church today. Many are being carried away by teachings that would not have been considered just a few years ago. It is truly frightening to me. To me the key problem is people who don't know the Bible or see it as a human document that we are free to interpret as we choose.
However, vs. 15, 16 show me it doesn't have to be this way. We can "speak the truth in love" just as Jesus was "full of grace and truth". We can grow and be safe from the winds of doctrine. I hope we can all commit to using the gift we are given to influence our fellow believers in this direction. If we do, growing into our Head, Jesus is a sure thing.
Yes, I believe it is essential to the survival of the Ekklesia to seek to establish spiritual unity. The Ekklesia lives in the kingdom of God here on earth; we are brothers and sisters in Christ, demonstrating - like the nation of Israel of old - the power of God's wisdom and grace to the world.
This is why it is of paramount importance to live the unity of the Spirit of Christ by the sincerity of our commitment and willingness to believe and follow the Spirit wherever he leads us.
Spiritually based unity is not the same as sharing the same ‘opinion’. Spiritual unity is acknowledging that we are led by the same Spirit - the Spirit of Truth; given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the edifying of the body of believers. That which the Spirit hears from the Father He speaks to man – there is no other Spirit which contains the Father’s Light of Life.
When Scripture truths are retold – Scripture truth is quoted – Scripture truth used to clarify ones standing on a matter pending a decision, they all require discernment by/through the Holy Spirit for our understanding.
Spiritual truths are not just ‘phrases’ used casually in a conversation and then …… what? Go back to doing what our body’s ‘appetites’ lead us to do? No – Scripture truths truly comprehended reflect in our life the deep understanding of their spiritual implications on our daily life.
As I understand it:
The ‘Unified Body of Christ” – meaning: we are powerfully united in our common, spiritual agreement to follow the same Spirit – the Spirit of Truth and Life – the Holy Spirit.
“Christ living within us” – meaning: though Jesus is no longer with man in person, the believer's life is empowered and guided by the Spirit of Truth which guided His life; given to us to always direct our walk of faith according to His teachings.
“The Holy Spirit living through us” – meaning: the believer has agreed for the Holy Spirit to manifest the Glory of the Father through us; transforming us into a humble vessel through which He can pour out His Living Water - to scatter His Truth like ‘salt’ to enhance the clarity when debating His truth in conversations - stirring up questions by those seeking unchangeable Truth to guide their lives by - and to let the Light of God’s Grace shine like a bright beacon set upon a hill.
This is what ‘growing up into Christ’ and being spiritually united in Him means to me.