Thursday: The Restoring Role of the Church
As we have seen, our world, though created perfect, had fallen, with devastating results. But God had not abandoned us to what would have been our fate, eternal destruction (the fate that science says awaits us).
Instead, even before the world began, the plan of salvation was formulated (see 1 Pet. 1:2) and, at great personal cost to Himself, Jesus came to this world, suffered on the cross, and promises to return. And by the time everything is over and sin is destroyed, the world that had been lost will be fully restored.
What’s amazing, though, is that God calls us, His church, even now, to have a part to play working toward this restoration.
Read in Mark 2:1-12 the story of how some friends persistently worked together to bring a paralytic to Jesus. How does this story illustrate the role of the church in healing and restoring people?
The house was crowded because Jesus was there. His love for people drew crowds. The four men made a very large hole in the roof in order to bring the spiritually, mentally, and physically sick man to Jesus. Then Jesus restored him by forgiving his sins, giving him peace of mind, and commanding him to get up and walk. Jesus demonstrated that no one is really healed unless he or she is wholistically restored.
How did the apostle John describe the reason Christ appeared on this earth? What hope can we draw from these promises? Read John 10:10, 1 John 3:8.
It has been said that John 10:10 is the Seventh-day Adventist message in a nutshell. It was clearly Christ’s mission statement. A major role for Christ’s body, His church, is to follow in His footsteps and undo the work of the devil by replacing death with abundant life (see Acts 10:38, 1 John 2:6). The church is called to partner with Christ in moving people toward being restored in God’s image-physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Who are people in need of your help right now, help that you are especially equipped to give? |

We are salt & light of the Earth, yet,since the scriptures show that evil will get worse & worse..
"Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold," Matt 24:12
"For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." Matt 24:24
What should our attitude and work be like?
We overcome by helping others to overcome...we have compassion to reach out to others.
This is not time to cave in to cynicism, complacency, apathy, passivity, indifference.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke.
Notice this bible verse that used to be spoken often at the close of sermons..
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, Jude 24
If you back up in your bible a couple of verses..see what comes before it.
And of some have compassion, making a difference:
And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
Jude 22 & 23
Notice that an altruistic, others, compassionate attitude leads to VICTORIOUS LIVING!
A great responsibility has been given to the body of Christ, which is His church. Many people come to church for various reasons which cannot be named, but the church only has one major objective. It should lead its congregants fully and completely to Christ. There are numerous ways to do this depending on were each church has been planted. But in the end, church members must be adequately restored. Resources are available to foster this and God is our ultimate source of power and encouragement.
There have been surveys which report why people come to church.
They come to socialize. They also come because of guilt trips.They come to improve their self respect, to worship, because they are bored, perverted or depraved. The gospel is to decriminalize humans, to change their character, detox their thoughts, help on mind makeovers, cure selfishness. There is nothing except the selfish heart of humans that lives for itself.
We need to remember two texts: Matthew 7:1-5 and Genesis 6:5-7. When a looking to uncover the faults of others, we are looking in all the wrong places.
Paul, it seems that Jim bob was making an observation, not pronouncing a judgment. This was from a survey in which the people themselves gave their own reasons for attending church.
I believe this awareness helps in how to make sure their experience leads them to the true purpose of the church; uplifting Christ to ALL who need Him and equip those who receive Him for service.
That is so powerful Jim. The church might not be able to ask each individual why they come to church but it has to address all the issues that people may possibly have. It would be injurious if the church would not take serious these issues of transformation and regeneration. Such a responsibility is monumental and must not be taken for granted.
I have mentioned to conference officials to implement surveys and reviews to get feedback from church members on various items.
Doing this is a way to keep leaders accountable and to check on quality control. How else would one challenge institutional entropy?
There have been some surveys by the Global Data Project, yet it is only scratching the surface.
What is the purpose of being accountable? To whom? Who do some think is the ultimate leader? I know. Do you?
If anyone can address all the issues that they have, they are blessed beyond what some might expect. Issues that may be addressed are important, but to include the entire church means you and me. How do you pick and choose who needs help? Certainly not those that would cast blame?
People in need right now would be the person next to you and me. It might be a family member, friend, church member, neighbor or workmate etc.. At least what we are all supposedly equipped with would be the will to pray for others. And we could put intercessory prayer into action, as a family or a group of friends, for the one in need.
I see the role of the church as helping people to identify their spiritual gifts and supporting different ministries where they can be used.
My wife suffered for thirteen years with migrain and yet not one member of our church came help her materially, we will pray for her, they said but that did not in way alleviate her distress.
Then one day two lovely ladies knocked on our door, (from the Jehovah's witness church) and after some discussion, they also said they would pray about it, BUT, two days later they returned and cleaned up the house, cooked meals and ministered to my wife.
Who do you think did the WORK of the Lord? Pray? Yes, but PRACTICE righteousness.
That's practical Christianity
Im reading a book by Ruthie Jacobson called Bridges
There's another book called The Gospel in shoes
We need to show Gods love in a tangible way and we can pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us
Jesus spent the greater part of His time in the streets and in homes
May we follow His example it is better to see a sermon than to hear it
Happy sabbath to all
Fine and well but hope you help clean and cook too. God Bless
The Church also has the mob psychological problem, they sometimes get carried away with what someone with influence says instead of following what the bible says. let's treat each other equally.
Here are some of the church's responsibilities
-Building each other up
-Recognizing the value of every person
-Focusing on what’s important,
-Limiting out liberty out of love for each
-Not forcing our opinions on others, and
-Living by faith
The story in Mark 2 is a nice illustration of helping the helpless, which was at the urging of the one who was helpless. Only those expressing personal desire can be helped in this way. We also see a good illustration in the feeding of the multitudes, where the church can only share what it has received for that purpose.
Jesus came to restore the life God created for us to enjoy, but John also states the vital condition of this being able to happen in our experience in John 3:14-18. None of what God has done in Christ will benefit the unbelieving.
We might not always know who, but we can always speak and live truth, so no matter who in influenced by us, they will see and know the love of God.