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Tuesday: Be Who You Are — 17 Comments

  1. I consider myself to be a Christian but I am not sure that I can be 'Christ-like' as much as I should be. I would love to know Christ better and then maybe I can be more like Him. I am sure that I could do better in many areas of my life but I need Jesus to fill in where I fail.
    As the only Christian in my family, I pray that my life is a witness to the love that Jesus has for all. I can only do my best and leave the rest to the Holy Spirit, that there will be fruit from my example some day, that they will receive the cleansing and forgiveness that is offered to all who believe.

    • Jane,
      Each day is a struggle. We are fighting against principalities and power and it is only by the grace of God that we can overcome. Daily and hourly ask for the Holy Spirit's guidance and you will realize that when we rely on Him we will have the strength to withstand the wiles of the devil.
      Studying His word (the bible), praying and fellowship with like believers helps in our walk with Christ. These are all examples that He gave us when He was here on earth. He was in constant communion with His father, He prayed, He surrounded himself with disciples. We need to do the same.
      He never promised us that it would be easy, however He gave us tools and resources to make this walk easier.
      I will pray for you but always remember that many times the only Jesus people see is when we live according to His will.

      • Thanks MiaLin for your encouraging words and your prayers. I know God is near to me and I just want to share that with my family. Words do not come easy for me but I try and do everything I can for each one.

        • Jane,
          Actions speak louder than words and I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day because many cry Lord Lord and do not live according to His will. Prayer sometimes take a while to be answered but they work.

  2. myself to be christian i love all people but part that i dont play is preaching his name in public i feel shy .... and not good in explain words properly, so want him help through this...

    • Not by might or power but by His spirit...It is not I that live but Christ in me, with Him in you He can help you...keep up the faith!

    • Hi Wilma. Love is a powerful language on its own, which often achieves more than a sermon. So if you love sincerely, like Christ, you are already sharing the gospel.
      Dont feel bad that you are not a fluent speaker. God usws us differently and blesses hus church with a variety of gifts. Sometimes, words can be deceiving- a good preacher is not necessary a good Christian. Hence Isaiah 29:13 says this warning;
      ' 13The Lord says:
      “These people come near to me with their mouth
      and honor me with their lips,
      but their hearts are far from me.
      Their worship of me
      is based on merely human rules they have been taught.b
      14Therefore once more I will astound these people
      with wonder upon wonder;
      the wisdom of the wise will perish,
      the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish.”

      • Khutsang maroba, thank you very much for your encouragement message that really touches my heart and one day i will preach as read his word ever morning and it really challenging me honestly speaking from my heart ! wilma eovua Papua new guinea

    • Preaching is sometimes best done by listening. I'm not good at talking either, but listening and making noises of attention are often appreciated. Jesus did/does a lot more listening than we give him credit for.

    • Maybe God doesn't call everyone to preach. Remember the spiritual gift lists? The body is made of many different parts. Not everyone is a mouth.

      One thing I have struggled with for a number of years is the concept of witnessing. And I have slowly found out why. It was misunderstanding. The way I was taught to witness was to confront strangers with doctrine. That does not do justice to the word (or to scripture). But being raised in a denomination who's foundation was centered around doctrine, it is easy to see how the concept took root.

      A witness is a person who tells what they saw, heard and experienced. That may not have much to do with doctrine. But it does mean a person has to have had an experience, in order to be able to share it.

      And second, witnessing in the Christian sense works much better with people who already have your respect--friends, not strangers.

      Those two make a whole different ball game--one that actually works.

  3. Hi. I just attended Hope Sabath School. Fortunately, this study was very special because there was subtitle in the video. That's too good, because it helps people like me who still do not know everything from English. I am Tomé White, I am from Angola, but I live in Brazil because I work here as a missionary.

    I am learning English, and I use your program to learn more about the Bible and at the same time improve my English. But only today, in this study of Lesson 9, I got the most out of it because there was a subtitle in it that you guys did! I always watch videos by YOUTUBE and the subtitle of YOUTUBE is not perfect, but the one you put in this last video was perfect, and wonderful. Please, always place the subtitulos this helps a lot of people here in Brazil who assit this program by YOUTUBE.

    In the next program I will be waiting for you to send a hug for me here in Brazil! Thanks and good work for the entire Hope Channel team.

  4. Good Morning Everybody,
    Of all the lists; I like the one that says "...We have been forgiven, cleansed from our old sins, and we have the right to partake in the Divine Nature.." 2 Peter 1:8-10. (We have God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit in us). So there is no excuse why we should not be living "Who We Are". Time is running out. Time to make our calling and election sure. God is gathering up a people who will be going home with Him when Jesus comes. I know sometimes it's "hard running theses last few miles" but let's "hang in there, .. be steadfast, unloveable and be about our Father's Business".
    Everybody have a blessed day,
    Mattie J.

  5. Good Evening,
    This is relevant to our study today and I wanted to share this.
    Faith and works go hand in hand; they act harmoniously in the work of overcoming. Works without faith are dead, and faith without works is dead. Works will never save us; it is the merit of Christ that will avail in our behalf. Through faith in Him, Christ will make all our imperfect efforts acceptable to God. The faith we are required to have is not a do-nothing faith; saving faith is that which works by love and purifies the soul.

    We must have a solid foundation for our faith; it must be founded on the Word of God, and its results will be seen in obedience to God's expressed will. Says the apostle, “Without ...[holiness] no man shall see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14). Faith and works will keep us evenly balanced and make us successful in the work of perfecting Christian character. Jesus says, “Not every one that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter in the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 7:21). Speaking of temporal food, the apostle said, “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat” (2 Thessalonians 3:10). The same rule applies to our spiritual nourishment; if any would have the bread of eternal life, let him make efforts to obtain it.
    We hear a great deal about faith, but we need to hear a great deal more about works. Many are deceiving their own souls by living an easy-going, accommodating, crossless religion. But Jesus says, “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me” (Matthew 16:24).

  6. There is an item that is not on the list of 2 Peter 1:5-7 and that is an item found in the Parable of JESUS in Chapter 22 of the Gospel of Matthew. It has to do with an item in The Parable of the Marriage Feast: The item being "The Wedding Garment." In that Parable there was only ONE person that was CAST OUT of that EVENT and it had nothing to do with HIM OR HER being GOOD OR BAD (having GOOD OR BAD WORKS, OR EVEN ALL THOSE "VIRTUES," on PETER'S LIST.) it just had to do with THE PERSON not having on THE WEDDING GARMENT. The WEDDING GARMENT is THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF JESUS BY FAITH.

    • Pete, Happy Sabbath!!!
      It may not be stated literally but all of those virtues if we sum it all, it talks about His Righteousness and it's all abound with LOVE. God is LOVE... HE HImself is LOVE and HE is Righteous.

  7. Peter Villarreal,
    If I may ask, how do we attain to the righteousness of Christ without these virtues you are excluding?
    I believe transformation is not rapture but gradual growth in the knowledge of God. A process of sanctification.
    Happy Sabbath

    • "By beholding, we become changed." The "work" is knowing Christ/God. The result WILL BE change. We are so often afraid of this. Sounds too much like cheap grace. But that is the way God made it and he ought to know. Any effort we direct at "doing something" (or not) focuses our attention on ourselves, not on God, and is not likely to have the desired effect.


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