Thursday: A New Believer
Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel. So please accept a gift from your servant
(2 Kings 5:15 NIV). In what way do these words help reveal the experience of salvation? See Rev. 14:12; 1 John 5:2-3; Rom. 6:1.
It would have been easy for Naaman to return directly from Jordan to Damascus after his healing. However, as a gesture of thankfulness, he and his attendants returned to the prophet’s place. This time they met Elisha in person. The confession that the God of Israel is sovereign in the world is the main theme of the Bible.
These words coming from a pagan constitute one of the high points in Old Testament revelation. Naaman’s conversion made clear that his new experience had to be tied to the God of Israel. The prophet was Israelite, the river was the most important in Israel, and the number seven was a clear connection to the God of creation.
What we see with Naaman is an example of how true faith works: Naaman received something that He could never have earned on his own. The fact that Elisha refused the gifts (2 Kings 5:16) was a way of showing how salvation cannot be earned or bought, but is wholly of God’s grace. At the same time, however, Naaman’s willingness to give something to Elisha for what he had done for him shows the response of faith, a response out of gratefulness for what had been given him. Elisha refused the gift. Here he followed the example of Abraham when he helped the pagan kings but refused rewards with the words that no one should be able to say, I made Abram rich(Gen. 14:23 NIV). Elisha knew that acceptance of a gift would have spoiled the lesson Naaman should learn. The healing was the work of God and an act of sheer grace.
Let this point be fully settled in every mind: If we accept Christ as a Redeemer, we must accept Him as a Ruler. We cannot have the assurance and perfect confiding trust in Christ as our Saviour until we acknowledge Him as our King and are obedient to His commandments. Thus we evidence our allegiance to God. We have then the genuine ring in our faith, for it is a working faith. It works by love.
-Ellen G. White, Faith and Works, p. 16.
If others were to look at your life, what would they see in it that reveals your love for God because of what He has done for you in Christ?

The story of namaan is a touching one. It teaches us a lot on how God can heal those who obey his word.
To command or order a non-believer to do particular thing against his/her belief is very difficult act. The question I would like to pose here is....What makes Namaan want to follow what Prophet Elisha commanded him to do????
Namaan literally had "skin" in the game. When one's back is against the wall and there is nothing to lose one makes the sacrifice.
It's the power of the Holy Spirit
Brother Lucas, I believe that it could have been the respectful, kind and tactful manner in which his humble servant approached him. Namaan must have been a kind commander for his servant to call him father!
Respect like trust, is earned. In Naaman's case it paid off because he got to experience the power and love of GOD! He can pull you up clean out of a dirty river!!!
Lucas, Naaman had no other hope. Sometimes God will let us reach the end of our rope, with no more options left, so we will seek the Divine help that alone can save us.
As you know from the story, he DIDN'T want to follow Elijah's remedy, but at the urging of those with him, he realized how simple it would be, whether it worked or not. There was no reason not to try as his situation was hopeless already. God was working in all of this in such a marvelous way. The results speak for themselves. It did require humility after the fuss he made over his disappointment and seeming lack of respect, yet reason returned when he submitted to try the prescribed remedy. A mustard seed of faith.
I have a questions rather than a comment. Would it have been alright for Elisha to say to Namaan, "Give your gifts to the Lord."?
Should we give Thank offerings for God's healing?
Emil, to whom and where would Naaman have done this giving? I believe the important lesson for Naaman was that the gift of God is free, and cannot be bought. that was more important that paying anything.
For believers, yes, a thank offering for God's goodness, knowing we purchase nothing, but give for supporting the good of others who need to know the good news.
In response to the question of Lucas, I would like to say that the influence of the little maid on Namaan had developed a little faith in the true God. That little faith and hope coupled with desperation to be healed made him do what Elisha commanded, inspite of the manner.
The story of Namaan, shows the excitement and joy that we experience when God comes through for us or when we experience his touch. I also admire the faith of the little slave Girl she never forgot that she is an Ambassador of God, she shared the God whom she believed in, though she was working for a king, she proved to them that therebis a greater King in Israel, Jesus the Lord.
Jesus has promised his children that he is going to heal them if they only believed in him cause he is the great physician of all the physician's. I once suffered from a mouth disorder for two weeks my mouth was bound but i believed in my God and am now well, let's believe in him to clean us.
Indeed men will do what ever possible when in need. Naaman was a man of valour BUT a leper. Our But sometimes make us do certain things .
I am so glad that Elisa followed what our father Abraham did last week by refusing the gift . We must learn that not all act of good ness we do on this earth should be rewarded by men but wait to receive the heavenly reward Instead .
It was a free gift
To respond to Emil question, yes it could be good and very easy to say that but that will bring wrong atitude to Namaan and feel the healing is for sale and believe he has been well because of his money. While God will grant anything for free, that's why he said haven't seen any God like this due to what he heard from maid, and also witnessed himself, made him to believe.
God's salvation is always marvellous and his words are so powerful. Indeed Naaman had opportunity after healing to without go back without God again. We see a very powerful lesson here although this man was a pagan he has shown us the importance when someone did good we need to say thanks. Without considering what happened on his first journey to the Elisha house now this man wants to go back again. Indeed Naaman was not ordinary man like me, I could just proceed my journey. Whatever we have gone through we need to remember God and we are in earth planet stuation are hard but dont loose focus and we need to give glory to God for everything.
Naaman says in 2 Kings 5:18, "Yet in this thing may the Lord pardon your servant: when my master goes into the temple of Rimmon to worship there, and he leans on my hand, and I bow down in the temple of Rimmon — when I bow down in the temple of Rimmon, may the Lord please pardon your servant in this thing.”
Sometimes, because of our position and status symbol in the world, we feel compelled to hide our faith in public. Would God understand?
Ben, the wise man said that there is a time to speak and a time to keep silent. And Jesus counseled us to be "wise as serpents, harmless as doves." That tells me that there are times when we need to be bold in standing for God and that there are times it is better to keep silent. If we walk closely with Jesus, He will let us know when it is time to speak and time to keep silent.:)
Inge, I would challenge the thought of keeping silent in the case of Naaman, who was sent by this king with a letter in order to be healed. How would he "keep silence" over such a critical matter that was widely known? Keep silent about what? Truth would save and truth must be told at every opportunity(2 Kings 7:9). All the gods of the Syrians had done nothing for Naaman. God used this prominent figure, so highly esteemed, to impart a knowledge of Him, by which the little maid was a crucial part. A young lady, faithful in her post was used of God in a way no king or even prophet could have been used. All that would come of this is due to her faith in God and faithfulness to those around her in the darkness of superstition.
I think Solomon's advice is more toward being silent rather than unkind, judgmental, rude, etc, but never where "good news" and the knowledge of God is concerned, especially when personal and saving in it's grace. Did Jesus commission His people to "teach the gospel to every creature"?
Ben, Naaman had a government position and in this government, it was tied to their religion. Naaman made it clear, he now knew there was only one true God. He would not be worshiping the kings gods any longer, but would fulfill his duty as Jesus taught to "render unto Caesar" while not violating his conscience. There is no doubt in my mind that Naaman told the king of his wonderful healing at the hand of the LORD of Israel, and shared his conviction to worship this God only. Naaman doesn't seem like one who would be secretive about something he couldn't really hide. He was sent by this king in the hopes of his beloved general being healed, which he was. The whole story was so wonderful and tainted only by Gehazi's avarice. I'm sure this was somehow overruled by the Lord for the benefit of many.
I also imagine that Naaman had many questions for the little maid to learn all he could about this one and only true God. Heaven will reveal the broader results of this experience.
I can't see one so well-loved and respected as Naaman living in duplicity, concealing from others the incredible love and mercy of such a God who healed this pagan enemy of God's people, while requiring nothing in return. We need to really meditate on the great depth of this story that goes beyond the mere telling of it.
My love for God can be seen in my life by the continuous dependence on Him for providing everything , i struggled with having my own desires not allowing God to guide me , as time passed and i studied more i began my real journey of pilgrimage , in every situation bad or good , its thanks to God for bringing me through it . My love for Him will never stop cause no matter what He cares and shows His interest even though He has to break me , so that i could just trust and depend on Him
Millionaire pastors have been created by Gifts from Church members in most [Name of churches redacted] churches of today. Church is now a business with members who pay more gifts sitting in the front and getting positions in churches.
As Christians and 7th day in particular, we owe whatever we do or our capabilities in church to God. Any form of gift for wonderful sermons, prayers or singing should be given to God. I have seen in our churches that we have created prayer warriors who are boastful of their eloquent long prayers and think nothing happens without them in churches. They seek wonderful comments for these. The same can be said of signing and preaching. They forget that they owe this to God.
What a beautiful way to start your day. Refreshing.. Knowing that the God we serve is merciful and all powerful.. I give you praise!
The story of Naaman is one with a purpose. He desperately wanted to be healed and thus, we know the saying...
"Desperate times calls for desperate measures."
However, Naaman purposed in his heart to be healed, that was his sole purpose.. If only I could be healed.. We see that he not only accepted the challenge to journey down from Damascus to Jordon (which shows that he was willing to take the extra step just to be healed) but with total commitment. He also exercised faith and dipped seven times. Understand this, Naaman could've gotten frustrated, tired and eventually turned back/given up, But with faith he persevered.(Today I urge you Brethren not to give up/turn back. For your reward is sure as long as you remain committed.)
We also see that when we are determined to get things done God helps us! He makes something out of nothing. However, we at the same time must be willing to give up what is necessary. In this story however, we can conclude that the Grace of God is sufficient for ALL those who will just let go and trust Him..
God Bless You.
Naaman, a commander-in-chief of the army of King Aram, a valiant soldier,a great hero, wealthy, an idolater and a leper. However, he had a trait all people should obtain. Naaman was a grateful man. He was willing and determine to exhibit his appreciation by giving Elisha gifts for what he had given him. How remarkable. Be reminded, to always give thanks because there is something pleasant about hearing the two magic words "thank you".
Several lessons are evident here:The faith of the little girl however young,the willingness to do something regardless of stature or age and the true God.Sometimes we are asked to do things which can never happen eg Elijah who is Elisha's mentor asks the baal prophets to make a sacrifice which never worked but his worked because of the true God.The little girl asks Naaman of something that worked. Elisha asks Naaman of something that worked also.
Did God allow Naaman to continue in false worship with the Syrian king even after conversion? How would we see this today? Wasn't he in danger of falling back into the same heathen practices he had before? What about not letting your good be evil spoken of?