Thursday: The Keynote of Revelation
The conclusion of the prologue of Revelation points to the true focus of the whole book: the return of Jesus in power and glory. Christ’s promise to come again is reiterated three times in the conclusion of the book (Rev. 22:7, Rev. 22:12, Rev. 22:20).
Read Revelation 1:7-8. The wording of this text is derived from several prophetic texts: Daniel 7:13-14; Zechariah 12:10; Matthew 24:30. What do these texts tell us about the certainty of the Second Coming?
In Revelation, the second coming of Christ is the end point toward which history moves. The Second Coming will mark the conclusion of this world’s history and the beginning of God’s eternal kingdom, as well as freedom from all evil, anguish, pain, and death.
Like the rest of the New Testament, Revelation 1:7 points to the literal, visible, and personal coming of Christ in majesty and glory. Every human being alive on the earth at the time, as well as “those who pierced Him” (NASB), will witness His coming. These words point to a special resurrection of certain people right before the return of Christ, including those who crucified Him. While Jesus will, with His coming, bring deliverance to those waiting for Him, He will bring judgment to those inhabitants living on the earth who have spurned His mercy and love.
The certainty of Christ’s coming is affirmed with the words “Even so, Amen” (Rev. 1:7). The words “even so” are a translation of the Greek word nai; and amen is a Hebrew affirmative. Together, these two words express certainty. They also conclude the book in two similar affirmations (Rev. 22:20).
“More than eighteen hundred years have passed since the Saviour gave the promise of his coming. Throughout the centuries his words have filled with courage the hearts of his faithful ones. The promise has not yet been fulfilled: the Life-giver’s voice has not yet called the sleeping saints from their graves; but none the less sure is the word that has been spoken. In his own time God will fulfill his word. Shall any become weary now? Shall we lose our hold on faith when we are so near the eternal world? Shall any say, The city is a great way off? – No, no. A little longer, and we shall see the King in his beauty. A little longer, and he will wipe all tears from our eyes. A little longer, and he will present us ‘faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy’”. – Ellen G. White, The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Nov. 13, 1913.
A promise is only as strong as the integrity of the person giving it and his or her ability to fulfill it. How does the fact that the promise of the Second Coming has been given by God, who has kept all His promises in the past, provide you with assurance that Christ will return as He has promised? |

In one sense I think the lesson missed the point, replacing the theme with an event. I am not denying the significance of the Second Coming, but the theme, to me, is that there is a battle between the forces of good and evil and that good is triumphant. Revelation paints the battle as a close fight, and I think we will be surprised in the new earth, when we have the chance to examine the records of history, just how close the fight was.
I was a computer scientist for many years and of course, I read literature about artificial intelligence. I pictured the possibility that we could invent computers so powerful that they could take over and control us. Take it from me, the idea is not all that far-fetched. It would be a case of the created, challenging the creator. The entertainment industry has produced a number of films and TV series with that theme, portraying digital battles on our screens with terrifying battles and emotionally overpowering music. They give some sense of the issue we face in the battle between good and evil.
The great theme in Revelation of the close-fought battle, with the ultimate triumph of good, is one that gives us both a warning for now and hope for the future. We are in the battle and we really do need to see that there is an end.
Hi, I really don't see it as a close fight. From the beginning God told Satan what was going to happen. Laid it out in his word and told Satan you are not going to win. Genesis 3:15 The only fight that is close is the fight and struggle we as humans have for salvation. Christ even made that easy for us whereby all we have to do is believe and be baptized. Mark 16:16. The battle was won on the cross brother. There is no fight between God and Satan. He knows he is a defeated foe and is time is short. All we have to do is hold on with dear life to our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. Amen.
Whenever I get ready for a public speaking, my wife will remind me to slow down and speak slowly.
This reminder helps me to remember , I need to speak slow.
Most probably, all the disciples have passed from the scene.
A new generation of believers have risen to power in Christianity.
God in his infinite wisdom, reminds the seven churches and us, He will come again.
"He directed their minds (of the disciples) from the scenes of sorrow before them to the mansions of heaven and there union that would take place in the kingdom of God."
"The great truth of Christ’s second coming is ever to be kept before the church. “Let your loins be girded about,” we are admonished, “and your lights burning; and ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately. Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them."
Ellen G. White, The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Nov. 13, 1913.
How do you view the idea/scene of God's judgment on those who have "spurned" His mercy and love? And, does it matter?
I would propose it matters a lot. If you view God's judgment as the manifestation of pure self-renouncing love that has not even the slightest hint of vengeance or retribution, then you too will find yourself acting towards those who have wronged you in the same way. Notice how Jesus was on the cross towards those who were perpetuating the worst forms of human abuse upon him? Father, forgive them for the know not what they do (Lk 23:34). And then He laid down His life and died for these very ones!
When Jesus returns in full Divinity, His glory will be overwhelming. But His demeanour will be exactly the same as it was on the cross - pure self-renouncing love that would lay down it's life rather than display any shred of vengeance or retribution.
If on the other hand, you view Jesus judgement as the time when He pours out vengeance and retribution upon those who have "spurned" Him, then you too will be at risk of doing the same to others when circumstances seem warranted. This is how church-sanctioned persecutions have happened in the past. And, I would propose, it is unfortunately how they will happen again in the future.
I do not think it is mere coincidence that the typical view of Jesus pouring out his 'judgement' on those who have "spurned" His mercy aligns very closely with the dominant portrayal of movie characters who allegedly deliver justice and judgement via paying out on retribution (eg The Terminator). This is the world's view of 'judgement' - rather than the representation of God's "higher ways" (Isa 55:9).
Before we move on further into Revelation, I would invite you to take a moment to see which view of God/Jesus you hold to because it will make a difference how you see things that come up further on in the book. And perhaps it might also be worth considering how your view would lead you to react to (or treat) others who 'spurn' you?
Amen Phil. Although “wrath” is in the book of Revelations 13 times (KJV) , when we see our (lost) loved ones on the outside walls of New Jerusalem, I can’t imagine anyone in the universe who will be more heartbroken than the Lord.
Hi Harry, We know that Rev 1:7 is talking about Jesus because
(1)it is a continuance of verses 5 & 6 which are about Jesus
(2)in Matt 24:30 & 26:64 Jesus says the Son of Man will come in the clouds
(3)in Dan 7:13,14 the Son of Man is coming in the clouds to the ancient of days
(4)see how similar are the words in Matt 24:30 and Rev 1:7
Mat 24:30 And then the sign of the Son of Man shall appear in the heavens. And then *all the tribes of the earth shall mourn*, and they shall see the Son of Man *coming in the clouds* of the heaven with power and great glory
Rev 1:7 Behold, he *cometh with the clouds*; and every eye shall see him, and they that pierced him; and *all the tribes of the earth shall mourn* over him. Even so, Amen.
Again we have allusions to the Old Testament:
(1) Rev 1:5 mentions Jesus is the Ruler and verse 7 that He will come in the clouds which ties up with Dan 7:13,14 where the Son of Man comes in the clouds and is given dominion over all
(2) Zech 12:7-12 It is Yahweh (LORD, the self existent one) who was pierced and comes to save Jerusalem by destroying all those who come against it and the tribes of Jerusalem mourn.
In Zechariah it is the local and literal things of Israel while in Revelation is the spiritual and worldwide impact of the gospel.
As elsewhere in the Bible God uses the language and experiences of their past to describe the future to His people, this is an important clue to help us decode the mysteries of Revelation.
Zec 12:8 In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem;
Zec 12:9 And it shall be in that day I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
Zec 12:10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him,
The arrival of Jesus contains justice for true believers and non believers the way God has spoken
Praise the lord.
Revelation 1:7.
What does it mean?
-a cloud received him at the time of ascension acts 1:9 this corresponds to the manner of coming again acts 1:11.
-God appearing in clouds exodus 19:18.
- Jesus appearing with power, glory and holy angels Mathew 24:30,25:31,1thes 4:16.
This means,
- No secret rapture.
- No pre-mellenial advent to Israel.
- Not coming in a spiritual sense to convert the jews.
- Jesus promised them and he doesn't lie.
- there will be a special resurrection of this people.
-these are Roman soldiers and Jewish rulers and common people who consented to it.
-it also means those who pierced him with their sins heb 6:6.
- while his enemies will be wailing his friends will be hailing him. Revelation 22:20.
Have a nice day and God bless you.
Oh what a comforting lesson with so much hope to keep the fuel burning.
"Shall any become weary now? Shall we lose our hold on faith when we are so near the eternal world? Shall any say, The city is a great way off? – No, no. A little longer, and we shall see the King in his beauty. A little longer, and he will wipe all tears from our eyes. A little longer, and he will present us ‘faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy’”. Amen
Even so come Lord Jesus!! Amen!
It is my belief that the keynote of the Revelation is preparedness for the return of Christ. Notice the clear focus of Christ in His letters to the 7 churches calling for sinners to “repent”, and the exceeding promises to “him that overcomes”. Those finally saved are described as “virgins”, “undefiled”, clothed in white, and “singing” the “song” of “Moses, the SERVANT of God, and of the LAMB”. These descriptions are rich in meaning and are vital to experience before Christ shall appear. In fact, there is one whole chapter(7) that describes the redeemed, while still upon this earth facing the greatest opposition of Satan and his “angels” against the faithful of God. It is critical to see that the “union between God and His people is close and decided”. Is that our experience today? If not, all the focus on Jesus' return will avail us nothing, and we will only experience “the wrath of the Lamb”(Rev 6:16) when the Blessed Hope will appear to the joy of all who love His appearing.
There is no doubt that Jesus will return as promised, but how will each one receive Him on that day?
Hi Maurice. I think that your theme and the event are totally interrelated. The book of Revelation is Jesus' communiqué to His people to inform them of what will take place in the end times and most importantly to assure them that He will be there right by their side. The battle between God and Satan will be fought at it's highest intensity in the last days. Satan's last and major claim that God will never have a people who will serve Him for His character and His friendship will be dispelled before the universe. Another one of Satan's claims is that he can run a better universe. God will let him have his opportunity and release His protection (Job 1:10) from the earth except for His sealed people. God's chosen ones with their Job-like faith will not be moved out of their relationship with Jesus. Jesus will them come and deliver His people from Satan's last and very intense stand in all His glory and triumphantly take them to heaven with Him.