HomeDailyTuesday: The Church as a Body    


Tuesday: The Church as a Body — 18 Comments

  1. I believe that if the heart or brain was not working as one unit. The rest of the body wouldn't be able to function correctly. The brain send waves length throughout the body. In the same sense the heart pumps blood throughout the body. With My point is the brain is the word of god metaphorically speaking. Also the heart is the love and compassion we show others. With out those the church will not be able to survive for long with out being on life support.

  2. I have so often experienced this problem of not recognizing that there are many different gifts.
    The lay activities leader stands up and announces "We are all going to go out and give out leaflets this afternoon and then goes on to imply that there is something wrong with you if you don't come along. Or in another church they draw up a list for women to do the flowers and every women is on it whether you want to or not.

    But then there have been other churches where they take the time to discuss the various spiritual gifts and help people to discover how they are blessed and create opportunities for each one to do their share in building up the church.
    These are churches that flourish and attract others to join them.

    What ministry could add to your church? What can you do to get it going?

  3. This is a great lesson, I am glad to know that we all can be used by the Lord in his church even if is just for us to be someone who translate a bible verse for someone who does not speak the language. The Lord indeed is great to us, let us be happy to perform the duty the Lord has called us to perform regardless of the position.

  4. Amen. May God indeed give us grace to serve Him faithfully, humbly and lovingly. May we serve as the Spirit leads us to serve.

    Shirley , I am truly moved by what you have indicated. Am just wondering how best to help someone discover what they are gifted in?

  5. According to medical professionals, autoimmune diseases can lead to the destruction of vital body tissues, alterations in growth of organs and malfunctioning of organs. As pointed out by the lesson author, autoimmune diseases occur when one organ of the body attacks another, and this may lead to death or serious debilitating conditions. The best practices treatment for this abnormal immune response against tissues and substances, normally part of the makeup of the body is "immunosuppression" medication which decreased the immune response.

    I am not a medical expert but from observing this disease it seems the body is in total confusion during these attacks on itself. Medical professionals have proffered numerous theories as to the cause of the condition and the cure rate is very low - most patients receive life-long treatment.

    The take away from this analogy for me is that isms and schisms and infighting among God's people is NOT NORMAL and was never intended by our Creator, but is a result of sin.

    The cure is LOVE, found ONLY in Jesus who loved us and gave Himself for us. We must be changed and transformed by His grace and power and become new creatures to share this agape love with each other (2 Cor. 5:17). The love of Christ alone the anti-sin suppressant against the sinful desires of our hearts. If we loved each other as God, for Christ's sake loved us,, we would not fight against ourselves.

    Song for today

    Change my heart O God
    Make it ever new
    Change my heart O God
    May I be like you.

    You are the Potter
    I am the clay
    Mold me and make me
    This is why I pray

    Change my heart O God
    Make it ever new
    Change my heart O God
    May I be like you.

    • Thanks for drawing our attention to autoimmune diseases, as suggested by the lesson author. Your comment provides food for thought.

      It should bring us back to consider Christ's words, "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35)

      It is not primarily correct doctrines that distinguishes the disciples of Christ, but love for one another. Judging by that criterion, is it possible that there may be those among Muslims that are recognized as disciples of Christ whereas some among God's identified latter-day church are not? (Consider that the commandments of God have been summed up from ancient times as loving God supremely and our neighbor as ourselves.)

      It should at least make us think.

      Love the song, "Change my heart, O God." Wish we could all get together to sing it - and not only sing it, but mean it as a sincere prayer.

      • I'm blessed by your comments as well, Inge. Thanks for sharing. I look forward to our getting together one day soon as well, not sure how, but all things are possible with God. This is the age of high technology and it is God who gives men wisdom and knowledge of these things.

  6. EGW has things to suggest; however, I thought this quote most appropriate for today's lesson on unity: "But God cannot make them one in Christ unless they are willing to give up their own way for His way." {CCh 45.5}

    We need to study, pray, serve God in humility.
    "The sin that is most nearly hopeless and incurable is pride of opinion, self-conceit. This stands in the way of all growth. When a man has defects of character, yet fails of realizing this; when he is so imbued with self-sufficiency that he cannot see his fault, how can he be cleansed? 'They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.' Matthew 9:12. How can one improve when he thinks his ways perfect?" {CCh 46.4}

    • Wow! It is not the sins of Sodom that are "the most nearly hopeless and incurable," but "pride of opinion" or "self-conceit"!

      Surely that puts all of us in danger, doesn't it, unless we cling closely to Christ and practice taking "delight in honoring each other." (Rom 12:10)

    • Thank you for posting this, Dorothy! That quote is going into my bookmarks right next to this one: "There is nothing so offensive to God or so dangerous to the human soul as pride and self-sufficiency. Of all sins it is the most hopeless, the most incurable." COL 154 And Inge, your post suggests that these sins seem so minor from the standpoint of someone who is carrying around the sin monster inside (that would be me). I thank God that He has promised to "cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

  7. Quoted from lesson: “Imagine a big ear flapping its way across the room to say “Hello” to us! As ridiculous as that may sound, it does in fact happen when people try to control the church as if they were the sole owner.”

    There is ever the temptation for leaders to employ their power to impose their will and way on others and consider it strong leadership. Church leaders are affected too. However the church is not just another institution. It is Christ’s body and He the head (Colossians 1:18).

    The common principles of the world, such as a dictatorial posture may appear to move the church forward, but the principles of Heaven are they which raise it closer to its head (Galatians 5:22, 23). To borrow the questionable methods of the world for a supposed good cause, even to build up the church of Christ, rather than depend on the Holy Spirit is to align with the wrong side of the great controversy (1 Corinthians 3:6-7).

    It may be necessary to bear with controlling leaders. Pray for them. They may turn like anyone else (Ezekiel 18:21-23). The Lord may still find a way to bless His people. In the meantime trust the Holy Spirit to guide; for any may lose his/her way and not even discern it.

    As a member of the body of Christ be grateful for the privilege to contribute to its development in the smallest way (1 Corinthians 12:22-26).

  8. In our diversity there is to be harmony and unity. The unity is truth, purpose, mission, righteousness. The diversity is the manner of gifts each one possesses while in this unity. When it comes to the foundation of Truth, there can be no agreeing to disagree. There is one Lord, one Faith and one Baptism.

    Yes Hugh, perilous times have befallen the church.

    • Robert, I believe that unity comes only through the self-renouncing love that is the law of life for the universe.

      For instance, how can you be sure that your understanding of truth is the correct one?

      Would it not be wise to honor the understanding of those who differ from your understanding? (I'm not here referring to our fundamental beliefs, but to beliefs that are not stated in our fundamental belief statements.)

      It seems to me that the church becomes fractured when persons who agree on a certain non-fundamental subset of beliefs band together to encourage each other in their "rightness" and to bemoan the "wrongness" of others. On other fora, I've seen those subscribing to some of my subset of beliefs labeled as being part of Babylon, as being agents of the devil, etc. And I see no cure for that other than genuine respect and love for each other, regardless of a difference in beliefs.

      Something Jesus did not say, "People will recognize you as my disciples because of the correctness of your belief."

      Something Jesus did say, "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:35)

      So which will it be: Shall we insist on our own correctness and righteousness, or shall we be "kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another." (Romans 12:10) Whatever Paul means by that statement, I'm pretty sure that it doesn't mean insisting that my/our beliefs are correct and those who disagree with us are wrong. It's a lesson for me as well as you.

      Who do you suppose this counsel by a certain wise Christian woman might apply to?

      "The sin that is most nearly hopeless and incurable is pride of opinion, self-conceit. This stands in the way of all growth." (Ellen White, Counsels to the Church, p. 46)

      • Inge, isn't the " self-renouncing love that is the law of life for the universe" the Truth? Isn't that what Jesus demonstrated? Isn't HE the Way, the Truth and the Life?

        Seems we agree.

        But in this we cannot compromise truth with popular teachings that have come in among us (as God through Ellen said they would) and must maintain the Truth as given in Christ. I have encountered those calling for unity while agreeing to disagree on vital pillars of our beliefs. Yes, fundamental beliefs. These are always under the attack of Satan. We cannot pervert the gospel message without robbing it of it's power to save. We are to "speak the same things", even if we have different gifts for sharing it.

        The Gospel cannot comfort the unconverted, but will always encourage the poor in spirit.

        Inge, consider the book of Galatians and see Paul's zeal for protecting the truth from the constant attacks by Satan through half-converted "believers". Read Isa 4 and see God's zeal for His people and the solemn judgments He will bring to keep pure His church. Notice the counsel to Titus to "rebuke sharply that they may be sound in the faith" and to reject heretics "after the 1st and 2nd admonition". Doesn't this reveal a genuine need to keep faithful watch? This is the reason for the Word of God which we must "rightly divide" if we would escape deception.

        All who are yoked together with Jesus will be in unity with Him and with His Father. With all their infinite goodness, they cannot not tolerate falsehood.

        • I would add this, Jesus warned that "many shall come in my name", and that if possible, the very elect would be deceived. We know our greatest threats will come from within, and must be vigilant concerning our soul's salvation.

        • I agree that self-renouncing love is indeed the truth but sometimes that does not play out in our relationships with one another. I can remember growing up with the bitter disputes on the nature of Christ and the Godhead as a youth. I was almost a teenager when I learned what the terms "prelapsian" and "postlapsian" meant. I remember too how bitter the dispute ran with both sides declaring they had the truth and that it was important to salvation. Both sides denounced the other as having apostasized and forsaken the pillars of the church. Neither side was demonstrating the self-renouncing love that we agree is one of the pillars of Christianity. How does a 12 year old relate to those sorts of discussion when one is preparing for baptism? How does one relate to those events when you look back nearly 60 years to those events that took place in the formative years of one's Christian experience.

          I am old enough now to have seen people on both sides of the argument lose their interest in church and ultimately lose their faith as well. People I was baptized with in my youth disappeared over the spiritual horizon.

          Here is what I learned. Even on some of our most fundamental truths (pillars), believers are going to have a variety of opinions and interpretations. There is no reason why the interpretation that I am comfortable with is any better or worse than theirs (I am not talking about those who have widely disparate or selfish views) It is in our best interests and the interests of the Kingdom of God to regard one another as fellow learners in the "truth journey", listening to others, and sharing our experiences as we study the Word of God. There is no point in me being sanctimoniously arrogant, even when I believe that I am led by the Holy Spirit. Bear one anothers burdens as we seek truth.

  9. My take is taken from 1corin 12:13 and this means that irrespective of the country you're from, the tribe you are, whether rich or poor in christ and in church we're all one people in christ Jesus. The disparity in church should be stop.

  10. All those who acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord belong to His Body, which is the Church. One thing that needs to be crystal clear is that we are not the heads of the Church, Christ is the head of the Church (Colossians 1:18).Let us not take the position of Christ, we are the members who take the orders from the head. The moment we want to be the head, we are allowing Satan to come and divide us and rule. The devil wants to bring division and strife to the Body of Christ. Together we stand, divided we fall (Mark 3:24).We need to resist the devil (James 4:7) and walk with God in peace and love. In the Body of Christ there are many members and each member does their share. When one of the members is not functioning well, like we do with our physical bodies, let us pray for them (1 Thessalonians 5:11).There is inter-dependence in the Body of Christ, we work together in one Spirit and being led by the same God.


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