HomeDailyTuesday: The Millennial Judgment    


Tuesday: The Millennial Judgment — 16 Comments

  1. I am very late posting a comment today, mainly because I have been working through issues related to my father-in-law's estate. Most of the day has been spent waiting in telephone queues listening to uninteresting music or advertising material. That is a special kind of secular purgatory for those of us who are still living.

    What are we going to do during the Millenium? First of all, this is not a period where we can indulge in a voyeuristic journey into the behaviour of the naughty people who did not make it to heaven. However, even from the tenor of our discussion in this forum, there are going to be a lot of questions that we would like answers to. I suspect that we currently have a keyhole view of the battle between good and evil and when God removes the door we are going to see a whole lot more.

    Humans are by nature curious and one of the first questions we learn to ask is "Why?" This is especially true when we move to a new location. In that respect, I don't think heaven is going to be very different.

    And one of the things that I think we will find is how gracious God has been to us, and even to those who finally rebelled against him.

    • Maurice - I am encouraged by your statement: "And one of the things that I think we will find is how gracious God has been to us, and even to those who finally rebelled against him."

      In light of how much Light/'scrutiny' our Creator expends on evaluating His fallen angel Lucifer's state-of- being before He renders His judgement of Him, this should be an indicator of the depth of His Grace and unbiased care He gives to all that has life.

      It becomes clear to me that if He can find just one small indicator of His Spirit which gives life still residing in the one who is judged, that this life will be saved.

    • My sympathies to you, my husband is going through the same thing with his eldest sister's estate. He has to travel back and forth to their home state, write letters, and talk/write to the estate lawyer (and her estate is very, very small); so, I feel his and your pains.

      On your subject, I see what you are saying, and I personally don't want to see all the details of why the wicked will not saved. However, I will have some questions. For example, for people like my mother, or even King David, people that I think should be there, among the saved/righteous of God. If they are not there, I'm going to have questions as to "why they are not there".

      Also, I say that I will have other personal questions (that only involve me and Jesus) that I want to ask Him, but in the end, I know that I will be so Happy to finally be with Him, I will totally forget what my questions were. Jesus already knows all my questions; therefore, I think Jesus will pull me aside, every now and again throughout eternity, and answer all of my questions.

      Let's all concentrate on "falling in love with Jesus" (that's a song, look it up on YouTube), then we will not have to worry about all these things.

      Let all the saints "Praise the Lord".

      Psalm 149:1
      "Praise ye the Lord. Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints". KJV

  2. I agree with the lesson's concluding statements that God's judgment process incorporates absolute transparency that enables anyone and everyone to see how and why each and every person was either saved/restored or "perished" (1 Corinthians 4:5). Jesus correctly informed us that a tree is know by its fruits - that fruit is the visible indication of the state of the invisible core. That is the sense in which a person is judged by their works - the works are a reflection of their heart condition/state (see Luke 6:43-45). This is also consistent with 1 Samuel 16:7 and why there is need for 1 Corinthians 4:5.

    Thus, the Great Controversy will be resolved by every question, concern and 'doubt' being addressed by evidence that speaks for itself. This is how God and His Ways will be vindicated by those very Ways being fully and transparently visible. Ultimately, God cannot merely declare Himself and His Ways to be Truth, Justness and Rightness. If that would truely resolve Satan's (false) allegations and insinuations, God would have done so at Lucifer's original fall and saved a lot of misery. Rather, all must see for themselves evidence that speaks for itself so strongly that questions, concerns and doubts are fully addressed and therefore 'dissolve'. You have to reflect on this a bit, but it is so powerful that even the 'wicked' and Satan with all their animosity will eventually arrive at that point because every fibre of the misbelief and misperception they are presently 'standing' upon will dissolve from under them leaving nothing but pure Truth. This is, I propose, how God - who is pure Truth - will be a 'consuming fire' that consumes/'dissolves'/'vaporises' all error in the face of Truth's fully, unveiled manifestation (as per 1 Corinthians 4:5).

  3. The lesson states: "This process provides an opportunity for the saints to evaluate the heavenly records and to see God’s fair treatment in all cases."

    This I believe is the key reason for the saints to go over the records of judgment during the millennium.
    We often think of "the wicked" as those evil ones in society who did terrible deeds, but when we think of people who are very dear to us ending up in that crowd outside the city, it changes everything. Why, why, will be a big question, as well as the "if only" thoughts in the minds of the saved. Could we have done more to encourage them to fully accept Christ as their Lord and Savior? Did we, by our words or actions, push them away from Christ?

    When it comes to determining the duration of the final sentence, the saints may, like Abraham of old be pleading with the Lord to lessen the sentence to its barest necessity. And I believe the Lord will be glad to allow us to have a say in this, because it will help us to realize the sentence is just, as well as demonstrating the saints' character filled with godly love.
    The saints will have no malicious joy in getting revenge in being given the opportunity to judge. The whole process sounds like a very sorrowful and agonizing time to me. No wonder the promise that all tears will be wiped away doesn't come till all this is done and everything is new. I think there will be a lot of tears to wipe away.

    • “When it comes to determining the duration of the final sentence…”.
      Who will be determining the duration of the final sentence? Does GOD? Do the saints? Does the unrepentant soul have a say in their own disposition?

  4. I am confused because I am not familiar with the topic. Several questions came to mind after studying the lesson and its references. If someone could shed some light on what is not clear to me, this would be very much appreciated – thank you.

    Rev.20:2-3 - expresses that the ‘dragon/serpent/devil/satan’ is ‘bound a thousand years’ ”… that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled and after that he must be loosed a little season.”

    Rev.20:7-9;11 – implies that during the 1000 years will be enough people on the old/new? earth again that they can form ‘nations’. Are they still able to hear of the Way of God, or are they left without a teacher - the Holy Spirit? In order to be 'deceived', would they not have needed to have heard the truth first? Do the saints living in the New Jerusalm have a part in this? Rev.21:24-27?

    Also, these verses state that ‘Gog and Magog gather to battle and compass the camp of the saints about and God’s fire came down from heaven and devoured them’.
    It appears that this ‘camp of the saints’ is the New Jerusalem which came down from heaven after the 1000 years. I was under the impression that this battle with Gog and Magog takes place during the Great Tribulations. Is it only then that God creates the new earth and heaven?

    Rev.20:4 – Who are ‘THEY’ who sat on the thrones and judgement was given unto them to judge ”… the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands;”

    Rev.20:11-13 – Here, ‘THEY’ stand before God as the ”… books where opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.”
    Are separate groups of saints being judged by different ‘judges’ at separate times – pre-advent judgement of those having died before the Great Tribulation, someone else judging those who died during that time - both being judged from the Book of the Lamb, and someone - God - judging all from the Book of Life?

    These are many questions, but the answeres will help me get some more clarity what the 'Investigative' and the 'Millennial' Judgement is about. Thank you!

    • Those are good questions, Brigitte. I'll be happy to share what I understand, and we'll see if anyone else would like to give us any input.

      Here are my thoughts regarding your four questions:

      1) Second Thessalonians 1:7-8 indicates that, when Christ comes back, at the beginning of the thousand years, He will be taking vengeance "with flaming fire." From this, I understand that all of the wicked are slain at this point. First Thessalonians 4:15-17 says that the sleeping saints are raised at that same time. The living saints are caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air, and go to heaven with Him. Thus, no one is left alive on earth except Satan and his angels. Since they showed their true colours at the cross, they have no influence anywhere else. They have no one to deceive for 1,000 years.

      Revelation 20:5 indicates that "the rest of the dead" (i.e. the lost, the wicked) come back to life only at the end of the thousand years. Those are the "Gog and Magog" nations. During their earthly life, they had heard the truth but rejected it. They have silenced the voice of the Holy Spirit, and now they are fully open to being deceived. They are outside the New Jerusalem, never to be allowed in. The saints are inside the city.

      2) I agree that the camp of the saints is the New Jerusalem that comes down from heaven to earth at the end of the thousand years. As I see it, this attack is the resumption and completion of the battle (of Armageddon) that began during the great tribulation, but was interrupted by Jesus' return, and by the thousand years of peace. Yes, after the wicked are "devoured," God creates the new heavens and the new earth.

      3) Looking for the antecedent of the "they" in Revelation 20:4 takes me all the way back to chapter 19, verse 9, which speaks of "those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb." These are the redeemed, and especially include the martyrs who are now given dominion over their murderers.

      4) In Revelation 20:11-13, "they" are "the dead" -- the wicked who have just been resurrected at the end of the thousand years. They are being confronted with their evil deeds that have been recorded in the books -- and by the fact that their names do not appear in the Book of Life -- and are receiving the verdict that had gone against them during the pre-advent investigative judgment, and their sentence that was decided during the thousand years. Overwhelmed by the truth, they end up bowing the knee and acknowledging the righteousness and justice of God, even though it is too late for their hearts to really be changed. They still hate God as much as ever.

      This is how I understand it. I hope it helps. Do you have any further questions?

      • Thank you, Ulrike and R.G. – I appreciate your help with sorting out how to understand these passages. Your interpretation of the passages in question seems to be mostly literal; I can see most of them being meant allegorically. The timeline is also quite confusing.

        It is probably best to talk with someone about these issues, since it will require a more focused bible study to discover their meaning, or it could be one of those matters of which we do not yet have a clear understanding.

        If you do not mind, please allow me to ask some follow-up questions.

        Rev.19:21, regarding its literal vs. allegorical interpretation. We are familiar with the two-edged sword to be the Word of God. Would you not consider that the use of the ‘sword proceeding out of His mouth’ is meant allegorically? How can a sword proceeding out of the mouth physically slay anyone? Could it not rather be understood to mean that the forces who lost the battle, lost the fight for the soul of man; that the Word of God prevailed?

        Again, literal vs. allegorical –
        I am not at all settled with the interpretation that the unsaved dead are physically raised from their 'graves' after the millennium, given a body, only to end up forming nations (which takes a long time) to fight against the New Jerusalem in the war of Gog and Magog. Who resurrected them physically with no judgement involved, only to then let them form a force used by Satan against the City of God?

        If the interpretations are to be taken literally, what kind of environment is left after 1000 years of desolation when no one inhabits or maintains the 'earth'?

        How can nations and armies - “Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea” - form in short order after Christ and His saints just returned with the New Jerusalem? Rev.20:8

        What industry is available that permits the building of weapons and organize a military force to engage in a literal battle as Gog and Magog fights against the inhabitants of the City of God?

        I was under the impression that the earth would be made new as part of His second coming, not after the 1000 years – 2 Peter 3:10-12; that Jesus and His saints in due time will return to the earth and live and reign with Christ in the New Jerusalem for a 1000 years – Rev.20:6.

        Who is or are the ones given “power over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.”, and at what time does this take place? – Rev.2:26-29

        Thank you again for considering the questions!

        • Thanks for your questions, I will try to answer some of your questions more directly, Brigitte,

          "sword proceeding out of His mouth" How can it physically slay anyone, is it literal or allegorical?

          I don't believe it is a literal sword.

          Rev. 1:16 out of his mouth went a sharp two edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shines in his strength.
          1 Thess. 2:8 .. the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:...

          So at the reality of the second coming, the lost, with considerable agony, are keenly aware that the message of the Word is true. And as Christ physically comes closer the unveiled glory and brightness of His holy divinity is to them a deadly exposure.

          Are the lost physically raised from their 'graves' after the millennium, given a body, only to end up forming nations (which takes a long time) to fight??
          Yes, they are physically raised with the same body (not the same molecules, for God recreates their bodies) but the same physical structure, same memories, same ways of thinking and acting. God has the DNA code of every person and it's no problem for Him to restructure the original body.

          The Bible does not give us any time frame as to how much time passes between the 2nd resurrection to the time the unsaved attack Jerusalem. Months, years, we don't know.

          What shape is the earth in at the end of the 1000 years?
          Pretty bad; but remember there are fallen angels helping them. And lots of skilled and educated people out there. The people raised are like the sands of the sea!

          Another thought, speculating here -- could it be possible that in some way, Satan and his angels, who are bound alive on earth during those 1000 years are already preparing for this?

          Why does God raise the lost to life again knowing they will attack?
          I believe its all part of revealing that God was just in not giving them eternal life. Many today, teach that when the unbeliever sees the white throne and the glory of Christ upon the throne, they will believe and become converted, etc. they just need another chance. OK, let's see what they will do when they are given life again. They will demonstrate how they react to the thought of God winning.

          Also God raises them again, so they themselves will see what God has done to save them, how they rejected God's grace, and they will, in the end acknowledge that God is just.

          Won't the earth be made new as part of His second coming, not after the 1000 years – 2 Peter 3:10-12; ?

          One thing that helps us understand, is that many prophecies don't tell all the stages, they tend to lump things together. It's like mountain climbing. From a distance one just sees the mountain peaks, one doesn't see the valleys. But as one gets closer the valleys become obvious.

          Peter simply lumps the end judgment and destruction into one. The second coming, the earth melts with fire, the earth made new. But notice as well the phrase: "One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." 2 Peter 3:8 Yes, Peter just covered 1000 years in that description!

          Same with Daniel seven. He moves from the investigative judgment all the way to when the saints inherit the earth. But Revelation explains there is a whole 1000 years in between the second coming and the time when the saints inherit the earth.

          What about Rev. 2:27 ?
          When will Jesus rule with a rod of iron? When He executes judgment it will be to break in pieces and dissolve all wickedness. How are the "overcomers" involved?

          Rev. 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them:....and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years."

          During the 1000 years in heaven, the saints will go through the books vindicating the justice of God in every decision He has made in the pre-Advent judgment. They will also judge the wicked (1 Cor. 6:2-3) and even fallen angels and will determine the sentence that will be given in the execution of the judgment.

          Hope this isn't too long, and helps to explain our understanding.

        • Hi, Brigitte. Thanks for the follow-up questions. I had prepared a reply for you, but now that I see what Ulrike has written, I'll shorten my answer by leaving out what she has already said.

          As I understand, the consensus Seventh-day Adventist approach to Bible interpretation is to take it as literally as reasonably possible -- that is, unless a symbol or figure of speech is clearly being used. I agree that the two-edged sword is the word of God, the truth that triumphs over those who have despised it.

          In additional to all of the compelling reasons already mentioned for why "those who have done evil" will "come forth" to the "resurrection of condemnation" at Jesus' call (John 5:29), we might consider the fact that some people who have committed horrible atrocities have then taken their own lives in order to avoid accountability and punishment. Adolf Hitler comes to mind here. Of course, a God of love and justice cannot simply let this go unaddressed.

          You mentioned the question of just where the saints are to reign for 1,000 years. First Thessalonians 4 has us meeting the Lord "in the air" at His 2nd coming, and going to be with Him in heaven, so it appears that the thousand-year "reign" of Revelation 20:6 takes place right there in heaven. This would fit with the devil being on the earth, "bound" by circumstances during the 1,000 years (Revelation 20:2), and with the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven to earth afterwards. (Revelation 21:2)

          Revelation 2:26-29 says that "he who overcomes" (i.e. the redeemed saints) will be given power over the nations. That sounds like the millennial judgment. Verse 27 immediately cites a reference to Christ having the absolute authority to rule, implying that the saints will exercise this "power" in union with Him.

          When sin and sinners are no more, that will leave a pure and peaceful universe for all eternity. Every question in the great controversy will have been settled, and every matter resolved, so that evil will never again arise, even given the free moral agency of all created beings.

          I hope that you will find these comments helpful.

  5. Hi Brigitte
    Just a quick rundown on how I see this all fitting together.

    1. Rev. 19 depicts Christ's second coming. At this time the saved are taken taken to heaven with Him. (1 Thess. 4:16-17)
    And those who are not saved died due to the brightness of His coming. (Rev. 19:21 2Thess 2:8)

    Thus no humans are left alive upon the earth.

    2. Satan is bound, he has no one to tempt during the 1000 years (Rev. 20:2-3)

    3. Meanwhile, in heaven Rev.20:4,6 takes place. These saved people came up in the first resurrection, they were caught up with the living saved and taken to heaven to live and reign with Christ during the 1000 years.

    4. The third coming at the end of the 1000 years, Jesus and the saved come back to earth with the New Jerusalem city.

    5.When the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, (Rev.20:6) The nations appear at the second resurrection when all the unsaved are raised, who had missed out on the first resurrection. (Rev.20:5)

    6. Now Satan has millions to tempt again. All those people had lived before and rejected God's grace in their life times. Satan now goes among them and acting like the great wronged prince, marshals the nations to war, to take the city he claims rightfully belongs to him.(20:8-9) They don't succeed.

    7. But before execution comes, the Great White Throne appears.
    The vast army of all unsaved from the creation of the earth, stand outside the city, in paralyzed awe as Christ, on throne of glory is seen above the city. (Rev.20:11)

    Ellen White fills in some amazing details here, for this is not a judgment like we have here.

    Above the throne is revealed the cross; and like a panoramic view appear the scenes of Adam's temptation and fall, and the successive steps in the great plan of redemption. The Saviour's lowly birth; His early life...the final scenes--the patient Sufferer treading the path to Calvary; the Prince of heaven hanging upon the cross;...Too late they are made to see that the Omniscient One is jealous of His law and that He will in no wise clear the guilty. They learn now that Christ identifies His interest with that of His suffering people; and they feel the force of His own words: "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me." Matthew 25:40. {GC 668.1}

    The wicked acknowledge their guilt and God's fairness. But they do not repent.

    8. Then comes the cleansing fire. (Rev. 20:9-10, Rev. 20:14-15)

    9. The earth is recreated into its original beauty. (Rev. 21:1) The New Jerusalem is the capital, God with His people, wiping away all tears.

    • All of these timeline explanations are so helpful to me too. But I do have one point that needs clarification:

      “Now Satan has millions to tempt again. All those people had lived before and rejected God's grace in their life times.”

      If these people had rejected God’s grace, haven’t they already been tempted by Satan? In other words, how can Satan tempt someone who already belongs to him?

      I’m not challenging the Scripture, just trying to understand the nature of what is happening.

      • Great question, Sarah! Revelation 20:3 relates that, when the thousand years are finished, Satan will "deceive" the nations. It does not say that he will tempt them.

        May God bless your study of His word.

    • Hi Sarah,

      I guess it depends on what a person understands concerning temptation. It's very true that the lost, raised at the second resurrection, have given themselves over to the ways of Satan already; they are Satan's captives. In rejecting Christ they have accepted the rule of the rebel leader.

      I see it as Satan once again tempting them to believe more of his lies. Of course it is also deceiving them into thinking it would be beneficial to themselves in some way. Whatever term we use, Satan will again be hard at work to win people into thinking that he and his ways are great, and that God and His ways are the big problem. He not only deceives them into thinking that, if they just follow him, they can defeat God and take the city; he manages to energize them and make them eager to do just that.

  6. "Rev.20:2-3 - expresses that the ‘dragon/serpent/devil/satan’ is ‘bound a thousand years’ ”… that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled and after that he must be loosed a little season.”

    I do not know if I am right but will share what I understand. I will be looking to see what others may share.
    There are other worlds with intelligent beings besides ours. Satan has been able to access these populated worlds and taunt their inhabitants. In the millennium he and his fallen angels are confined to our earth and in that sense he is bound. He is bound to this earth and he is not allowed to access the other inhabited worlds. There are no inhabitants here on earth as the earth is desolated of every human. So in two senses he is unable to tempt or taunt the various intelligent beings in the universe. After the millennium the wicked dead are raised and then he is able to again tempt those wicked dead who have been resurrected to face the great white throne judgment. Of course he is still confined to this earth at that time but he has the resurrected wicked to manipulate with his schemes.


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