Thursday: Safeguarding the Creator’s Gift
God had a special purpose in creating humankind as male and female (Gen. 1:26-28). While each bears His image, the joining of gender opposites in the “one flesh” of marriage reflects the unity within the Godhead in a special way. The union of male and female also provides for procreation of a new life, an original human expression of the divine image.
What attitude does Scripture take toward sexual practices not in keeping with the Creator’s plan? Lev. 20:7-21, Rom. 1:24-27, 1 Cor. 6:9-20.
Scripture disapproves of all that alters or destroys God’s image in humankind. By placing certain sexual practices off limits, God guides His people toward the right purposes of sexuality. When human experience is confronted by God’s precepts, the soul is convicted of sin.
What guidance is given Christian believers for relating to their sexuality and that of others in a fallen world? Rom. 8:1-14; 1 Cor. 6:15-20; 2 Cor. 10:5; Gal. 5:24; Col. 3:3-10; 1 Thess. 5:23-24.
Believers wait for release from the corruption of sin at Christ’s return. They wait in faith, considering themselves dead to sin through Christ’s death on the cross and alive in Him through His resurrection. Through unceasing prayer, watchfulness, and the power of the Spirit, they treat their sinful nature as crucified and seek to obey Christ in their thoughts. They acknowledge God’s ownership of their bodies and sexuality and use them according to His divine plan.
God forgives those who repent of sin (1 John 1:9). The gospel enables individuals who formerly engaged in promiscuity and sinful sexual activity to be part of the fellowship of believers. Because of the extent to which sin has altered sexuality in humanity, some may not be able to know full restoration in this aspect of human experience. Some, for example, might choose a life of celibacy rather than get involved in any sexual relationships that are forbidden by God’s Word.
How should we as a church relate to, for instance, homosexuals? How should their own attitude about their sexual orientation influence our response? |

In a perfect world, there would be no doubt about a person's gender identity. They would be born either male or female. But the world is not perfect, and people are born or develop with a range of gender characteristics. Sexual identity is a complex issue and the best understanding we have today is that it is part genetic and partly environmental. The important issue is that nobody chooses their sexual identity. Sometimes there are physical issues involved such as hermaphroditism. In other cases, there are identifiable chromosome abnormalities; others appear to have same-gender attraction and so on. I grew up on a farm and we occasionally found hermaphrodite lambs born into the flock of sheep we owned. That background made me aware that just as there are physiological gender issues there could also be psychological issues.
It strikes me as somewhat ironic that in Christian circles we often start the conversation about homosexuality with condemnation, rather than thinking about the issue with compassion and a genuine attempt at understanding. We need to recognize that we are not all born (or develop) equally in terms of gender identity and if we start from the perspective that there is nothing we can do to change our gender identity, then maybe we can talk and act compassionately towards those who have issues with their sexual identity.
We often associate homosexuality with a promiscuous lifestyle, but we should be aware that promiscuity is a problem right across the spectrum of sexual identity. Sexual promiscuity is a choice, gender identification is something we do not choose. I try and make a careful distinction between gender attraction and promiscuity when discussing the issues of sexuality.
I wish I could tell you some of the raw stories from my career as an educator, but it would be too easy to identify the persons involved. Suffice it to say that in my discussion with students the issue was seldom about sex, but rather their identity. I remember one student telling me that he became aware of his sexual orientation at an early age and fought it, even getting baptized in the hope that his feelings would all be washed away. Of course, it wasn’t, and he has had to accept that his orientation was as much part of him as his arms and legs.
I am aware that some readers will think that I have avoided the lesson issue for today, but I have seen too many Christians promoting condemnation with no sense of compassion or understanding. Christians have a moral voice only when they practise compassion.
Jesus quoted Isaiah in his Synagogue reading:
That principle should characterize our preaching/living of the Gospel.
Leviticus 20:13 states "If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them."
The Bible is crystal clear. No beating around the bush on the matter.
The harlot of Revelation serves wine of abominations, one among which is homosexuality mentioned in this verse.
As Bible-believing Christians, let's not condone these abominations, but rather call them IN LOVE, out of Babylonish traits. (read as 2nd angel's message of Revelation 14).
By the way, I understand all chromosomal conformations (genotypes) of the sex chromosomes that are compatible with life, and how they manifest phenotypically.
Thank you for your comment.
To complete the picture, let us remember that adultery between a man and a woman is mentioned earlier in the chapter and carries the same death sentence in Leviticus 20:10. And Jesus said that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully commits adultery. (Matthew 5:27,28).
If we are going to apply Old Testament laws to these times, we need to be consistent. (I'm thinking that our churches would be rather less full than they are now if all who violated God's laws were executed.)
Or perhaps there is another way to approach these Scriptures?
To me, the bottom line is that *all* violation of God's Law is an "abomination" to Him -- all behavior that doesn't align with His Law of Love. Even prayer is an “abominations,” if it comes from one who turns his ear from hearing the law in Proverbs 28:9. That becomes especially significant in view of the consideration that all of God’s laws are summed up in the great principle of Love to God and to one’s neighbors and that Christ Himself demonstrated that Law in His life. Are my prayers an “abomination”? Are yours?
That leaves us to wrestle with how we treat those who sin differently than we do.
I am intrigued by your statement
You know, of course, that a sexual orientation is not a "phenotype" and that the mind is the most important sexual organ?
Thanks sister Inge,
The statement on genotypes and phenotypes was to exclude any inborn tendencies towards a certain sexual orientation from 'nature' - so to say.
I also agree with your last statement on the 'musings' of the mind, but would like to add another note that this is where SIN is conceived, as it was in a holy being called Lucifer (Isaiah 14:13,14; Eze. 28:6) though he was created perfect (genotypically and phenotypically) - Ezekiel 28:13-15. But iniquity was FOUND in him - IN THE MIND.
What is more worrisome, is that the devil propagated his MIND (the Bible calls it TRADING and traffick (KJV) Eze. 28:16, 18) to other innocent holy beings through his tail Rev. 12:4 (or lies based on his state of MIND- because a tail always stands for lies. Isaiah 9:15).
Summary: We are created as heterosexual beings. No hiding behind science. But human beings have the capacity and some have actually MINDED themselves away from God's plan for them. This is an anomaly which needs to be corrected as one of the other abominations of Babylon, as are being propagated by the harlot, and her entourage.
I agree that God created humanity as heterosexual beings. But since that original creation the effects of sin have resulted in mixed physical markers of sex, to the point that sometimes doctors truly cannot tell whether a baby is physically male or female. But that isn't usually involved in homosexuality. In most cases of homosexuality, the brain is affected, often due to lacking the hormonal wash in the womb during the 16th-24th weeks of pregnancy that changes the default "female" brain to a male brain. So the baby boy is born with a female brain. But that alone doesn't determine homosexuality. Usually environmental factors are involved that eventually result in an unchosen attraction to the same sex.
I know of men who have agonized and prayed for years that God would change their attraction. They even submitted to shock therapy to "cure" them of their orientation - all to no avail. (This was before the time that homosexuality became socially accepted.) One man I know also has several gay cousins, thus suggesting a heritable component.
So please don't say that homosexuality is a choice. In most cases it is not. I say in "most cases" because in today's society being "gay" is often celebrated. Thus I suspect that for many young people nowadays there may be a choice component.
Homosexually oriented men and women are attracted to the same sex in exactly the same way as most of us are attracted to the opposite sex. Their attraction is no more chosen than yours or mine.
That said, we all have the ability to choose whether or not to indulge our attraction - whether it is a sexual attraction or a compulsion to eat too much or whatever else it may be. That said, it doesn't help for Christians to treat one sort of sinful indulgence as worse than all others. The Bible does not support such an attitude. Rather we are urged to "bear one another's burdens." In order to do this effectively, we first need to learn to listen to understand the burdens that people carry.
May God help us to act like the eternal Lover of humanity rather than the "accuser of the brethren."
If homosexuality were to be acceptable because these people have a skewed mind that forces them to love people of their own gender, then God must needs REPENT for destroying Sodom and Gomorrah - whom He burnt with an EVERLASTING fire, which He rained from heaven. Jude 7.
William, I am not sure what you mean by homosexuality being "acceptable." Homosexuality as an "orientation" (attraction to the same sex" is just a fact of life - a result of factors over which the persons involved generally have no control, any more than the rest of us have control over being attracted to the opposite sex. It's not a morality issue.
However, what we do about our attraction is a moral issue. We can choose to discipline our behavior to conform to God's expressed will regarding sexuality - namely that sexual union is to be reserved for a husband and wife joined together for life in the holy covenant of marriage or we can choose to ignore God's will. It seems to me that God's expressed will regarding sexuality to ensure happy, healthy and holy living is often broken - by those attracted to the opposite sex as well as those attracted to the same sex.
As for Sodom and Gomorrah, it seems evident that "all the men of the city" were not likely homosexuals. Rather they were so degraded that they used sex to dominate visitors by raping them. No apologies needed by God.
Also see Sins of Sodom – What the Bible Really Says. You may find the comment section on the article helpful as well. Since this forum is probably not the best for discussing the sins of Sodom, you can make further comments on the web site to which I just pointed you.
William, with respect, if the bible is in fact crystal clear on this matter as you propose and in the way you propose, then according to the verse you have cited, should we not also be putting such people to death. And if I back up a few verses, should we not also be putting to death those within our congregation that engage in an affair (v10), and a verse earlier anyone who curses their father or mother (v9), and so on.
Is the bible actually as ‘crystal clear’ as we assume/assert it to be? If so, why does 2 Tim 2:15 caution us to study it diligently/carefully so that we might "rightly divide" rather than be ashamed for how we have misinterpreted and misapplied it?
Maurice, I think dealing with the sexuality of young people as an educator gives you a unique perspective. My daughters were willing to share with me some of the realities of life from their school days as teens. They became friends with other teens dealing with and discovering that their sexual orientation was same sex. I learned enough to know that it is a real issue in a world affected by sin and needs to be handled with love and not condemnation. The condemnation affects not only the one dealing with discovering their orientation, it also impacts their friends’ view of Christianity and if not handled properly, can drive both away from Christian fellowship.
I think the attitude of Christians towards homosexuals should be Christ's attitude, "... go and sin no more".
The question is on the attitude of the homosexual to his/her sexual orientation.
Does he/she see it as sin?
Does God see it as sin?
As humans we were all born into this world of sin, sin is part of us and that is why 2 Cor 5:17 says "... old things are passed away..." and 1 Cor 6:19-20 says "... you are not your own...". It is not our desires that we should seek but God's will for us.
May God help us all, Amen!
I appreciate your sentiments about treating others as Christ would.
However, in this case, Christ could say, "God and sin no more .." thus expressing confidence that the woman caught in adultery *could* "go and sin no more." And He was the sinless one.
Now, how would *you* feel if a fellow Adventist caught you being angry and said to you, "Go and sin no more"? Or maybe you were caught in a sin of the flesh such as overeating (the sin of gluttony), and a fellow Adventist said to you, "Go and sin no more"?
I have an insightful obese friend who wisely observed that same-sex attracted persons who indulge their sexual attraction are in the same place as she is when she indulges her tendency to gluttony. (No, we don't usually call it that, but ... think about it .. )
So perhaps we should ask God for wisdom to know how to treat our same-sex attracted brothers and sisters the way we would like to be treated if we were in their shoes. This demands, first of all, that we listen and love enough to understand what it is like to walk in their shoes.
Inge, homosexuality cannot and should not be categorized together with gluttony. Granted, sin is sin, however, Lev. 20:13 specifically calls homosexuality an "Abomination". It is sin against God, sin against nature, sin against self, sin against the temple of the Holy Spirit (and sin against the Holy Spirit by extension), sin against others, in-fact sin against mankind and as such, it should be discouraged in the strongest of terms. It's ripple effect and impact on others is far reaching.
In our civic laws, the crime of Shoplifting is not treated the same as Murder or Rape.
The world today encourages people to follow their heart and the desires of their flesh, we should not do the same as children of God, that is not God's standard. We should not be condemnatory to homosexuals but we should condemn the act and discourage it.
Satan is deceiving homosexuals that its just who they are, its their nature, infact some of them might blame God for creating them that way. We should correct that impression and tell them that they are just being tempted as every other human is, the only difference is that they gave-in to the temptation. But there is redemption at the cross of Calvary 1 John 1:9
What is happening to them is not new, even Jesus was tempted in like manner Heb. 4:15 yet He did not sin. May God give us the required wisdom and tact to address this issue in Jesus name, Amen.
Well, William, I'm not convinced that "homosexuality cannot and should not be categorized together with gluttony." Certainly gluttony is "sin against God, sin against nature, sin against self, sin against the temple of the Holy Spirit (and sin against the Holy Spirit by extension).
I say this not in condemnation of others but because I personally struggle with the indulgence of appetite. (No, I am not grossly overweight, but appearances are deceiving.) It is probably the most common struggle of humanity.
1. In Deuteronomy 21:19-21, gluttony is classed with drunkenness and rebelliousness, and a son who indulges in it is to be stoned.
2. The temptation of the flesh (which includes sexual temptation) that Jesus endured in the desert was on the point of appetite for food. Jesus fasted 40 days and overcame the power of appetite in our behalf, and you are telling me it's not very important ... at least not as important as the appetite for sex?
Perhaps you are hung up on the word "abomination." Besides various kinds of sexual sins (other than homosexual sex), do you realize that all the following are "abominations" to God?
Dishonest business practices are named as an “abomination” in Deuteronomy 25:13-16, Proverbs 11:1 and Proverbs 20:10. It seems that scrupulously honest business practices are required of any professing to be the Lord’s people. Do our practices pass the careful scrutiny of the Omniscient One?
Oppressive treatment of others and a haughty attitude are considered as “abomination” in Proverbs 3:31-32, and a “froward heart” is again mentioned in Proverbs 11:20. I wonder if some of the attitudes of conservative Christians towards gay people might not fall into these categories of “abominations.”
A list of six “abominations” are also given in Proverbs 6:16-19:
H'mm ... sowing discord in God’s congregation is also an "abomination.|"
The simple term “wickedness” is equated with “abomination” in Proverbs 8:7. “Lying lips” are added to the list in Proverbs 12:22 and a “proud heart” in Proverbs 16:5.
It seems then that pride and lies to further one’s own agenda are every bit as hateful to a holy God as are sexual sins.
Thus the statement that sex between two men or two women is an "abomination" to God does not make it a greater sin than sins of which you and I may be guilty.
From "What Is an Abomination to the Lord?"
I think Satan delights when we compare the "badness" of one sin to another as this detracts our attention from the reality that we are all lost without a Savior. The particular "flavor" of sin is completely irrelevant as far as the Bible is concerned since heaven will accept only perfection and that excludes every single human being.
Praise God for His solution to the sin problem, in Jesus. It is His death that paid our "wages" (Romans 6:23) and His life that gives us salvation (Romans 5:10).
Thank you for your words, Maurice. They are a balm for my troubled soul.
Sieg, amen! Humans everywhere recognize that we are a flawed specie. Unfortunately, one particular expression of that flaw is to beat up on another flawed individual with a different "flavored" manifestation (Jn 8:3-7). We typically tend to do that without regard for the fact that a single situation is responsible for all "flavored" manifestations (Mk 7:20-23; Lk 6:42).
Practicality necessitates action against behaviors that are disruptive to social order (Rm 13:1-3). However, as a community professing adherence to Jesus' authoritative teaching and leadership, we must, by practice and proclamation, promote the single solution He has entrusted to us for what ails the whole world (Rm 1:16-17; Gal 3:8,14; Dt 30:6,8; Heb 8:10; 10:9-10,14-18)!
1 Cor 11:3-10 describes the beautiful relationship that exists in the Godhead, and how a similar relationship is the marriage. You see, the Godhead consists of 3 equal 'Persons' all of them in terms of all their attributes.
But a hierarchy is talked about: there is The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit - different roles, with The Son SUBJECT to The Father, and The Son even states that The Father 'is greater than I'. John 14:28. A willing subjection, although He is equal with His Father.
Now, in marriage, it is the same: both are equal, yet have different roles, and a wife is subject to her husband, willingly so (ideally).
I love 1 Cor 11:10 the last part, that the marriage relationship (2 equal beings, yet one subject to the other, in a loving harmonious relationship - each from a totally different background, yet brought together in the invisible bond of marriage) ARE A LESSON STUDY for angels on the relationship that exists in the Godhead!
Well there is a difference between compassion and blaming God for sexual perversion. God calls some sexuality sin and he has the power to deliver from any perversion of it. Call it attraction to same sex or any other. Not only same sex orientation but any kind of sin is innate to the human nature. How some one is freed from lying and theft is how another can be freed from sexual perversions. There is a difference between gender identity and homo sexuality. The norm of attraction to the opposite gender doesn't allow to have sex every opposite sex.Baptism is not a remedy until the person gets baptized into Christ.
There is power in the blood.
If he has set some one like me free He will free anyone.
Jesus is able. The balance is seen in the story of Mary Magdalene.
God bless you and I thank God for saving you. He is willing and able to save anyone who surrenders all to Him.
Dagi, I sense you have a story to tell. Would you like to share more?
Lev 20:11-21 repeats the phrase "you have uncovered the nakedness of xx" with condemnation. Also in Gen 9:21-25 Ham was cursed for seeing Noah's nakedness. Also when Adam and Eve sinned they realised they were naked Gen 3:7.
Is seeing another's nakedness just a polite term for sexual intercourse or is there more to the warning. Maybe there is a good reason why certain groups require their members to be completely covered at all times.
Maybe being naked should be something special only shared between man and wife - what does this say about how we dress? What we wear to swim?
Sex and sexuality are related. As anything in this planet, things do go wrong sometimes. It is the process of degeneration. There is no need of lots of experience to see that the world is going to crash. But as believers, we need to have a positive attitude towards reality. Christ came to show that not by "violence but by His Spirit" things can change! After His sacrifice, no more animals should die for men's sin. Sex and sexuality were treated differently in the past, but it continues to be a gift from God to humans, a gift that is supposed to be intimate and guarded. At the open and free era that we are living, everyone has the right to value whatever thinks is valuable. Regardless of natural born, tendency or choice, sex and sexuality have to be treated as an important property! And they are greatly related to ego.
The remedy for sexual sins in the Bible perplexes me. Celibacy is suggested for 'some' in our lesson. Does this suggestion hold true for adulterers and other infractions of the Levitical law? Or only to homosexuals? For example, I have never heard of someone choosing celibacy rather than have relations with their Father's wife. Or perhaps this is only a type of celibacy and is selective and temporary?
Priscilla, I don't see the lesson authors mention celibacy as "the remedy for sexual sins." What I do see are these statements:
Thus, it seems to me that celibacy is recommended as an alternative to indulging forbidden sexual attractions.
Is there anything else you would suggest as an alternative?
As you have mentioned up stream in the blog that sin is an abomination to the Lord, whether lies, theft, taking a life, adultery, fornication, fostering disunity, or homosexuality...I have found that the alternative is to turn my mind to Christ, God has promised that He will give us peace if our minds are stayed on Him. Isaiah 26:3. Christ Object Lessons in chapter 9 tells us it helps to visualize Christ. “The light of heaven penetrated the darkened minds of those who had been deceived by the enemies of Christ. They now saw Him exalted to be “a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.” Acts 5:31. They saw Him encircled with the glory of heaven, with infinite treasures in His hands to bestow upon all who would turn from their rebellion. As the apostles set forth the glory of the Only-Begotten of the Father, three thousand souls were convicted. They were made to see themselves as they were, sinful and polluted, and Christ as their friend and Redeemer. Christ was lifted up, Christ was glorified, through the power of the Holy Spirit resting upon men. By faith these believers saw Him as the One who had borne humiliation, suffering, and death that they might not perish but have everlasting life. The revelation of Christ by the Spirit brought to them a realizing sense of His power and majesty, and they stretched forth their hands to Him by faith, saying, “I believe.” COL 118.3 I am not an expert by no means on homosexuality, but I have listened to a homosexual male who was born again. He surrendered to God daily and God won the battle for him. Like the smoker who quite cold turkey, but found himself reaching into an empty shirt pocket for over a year. We may be tempted to go back to our old mind set. But when we reach into our mind let us find Jesus there who has won all battles for us. After a time of this mind refreshing, it becomes a habit to think of Him, instead of adultery, homosexuality, promiscuity. Let us pray, Lord give us the mind of Jesus, make us Holy as He is, may we prove we’ve been with Jesus, who is all our righteousness.
Thank you for clearing up the 'remedy' but I am left with an 'alternative'. Celibacy has received newsworthy status in the recent child abuse cases by clergy. I wonder if a 'life of celibacy" is an alternative not only to forbidden sexual attractions, but all forbidden sexual relationships.
There seems to be no alternative while living, but compliance with the Biblically correct lifestyle.
I have appreciated the dialogue that has taken course in this day's lesson. The highly controversial subject of homosexuality in relation to God's Word and the original creation is a subject fraught with dangers on every hand. It seems to me that we should never judge others in our context of a sin broken world. We are all sinners, abominable in God's sight in our natural selves. As Jesus says, we can't love nor help another broken in sin unless we remove the log out of our own eye so that we can see as God sees things. We have to keep in mind that we all have limited perception of God's meaning and messages, and are all prone to misinterpretations, unwise emphasis upon other aspects of Scripture.
I shy away from these discussions because I don't have any good, smoking gun, answer as to how best to relate to those that have any kind of sexual expressions outside of a heterosexual one in the proper context of marriage. I don't struggle with the same as they do. Experience has taught me simply to live kindness, but I know I haven't shown my self the example of God's victorious grace in shameful moments of my life with my walk with Christ.
To approach another broken human being in this sin fallen context of reality we all swim in presently, without the wisdom from above, is to prove more destructive than helpful. I want to be helpful to all in their struggle to live God's calling to them in Christ.
In this context of sexual aberration from the original I think of that quote that says, "preach the gospel, and if necessary speak."
Wow!!Jn15:4 and Rev3:20 Solution to our sin-infested natures is da Man of Calvary!!!!