Thursday: The Day of Atonement
The book of Hebrews teaches that the earthly Hebrew sanctuary service was a model of the heavenly sanctuary, the one that Christ entered and inaugurated as our High Priest. The earthly service, with its two apartments and its sacrificial and cleansing rituals, was “the copy and shadow of the heavenly things, as Moses was divinely instructed when he was about to make the tabernacle” (Heb. 8:5, NKJV).
And just as the earthly sanctuary ritual included a ministry in the two compartments, the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place, so also does Christ’s ministry in the heavenly sanctuary. In the earthly sanctuary, the concept of judgment was represented on the Day of Atonement, which resulted in the cleansing of the sanctuary, as depicted in Leviticus 16. This was the one time a year when the High Priest entered into the second compartment, the Most Holy Place (Lev. 16:12-14) to do a work of cleansing and atonement in behalf of the people.
Read Hebrews 9:20-23. What needs to be purified and cleansed, and why is this a clear reference to the Day of Atonement ministry of Christ?
Scholars have been surprised by the statement that the heavenly sanctuary itself needed to be cleansed or “purified”. However, once this is understood as a Day of Atonement reference, the problem vanishes. Hebrews 9:23 shows that the work Christ does in the heavenly sanctuary is the true expression of what the earthly high priest did in the yearly Day of Atonement service in the Israelite sanctuary. The ministry of the earthly priest in cleansing the earthly sanctuary foreshadowed the work that Christ would one day do in the heavenly. The text does not say that this heavenly cleansing takes place immediately after Christ’s ascension. From the study of the book of Daniel, we can see that this phase of ministry began in the year 1844. So as Christians facing the last days, we need to understand the solemnity of the time that we are in but rest in the assurance of what Christ has done for us in the past and is doing for us now in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary.
The first angel’s message declares: “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come” (Rev. 14:7, NKJV). The reality of the judgment points to the nearness of the end. How should this reality impact how we live? |

I have posted a very small detail about the Day of Atonement.
Story of Redemption will be the study of life time in heaven.
Christ is doing His intercessory work now in the heavenly sanctuary.
Based on the earthly model of the sanctuary service.
When the intercessory work of Christ will come to an end on the heavenly sanctuary, Christ will return to this earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Those who are found In Christ will go with him to heaven to be with him for thousand years.
Sinners (those who have not accepted the sacrifice) will be slain by the glory of His coming.
The earth will be desolate. Satan will roam this earth with no one to influence as depicted in
Leviticus 16:21&22
21 He is to lay both hands on the head of the live goat and confess over it all the wickedness and rebellion of the Israelites—all their sins—and put them on the goat’s head. He shall send the goat away into the wilderness in the care of someone appointed for the task. 22 The goat will carry on itself all their sins to a remote place; and the man shall release it in the wilderness.
We are living at a time when the probation is to close and God's kingdom to be established.
As Christ is working in the most holy place of the Heavenly Sanctuary now, what is actually happening in the human sanctuary now? What does that look like in our lives when we allow this to happen in us?
Atonement literally means "covering." The purpose of the sacrifice was to bring reconciliation between man and God (or "at-onement" with God) by covering the sins of the people.
Jesus Christ became our High Priest and entered heaven (the Holy of Holies), once and for all, not by the blood of sacrificial animals, but by his own precious blood on the cross. Christ himself was the atoning sacrifice for our sins; thus, he obtained for us eternal redemption. As believers we accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of Yom Kippur, the final atonement for sin.
At the very moment when Jesus died on the cross, Matthew 27:51 says, "the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split." (NKJV)
This is what I understand about the Day of Atonement.
What was Jesus doing in the Holy place of the human Santuary before 1844 that changed in 1844. How did it change in effect for those who were living before1844 and were still living after 1844. What did they notice in their experience that was evidence of this change in the work that Jesus was doing.
If my conscept of the sanctuaries being tied together is correct, then if something happened in the Heavenly sanctuary the same thing was also happening in the human sanctuary that was only typified in the earthly sanctuary.
Does that time situation that Maurice was talking about earlier come into play here in which time is not a factor in this instance--The sequence being more important than the timing?
I have read your previous notes about the human sanctuary and it was not clear to me what you have meant. If you mean the Sanctuary of old that Moses built as directed by God, Should that be the case, then the dead before 1844 lived by hope and mercy and not beholding to the Sabbath message. As did the Sanctuary of old (sacrifice of the Lamb) did in the Holy Place. In the Sanctuary of Moses once a year the High Priest entered the Most Holy place called the day of Atonement . Bringing this forward to 1844 (our three angels message) (OUR HIGH PRIEST) Christ entered (from the Holy place) to the day of Atonement into the MOST HOLY Place Oct 22, 1844 in the Heavenly Sanctuary made by God. In the MOST HOLY place is the ark of the Covent, in which is the Ten Commandments are, to which we are beholding as SDA today. In 1844 the door was closed by Jesus and the same door of the Sanctuary to the MOST HOLY PLACE was opened.
Simply put, his ministration was done in the holy place in 1844 and another phase of his ministration started in 1844 the Most Holy Place to completion (his Return) It does matter the location and where Jesus is today big time.
Read Early Writings writings The open and shut door p 42
“But clearer light came with the investigation of the sanctuary question. They now saw that they were correct in believing that the end of the 2300 days in 1844 marked an important crisis. But while it was true that that door of hope and mercy by which men had for eighteen hundred years found access to God, was closed, another door was opened, and forgiveness of sins was offered to men through the intercession of Christ in the most holy. One part of His ministration had closed, only to give place to another. There was still an ‘open door’ to the heavenly sanctuary, where Christ was ministering in the sinner’s behalf. {EW xxviii.2}
Frank, thank you for your answer to my question. It seems that your focus is on the reviving of the Sabbath for the Adventist pioneers. It is evident that the knowledge of the seventh day Sabbath was known ever since creation and that there have been faithful souls keeping it ever since. Even though it seemed a new light to Ellen White and friends, it was not new light to the Seventh-day Baptists and others who had already been keeping it.
What I would like to see more clearly is, what happened in the human temple (mind) of mankind that was different than ever before1844 that is significant of the change of ministry of Jesus in the Heavenly santuary.
Another related question is on the tearing of the veil between the Holy and the Most Holy places in the earthly temple of Israel at the death of Jesus revealing the Most Holy Place of the temple. What happened in Heaven? Did the curtain rip there too? If so,has it been repaired or is it just hanging open with no separation between the Holy and the Most Holy?
What is the significance of this tear in the three temples which includes the temple of our hearts?
Don, Yes, indeed my focus is on our pioneers as their message is the same for us as today. There is no difference. Our heavenly Father and Creator DOES not and has not changed. I am not aware of any new light since that time. Should there be he will certainly let us know loud and clear to his followers. Yes, the Sabbath has been formed the beginning to this day
Should we look at the nation of Israel they did not want to listen to Christ They did not accept him, they crucified Christ, they did not accept His message, They were looking For a king!!! Finally, probation closed for the nation of Israel at the Stoning of David
Certainly, the Seventh-day Baptists and others could have been given the Sabbath light as well as others that would lead to the question why Marten Luther was not given the Sabbath truth in his 95 theses. You can be sure the no others religion in the world accepted the message given in 1844 including all seven pillars of our peculiar faith. The very center pillars which hold up most weight is as follows: Main: 1.The sanctuary message (being the very center) 2.The Law of God, 3, The Sabbath 4, the faith of Jesus 5, the state of the dead 6, The Spirit of Prophesy 7. The three Angel’s message
I do not know this term you use Human temple (Mind) and have searched the spirit of prophecy using this term and find no results. So to me, I am still confused with this phrase on the usage.
As to the veil between the Holy and the Most Holy, it was torn on the earthly temple which represented the old convent is finished (earthly Sanctuary). No more Lamb sacrifice Jesus was the last LAMB to be sacrificed and the new one was to start, ( the Heavenly sanctuary). Jesus had not ascended to heaven yet So to the answer to what has happened ( to the veil)in heaven would be nothing After leaving earth he entered the Holy Place then in 1844 Jesus entered through the veil in Heavenly most holy.
I also do not know this term the” Temple of our hearts” Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit in which the holy spirit has a dwelling place to nurture us with the truth.
Perhaps you can enlighten me with these terms of how you are making use of. Brother in Christ Frank
I see your point, Frank. The earthly sanctuary was no longer needed to typify the reality of what Christ had already done when He died for our sins. The continued work of Christ must be done, not only in the heavenly sanctuary but also in the hearts of humanity. This is what the whole thing is about--correcting the hearts of sinful human beings. Without the sin of humanity the temple in Heaven would not even exist or be needed.
In fact John saw no temple when He was shown Heavenly things in vision.
The human mind/heart is the place the Holy Spirit works in us. Ellen White tells us, "The brain nerves that connect with the whole system are the medium through which heaven communicates with man and affects the inmost life. Whatever hinders the circulation of the electric current in the nervous system, thus weakening the vital powers and lessening mental susceptibility, makes it more difficult to arouse the moral nature." Ed 209.2
This is the place the Holy Spirit speaks to us and gives vitality for the Christian walk of faith. In my understanding the brain is the temple of God in the human flesh. The brain affects, controls, and coordinates all the systems and functions of the body. If we allow the Holy Spirit access to our will He, then, has access to our brain and our whole body.
I've been to court for specific reasons... but never facing anything to be like a life sentence! We may not realize, but right now we are being judged either for eternal death or eternal life! Shall we be afraid? No, because we have the Most Capable Lawyer on our side! But the moment is serious! How are we preparing to face the Most Powerful Judge?
We must be honest with our lawyer and do what is required for a good outcome. The Judge is a good Judge also and the court is on our side, but justice will be done. The lawyer will sweat blood for us when needed. There is a way to be vindicated if we will trust the lawyer.
Interesting isn't it that the Judge is also our advocate. However, it remains with us to prove ourselves faithful in choosing daily to be conformed to His will. Too many who say "Lord, Lord" will find themselves facing the unerring Judge who knows their works, and their faith or unbelief. Jesus can propitiate and plead, but cannot choose for anyone. Repentance alone is the condition for forgiveness, which clears the way for the Holy Spirit and sanctification, so we can see that this is an ongoing work, which some have called "the good fight of faith", where the battle is with self. But it must be fought or we will lose it by default.
In comparing the message of "the hour of His judgment has come" to the type, it becomes critical to realize that putting away all sin is what the 1st angel is emphasizing. If this is not done, when Jesus is finished, those still sinning will have no more sacrifice for their sin. Notice that those who are "able to stand" on the day when Jesus returns are described as having "washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb". If this work is not accomplished in our lives, we will be without the wedding garment on, and will be cast into outer darkness.
This seems to indicate that the delay in Jesus' return is due to there not yet being a people who are truly living as in the final hours of their probation. Israel wandered in the wilderness until prepared to enter the Promised Land by faith.
The 1st angel calls God's people to holiness, having the white robe of Christ's righteousness, which is "without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing".
It seems to me that the first Angel's message (Rev 14:6-7 has been historically distorted in failing to recognize that it is the "everlasting gospel" preached in the context of the time of the judgment. It is primarily a call to Creator worship - to worship the One who created and redeemed us. Notice how the words echo the creation story, which is also summarized in the fourth commandment (Ex 20:11). There is added urgency given to the gospel message because of the lateness of time. I would like to suggest that we could gain much by prayerfully meditating on the practical meaning of this message, as recorded in Revelation 14:6-7.
It is unfortunate when the gospel is obscured by an emphasis on "judgment" - something that distorts the character of God without the foundation of the gospel. It is true, I believe, that the first angel implies calling people to holiness, because that is the transformation that the gospel message accomplishes in all who genuinely accept it. But it is a distortion to primarily emphasize judgment and holiness, when the message is a call to worship our great Creator and Redeemer (implied in "everlasting gospel).
I note that you appear to assume that the Israelites were truly living representatives of God just before they entered Canaan, but I would like to challenge you to look up how they actually behaved just before that time, during that time and just after. It seems to me that the Bible record doesn't support the conclusion that God allowed them into the land because of their holiness. And it follows that we cannot use that record to support the idea that Christ waits for our holiness to be complete before He will return.
Inge, it seems to me that if we are truly worshiping God, we will be on the right side of judgment and Holiness.
Indeed, Don. That's my point. 🙂 Fixing on the end result, rather than Christ and the gospel is more likely to be counterproductive.
You are absolutely right, Inge. When Christ is the focus, all else follows appropriately. If we focus only on judgment or trying to do Holy things we must fail because our focus is away from God who is the source and power of our success.
If, however, our "worship" is false we will then be on the wrong side of judgment and Holiness.
If we find ourselves on the wrong side of the law and are unholy, this is a good sign that our worship is false. God will say, "Depart from Me, you worker of iniquity, I never knew you."
Yes Inge, yet the message highlights the judgment by specifically pointing out that "the hour" as arrived, which seems to add to the urgency of our heeding Jesus' message of "repent and believe the gospel", which is "the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes...".
The call to worship is a call to holiness is it not?(Ps 29:2) This only comes to those who repent and believe. It is also urgent due to the verdict being final with no 2nd chance, once the judgment is finished and probation closed. The message also carries the solemnity of judgment when calling all to worship Him who "made...the fountains of waters", referring directly to the flood and the sudden destruction that comes upon any who do not take advantage of the shelter provided. It reminds us of God's faithful warnings to the wicked that He must and will rid His creation of sin and any who remain guilty of it.
A delay in response to this first angel will leave that soul in great eternal peril. We are deciding for eternity, and God is wanting us to sense the great urgency, which only the gospel can remedy.
Keep in mind also, that this is the final warning to a world soon to be cleansed thoroughly. So if it sounds urgent, God means it to be. He is trying to save the lost, and this will be the final call.
Judgment is part of the everlasting gospel (good news). If we perceive it as such, we can with the psalmist say, “Judge me, O Lord; for I have walked in mine integrity: I have trusted also in the Lord; therefore I shall not slide“. (Psalm 26:1). Newer translations say, “Vindicate me, O Lord”.
Judgment is also for the purpose of vindication of God’s character “that Thou mayest be declared righteous in Thy words, and mayest overcome in Thy being judged.” (Rom. 3:4).
The first, second, and third angels in Revelation 14:6-11 are talking about the same judgement of the seven last plagues that God's people are to warn the whole world about to escape via Jesus' blood. Because if we are to take the first one literally then this "investigative judgement" had to have started way back about a few years after the Apostle John wrote this message. Anyone reading this message of John would then read at that time about a few years after he wrote this that the angel He saw first was saying then that "The hour of His Judgement had come." But if one reads it now, one has to take it in conjunction with the second, and third angels and they all are talking about the seven last plague judgement and the mark of the beast.
The title "The End Times, one has to wonder the purpose of this lesson study. In an attempt to understand the implication of the term near,one must have some point of reference. If a period of time based on our finite ability is used, the accuracy may be somewhat questionable. If the Bible is used, Matthew 24:36 and Revelation2:3 among others, mention that no one knows the day, nor the hour. Jesus was comparing the parable of the fig tree that produces and ripens the fruit at the time expected; as different from the unexpected time during the times of tribulation, Matthew 24:29. Some choose to compare historical events as a type of measurement to ready themselves for Judgement day. I say we should be ready daily rather than placate our curiosity.
There are a number of references to the unexpectedness, even for those who are ready, of Christ's return. Planning to change your life because of signs, or historical events in order to be ready is presumptious.
It reminds me of when I was a little kid. I used to pinch cookies out of the cookie container when I came home from school. But before I put my hand in the container, I would scan the sky to see if there was a dark cloud the size of a man's hand anywhere in sight. It took quite a while to learn a)Mum expected me to pinch cookies and b) that sort of preparation for the second coming was not what the Bible was talking about.
Sometimes I think we all still have a bit of growing up to do regarding the life-issues that this series of lessons is about.
I guess the simple question is, if one is looking for something called the end time, what and when is it? The specifics needed are like waiting for a train that is expected because of previous trains that have been on time. That sounds like, Faith and Trust. What is described as End Times; as well as Urgency is important, if substance is available. Revelation 12:12 may be applicable to End Times.
Did you ever read "In these last days he has spoken to us by his Son" Heb 1: 1-2? Doesn't that mean that the last days are marked by the coming of Christ revealing the Father to humanity?
It is very interesting that Paul wrote the following in 1 Cor. 10:11: “Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come”.
The last phrase “upon whom the ends of the world are come” is translated as “who live in these last days” in CEV and “who are living in the closing days of history“ in GOD'S WORD® Translation.
Someone else has already alluded to Heb. 1:2 where the phrase “in these last days” is used referring presumably to the time the epistle to the Hebrews was written.
"The text does not say that this heavenly cleansing takes place immediately after Christ’s ascension."
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If that is true, then why are there several texts in Hebrews stating that Christ's work of "cleansing" and "purification" occurred after his ascension more than 2,000 years ago? Here are two . . .
Heb 1:3 "... having made purification (katharismon) from sins he sat down at the right hand of the High Majesty"
Heb 9: 12 "not with the blood of goats and calves but with his own blood he entered the Sanctuary once for all, having already accomplished redemption"
I would like to suggest that the text of Hebrews is not focused on a time element the way the prophecies of Daniel are. Thus, I believe the comment by the lesson author is valid.
The Hebrew sanctuary services do show a linear progression in the plan of salvation that was re-enacted every year. However, the writer of Hebrews seems mainly intent on demonstrating just who Jesus Christ was/is and how He fulfilled the role of Priest, Sacrifice, Mediator, Savior that was prophesied in the Old Testament.
I also don't see the OT sanctuary services as intended to imply that the Messiah would not have access to the Presence of God (Most Holy Place) until the anti-typical day of atonement. I think we should do our best to extract the lessons from the analogies God gives us in the sanctuary services like we do from the parables of Jesus. (We can get ourselves into deep theological quicksand by trying to make the parables "walk on all fours," for instance.)