Thursday: Jude and the Law
Jude 1-25, one of the shortest books in the New Testament, is believed to have been written by another brother of Jesus. While the author refers to himself as a slave of Jesus Christ, he does admit to being the brother of James. Because Matthew gives James and Jude as names for two of Jesus’ four brothers (Matt. 13:55), the Jude (sometimes called Judas) of this brief epistle is generally accepted to be the Savior’s brother. As with all the other biblical writers we have studied, Jude would have known if Jesus had set the law aside.
Although Jude makes reference to neither law nor commandments, his entire letter is about fidelity to God and the consequences of transgressing His law. Read Jude 4. What is he saying here that is relevant to our whole discussion? The very mention of grace demands the existence of law, because grace would not be necessary if there were no sin (Rom. 5:18-6:15). What these false teachers were saying was so bad that Jude equated it with denying the Lord Himself. How does Hebrews 3:7-19 help to shed light on Jude 5-7? How do these verses together show us the relationship between obedience and faith? In his own diplomatic style, Jude reminds his audience about the experience of the Israelites, who had been delivered from Egyptian bondage. God had demonstrated His strength to them and had even given them His law, but when they became unfaithful, they faced terrible consequences that came from being separated from Him. Jude makes it very clear that people can, indeed, fall away, and those who do will face judgment. Jude is as clear as is the rest of Scripture: all who claim to have faith must be willing to express that faith through an obedient life. Read the book of Jude 1-25. Amid all his strong warnings, what promises can you discover there for yourself?

Both grace and the law are in perfect harmony. They work hand in glove, for the law prompts us on the need for divine grace.The problem arises especially with our brothers in different faiths, as a result of misread of the Pauline literature ,hence, rush into a conclusion, that, the cross abolished the law, and, that we are living under the grace period.
This teaching has terribly mislead the masses making them champion for cheap grace.This is a terrible tool for spiritual destruction and giving the trumpet a wrong tune
Human beings have changed the grace of God to be a license to sin, this theory for sure is a denial of Jesus because he died over the transgression of the law(sin). Christ our lord is a gift of love from God, therefor denying his law is denying him.
Jude 1:5 The Israelites were delivered from the bondage of Slavery by God and offered them continuous protection, He showed them love and affection yet they disobeyed Him. Christ died for us to deliver us from the bondage of sin. Are we to disobey his law in the name of grace? No. Jude is basically helping us to understand why we should anchor our faith in God and obey Him.
Amid all his strong warnings, Jude's closing remarks point us to Jesus who is able to keep us from falling and to present us fautless before God! Forgiveness of sins is assured if we break God's law!
May GOD help us to be truly who HE wish we're.
Just like in a relationship, if you truly love someone, you won't cheat on them. In this same way, if we are in a true relationship with Jesus Christ, we will not be unfaithful to him by breaking his laws. How blessed are we who have the laws that will lead us to everlasting life!
I would like to add to the quote that I made on Wednesday. Grace is defined in "Christ Object lessons" pg. 271 To learn of Christ means to receive His grace, which is His character. The Ten Commandment Law is a description of God's character. When you describe Christ this way you put the Ten Commandments into the positive.
God does not lie, He tells the truth.
God does not steal, He restores.
God does not murder, He loves.
There is harmony with grace and the law.
God does not commit adultery, He is faithful in relationships.
God does not covet, He desires the best for us.
The Law could not be a description nor a transcript of God’s character. God is Life. He is the Life-giver. Christ is a Life-giving Spirit(1Cor.15:45). The Law from Mt. Sinai cannot give life(Rom.3:21). The Law is the standard of “man’s righteousness”. Deut.6:25 “And it wii be “righteousness” for us if we are careful to do all this commandment before the Lord our God, as He has commanded us.” The scripture speaks of those who have confidence in the “flesh”- Phi.3:6-9 ....”as to righteousness of the Law, blameless. But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. .....and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having a “righteousness of my own that comes from the Law”, but that which comes through faith of Christ, the “righteousness from God” that is of faith.”
Christ is the Righteousness of God(Rom.3:21-22). Christ said that He kept His Father’s commandments. And we say that refers to the Ten Commandments. But not in any instance was he referring to the Ten Commandments. We can check every instance using a concordance. In one reference He said that His Father had given Him a command and that He knew that His Father’s commandment is Eternal Life. The new covenant deals with Eternal Life- the promised inheritance -- Eternal salvation. The old covenant dealt with Israel’s inheritance -- the promised land flowing with milk and honey and long life in that land.
So Christ gives us new commandments. One fulfills the whole law - “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” That Love comes from the Spirit to His Sons and Daughters shed abroad in their hearts; who have died and been resurrected to eternal life and are led by the Spirit. He disciplines them like any father would and He is faithful to finish His work on each one. If Adam had succeeded through his test his children would all be secure and their wold be no sin for Christ, the second Adam, to first rectify that situation. Christ has succeeded so all His seed is secure.