Tuesday: Dealing With Demons
Read Luke 8:26-39 and Matthew 15:21-28. How do these stories help us understand how Jesus related to non-Jews? How do we understand Jesus’ words to the Canaanite woman? Also, what lessons should the disciples have picked up, seeing Jesus minster to those who were not part of the covenant people
The region of the Gadarenes was an area formerly dominated by Greece, but it had become part of the Roman province of Judea.
The man in the tombs was obviously possessed, and his possession manifested itself in horrific ways. He truly needed divine aid, which he got.
That this liberation took place in Gentile territory is confirmed by the presence of the pigs. It is interesting to notice the reaction to this economic loss when the pigs drowned; the townspeople asked Jesus to leave their territory. Jesus in turn asked the healed man to stay. He was to witness to his own people about Jesus; no doubt, too, his changed life, even more than his words, would be a powerful testimony.
In the next incident, the child from the region of Tyre and Sidon was
(Matt. 15:22 NIV). Her mother, a Canaanite, illustrated the cultural melting pot of that region. Her Canaanite ancestors were displaced from their land when Israel inherited it under the leadership of Joshua. Here, again, we see Jesus reaching out to those who weren’t of Israel proper. demon-possessed and suffering terribly
In talking to her, Jesus used somewhat harsh language, likening her people to dogs, but it tested her faith and showed her humble willingness to get the help she needed.
The Saviour is satisfied. He has tested her faith in Him. By His dealings with her, He has shown that she who has been regarded as an outcast from Israel is no longer an alien, but a child in God’s household. As a child it is her privilege to share in the Father’s gifts. Christ now grants her request, and finishes the lesson to the disciples.
—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 401.
The lesson was that, contrary to their understanding, the work of the gospel is not just for the Jews but is to go to other nations, as well.

im so touched by Jesus words to the canaanite girl.its true she had given herself fully to Christ and this calls to us Adventists that we should stretch out and lead many people to Christ by telling them the Ttuth n teaching them correct ways moreover leading by example so that they emulate it.lets not despise them for when one lost sheep is found the whole Kingdom will Rejoice
THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF DEMON POSSESSED; Black Magic, that is the prospect or victim is Obsessed partially or fully by the demon & White Magic whereby the member is success in business; education; development but with all lewdness.
Growing up as an animist early in life was not easy for I had no normal up bringing as a kid.
1). As an Animist Priest at a young age of 5 years old learning the trade from my grand-mom who was a high priestess in Fiji's Animist society and most respected, I was communicating with them demons of highest rank at that very early age and as far as I can recall at age 6 years old if someone upset me, would be subject to omen of bad luck, injury, accident or even death. My mom was visited when only 3 months in her womb by the highest order of the Animist Demon society to be named after this name I have, and fortnight before my birth was again visited and warned by this highest being of demonic society.
2). When at the age of 12 I was initiated as the High Priest of the Animist world of witch craft in potion making and hypnotism using magical touches as a masseur and mental poisoning for it went together with hypnotism. It is here that we are taught to poison people or prospects as we termed in two ways:
a). Mental poisoning by demonic possession whereby the prospect or victim would be totally possessed by your guide or tutor the Demon.
b). the other mental poisoning which is more frightening was to poison the prospect or victim with ideologies through hypnotism using music and mind control to indoctrinate all evil and malice in that P or V head. That is what is right to society would be wrong to the P or V; what was wrong to society war right to the P/V; What was evil to society was good to P/V and vice versa; What society viewed as normal would have an opposite to the P/V and vice versa.
As I progressed, introduced to White magic and graduated I then was exposed to 2 prong strategies of the Secret Society;
a). Black magic & White magic have one common goal and purpose to deceive, steal and destroy the Prospect/Victim eventually after its usefulness has served their purpose. In most cases they are visible known by society to be possessed for their actions and physical appearances and periodical spasm of trip to another world and utterances before death if not exorcised.
b). Black and White Magic are both control by two societies and Satan as the head; Black magic always portray the Devil as most horrific and despicable countenance and goal and purpose to distort minds and eventually kill the P/V whereas White magic is to hypnotize P/V for benefit in business or progress in favor of the member and it involves fornication, adultery, and all other kinds of lewdness.
So as a missionary you must be aware of these two type of secret societies I was a former member as an ad-hoc member and believe me they are not a sight to behold and be in. I would not dare be back there for a billion dollar offer or even more than a trillion dollar after reading Character, Mind and Personality Book 2 in which it exposed White Magic or to be precisely Egyptian Magic for in the Holy Scriptures only the Egyptian Magicians challenged Yahweh through Moses and Aaron by copying 3 plagues thus in the last days there will only be 7 plagues. I would never would want to meet Satan again nor be in his Secret Chamber of 13 Princes of Devils of the Highest Order for another meeting and guess what, I never was allowed to enter into a Seventh Day Adventist Home for the Holy Angels were stationed around their compound and yard and even my guide the Goddess of Love would shy away and scared when I dared to enter the homes of SDA so I would eventually retreat whenever I see the holy angels of those SDA homes until i started attending SDA in 1991 I praise God for no one led me into this church but His own Holy Spirit and Personal Bible Study.
Awesome testimony so glad you came to know Christ and the power of his love.
Aca thank you for your testimony. It reminded me once again that we are in a real war. One advice I would give you is to change your name. Ask Jesus to choose one of or you. Make sure that you throw out everything that is associated with your former life. You can read these two books for more insight. They are "Incredible Answers to Prayers and More Incredible Answers to Prayers. They were both written by Roger Morneau who was converted to being a Seventh Day Adventist from devilism. I will pray for you and you pray for me. Also read The Great Controversy written by Ellen G. White.
I am helping a girl who was in the same club but she decided to leave, now the demons are many and each time you pray they start going but after two weeks they come back again. The girl denied them and she even got baptised but they have been following her and they say they will not stop antill they kill her. she has exposed a lot of imformation about the secret underworld and thats why satanist still hunt for her.
She even confessed that she could get out of the body and enter into another persons body just like the way demons who come out from her do it. Its almost a year fighting with these spirits. We have been councilling the girl and she has been saying what she remembers but it seems she has a lot of things she needs to surrender to the underworld where she used to get them. According to her, she did some rituals to swear never to leave satanism but they locked her brain and she cant remember them. So many people have been praying for her and have given up... I am the only one remaining and l have not lossed hope cause God knows why things are like this.
How easy it might have been for the woman of Canaan to take offense at being referred to a little dog by the Messiah, of all people (Matthew 15:26). Jesus first ignored the woman (Mark 7:26) and then suggested He had little or no time for her (Matthew 15:24). This would be more than enough to turn off most self-esteem filled persons of our modern society. The thin-skinned or easily affected might soon look for another source of healing for their daughter.
However by His response Christ taught at least two lessons to His disciples and all who would later read the account. He demonstrated the pride, prejudice and coldness the Jews had exhibited as they neglected the lost whom He came to save.
The woman heard the words of prejudice, but she sensed the compassion in the Savior’s tone and appearance. The disciples would too.
As well Jesus communicated a lesson of humility. The woman, like the centurion of Matthew 8:8, sensed her unworthiness and nothingness. She would take the place of a little dog and any privilege that comes with such status as long as the Redeemer could find some time for her (Mark 7:28). Christ’s response was similar to that concerning the centurion – “…Great is your faith!” (Matthew 15:28)
Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). While presumption is the outworking of pride and self-importance, faith is born out of humility. Without humility it is impossible to please God. Modern disciples may take note as did those on the spot.
Thax Aca for enlightening about secret societies, past life journey to repentance. Most people are bound by these forces. Can u shed more light about P or V i failed to understand
Aca. Praise GOD for your powerful testimony and admonition. Glory to GOD for your deliverance! We in the West through the media and music have sterilised and sanitised the dark and evil works of the devil making it seem so fascinating and even desirable to participate in the works of darkness. So thanks again for your stark reminder.
Greetings from Fiji, Nathan Nyoni & Marcia Mendoza!
P for prospects as animists and Cosmicists view them. V stands for Victims for Christians and civil societies would deem them as victims.
Many people in my region doubt the power Satan. But, thank God for His transforming power,_those who were shackled are now set free!
truly indeed the caananite woman's story never ceases to marvel me .. despite that which may seem harsh words thrown to her she still remained humble and asked for the pardon of the LOrd. Indeed its a blessing when we come to know How powerful our Lord is ..
Im challanged brethrens. I have a muslim friend, it has been my desire to preach the gospel to him but i don't know how to start. I know they hold their doctrines so tight that it becomes difficult to divert them from it.
The best way to witness to Muslims (and indeed to most people) is to become their friend and share by living a Christian life. Far too many of us think that we can talk and argue Christian truth. There is a time to talk but that comes as a result of friendship.
Sow the seed; God knows the time to reap!
Always be kind, courteous and sympathetic. This is letting our light shine as we reveal good works that glorify God.
Were we all not outcast before we came to Christ? We who are Seventh day should not think we are more privilege then those of other faith we are to enlighten them on the commandment of God and to heal the sick pray for those who are in darkness, seek those who are who are lost, we all have members of are own household who do not know the amazing grace of God, who do not understand our belief and are fill with this world demons and unbelief. We who are spiritual have to preach the word. We are the salt of the earth and have much to praise about. We are to stand firm on the Promises of God and cast out demons and know that God's Power is with us and through his power we are to walk upon the lion and the adder and take authority over those demons that come against our family member and co-worker and those who are in need of Christ saving grace which is us all.
Jesus shows, like with the centenarian, the woman at the well, peter and the blanket of food descending from heaven, the man who carried his cross in route to his crucification that he is the Savior of all men. I praise God that he extends mercy regardless of race, class, income or requtation. Jesus is the light of the world.
Jesus demonstrated during His earthly ministry the original intent of God through Israel and soon following, the Church. The whole world are the lost sheep, and with Israel given every advantage, they became debtors to the whole world, but lost sight of their calling by forgetting God. The true lost sheep will hear His voice and follow Him. (John 10:16)
Jesus did not call the woman a dog, but for any without faith, it would appear so. Her response proved her faith and anyone with faith is a child of God. (John 1:12,13) Jesus then showed her heir status by giving her more than crumbs by granting the very desire of her heart. The true Israel is only through faith. A true Jew doesn't crucify their Messiah, instead they demonstrate His meekness and receive His Life.
The demoniac(s) with the Legion demonstrated their faith by sharing their personal "gospel" which resulted in leading 4000 men (not counting the women and children) to find and welcome Jesus when He returned to that region and stayed with Him 3 days (forgetting all else) so that He needed to feed them with the 7 loaves and few fishes the disciples had before sending them home. (Matt 15, Mark 8)
This shows the results of true conversion which leads the converted to serve the Lord with all their heart, soul and strength. Results are inevitable where genuine faith is found. True sons and daughters of God from "all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues". (Rev 7:9)
When we are overcome with the fear of witnessing or even if we do not see the importance there is only one thing we need to do. Imagine how our lives would be if we hadn't met Jesus. I often say that when we save others we save ourselves. Think about it , the gentleman who we pointed to Jesus might have been the same one to rob or kill us if his life wasn't changed.
Let us reach out to everyone because we might never quite understand the magnitude of difference that we have made.
If anyone is interested to learn more about the power of the devil and his demons, I would recommend you read "A TRIP INTO THE SUPERNATURAL" By Roger J. Mornneau. It is a remarkable story about how he was lured into the world of spirit worship and his rescue by a God he did not know. Riveting testimony!
But back to our discussion about missionary endeavors. Consider how Jesus approached people; first He mingled with them, ate drank and talked with them,(for which He was criticised by the church authorities Luke 23:30).He met people where they were and whatever they were doing He had empathy and comppassion for them. He identified with them and thus gained their trust and friendship. Then He met their physical needs; He healed them, taught them and fed them. He had become a credible and genuine Teacher, and having done all these things, He preached the Kingdom of God and fed them spiritually. It is then that they followed Him.
The nation of Israel was commissioned to show by example and precept the true light of the Creator God to the surrounding nations, but failed and drifted away from the true light and purpose and got mired in legalism and tradition. So today, we as a church and as individuals should stop looking inward but outward to Him who is the Author and finisher of our faith, and then no matter with whom we speak, or what their beliefs are, they will be impressed with your authenticity, warmth and genuity and they will want to know why you are like that. It is then that you introduce them to Jesus like the disciple Andrew did.
Bless you all in your walk with the Lord.
Jesus loved the Gentiles & went into Gentile territory facing hostility, danger, & rejection to bring them the good news that He was the Messiah, the source of salvation. He healed the demoniac & most likely took the clothes off His back to clothe the man.
The disciples showed no compassion or sensitivity to the Canaanite woman's needs when she humbly came to Jesus begging for him to heal her demon possessed daughter. Indeed, the disciples would have had an air of superiority & would have thought of her as a Gentile dog. Jesus used a term of endearment "little puppy". Jesus did not show the Gentile woman any rejection or degradation. He tried her faith by His silence & discouraging replies that He might see its its strength. The woman was commended for her great faith & received a cure for her child.
Jesus came with His gospel message first to the Jews so they could spread the gospel message to the world. Jesus wanted his disciples to know that God's message is for all people.
Thank you Yolande Brown for the 2 books suggested. Yes, I will pray for you and your ministry as you would please pray for mine.
There was an error in the Adult Sabbath School Lesson, August 15-21, 2015. Tuesday's lesson says "That this liberation took place in Gentile territory is confirmed by the presence of the pigs." The owner of the pigs were Jews. Ellen G. White in the Great Controversy, Chapter 31, pp 514 - 515 says "At the command of Jesus the evil spirits departed from their victims, leaving them calmly sitting at the Saviour's feet, subdued, intelligent, and gentle. But the demons were
permitted to sweep a herd of swine into the sea; and to the dwellers of Gadara the loss of these outweighed the blessings which Christ had bestowed, and the divine Healer was entreated to depart. This was the result which Satan designed to secure. By casting the blame of their loss upon Jesus, he aroused the selfish fears of the people and prevented them from listening to His words. Satan is constantly accusing Christians as the cause of loss, misfortune, and suffering, instead of allowing the reproach to fall where it belongs--upon himself and his agents.
But the purposes of Christ were not thwarted. He allowed the evil spirits to destroy the herd of swine as a rebuke to those Jews who were raising these unclean beasts for the sake of gain. Had not Christ restrained the demons, they would have plunged into the sea, not only the swine, but also their keepers and owners. The preservation of both the keepers and the owners was due alone to His power, mercifully exercised for their deliverance. Furthermore, this event was permitted to take place that the disciples might witness the cruel power of Satan upon both man and beast. The Saviour desired His followers to have a knowledge of the foe whom they were to meet, that they might not be deceived and overcome by his devices. It was also His will that the people of that region should behold His power to break the bondage of Satan and release his captives. And though Jesus Himself departed, the men so marvelously delivered, remained to declare the mercy of their Benefactor."
You should find common grounds to start from eg. Health aspects ( muslims care on what they eat) and share with him the book of the year as a break through.
The jew's ownership of the pigs doesn't dismiss the fact that the pigs were raised in gentile territory. It was a project secretly run by the jews (of noble rank) far away from home. in jewish land such animals could not be raised for business aim.