HomeDailyTuesday: Demons and Pigs    


Tuesday: Demons and Pigs — 32 Comments

  1. Great teaching and always backed up with the word of God. Keep blessing us for many are hungry for the Word. Amen

  2. Whatever happened to the pigs, to me, is not all that so important to the issue of salvation. I am not saying that Christ's permission to enter the swine isnt marked at all. Remember, the legion could have found another dwelling in humanity anyway.

    My point is that Christ wanted to restore the divine image in suffering humanity in the form of the demoniacs. See what happened at the Cross. God did everything He could possibly do to vindicate Himself as well as saving humanity.

    • Nende Says what Happened to the pigs. Matt 8:32. They drowned, perished. What to me is important is, what are the demons? Are they something tangible? Evil spirits? It seems to me that Satan must have some connection so to speak. Remember what we studied just last week or so. Jesus in the wilderness being tempted by Satan. Satan and his 1/3d of the fallen angels.

  3. Read John 10:10. “‘The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly’”(NKJV).

    How does this apply, not just to the demoniacs but to ourselves and to our lives? In what ways can and should we experience what we are promised here? By the daily choices we make, Joshua tells us in Joshua, 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that [were] on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

    Elijah ask us in 1 Kings 18:21 And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? and said to us, if the LORD [be] God, follow him: but if Baal, [then] follow him.

    And to crown it off Moses says to us in Deut. 30:19.20. I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, [that] I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: That thou mayest love the LORD thy God, [and] that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto him: for he [is] thy life, and the length of thy days. So my prayer is Lord help me to choose to follow you all the way every day of my life in Jesus name.

  4. Notice the text Matt. 8:25-34 Jesus spoke to the storm and the disciples lost their minds (what man is this? even the wind and waves obey Him) And then Jesus was ready to cast out the demons out of a man who was possessed and they (the demons) begged Jesus to allow them to go into the herd of pigs that was feeding nearby! You can say anything you want to say about pigs but they had character traits that some human being need to can learn from.

    Notice that the pigs ran violently in the lake and drown themselves. Notice they drown selves! In essence the pigs would rather to kill themselves than to live with demons.

    • Ronald, I hear you! This is a very humorous analogy, but I do get the message, loud and clear!!
      This reminds me of the hymn:

      So was me, Thou, without, within,
      Or purge with fire, if that must be;
      No matter how, if only sin
      Die out in me, Die out in me.

    • Renald,

      Please help understand this clearly, do you mean the pigs ran into the lake to avoid the demons, or they ran into the lake after the demons has entered into them?

  5. God's power is limitless and everlasting. He's "the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Heb. 13:8). This assures me that whatever situation, challenge, problem, sickness or disease, be it physical or spiritual, Jesus has the power to deliver me and He is more than willing. Even demons recognized who Jesus was and feared and trembled before Him in worship; for they knew He had power to destroy or displace them, so they asked Him kindly to oblige and send them into the herd.

    For years these unclean spirits took control over these demoniac men and occupied their lives with destructive force, causing them to hurt themselves and others, that they had to be quarantined away from their loved ones, children and wives, maybe, and all their friends and associates. They were just as good as dead for they were living among the dead, languishing, and suffering untold grief and pain. They needed deliverance from a much greater, higher power than that which occupied them then, and those demons knew it. As soon as they set eyes on Jesus they recognized and acknowledged Him as the Son of God and that meant a lot. That meant He has power over nature (Jesus had just before calmed a storm), over kingdoms and kings, and even over demons (Matt. 8:25-34).

    What the Savior did for those men thousands of years ago, He is able and willing to do for anyone who asks Him in faith, today. We can by our experiences of healing and deliverance from sin, be testimonies of God's great power and love to those who don't know yet, so they too, can be led to know Him. We must go tell the world what Jesus has done for us.

    I sing the mighty power of God,
    that made the mountains rise,
    that spread the flowing seas abroad,
    and built the lofty skies.
    I sing the wisdom that ordained
    the sun to rule the day;
    the moon shines full at God’s command,
    and all the stars obey.

  6. I would like to know why they told Jesus to leave their region after seeing that he healed the possessed man?

    • Megan, I think the answer to that one is that they - like most people in our day, would rather hang on to their worldly wealth than listen to the gospel, which may mean giving up our comforts. So many of us are afraid to ask the Holy Spirit to guide us, because we are afraid of where He will lead us. We prefer to hang on to the pigs in our lives rather to invite the Holy Spirit to open our hearts and invite Jesus in.

    • Hi Megan, I think this comment from the servant of the Lord in -"The Great Controversy, pp. 515-516), answers your question. A very interesting chapter! You can read the whole thing. I found it very sobering and heaven sent.

      "and to the dwellers of Gadara the loss of these outweighed the blessings which Christ had bestowed, and the divine Healer was entreated to depart. This was the result which Satan designed to secure. By casting the blame of their loss upon Jesus, he aroused the selfish fears of the people and prevented them from listening to His words. Satan is constantly accusing Christians as the cause of loss, misfortune, and suffering, instead of allowing the reproach to fall where it belongs—upon himself and his agents."

      • Not only that. The healed men asked to go with Jesus but Jesus told them to stay so although the people of the village didn't hear Jesus speak directly to them to He left with them healed men who would become witnesses for Him.

    • Megan wonderful question but: Are we still grazing our pigs- that is, living in sin-, or are we amazed at Jesus” wonderful authority that takes away our sin? Instead of rejoicing over the healing of the demon-possessed, “the whole city came out” and “begged” Jesus to leave town (Matt. 8:34, NKJV). That response is from the Gentiles. But John states the case of the rejected Jesus even more powerfully: “He came unto his own, and his own received him not” (John 1:11).

      Christ is the Great Disturber. “Why do you disturb us? Leave us alone” is the cry of those who live in the comfort zones of ease and the silence of the graveyard. But blessed are those who open the doors and invite the crucified Christ to come in and let Him dine with them (Rev. 3:20). In Luke 8:38- 39 "Now the man from whom the demons had departed begged Him that he might be with Him. But Jesus sent him away, saying, Vs.39 "Return to your own house, and tell what great things God has for you. And he went his way and proclaimed throughout the whole city what great things Jesus has done for him.

      Our Lord Jesus Christ did sent back His own 'Ambassador back to his own people to plant seeds of what the Lord has done for him." He was sent back as a missionary to his own people who were afraid him before but he is sound mind to prepare his people for soon return of His Lord Jesus second coming. We must tell the whole world wide what Jesus has done for him. He was a 'testimony to his own people (Gadarene)' to His healer who gave him complete health make over."

  7. According to John 10:10,we can only experience this abundance of life which He promised if we choose to be on His side in the great controversy. This promise maybe in this world or the world to come. Therefore in our everyday lives, let us strive to make the right choices so that we can always be on His side if we are to have eternal life.

  8. As seventh day adventist people we are to heal people who are physically and spritually sick. How can we have the power to do that?

  9. “All that Satan seeks to do in our lives Jesus can and will undo for *those who choose to give themselves to Christ*.” pgh.3 Tuesday: Demons and Pigs. This seems to be our teaching. Please indicate to me if I’m wrong on this.
    But Christ taught, “*You did not choose Me but I chose you*, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in my name He may give to you ... If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but *I chose you out of the world*, because of this the world hates you.” John 15:16-19

    Is there a difference in teaching here, brothers and sisters? Did Saul, later called Paul, “choose to give himself to Christ*? Gal 1:6,15,16; Acts 9:15; Rom 1:1; 1 Tim 1:16.
    God said He chose to populate the Corinthian church with the foolish according to this world, the weak, the low, the despised, that no flesh may glory before Him. 1 Cor 1:25-31; James 2:5. Don’t we have something in which to glory or boast about if it is that “we choose to give ourselves to Christ”? Many say those types, poor etc, naturally gravitate to, or are more easily converted to spiritual things. God says that it is by His doing we are “in Christ Jesus”. 1 Cor 1:30
    Who is right? God or our concepts. God chose or knew Abraham in order that he might command his household after him. Gen 18:19. God chose Isaac over Ishmael and Jacob over Esau etc. God goes through His process of bringing the chosen to Himself. 2 Thess 2:13,14; 1 Pt 1:1-5; Rom 8:28-30; Tit 1:1-3; 2 Tim 2:10.
    If there is no difference in the teachings or if I have misconstrued something, please indicate.

    • Well, Kenny, you illustrate how John Calvin came up with the teaching of predestination in which God does all the choosing and man has no free will to choose to either accept Christ or reject Christ.

      By contrast, Seventh-day Adventists believe in free will, as illustrated throughout the long history of God's people in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. We've been reading through the Old Testament this year for our devotions, and it is abundantly clear that God chose Israel to be His own special people, but they did not make the same choice, but rebelled in apostasy. They chose not to obey God. Since God does not change, we can be sure that our choices still matter, and even while God chooses us to be His people, we can individually choose not to be His people.

      Do you really believe that humans have no choice in the matter of salvation? It seems to me that if God had predestined everyone to either heaven or hell, there'd be little reason to preach the gospel. But then, I'm sure that dyed-in-the-wool Calvinists would have a counter argument for that. ;

      • Hello Inge. The first *standard* you refer to is Calvin. The second is Seventh Day Adventists. There is the problem when we are dealing with the Word of God. God’s teaching alone matters to the Believer.
        Jesus could have said simply: “I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit...”John 15:16-19. But He didn’t! He prefaced that statement with, “YOU DID NOT CHOOSE ME”. I am not asking why he said this. I am asking what does it mean to us in the light of our doctrine. This doctrine seems to be open defiance against the Word of God, just like Israel of the flesh.
        “Because He (God) loved your fathers, therefore He chose their seed after them. And He, with His presence, brought you from Egypt...” Dt 4:37; 7:7,8; 10:15: 33:3; Ex 33:14; Isa 63:9. But Abraham had two sons. One was born of the flesh. The other was born of the Spirit. (Gal 4:21-31) From our beginnings we have been striving so hard to be Israel of the flesh.
        The blessings of Ishmael: Gen 16:10; 17:20,21;21:13,18; 25:12-16. God promised that twelve princes would come from Ishmael, and his descendants would be too many to count. Doesn’t that read like Israel of the flesh? God promised Abraham and his seed the land of Canaan. Abraham never took possession of the physical (fleshly) Canaan, he looked for the heavenly - the spiritual(Heb 11:9,10). Israel of the flesh possessed physical Canaan. Fleshly Israel promised God, cowering in fear, with their slavish, natural hearts to *do*all that God commanded. The slave is always ready to work hard to avoid the whip. God said they didn’t possess such a heart yo obey His commands (Dt 5:29). This chosen *sons* were the slave sons in the house - Ishmael, who persecuted Issac, son of promise, called Abraham’s ONLY son. That was a prophecy of Israel of the flesh persecuting and killing the the only begotten Son, the Son of promise, Christ - Messiah (1 Pt 1:20; Gal 4:4,5)
        Christ warned Israel that the slave does not abide long in the house, the Son does; and that the Son alone could set them free(John 8:35). They were cast out eventually(Gal 4:30,31). Israel, the earthy or fleshly, was used as type and shadow of the true Israel of God(Gal 6:16). Israel’s stewardship was administered under the Old Covenant and they were to do or obey and live according to their promise. They received all the promised physical blessings. But they profaned God’s name among the nations (Ezk 36:20-23). They were not chosen for salvation(2 Th 2:13). In the New Covenant God promises to create a people who would obey all his commands and thus vindicate the holiness of His name. In the New Covenant God does not leave anything to chance or to man’s doing or responsibility. It is God’s workmanship and faithfulness to His promises is at stake. Check all God’s promises in the New Covenant.

        • Kenny, I referred to the Old Testament record which makes it abundantly clear that, although God chooses to save people, they can still choose their own way. They can choose to reject God's choice. And since God does not change, it is evident that God is still allowing people to *choose* to accept His choice or reject it.

          Yes, indeed, God's Word is the standard of belief and practice, but we must take into account ALL of God's Word and not just pick individual verses on which to hang a significant doctrine.

          Do *you* believe that individuals can NOT reject God's choice? That is, can individuals not *choose* accept or reject God's choice?

          Another question for you: Did God not *choose* Lucifer to be the covering cherub near His throne? If He did, how did Lucifer turn into Satan? Or did God *choose* Lucifer to become a devil?

          • Inge, why do you use "choose" with reference to Lucifer? Lucifer was created a perfect being and as such was free to be loyal or rebellious to God. Those who are born of God are free also but they remain loyal to God always because His seed remains in them.

            Was Adam chosen?
            I ask again though, why did Christ say "You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit..."Jn 15:16 What did He mean by "You did not choose Me".

            • We usually recognize that Ezekiel refers to Lucifer when he writes of God saying, "14 Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so" in Eze 28:14. Are you implying that God did *not* choose Lucifer to be the covering cherub next to His throne? And because he was not "chosen," he was able to choose to rebel? (Just trying to understand you.)

              Next, are you saying that once anyone is "born of God," that person is eternally saved and will never rebel? If so, why did Paul write, " But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified"? (1 Cor 9:27) Was Paul not born of God or did he not know that he was born of God, or did he not realize that he could never be disqualified after being born of God?

              And why did James write, "My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth and one turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins"? (James 5:19-20) Did he not know that those who are "born of God" will never stray from the truth?

              If those who are born of the Spirit will always remain loyal, why did the author of Hebrews write, "It is impossible, for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace"? (Heb. 6:4-6)

              To answer your question, Christ's words in John 15:16 are an affirmation of His gracious provision of salvation and our helplessness to save ourselves. There is nothing we can do to even begin to save ourselves, for even repentance is the gift of God. But we must choose to accept the repentance and salvation God offers. Any who choose to reject God's salvation will be lost.

              Think of Christ's call of each of the apostles. He generally initiated the call. (It might be argued that the two disciples of John who asked to stay with Him initiated the relationship, but I believe Christ drew them by His Spirit.) When He called them, saying, "Follow me," did they have a choice to make, or did they not? Did He exert his sovereignty to *make* them follow Him? If so, where was their free will? How could they genuinely love if they did not have a choice? And if they did have a choice to reject His call, that is part of the answer to your question.

              The bottom line is that God allows free will to all His creatures because love is only possible through free will, and the Old Testament record is full of the evidence God's choice to save His people and their choice to rebel against His choice.

              The writers of the New Testament issued warnings against turning our backs on God, thus indicating that it is possible to be born of God but to turn our backs on Him of our own free will.

    • Kenny and Inge, believe it or not, you may both be talking about the same thing (Salvation) from different perspectives! Be reminded that Scripture's primary purpose is to testify of Christ (Jn 5:39; Lk 24:27,44), it's secondary purpose is to aid in breaking the deceptive power of satan over the human family (Eph 5:26-27; 2 Tim 2:25-26; Lk 24:25). Salvation is the washing away of the deceptive hold of satan over the minds of the human family employing the truthful words from God--that right being secured at a very high price (1 Pt 1:18-19).
      The bedeviling issue of human choice versus no human choice (Calvinism vs Arminianism) has gone on for centuries, yet I believe our Creator wants us to walk with Him with our faith anchored in Truth.
      In the OT, circumcision was commanded Abraham as an object lesson of salvation (Gen 17). Interestingly, even back then Scripture sought to establish the truth regarding the ACTUALITY (Deut 10:16). Notice that it is a call to God's chosen to move away from satan's lordship expressed in their disobedience and symbolized in circumcision--not of the male genitalia--but of the HEART (that's the actuality!). So Abraham was commanded to activate the covenant by becoming circumcised (Gen 17:11). A curious part of the covenant however, was found in Gen 17:12-14, all males eight days or older, born or purchased into Abraham's household were REQUIRED to be circumcised. Considering this was the benevolent God's "everlasting" covenant to establish and prosper Abraham and his descendants in the land of Canaan, why was God typified as being so austere towards INFANTS (Gen 17:14)? 1) Notice that every male was BORN with a foreskin to be REMOVED, symbolizing this ACTUALITY...Rm 3:23; Ps 51:5-6 and Rm 7:18, 21. 2) Notice that before the child at 8 days old has CONSCIOUSNESS to make or break the covenant, he becomes marked for death as one who "has broken my covenant"(Gen 17:14) if not circumcised by day nine. What ACTUALITY did this symbolize? I believe Scripture reveals that unless the FATHER/PARENT acts on behalf of the child UNCONSCIOUS of sin, that child is NOT party to the covenant and marked for death, symbolizing this ACTUALITY...Deut 30:6; Col 1:12-13; Rm 5:18; Heb 8:10. Keep in mind that SALVATION in ACTUALITY is the movement or growth of the satan-enslaved human mind from its present condition brought on and passed along in Adam's fall (1 Cor 15:22). I think Scripture's teaching is clear, our INITIAL predisposition to sin OR to righteousness IS NOT OUR INDIVIDUAL CHOICE. Satan became our father in Adam (Jn 8:44) and God reestablishes His Fatherhood in Christ (Col 1:12-13). So far, the release of human minds from satan's subservience is ALL an action of the FATHER (2 Tim 1:9), with NO HUMAN CHOICE.
      However, once "delivered...from the power of darkness" (Col 1:13), God has every expectation that His children will be full participants in the hope promised in the ACTUALITY of the "NEW" Covenant (Heb 8:10; Col 1:12; Eph 5:8; 2 Tim 1:10; Jer 4:4).
      In summary, Scripture does not appear to teach the irreconcilable concepts of neither classical Calvinism nor classical Arminianism, although there are elements of each in the Gospel. There's more that can be said, but I believe this post is already too long!Emoji

  10. its really challenging and on top of that to know that God loves are sinner and wretched people like the devil possessed man and refer it to myself.

  11. Megan Street asked why did the people ask Jesus to leave the city.
    My reply is based on the fact that Jesus is mighty & powerful , he demonstrated his power in healing & driving out the demons that possessed the 2 men. The region was a Gentile territory and those people need to be converted. They would have been in aww & fear of the power of Jesus who had performed something that was unbelievable. The area had pigs, Gentiles & Jews. Pigs were also repulsive to the Jews& this man had been in contact with demons& pigs.

  12. adding to Audrey.M comment the owner's of those Pig's were Jews after the Israel was divided . to these Jews it was a loss on there business. just like us today we indulge in those business which is against the bible principals. because you can see by there action they did not beat him because they new the law just like those Pharisees when Jesus came and overturn the tables in the synagogue there is similarity on those verses

  13. I think a Pig was an illustration of something worthless as it feeds on anything even its waste. Jesus agreed to cast the demons to such an animal. When Jesus heals of demons, he puts them into the dustbins of life and save a human made in Jehovah's image.

    My prayer on the demon story is that when sinful people are being transformed through baptism,their old demons which caused them to sin are are not requesting to come to me or are finding fault lines in me to enter and find residents in me.

    When Jesus heals us from Sin, the demons causing such sins are cast away from close us.
    Brothers and sisters, demons are circulating in come churches from person to person. It is just but a vicious circle. You lose a thieving demon and gain a prostitution demon. These charismatic preachers are not casting out demons to the pigs but among congregants.
    let is get away from Babylon lets we catch up such demons due to our sinful habits.

  14. "Many have wondered why the demons asked to be sent into the pigs."

    I suggest that the demons knew what the likely result would be. That is, they would panic the pigs, cause their deaths, and the people (who were for the most part, pig farmers,) would ask Jesus to leave. And of course that is exactly what happened... the people asked Him to go. [And when He did go, the demons thought they had achieved their goal - they were rid of Him.] But the two men that Jesus left behind did a great work on His behalf, and some time later, when Jesus returned to the place, the people there were willing to receive Him gladly.

  15. Did the demons die with the pigs? I was of the impression that they could not be killed by any earthly means, but there were some in Sabbath school today who felt that they died along with the pigs. They cited that idea that demons are afraid of water.

    • Jill, I've had the idea too, that the demons could NOT be killed by any earthly means. I am not able to accept that the demons drowned with the pigs. But I suspect that this idea - that the demons are afraid of water - comes from the verse,

      "And they besought Him that He would not command them to go out into the deep." (Luke 8:31)

      But "the deep" does not mean "the water" or "the sea" in this instance. The Greek word (Strong's #12) translated "the deep" here, is usually translated "bottomless pit". (Rev 20:1,3 KJV) It doesn't imply a physical cliff, or a fall into water.

      To suggest that demons are afraid of water is to open the way for superstitious fallacies. Very unfortunate, in my view.

      • The demons did not die with the pigs. Remember, originally the two men were asking Jesus to leave them alone. This was familiar with most demon possession stories in the Bible. Matthew 8:34 gives us a clue where the demons went after they left the pigs. "Then the entire town came out to meet Jesus, but they begged him to go away and leave them alone."


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