Thursday: The Origin of Paul’s Gospel
The troublemakers in Galatia were claiming that Paul’s gospel was really driven by his desire to obtain the approval of others. What might Paul have done differently in his letter if he were merely seeking human approval? Consider Gal. 1:6-9, Gal. 1:11-24.
Why did Paul not require Gentile converts to be circumcised? Paul’s opponents claimed it was because Paul wanted conversions at any cost. Maybe they thought that because Paul knew Gentiles would have reservations about circumcision, he didn’t require it. He was a people-pleaser! In response to such allegations, Paul points his opponents to the strong words he had just written in verses 8 and 9.
If all he wanted were approval, he would surely have answered otherwise.
Why does Paul say it is impossible to be a follower of Christ while trying to please people?
After Paul’s statement in verses 11 and 12 that he received his gospel and authority directly from God, how do his words in verses 13-24 make his point?
Verses 13-24 provide an autobiographical account of Paul’s situation before his conversion (vss. 13, 14), at his conversion (vss. 15, 16), and afterward (vss. 16-24). Paul claims that the circumstances that surrounded each of these events make it absolutely impossible for anyone to claim that he received his gospel from anyone but God. Paul is not going to sit by and allow anyone to disparage his message by questioning his calling. He knows what happened to him, he knows what he was called to teach, and he is going to do it, no matter the cost.
How certain are you of your calling in Christ? How can you know for sure what God has called you to do? At the same time, even if you are sure of your calling, why must you learn to listen to the counsel of others? |

My calling is to be like Jesus. God makes this possible with His Holy Spirit which motivates me by the same Love that motivates Himself (Jesus included, of course).
No human advisor is above the Holy Spirit, however, other humans can be directed by the Holy Spirit to advise me when necessary (maybe when I am not listening to the Holy Spirit Like King David and Bathsheba).
My calling for Jesus is loving others just like he loves everyone in this world.i can feel it in my heart special when im in need he is there for me.
but the thing is im that person that talks publicly but i will try best with his holy spirit by grace his here for me...Wilma Eovua
Heaven is a promise of Jesus to everyone John 14:1-3
So even if my calling is sure l have to listen to others that we may share together that the sharing together may be a help to them to the heaveward journey.
If there is no deafness, listening is natural. What we do with what we listen is what matters! It is all about how we answer the Call! How our hearts are open to the Voice! Talking should acquire some effort!
The Holy Spirit has given me discernment, then I listen to others and act upon what is truth. Yes, my daily relationship with Christ is key to my salvation. I would rather die then skip my daily time with Him. He is all my righteousnes.
First part of the last question; Certainty of MY CALLING in JESUS: As certain as JESUS OWN WORDS in Matthew 11:28-30 "Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest...."
Second part of the last question; EGW sets up three very good guidelines for knowing what OUR CALLING FROM GOD IS: 1. Take up the work that lies nearest at hand, 2. Commit YOUR WORKS to the Lord, and 3. Watch for the indications of HIS PROVICENCE.
And finally, the third part of the last question; Listening to the counsel of others: This is a safeguard against becoming a ONE MAN TEAM or from becoming AUTHORITATIVE, or from becoming a CULT LEADER.
Galatians 1
13 For you have heard of my former conduct in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and rtried to destroy it. 14 And I advanced in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries in my own nation, being more exceedingly zealous for the traditions of my fathers.
His zealousness is used against Paul as he becomes a Christian convert.
As Saul, he loved his position, power and recognition.
Those who knew him from the past are not willing to see the change from Saul to Paul.
They label him as one who would do anything to get a Christian convert.
What kind of baggages has others associated you with your character?
How do you handle those critics?
Where should you ultimately focus?
No doubt that the gospel of Paul, originally from God. He always put Christ first when he wrote something to his friends, churches or others
We must be careful who we listen to because it is not necessarily true or right just because it is someone else (even a leader in the church). The Spirit of God should be consulted in every issue. Even with respected human guidence we should invite the Holy Spirit to give us individual motivation that will help us to choose and perform as Jesus would in our situation.
That is true Don, but the Holy Spirit does not sound a trumpet every time it speaks. I have been in situations where both sides of a different point of view have used the argument that they have been led by the Holy Spirit, even here on the Sabbath School Net. I remember one argument many years ago where I was urged by two different people that their line of thinking was the Spirit-led right one so I asked the respondents which Holy Spirit was I supposed to listen to.
It is not a trivial situation and I am sure that most of us have experienced it. How do I think the Holy Spirit works in situations like this?
The Holy Spirit does not provide us with immediate definitive answers to the issues of life in many instances simply because we need to grow and develop our experience. As an educator myself, I learned long ago that the teachers job was not to provide answers, but to teach students the way to explore and develop their own answers and continue to do so for the rest of their lives. Likewise I believe that the Holy Spirit is there not to provide answers but to guide us in the experience of working out our answers.
If we understand that the Holy Spirit is their to help us grow, rather than provide us with ready answers, then perhaps we will feel a little less frustrated about the time it takes to resolve some of the issues we face.
Yes, God wants us to use our own mind motivated by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes Scripture can help in our decisions. Sometimes other people can help us with their wisdom. But if the Holy Spirit is not motivating us, our righteousness is like "filthy rags" because it is not motivated by the Love of God. There will be eternal consequences without the motivation of the Holy Spirit.
Even if we listen to the elders perfectly and do everything the church says to do, it can still turn out wrong; but if we invite Jesus into our hearts in the person of His Spirit and continue to walk with Him, we cannot go wrong eternally. We may make mistakes, but we will learn from them and even avoid some mistakes if God's Love always motivates us.
If God's Love motivates us we will tend to listen to the right people for advice and we may even figure some things out on our own with His Love as our motivation.