Tuesday: Either For Him or Against Him
For all else that it entails, the Cross is also the great divider of history: the divider between faith and unbelief, between betrayal and acceptance, and between eternal life and death. There is no middle ground for any human being concerning the Cross.
In the end, we are on either one side or the other.
He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad
(Matt. 12:30, NKJV). Strong words, and they can make us a bit uncomfortable, but Jesus is simply expressing what is real and what the truth entails for those who are immersed in the great controversy between Christ and Satan. We are with Jesus or with Satan.
Yes, it’s that stark.
How did the following people relate to Jesus, and what lessons can we learn from their examples that can help us in our own relationship to God and how we relate to the Cross?
Sanhedrin (Luke 22:53). What mistakes did these people make, why did they make them, and how can we protect ourselves from doing something similar concerning how they viewed Jesus?
Pilate (Luke 23:1-7,Luke 23:13-25). What led Pilate to say I find no fault in him
(John 19:4) and at the same time sentence Him to be crucified? What can we learn from his mistake in failing to do what he knew was right?
Herod (Luke 23:6-12). What was his big mistake, and what can we learn from it?
The two thieves (Luke 23:39-43). Two sinners look at the same cross and have two different reactions. How does this scene reveal the either/or aspect of salvation-that is, we are either on one side of the great controversy or on the other?

There are really only two sides in the Great Controversy (Matthew 12:30). So what marks the true believers? There is a widespread notion that it is truth, as in right doctrine, that makes the difference. Right doctrine counts for a lot, but not all the difference. If people believe foolishly they will make foolish choices and act foolishly, and so doctrine matters much.
However it is unreasonable for any to hold that they have perfect truth (no error), if only for the reason we have imperfect understanding, which is influenced by various factors and subconscious biases. Though some might prefer to credit intellectual prowess if the Holy Spirit does not overcome our intellectual challenges with our cooperation we do not embrace truth.
Still we are not measured by absolutely right doctrine, which would place virtually all the reformers of the Middle Ages, many Adventist pioneers and a good portion of the remnant people on the wrong side. Rather it is right attitude that marks true believers, and determines which side of the Controversy holds the allegiance of the saints. Submission to Christ is the key (Colossians 3:3).
Those who value independence, wish to do as they please or desire to be in control may get some things right for a season, but do not receive the Father’s mark (Revelation 7:3). Self eventually surfaces and moving from one thing to another they reject much truth and Spirit inspired counsel when it works against their preferred course or agenda.
However obvious the case might appear the faithful do not get to make the call about who are wheat or tares (Matthew 13:28-30), and they do not lend their influence and zeal to the dragon by calling down fire on those with whom they disagree (Luke 9:54, 55). They retain a charitable spirit to all. They preach a firm message from a soft heart and pray for their opponents and accusers (Luke 6:28). After all they love like their Lord (Romans 5:8).
So which side are you leaning on?
Yes there are two sides. God is the Savior and His word states, "For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are PERISHING, but to us who are BEING SAVED, it is the power of GOD; for we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are BEING SAVED and among those who are PERISHING; and even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are PERISHING." (1 Cor 1:18; 2 Cor 2:15; 4:3)
It is so easy to take a "middle stance" when it comes to things concerning our relationship with Christ tying logics to it to achieve favour. Oh how wrong! Cain thought, aah well, I'm a farmer so it's quite ok to sacrifice of the fruit of the ground, Judas thought it was ok to accept silver in return for the Master's betrayal for Christ could escape if he wanted to! Alas where did that get him? The Five foolish virgins literally went to sleep feeling quite comfortable in the middle, until...the midnight cry ran through the still of the night. Too late it was for them! The Israelites continued ever so often with a middle ground stance and kept going around in circles, no wonder they kept making what seems like "dizzy" choices instead of firm prudent ones. History is paved with with many who figured that a middle ground stance is good enough. Sad to say some only realized when it was either way too late or a wee bit too late. Luckily for some, they come to their senses soon enough and like the prodigal's son seek forgiveness and sanctitude in time. It's easy to be pulled into the trap where the "middle" seems to be the safest place BUT to be forewarned is to be forearmed because scriptures warn "there is NO middle ground with Christ!" You're either FOR or AGAINST him. May we take up the challenge and remain on the side of Jesus, leaning on his everlasting arms. If it hadn't been for him on our side, where would we be? Christ was continually forced to take a middle stance throughout his ministry but he refused thus showing us the way. Let us walk the path and steadfast remain...so help us Lord. Amen!
The Sanhedrin only saw themselves loosing firm grip on the people. It was about the people no longer hearing their counsel, but hearing and applying the words shared by Jesus. I think they were jealous of Jesus. They allowed Jealousy and power to rule in their hearts.
Pilate: I feel bad for him because his heart told him the right thing to do, but he instead of following what was right bow to pressure of a people that he knew within himself were wrong. It was simply to remain the good guy in the minds of the majorities.
Herod: Another person driven by the love of power. It did not matter that there was no true evidence that he had done anything wrong. For him it was about looking good in the eyes of the majority. We should follow our hearts if it is telling us the right thing to do.
The two thieves on the cross reminds me of every man where we are all faced with a choice and our choice is for good or evil. There is no middle ground there are those who seek God with all their heart and find him even if the encounter is a short one such as one of the criminals hanging on the cross. He could see the righteousness of Christ and the other could not. One heart was opened enough to see receive light the other was not. The bible says we are to "seek God while he can be found"
You could look at these texts many ways, indeed is either we are for Jesus , and as He rightly said if not we are against Him then. My appeal is to us especially young persons Be courageous , have the hunger and thirst and utmost desire to serve Your Lord because ultimately we choices each person in those had a choice to stand up and show courage , by making the right choice , and be not easily swayed by the crowd Make you own decision with Jesus guidance.
Each day granted us and the manner with which we live it with each choice made reveals which side we are on. Our deeds may be good but are our motives right as well? (1 Samuel 16:7). Praise God that as we yield self to Him, He works in us to do and will of His good pleasure (Phil. 2:13). May each day given us see our latest breath as a prayer to keep the soul's constant communion with God intact even whilst we are about our daily business. So help us God! Amen!
The Sanhedrin- when we consider the last statements of what Jesus said in Luke 22:53 (...But this is YOUR HOUR, and the power of DARKNESS), we can see that they plotted, chose to do something, their own thing at that particular moment (i.e. to Seize , condemn and crucify Christ)to gratify their own self interest. And anytime humans choose to do their own thing instead of doing the will of God it means we're against God as in Matthew 12:30, and that is the power of darkness- Satan.
Pilate: he sought to please man(in other way the majority) instead of pleasing God for he found NO FAULT with Jesus Christ.
Herod: He sought for a miracle to be wrought by Christ yet one was done (Luke 23:12; "... That day Pilate and Herod became friends with each other) but he failed to see.
Most of the times we tend to do the things which is opposite to what we know is right because we wish to please people because we want them to love and like us without considering that someone loves us already that He gave His life for us.We think too much for ourselves.