Tuesday: Reckoned as Righteous
Why do you think Paul first appeals to Abraham as he looks to the Scriptures to validate his gospel message? (Gal. 3:6).
Abraham was a central figure in Judaism. Not only was he the father of the Jewish race, but Jews in Paul’s time also looked to him as the prototype of what a true Jew should be like.
Many not only believed that his defining characteristic was his obedience but that God had declared Abraham righteous because of that obedience. After all, Abraham forsook his homeland and family, he accepted circumcision, and he was even willing to sacrifice his son at God’s command. That’s obedience! With their insistence on circumcision, Paul’s opponents certainly argued along these same lines.
Paul, however, turns the tables by appealing to Abraham — nine times in Galatians — as an example of faith instead of law-keeping.
Consider Paul’s quotation of Genesis 15:6. What does it mean when it says that Abraham’s faith was “counted . . . to him for righteousness”? See ( also Rom. 4:3-6, Rom. 4:8-11, Rom. 4:22-24.)
Whereas justification was a metaphor taken from the legal world, the word counted or reckoned is a metaphor drawn from the domain of business. It can mean “to credit” or “to place something to one’s account.” Not only is it used of Abraham in Galatians 3:6, but it occurs another 11 times in connection with the patriarch. Some Bible versions translate it as counted, reckoned, or imputed.
According to Paul’s metaphor, what is placed to our accounts is righteousness. The question is, however, On what basis does God count us as righteous? It surely cannot be on the basis of obedience — despite what Paul’s opponents claimed. No matter what they said about Abraham’s obedience, Scripture says that it was because of Abraham’s faith that God counted him as righteous.
The Bible is clear: Abraham’s obedience was not the ground of his justification; it was, instead, the result. He didn’t do the things he did in order to be justified; he did them because he, already, was justified. Justification leads to obedience, not vice versa.
Dwell on what this means — that you are justified not by anything you do but only by what Christ has done for you. Why is that such good news? How can you learn to make that truth your own; that is, to believe it applies to you, personally, no matter your struggles, past and even present? |

There is nothing we can do to change our future ,or our now or our history. Why? simply because we are unable. Only God can. Our only ground of hope is in righteousness imputed and righteousness imparted.
I believe there is a lot we can do, in terms of, responding to God's calling, God's instructions to us throughout our (spiritual) journey. Although we cannot become righteous on our own or by own deeds, God certainly needs our willingness, to perform and complete a good work in us.
Romans 3:21-26 tells us how we are and what we will become through faith.
21 But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, 22 even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all[a] who believe. For there is no difference; 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, 26 to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.
Praise the Lord!
I have been struggling with the difference between keeping the law now and justification by faith but the lesson today has cleared all my confusions. My desire to not sin again is not born out of wanting to justify myself before God, rather it is a result of being justified by God. I have become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit teaches me all those things which are Holy, He ministers to me and sin has become something I can not bear any longer!
Thank you Jesus!
Halleujah this really helped me too!
I see the scriptures of Galatians 3:6, Genesis 15:6, And tying them to Romans 4:3-6, 8-11,and 22-24 as really showing the example of Abraham as a believer in God by following and trusting God in faith as an example of Christ to modern believer in following Christ by faith. Christ did everything for us and we are to follow him and know that Christ did it all.
Being in Church will never make you a Christian like the Jews were having Abraham but they didn't have faith, so even those who are in Church we need Jesus and his faith.
I am not sure whether what you wrote here is an opinion or it's something from the Word of God. If it's an opinion , then we have to be careful on the message conveyed. The church is God’s appointed agency for the salvation of men. Christ Himself instituted her. The church was organized for God's service, and its mission is to carry the gospel to the world. It is God’s plan that through His church shall be reflected to the world His fullness [Matt 16:18]. The members of the church, those whom He has called out of darkness into His marvelous light, are to show forth His glory. The church is the repository of the riches of the grace of Christ.Read Ephesians 3:10.
I believe I understand what Brother Simon is saying in his comment. In these last days many consider themselves 'safe' because they are members of the Church and yet, like the Jews, they have no relationship with Jesus. However, as Sr Anela The Church is God's appointed agency for salvation - just as God built Israel on Abraham's faith ... custodians of the plan of salvation. Are we, like Israel, losing the plot? Bench warmers instead of being true to our commission to warn the world of Jesus' soon return?
Abraham looked unto Jesus, who is also the Author and the Finisher of our faith (The Youth’s Instructor, September 22, 1892). 6BC 1077.7 . Here we are introduced to an amazing leap of faith from a true Spiritual Leader. He was reckoned as righteous. Gen 22:1-14 demonstrates why and how. His is a living faith
Genesis 12 we see how much he trusted every word from God. 'This So Sweet To Trust In Jesus'. He is commanded to leave for an unknown place and he doesn't ask where and why but just obeys and journeys into the unknown. This is the true spirit of faith. In Genesis 22:1-14 is the same story. Another command and he doesn't question it. He only says "God will provide...". In his heart he trusted the Lord will provide salvation to his son. He hung on the promise of God [Gen 15:2-6]
Salvation only comes through trusting and believing in God. Yes obedience is part of trusting. But it only comes through faith in Him. Man can only be saved by God's grace through faith. For "without faith it is impossible to please him. . . [Heb 11:6]. Numbers 21: 4-9 demonstrates the importance of obedience and faith. The same faith is shown by the three boys in KJV Daniel 3:17 "our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king". "He will deliver us". A true affirmation of deep rooted saving faith. No matter what happens, I fear God salvation is His.
people in the last days will have aform of godliness but denying its power 2Tim 3:5 so if you are atrue Christian let your christainity come from inside.
WE are justified not by works, Lest any man should boast
But through Jesus Christ who seeks and saves the Lost
First of all, we need to understand the process of justification.
1. God first says to the sinner:
a) I forgive you (your sins are forgiven)--It is a Grace of God, through Jesus Christ.
But, I need to enter into your heart to start the cleansing process(God cannot force Himself into your heart, you have to allow Him in)(obedience)Revelation 3:20
b) Cleansing: The Spirit of God enters into your heart (because you let Him in) and starts with the cleansing process- your mind, your way of thinking, your actions are no longer the same (You are now led by the Spirit)and you are now:
c) Justified.
God says: my child, you have Faith in me( faith in the power of the blood) . You trusted me, when I said to you, that your sins are forgiven. You trusted me enough to let me into your heart so I can change you into a new Creature; meaning that, by my Spirit in you, you are no longer living according to your own desire our tendency. You have surrendered yourself to me. You are my child! (Justification)
Romans 8: 13
Romans 3: 14
Romans 3: 16
Please help me understand this.
Does obedience come before faith or vice versa?
Does the question really matter? One way of looking at it is that faith and obedience grow together.
K. Gyasi faith first and then it will lead u to obedience, like Father Abraham he first believed in God and then faith led him to obedience. Thanks K.Gyasi