Tuesday: Neither Too Much nor Too Little
Prov. 30:7–9 contains the only prayer in the book of Proverbs. It is not by chance that this request immediately follows the affirmation of God as the great Creator (Prov. 30:4) and the promise of His faithfulness (Prov. 30:5).
Read Proverbs 30:7–9. Why would someone ask these things?
Before we ask God for anything, it is important to make sure our relationship with Him is solid.
If we lie, then we are acting as if God, who knows all things, doesn’t even exist. This is why the confession of our sin is a prerequisite for forgiveness (1 John 1:9). We cannot cheat God; He sees us exactly as we are. As we pray, the dramatic gesture of prostration, lying like the dead in the dust (Lam. 3:29), reveals not only our reverence and humility, but shows an awareness of our spiritual nakedness before Him.
In Proverbs 30:8, the writer asks God to give
neither poverty nor riches. The first time that the verb give
is used in the Bible in relation to humans, it deals with God’s gift of food (Gen. 1:29). This is why in many cultures food is traditionally associated with prayer. This basic need, which makes us so dependent on the God of Creation, places the experience of prayer at the core of our survival.
The two requests do not aim just at the balance of human character. They converge in one goal: the glory of God. If we get too little, we tend to steal and insult God; if we get too much, we do not feel the need for God and may even deny His existence. It is noteworthy, however, that only the latter predicament can lead to a disconnect from God; the former will likely keep us in touch with Him.
The Lord’s Prayer carries the same twofold concern: (1) Give us this day our daily bread
(Matt. 6:11) provides for our needs and not more; and (2) Do not lead us into temptation
(Matt. 6:13, NKJV) takes care of our needs.
Think about just how dependent you are on God. How can keeping that stark fact ever in your mind help you grow in faith? What dangers come when we forget this dependence?

I disagree with the lesson author, I think that having too little can lead to a disconnect with God. I agree that realizing that we are dependant on God to supply our needs keeps us connected with God.
However many who have too little and who have spent their whole lives living below the bread line have given up on a God who doesn't seem to care.
I praise the LORD for His goodness and that He has always provided for me though out my life, but I realize the greatest gift He gives me is the promise of eternal life as Paul says, the trials of this life are nothing when compared to the eternal glory He has promised.
I agree with the author on this. I think about the shift of our allegiance, our focus from God when we have too much. When our belly is full, we don't feel the need of anything. There's a Bible verse or it maybe from EGW's writings that says something like our appetite will hinder us to heaven. Take for instance that young ruler in Matthew 19 who asked Jesus how he could gain eternal life and Jesus answered to him saying,"...go and sell your possessions and give them to the poor..." We know that he went away sad for he has a lot of possessions. In the old testament we are warned about idolatry in many forms. However, having too little isnt good either as discussed in the lesson.
Just a short testimony, lately, I realize that I have been missing my Bible reading time or not really into it, been feeling cushy on Sabbath and happy with my routine: work, pay my bills check after check and my refrigerator is stocked. However,God reminded me that I need to wake up! I'm losing my dependence on Him little by little. I need to be truly connected with Him. There is a huge danger in both extremes. We can lose everything if we inch away from Him toward the earthly pleasures. And for me, I just had a second chance. Thank you God for second chances.
I totally agree with you! By choice, in part of my young life, I lived dirt poor for 10 years, five of those years as a single, unwed mother. It was the hardest way to live. Now, 26 years later, we can pay our bills and what a relief! I have always struggled and worried up to this point in my whole 41 years of adult life! I have purchased items and taken them back, even two and three times! It has made me sick to my stomach and given me headaches!
Now, today, for the first time in my life, I can shop for clothes and items that aren't in discount stores, yet are on sale and moderately priced. I still go to Salvation Army and check Craig's List. Because I have lived among rich people, I know this is how they live. They also don't fix things in their homes neither do they purchase many new clothes or items. They don't spend much money, and don't waste money, so they have taught me valuable lessons.
For 10 years I have been suffering with Lyme disease, with no end in sight, so I understand that God can give all of us an opportunity to humble ourselves. I have worked for the rich and associate with the rich and know this to be true in their lives also.
In my life circle, I have seen many Christian's who envy the rich, and put down and condemn the rich. These Christians actually feel superior to the rich and it continues to amaze me when I experience this because the rich are often financially the most giving of all of us, as well as more educated than a lot of us.
We would do well to appreciate and love all people, no matter how much money they have or not, or how educated they are or aren't. We need to remember that God is love and all people need to see that message lived out in our lives.
Lets look at James 4: 3You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures. and Job 23;12"I have not departed from the command of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food. God is good and He gives abundantly Matt 6:26"Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? We dont get and its not God's fault. The problem lies with us. We must have faith in His word and not lose heart. When Christians were being thrown to lions and tortured were they supposed to lose faith in God?
The statement- "Before we come..... is solid" is contrary to the call Jesus made "come unto me all ye that labor." Isn't Jesus willing to hear us no matter how bad a sinner we are?
Take two people and give them 2 glasses of water the other ones glass is full and the other one is half full ask them to run you will notice that the one whose glass is half full will run much faster.having riches is not wrong but they may slow us down in our Christian walk.while at the same time being too poor may make us question God so if your basic needs are taken care of theyou will be content with what you have.Matthew 6:33 tells us our primary thing to do is to seek God and do his will.Matthew 6:26 look at the birds of the air for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly father feeds them are you not of more value than they?
Great analogy about the glasses of water, yet the one who has the full glass and runs may have a better chance to spill his blessings upon others and the one with a cup half full may keep it all to themselves. It's our willingness to share and give to the poor that makes monetary wealth Rich in God.
There is not anything evil in being rich or poor. The problem is SELF.(greed or laziness) Be reminded that all of our help comes from Jesus and we cannot do nothing unless He permits it to be.
I have come to understand the Lord's prayer even better from the context of Prov. 30:7-9. We should pray that the Lord gives us enough for our needs; not too much to lead us to forget to rely on His existence and not too little to be lead into temptation.
I agree with you brother steve
Both the prayer of Proverbs 30:8, 9 and the Lord’s model prayer clearly request just enough (Matthew 6:11). As well there are more than a few counsels against being rich in scripture and SOP. Still, how often we hear in Christian circles, "there is nothing wrong with riches," as in, "it is okay to be rich."
Could it be there is a hidden (or expressed) longing among many believers to come into possession of riches? If this undisclosed (or revealed) wish should be realized would Godly stewardship be uppermost in the mind? Or would benevolence have to compete with desires for greater ease, comforts, pleasures and self-sufficiency? Somehow wants get converted to needs when income increase.
It is no accident that the rich generally have little time for Jesus and the Gospel. Therefore Jesus never encouraged any to be rich, and by precept and example sought to make us uncomfortable with the idea, if not outright shun it. The apostles got the message loud and clear, even if believers today barely perceive it (Luke 18:24-27). The rich young ruler flatly rejected it (Matthew 19:21, 22).
If one thinks it is okay to be rich he will likely have no qualms about accumulating riches, and probably without limit, even if sufficient amount is given away to satisfy conscience. On the other hand if one thinks it is not okay to be rich he will be more disposed to giving away the excess when he comes into possession of it.
If the Christian desire riches it should be to become a distribution channel for Heaven’s resources. If this is not the intent then the daily bread might be sufficient. How much do we already have that we do not really need and could help advance God’s cause or relieve known suffering?
Hugh, you are right. It is a problem for most wealthy people to be faithful to Jesus. Even the disciples voiced similar concerns that you do concerning the rich young ruler but Jesus had the answer:
The strange thing is that Jesus never addressed the extreme wealth of Nicodemus for he had other spiritual issues that were more important and besides Jesus knew his heart and that he would eventually use that wealth to benefit the church. In fact, concerning the Pharisees, money was rarely the base issue with Jesus. With Him the issue was religious hypocrisy and pride, saying one thing and doing another, being the white washed tombs that look great on the outside but are rotten on the inside, who didn't see themselves in need of a savior.
To me it is not how much we have that is the problem but how we relate to it for even the average person can fall into the problem. The Bible doesn't condemn money but the love of it (1 Tim 6:10). That means that if we seek wealth solely for ourselves it will destroy us but if it is to bless others then it will be just that and that is where having a relationship with Jesus comes in. Just as Dorcas was generous with what she had and used it to bless others (Acts 9:36).
I assume Hugh that you live in an industrialized country that is relatively well off, after all, you are communicating through the internet that requires advanced technology. Tell me do you deplete all your savings if you have some and give it all to the poor? Is that what Jesus requires of all his people or is that a requirement only to those who have a problem with what they have.
Furthermore, is money the only wealth we have that we tend to be stingy about (Rev 3:17)?
Excellent points and I appreciate you sharing them!
The rule in industrialized countries is do not upset the rich, including in the church, for various reasons.
Jesus is the model. The question of reasonable savings is for the Holy Spirit to determine. However, is there any Bible text which supports excess (riches) for one’s own benefit?
It is the principle, not the extreme application that begs consideration. The principle is the resources we hold are not our own, but God’s and unless it is justifiable that one has excess (riches), while another is starving from want then we should constantly be evaluating how we are managing God’s resources and what more we might do to relieve suffering, especially if we subscribe to self-renunciation and self-denial.
Those who do not have a problem with money may be fine. The rest of us who are unsure about our stewardship cannot afford to ignore 1 Timothy 6:9, and ask ourselves if we want more, what do we want it for? Can we trust ourselves with the management of God’s resources, especially excess of it?
Riches is acceptable in the context of stewardship or management, understanding it is all God’s.
EGW from Signs of The Times June 21, 1899
The rich man is a steward of God, and if he walks in Christ’s footsteps, maintaining a humble, godly life, he becomes, through the transformation of character, meek and lowly in heart. He realizes that his possessions are only lent treasures, and he feels that a sacred trust has been committed to him to help the needy and suffering, in Christ’s stead. This work will bring its reward in talents and treasures laid up beside the throne of God. Thus the rich man may make a spiritual success of life, as a faithful steward of his Lord’s goods.—Manuscript 22, 1898.
Yes, of course a rich man can be rich in spiritual life just a poor man can be poor in spiritual understanding.There is no rich, no poor in Christ. The social perspectives which we often express, only reach the surface of our struggles. The fact that we share our experience with others and seek to have communion with God through His Son is evidence of a power greater than ourselves working in the affairs of men. I say, let His work be done in my life and we will see the glory of the Lord.
I can relate here. I was one of those who knew it all. Prom, Graduation,Marriage and then Child in my Senior year. Divorced after 4 years. A single mother not walking with God, but Knew him, no prayer life what so ever!!! God gave me everything I needed when I needed it. Yes it was hard, but I did not ask him for anything...Today my child is 25, I have remarried and my husband found the Sabbath and is now an Elder in the Church. God is Good, all the time
I ve only been an Adventist for about a year now but ive learned alot
Gods giving many blessings in my life today he gives me just what i need and thats a blessing within itself
Where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. I remain free so long as He is present. That is rule number 1, rule number two, He is ever present.
I think a correct theological understanding of our relationship to God the Father prerequisites our living a life to the glory of God. In purity, all we are or ever will be is the result of His Divine invention and intervention. It is only through the merits of His Son Jesus that we have access to Him. He is the author and finisher of that Salvation. Through faith in Christ we do not have to fear whether we will be accepted or not, we come as we are with faith in the inexhaustible love of the Father through His Son. Or, we don't come and we remain as we are, dead in transgression and sin. There is no force, no coercion, just invitation and provision. Come as you are, and bring others, He is inclusive, unlike us in our fearful state.
Look at it this way and the author is right. When I apply for a loan to the bank I make sure all my ducks(credit) are in order 1st before I ask for a loan. I am sure you have heard of talents on loan from God. Now if I am talking about salvation Emil is right, come as you are, don't wait until you change, it may be to late. Let Him change you after you have come to Him. I have tried the other way around, believe me it doesn't work.
i wish i could neither be rich nor poor because God will take care and provide me with what i want
The only prayer found in proverbs (Proverbs 30:7-9) is the prayer of a humble person. If we take time and read all the prayers of godly people in the bible we will see this principle- even the prayers that were uttered in the face of death. "Not My will but thy will be done". They prayed in hope that "The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want". It is not about being rich or poor, the prayer was of continual dependence upon Whom they were praying to.
This prayer is said once someone is aware of the duty that lies ahead. It is said in the realization of ones own weakness even to provide for him or herself. But faith utters the simplest prayer "Not too much Lord, give me just enough so I can do thy Will". Praise be to God.
The problem with riches is one. People never reach satisfaction point. They more often than not reach a point of looking down upon the poor as lazy when the truth could be the rich are exploiting the poor. Sometimes poor people remain so because the quest of those who want riches can't be quenched hence the result is hoarding wealth at the expense of the poor. Who can understand the human heart for it is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked? Jeremiah 17:9kjv
I have experienced this. I am both rich and poor. I have at times oppressed others and I am oppressed. When the Holy Spirit of God convicts of sin, I confess and forsake, when I am oppressed I pray for my enemies. This is what my experience is.He who says that he is without sin, calls God a liar.
Philippians 4:11-13 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: 12 I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. 13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
New king James version
This verse from the bible helps me inspired everyday no matter what state in life we are. we maybe rich today, we maybe poor tomorrow. We can surpass each and every situation for we can do all things through Christ who strengthen us. God sees us, our pain our desires but God never wants us to suffer. God always gave what we need. In Matthew 6:26-29 God said 26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? 28 So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; 29 and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. it is a very inspiring word from God indeed. So why worry? for what we eat? or what clothes we wear? or what our state in life? God had already plan our life. We must trust in his plans and walk in his ways for God created life so wonderful! we must thank God for it. May we all walk in the ways of the Lord with joy and love. God Bless Us all.