Thursday: Theodicy
Read Romans 3:1–4. Though the immediate context is the unfaithfulness of some of God’s covenant people, what is the bigger issue that Paul is talking about here? What is Paul saying about God?
Quoting Psalm 51:4, Paul talks about how the Lord Himself will “be justified in your words and will prevail when you are judged”(Rom. 3:4, NET).
The idea being presented is a motif that appears in various places in the Scriptures. It’s called theodicy, and it is the question of understanding the goodness of God in the face of evil. It’s the age-old question that we have been looking at all week. In fact, the whole great controversy itself is really a theodicy. Before humans, before angels, before the whole universe, the goodness of God will be revealed despite the evil that unfolds in the world.
“Every question of truth and error in the long-standing controversy has now been made plain. The results of rebellion, the fruits of setting aside the divine statutes, have been laid open to the view of all created intelligences. The working out of Satan’s rule in contrast with the government of God has been presented to the whole universe. Satan’s own works have condemned him. God’s wisdom, His justice, and His goodness stand fully vindicated. It is seen that all His dealings in the great controversy have been conducted with respect to the eternal good of His people and the good of all the worlds that He has created.”—Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, pp. 670, 671.
However hard it might be for us now to understand, immersed as we are in a world of sin and suffering (and if it’s hard for us, imagine what Job must have thought), when it is all over we will be able to see the goodness and justice and love and fairness of God in all His dealings with humanity, with Satan, and with sin. This doesn’t mean that everything that happens in the world is good; clearly it’s not. It means only that God is dealing with it in the best way possible, and then when this terrible experience with sin is over, we will be able to shout: “‘Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty! Just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints!’” (Rev. 15:3, NKJV).
Why is it so important to be praising God, even now, even amid the trials that seem so hard to bear?

When we praise the LORD we are focusing on Him, His love and His plans for the universe.
I try to remind myself that this world is only a speck in the Universe, why do I think my troubles must take priority with the LORD? I praise Him that in spite of that He loves me and His ultimate plan is for me to dwell with Him in a perfect world where they will be no evil.
Romans 3:1- ---"They have been entrusted with the very words of God". How precious that we too have been entrusted with the inspired words of Ellen White, as well as the Holy Scripture, to help us understand just the tiniest bit about God's goodness in a sinful world. Without this the world would not make any sense at all.
How marvellous to know that even though we are just the tiniest speck in the universe that God knows so much about everyone and cares about us like none other.
In know He walks beside me and I am so, so grateful for His promises.
The love of God is beyond our full comprehension. Let's thank Him for His love. I find it amazing how God wants us to love Him. He gave all for us to love Him. Just do it.
I think the apostles would explain that better than us. They sang while under pressure. They felt they did not even deserve to suffer for Christ's sake. It was to great an honor to be trusted with such. Suffering in standing for God's cause. It is an underserved honor. It truly baffles God's enemy as did Job.
It is said by Ellen White that the day is coming where we will need to draw warmth from the coldness of the others. Our day is soon coming when we will have that privilege.
We studied this book some time ago and this was memorable to me also.
When the religion of Christ is most held in contempt, when His law is most despised, then should our zeal be the warmest and our courage and firmness the most unflinching. To stand in defense of truth and righteousness when the majority forsake us, to fight the battles of the Lord when champions are few—this will be our test. At this time we must gather warmth from the coldness of others, courage from their cowardice, and loyalty from their treason.—Testimonies for the Church 5:136 (1882).LDE 180.4
I remember this also. I didn't I was sharing this with a Shepherd's Rod - another informed me afterwards - and he seemed somewhat consternated ...
As trials thicken around us, both separation and unity will be seen in our ranks. Testimonies for the Church 6:400 (1900).LDE 175.2
And this encouragement - even for the dead - (if its me, at least there's a Remedy!
The Lord calls for a renewal of the straight testimony borne in years past. He calls for a renewal of spiritual life. The spiritual energies of His people have long been torpid, but there is to be a resurrection from apparent death. By prayer and confession of sin we must clear the King's highway.—Testimonies for the Church 8:297 (1904).LDE 176.1
The whole chapter 13 in Last Day Events is filled with encouragement and insight.
How can I not praise God, He cares for me so much, He even notices when I lose a hair. Just like Job we cannot see what is happening behind the curtain, but when we get to Heaven and we see the events that happened to help us gain Heaven - even the ones that caused us suffering - we will be praising God for eternity.
I have to humble myself often because I too tend to focus on my troubles instead of the many blessings God has blessed me with.I am thankful that He remains faithful through it all which lifts me up and gives me the strength I need to continue forward.Job was told to be a man,God never leaves us so there's nothing we could go through without Him being with us.
It is important and good to praise the Lord, to be grateful and to thank him for all the good things he has done to us even in difficult situations. It means focussing on the positive things in our lives makes us feel happy and loved. Thus we feel that we are filled with the spirit of love and strength so that we can cope with the bad things happening to us and our friends in a better way. Praise the Lord.
Now I know why my father used to make us walk 5 km to school on foot despite him having a car (to train us for tough times)
He used to forbid the maid to wash our own clothes when were well. We thought he was a difficult father.
He Forbid us to watch WWF when all other kids were watching Hulk Hogan and the Rambos. We thought he was a bad father and were used to hate him and gave him evil names.
It was all because of love. He loved us but we only saw these as tribulations.
Let us see Gods love amidst all the evil surrounding us. One day you will be able to understand why it happened to you.
Wow, what a wise father! Two hours of brisk walking a day gave you strong and healthy bodies. Taking care of your own clothes taught you self-reliance. And not watching inappropriate material preserved the good mind God gave you. I hope he lived long enough to experience your gratitude. 🙂
Jesus said to His disciples \"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.\" Jesus was not promising a life free from pains and sufferings. Testimony p 222 Says, It is by small things that our characters are formed to habits of integrity,. Small transactions of ordinary everyday life in which we are tested and our characters are formed. The Great Controversy is but Trials of Faith by God and Discouragements by the enemy of the people of God. Brothers we must be faithful to God and Trust in Him always even when the heavens seem to be desintegrating.