Tuesday: Disciplined Response
Analyze the following passages: Luke 14:31-33, 1 Cor. 9:24-27, Heb. 12:1-4, 2 Pet. 1:5-11. What are these texts telling us about the life of a disciple? How have you, yourself, experienced the reality of what the Bible tells us here?
The cost of discipleship involves discipline. Every impulse, every imagination, every ambition, and every desire must be submitted to Christ. Every possession, physical or invisible, every talent and ability, and everything of value must be under Christ’s command. What we don’t surrender to Him can, and inevitably will, become an idol, with the potential to lead us astray.
Christ indeed offers us the power to overcome our character defects. Every appetite, emotion, and intellectual inclination can be under the guidance of His Spirit.
Notice the athletic example that Paul used in some of the texts for today. No athlete conspires to run slower, jump lower, or throw shorter. No believer should look backwards either, especially when that which is at stake in the race
is something that’s eternal, as opposed to whatever prize an earthly runner might win as a result of all his or her diligent effort and training.
The runners put aside every indulgence that would tend to weaken the physical powers, and by severe and continuous discipline trained their muscles to strength and endurance, that when the day of the contest should arrive, they might put the heaviest tax upon their powers. How much more important that the Christian, whose eternal interests are at stake, bring appetite and passion under subjection to reason and the will of God! Never must he allow his attention to be diverted by amusements, luxuries, or ease. All his habits and passions must be brought under the strictest discipline. Reason, enlightened by the teachings of God’s word and guided by His Spirit, must hold the reins of control.
-Ellen G. White, The Acts of the Apostles, p. 311.

I spent a number of years studying the martial art tae kwon do. The final test for the coveted black belt is a tough test. At my particular school, the test was as follows. First of all, the participant has to go for 24 hours without sleep and food. Only water is allowed to be had. Once the 24 hour period is over, the participant has to demonstrate fitness which involved doing 100 push ups, 100 star jumps, and 100 sit ups in a period of 6 minutes. having done this, the participant then has to demonstrate everything they have learned over the years perfectly. This includes knowledge of theory and demonstration of the moves and forms. The final part of the test is to break a block of concrete with the fist. With this test, speed and focus are extremely important. If the fist is not traveling fast enough, you end up breaking your fist rather than the block. If the fist is traveling fast enough, the momentum of the hand exerts enough force to break the block and the elasticity of the bones is enough to protect the fist from damage provided the participant has spent the time conditioning the hands.
As I progressed through the ranks towards the final goal, each rank is signified by a belt colour, I was often asked to teach someone from a lower rank. The Tae Kwon Do master gave this advice, "even though someone may be doing many things wrong, only correct one thing at a time lest you discourage your student. When they have perfected that one thing you have asked them to perfect, then move onto the next thing."
I find the Christian life like this. The lesson is correct when it says "Every impulse, every imagination, every ambition, and every desire must be submitted to Christ. Every possession, physical or invisible, every talent and ability, and everything of value must be under Christ’s command". But I thank God that he doesn't make us fix everything wrong straight away, lest we get discouraged.
The work needed doing to enable us to walk the Christian walk is the work of a life time. It will never be completed until either the day we die, or until Jesus comes to take us home, lest we get discouraged and fall away.
also the bible says, some are ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of Christ.
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Owen thanks for sharing this personal experience, that was a real practical example, as seventh day adventist Christian we have to focus on the mark of the high calling , which is Christ Jesus, like peter we shouldn't take our eyes off the Saviour.
In my teaching profession, I advise my pupils and tell them that discipline is the engine of any success.Many of us don't achieve what we should have got simply because we''re not disciplined.We're not disciplined in :
Reading the word, etc, etc.
It's high time we become serious lest we loose that which is eternal.
So very true, discipline is the key, and that is my prayer for myself to become more disciplined in those (essential) three areas of my life, prayer, fasting and reading the Word.
Owen, I absolutely love your response. This is so true. And yet so many people tend to want to change everything at once. This is good for our children to know also, because they will be discouraged and rebell if too many things are thrown at them. Thank you for sharing
We are supposed to forsake everything, lest we cannot become a follower of Christ.
There is need for us to resist sin and abide to the will of God, lest we be found wondering like sheep without a Shepard in the wilderness of sin. First let's identify our weak areas and ask the intervenence of the Holy Spirit so as to make good choices and be Gods disciples. Remember whatever we don't repent, the Bible tells us that, it's a small god/idol we are worshiping. We must pay the price of discipleship if we are true followers of Christ's teachings. May we pray that the will of God be done through us as we continue to evangelize and shed light to our fellow brothers and sisters who are yet to know Christ Jesus.
Paul advises us to run with endurance and don't be distracted. Putting this into perspective, if my struggle is weight management, then it behoves me to maintain consistency with weight management strategies, and avoid the tempters. If the refrigerator is stocked with soda, more than likely it will be consumed. Even in this race, the Holy Spirit is able to equip us with endurance.
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The statement that the work in us will not be done until we die or Jesus comes, is incorrect. The work will be finished in us before we die and before Jesus comes, When He comes we will already be like Him.
here are the patience of the saints here are they that keep the comandent and have the testimony of Christ...bretheren let us fix our eyes on jesus..let us be disciplined and diligent in all we do..the bible tells us to be faithfull in all the spheres of our lives...