Tuesday: The Hope of the Righteous
The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them
(Prov. 11:3). What evidence do we have of the truth of this verse? What examples have you seen or heard about in which this spiritual truth has been revealed? By contrast, what things have you seen that mean that, so far at least, you have to take this text by faith?
Read Proverbs 11. Though it touches on so many topics, what are some of the great blessings that come to the faithful as opposed to what happens to the wicked?
The sense of a future and the value of what is not yet seen (see 2 Cor. 4:18) help motivate the righteous to live rightly. Because of their hope in the future, the righteous behave with humility, honesty, and compassion.
On the other hand, wicked people live only in the present; they are concerned only with what they see and with the immediate reward. They think of themselves before others and will resort to deception and abuse. For instance, the salespeople who deceive their customers might perhaps get an immediate reward with a higher price, but they ultimately could lose their customers and their business might fail (Prov. 11:3, Prov. 11:18).
Think about some of the decisions you have to make and how you go about making them. How much long-term planning (as in eternity) factors into your choices?

Consider Ps.73:17 "When I thought how to understand this (the ease and prosperity of the wicked) It was too painful for me- until I went into the sanctuary of god; then I understood their end"
Can someone explain this? What is it about the sanctuary that caused David to understand? Proverbs talks about the recompense of the righteous on the earth, but this quite often is not the case!
I agree w/McAnthony Nyathi that David probably went into the sanctuary and meditated on what each symbol stood for in its representation of God, salvation and heaven. David meditated on God.
The verse probably is a bit simplistic in David's grapling with injustice. I imagine he had to meditate on God's Word, His promises and had to mentally move his (David's) trust toward God's promises and God's final plan. In leaving the control of all things to God (humility on David's part), David is granted freedom, peace and understanding. Prov 3:5 (NLT) "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding."
I think the recompense on earth can be completely from one's attitude, perspective and definition of reward, (what one treasures.) It is not based on circumstance.
-- If we're judging injustice from the outside looking in, we often do not see how one's actions are affecting that person's mental state. We only see what they allow us to see. Those who are wealthy w/o God may never be satisfied, Job 20:20.
-- Paul stated in Phillipians 4:12 (NIV) "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." The reason is stated in Phil 4:13 (NIV) "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
-- There are so many other verses where people who suffered greatly on earth describe their sufferings as a blessing and a privilege b/c they trusted in God's promises: Phil 1:29, Matt 5:11-12, 1 Pet 3:13-17. I believe the point is: if your mind, heart and soul are focused on God you give all to Him. He is your treasure, reward and joy.
-- I often hear 'God does not promise to keep us from trouble, He promises us to get us through it.' The Israelites lived through the plagues of Egypt. The final church will through the time of tribulation not be kept from it.
-- The fruits of the Spirit are internal not external. They allow God's light to shine through us to the world. Gal 5:22-23 (NLT) 22 "But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!" This is the true freedom of man, behaviors that are not restricted by law.
-- Christ tells us there is nothing more important than our soul: Matt 16:26, Luke 9:25, Mark 8:36, Ps 49:8
-- Though some people do attain worldly riches on earth the Bible downplays its importance (it will not last) and it can even tempt/distract us from God: Matt 6:19, James 5:2-3, Prov 11:4, 1 Tim 6:17, Duet 8:13-14, Rev 3:17 . . .
May God help us to trust Him in all things, give all things into His care and set us free from our earthly desires and desire Him and His salvation only. May we reach toward, not just justification, but sanctification as well.
Romans 8:28 (King James Version) And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose
To the believer, the Sanctuary was a constant reminder of the Gen. 3:15 promise of a Savior. To the faithful, their daily sacrifices was a heart wrenching reminder that the Lamb of God would have to die for their sins if they were to ever be saved. For those who would chose not to accept the Lamb of God as their substitute, choosing not to love and obey God, they would be lost eternally as seen during the cleansing of the sanctuary on the Day of Atonement.
How aware do you believe the faithful were in regard to the eschatological, messianic significance of the daily sacrifices? What is the clearest evidence in the Old Testament scriptures that the ordinary Hebrew who offered a sacrifice knew exactly what it all meant-- that the Creator Himself would come to this earth, in fulfillment of Gen 3: 15, and shed His blood for his sins and for the sins of all the world?
James, if you will allow me I would like to stick my big nose into this discussion because I can see both sides. Perhaps we can get an idea of some of the thinking of first century Jews by looking at what John the Baptist said along with a few other statements in the gospels.
I do believe that the Jews looked at the sanctuary services mostly as a means of salvation rather than a prophesy as such but I don't think that was the only way they viewed the services. When John the Baptist declared Jesus to be, "The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" (Jn. 1:29 NKJV) what was he thinking? Also In Lk 1:59 to the end of the chapter it tells about what happened during the circumcision and dedication of John the Baptist as a child and the prophetic utterances his father made concerning him that were very Messianic in content.
I think there was a high expectation of the Messiah during the first century but just how completely they understood the sanctuary involvement in that seems to me to be unclear. I do think we can be sure that the leaders of Israel didn't understand how the Messiah was to come and what form He was to take by their rejection of Jesus but beyond that it seems to me to be mostly a matter of theoretical consideration.
In Hebrews chapters 8 and 9 the sanctuary was a shadow of things to come , like the shew bread , Jesus says He is the bread of life , the lamb that died without sin stands for Jesus who died without sin bt most of all it reminded Israel that oneday will come and conquer sin once and for all , Jesus even says , when Abraham saw my day he was glad . The plan of salvation was presented to them in form of the sanctuary , so he sees the end of the righteous and the end of the wicked then he is relieved .
McAnthony, I think you are correct especially when considering the Day of Atonement where sins are finally disposed of but I think there is also an immediate benefit in the daily sacrifices. In those sacrifices there is reconciliation. As a type of the sacrifice that was accomplished on the cross we were reconciled to God (Rom 5:10-11):
Paul further talks about this reconciliation as something that not only brings us closer to God but also to each other and through it we have peace:
This is something that we can enjoy from this moment on.
As I go about my day, it is encouraging to know that God has something prepared for me that will last throughout eternity. And that nothing or no one can take away from me. I look forward to the day when we will see our Savior face to face. In the mean time, we can enjoy His presence in our lives through His word and fellowship with others. Keep smiling because God loves you so much.
John, when David was pained to see the wicked prosper materially on human perspective he saw this as unfair but when he went to the Sanctuary of our LORD that is when he understood what kind of rewards awaits all poor, rich, wicked and righteous. At the sanctuary Jesus is our High Priest and is advocating on behave of those righteous but seen as unfairly mistreated or not rewarded comparing to the Wicked in relation to David situation. we can not comprehend and compare the richness of God's rewards to His righteous sons and daughters through our LORD JESUS.
Considering the hope of the righteous it seems to me that one of the things we get is, "Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Col. 1:27 NKJV). With Christ comes the Holy Spirit and with him comes everything else in the form of gifts (1 Cor 12:7-11). There is nothing that we cannot eventually have as long as it doesn't violate God's laws. Solomon prayed for wisdom and got it. The uneducated pray for understanding and even though they can't show a certificate of accomplishment through formal education God gives them wisdom and understanding that the world doesn't have because it is foolishness to the unrighteous (1 Cor 1:18-25) because their view extends no further than their rather short nose. Their world view is a little microscopic box of confused ideas and illogical conclusions but to us everything makes sense and fits together because the source or our view and wisdom is the one who created everything and upholds what He created (Heb 1:3).
On a more basic level when Habakkuk questioned God concerning all the wickedness that was in Israel God's answer was simply, "Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith" (Hab. 2:4 NKJV). When the wicked rejects God there is no hope for the future except to be a stepping stone for the next generation as their philosophy of life states. Evolution says that this life we have now is it, there is nothing more to hope for. To the Christian, however, this life is only the start and what we are promised far exceeds what we now have in every respect.
I thank God for these thoughts that buoy my spirit up. Truly the hope of the righteous is God's provision for those who do right to inherit eternal life. Thank God for the sanctuary for through it we understand that one day Jesus will come, all injustices will be done away and righteousness will reign forevermore. How cheering is the christian's hope!
we shall mediate apon the word ...thts were all our answerz lie...
The sanctuary explains how God deals with sin. Eventually sin and unrepented sinners will be eradicated.
I thank God for technology because we are able to communicate with one another in this manner. This is one of the instruments God is using to allow His children to stay connected and encouraged. Thanks to everyone for sharing. God bless.
i thank you guys for the discussions they are really uplifting and educating may God bless all of you.