Thursday: No More Tears or Pain
Read Revelation 21:1-5, Revelation 22:1-5 and spend some time trying to imagine what life will be like as described here. Why is it difficult to imagine life without sin, death, pain, and tears?
The Bible’s descriptions of our life after sin are unquestionably wonderful and glorious and no doubt barely represent what is awaiting us. Even in these verses, the descriptions are almost as much about what won’t be there as what will be.
When this world is all we have known, it can be hard to imagine life without pain and suffering, death and fear, injustice and poverty.
Not only is there no more of these things, but this description adds a personal touch: “He will wipe every tear from their eyes” (Rev. 21:4, NIV). In the context of those who have been saved, God’s compassion for those who have suffered throughout human history reaches a climax in this single sentence. Not only does He bring an end to their suffering, but He personally wipes away their tears.
Battered and scarred by a life of sin and a world of injustice and tragedy, we can see in the book of Revelation hints at a process of healing for all of us who have been victims of sin in many different ways. Describing the tree of life, John explains that “the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations” (Rev. 22:2, NIV). Again, God shows His understanding of, and compassion for, what it has meant to be human, to feel, experience, witness, and even participate in the evil of this world. His plan for re-creating our world includes restoring and healing each of us.
Until then, we seek to be all that we can in Christ, doing our part, as faltering and small as our parts might be, to minister to those around us who need what we have to offer. Whatever it is—kind words, a warm meal, medical help, dental work, clothing, counseling—whatever we can do we should be doing with the kind self-abnegating, self-denying, self-sacrificing love that Jesus manifested when He was here.
Of course, the world is still going to get worse and worse, despite our best efforts. Jesus knew that; yet, this truth didn’t stop Him from ministering to others, and it shouldn’t stop us, either.

When I was a kid, this verse was my favourite memory gem:
On Sabbath we visited one of Carmel's old uncles. He is in his 90s and is in hospital, unable to eat due to a stroke. It will be our last visit with him. We had a great conversation with him. He told us stories we had not heard about the farm where he, and later, Carmel grew up. He told us about the Spitfire planes practising over the farm during the war. And he told us about the Walrus amphibious planes practising too. He had forgotten their name but I recognised them from his description and I found photos of them with my iPhone and he recognised them immediately. Now why did he wait till he was dying to have that conversation with us? We want to continue the conversation. But what a great way to come towards the final days of one's life, knowing that the conversation can be continued.
It is comforting for us who believe, but how do we give that gift of comfort to "the least of these"?
When CHrist returns to earth, he will create his kingdom. No more sin, no pain, sickness, a perfict earth.
Why did the world crucify Jesus?
The world saw Jesus as a threat to its self sufficient way of life.
Jesus could have played safe politics.
He could have down played the injustice.
He did not have to heal on the Sabbath.
However, Jesus would not allow the character of God to be marred by sin and self.
Those who believe In Christ will fight injustice in any form.
By the indwelling Spirit of God, we will manifest the character of God to this world.
We educate and equip people with knowledge.
We provide healing and comfort to those suffering.
Malachi 4
1“For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace, when all the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble; the day is coming when I will set them ablaze,” says the LORD of Hosts. “Not a root or branch will be left to them.” 2“But for you who fear My name,the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings, and you will go out and leap like calves from the stall. 3 Then you will trample the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day I am preparing,” says the LORD of Hosts
When He shall come, the healing will be permanent without the curse of sin.
He who said, I will come again, will come and take His people to be with Him forever.
The world is still going to get worse and worse despite our best efforts but this shouldn't stop us from ministering to others.
Currently it is worse in South African after riots killed at least 12 people as 1000 foreig-owned businesses were targeted, but this did not stop a private airline to minister to the affected.
Infact the airline has volunteered to fly people for free back to Lagos. May God bless them.
What about us? Are we just going to watch and share and do nothing?
I think when the world gets worse and worse , the SDA church should be the first to help in these situations.
Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne? But even if that were possible, I would not forget you!” Isaiah 49:15 NLT
After the thousand years, when our lost loved ones are destroyed, God will wipe the tears from our eyes. My question is, who will wipe the tears from God’s eyes? He will never forget or stop loving those who are lost. I want to be with God for eternity not just for my sake but also for His. If I’m lost I will perish and will not be missing God, but God will be missing me! I don’t want anyone to have to wipe the tears from God’s eyes over me. Even if I’m lost He will never forget me.
William Earnhardt Sir,
"After the thousand years, when our lost loved ones are destroyed, God will wipe the tears from our eyes. My question is, who will wipe the tears from God’s eyes?"
The above contribution really got me thinking because it has never crossed my mind a thought like that about Gods deep love for humanity.
William, That is an awesome thought. Thank you.
A couple of decades ago, my little son was acting up because “It’s not fair.” So we went up to his room to have a chat about his complaint. We talked about people we knew that had things happen in their lives that “was not fair.” Then we moved on and we talked about people in the Bible who experienced unfairness. We talked about Jesus and how he was betrayed by a friend and abandoned by his disciples, who professed their love for him. And then we talked about God, who has his beautiful perfect creation ruined by his former covering cherub. But he is taking all the hurt and unfairness on himself, so that we can have peace and fairness.
I asked my son if he remembered the promise of the new heaven and the new earth: “God will wipe away all tears from their eyes. And there will be no more death, nor mourning, nor crying out, nor will there be any more pain; for the first things passed away.” I asked him if he thought what God did was “fair”. He thought for a while and then said, “Not for God.” Then I asked, “How do you think God feels about all this?” “I think he feels sad.” Then I said, “God is going to wipe away our tears, but who is going wipe his tears away?” It was interesting to see the thoughts on his face. My son's perspective on fairness had changed.
Pain is not a problem per se, but is evident that something is going wrong in the body or even outside of oneself. Pain can be physical, mental, social or psychological. Depending on the cause of the pain we experience it in so many different ways.
It is said Jesus did not died from the beating and abuse (physical pain) but his pain was of a spiritual (separation from his father), psychological ( taking on the sins of the world) nature. Tears and pain came after sin. Every human experience pain of some sort.
Pain and tears came after sin entered the world. Rev 21:1-5 and Rev 22:1-5 will occur after our last enemy is destroy (death). Those who love Jesus will be restored to the former pre sin state.
Because my mind is sinful I can’t comprehend nor understand what it means to live in a life without pain, suffering, tears, sorrow, etc.
Practicing good to others is not only a religious matter! It is a social skill very much in need nowdays! The world needs positive communication! And this has to start with ME. More than ever, we must be proactive towards collectiveness! No business survives today without social and environmental responsability!
(Revelation 21:4 NIV)
‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
(Revelation 22:2)
On either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations"
from what since there will be no suffering in the new earth?
Healing of the Nations most likely talks about the reconciliation of Nations that have been divided as one pastor put it. The pastor say we will meet under the leaves of tree and eat the fruit and heal those wounds that divided us for so long. Think about divisions of Jews and Palestine, White and Black, Americans and Chinese or Japanese. Think about those people who died unsure if there were good people on the other side like Americans and Germans during WWII. The Tree could represent a meeting place where we all discuss and reconcile with each other. We already have glorified bodies so we dont need physical healing, the healing of the nations will be more mental and spiritual uniting us as one people.
From the physical marks of sin. For example we will grow up to the height that God had
intended for us.
“Those who are indifferent in regard to bringing thoughts and words and actions into harmony with Christ will never enter the gates of the city of God.... God demands that those who claim to be His children shall offer Him their undivided service. Profession will not save us....What value are the words spoken if the course of action contradicts the profession of faith?.... There are many who will lose heaven because they are not Christlike. (Sabbath School Lesson Comments by Ellen White, 3rd Q 2019, Thursday 9/12).
“Look up, look up, and let your faith continually increase. Let this faith guide you along the narrow path that leads to the gate of the city of God into the great beyond, the wise, unbounded future of glory that is for the redeemed. (The Faith I Live By, p. 362). We need always to look up to Jesus to learn from and for our redemption.
Thursday part is a subsequence of Wednesday, after judgement, where will you be, you are given the power of choice.