The Three Peas – A Parable
And behold, a pea plant flourished in the garden and brought forth a beautiful pod with three peas in it. In the fullness of time, the wind blew and the pea pod fell to the ground and split open, spilling the peas onto the dirt.
The first pea, looking around, saw the dark damp earth and it said to itself, “It is dirty out here, and damp and I feel so uncomfortable”. So it crept back into the pea pod and drew the two halves together to keep warm and dry.
The second pea, looking around, saw the dark damp earth and said to itself, “ It is dirty out here and damp and I feel so uncomfortable and I stick out like a sore thumb”. So it immediately rolled in the dark damp earth and covered itself with mud until no one could tell that the green pea was there any more.
The third pea, looking around saw the dark damp earth and said to itself, “It is dirty out here and damp and what this place needs is a lot more green!” So it put down its roots and germinated and grew into a tall pea plant above the dark damp earth and produced a fine crop of fresh green peas.
And that is the parable of the three peas!
[Original author unknown- possibly Morris Venden – I remember this story from my youth!]