HomeDailyTuesday: Religious Oppressors    


Tuesday: Religious Oppressors — 6 Comments

  1. The recent royal commission into institutional handling of sexual abuse in Australia exposed an underlying theme of cover-up by the organisations being investigated. Church organisations were concerned when they were told of sexual abuse cases within their ranks that the information would be made public and it would sully the name of the church. They moved offending priests and ministers and threatened and cajoled victims into keeping quiet. And in doing so they missed the whole point of what Christianity is about. It is as though they have never noticed Micah's brief but commanding statement:

    He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
    To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8 NIV

    The Bible tells the story of man's relationship with God with all the ugliness and unevenness exposed. The story of David does not make for easy reading, but its telling does not gloss over his sins and repentance. How different the story of the churches and organisations investigated by the Royal Commision would have been if they had been open and been seen to act with justice and mercy; if victims had been listened to and helped rather than oppressed and silenced. The hypocrisy of cover-up to protect the name of the church has ultimately damaged the organisation irreparably.

    • Maurice, when in your post above you say “church”, are you referring to the Seventh-day Adventist Church? Or, to the Catholic Church?

      • The Roman Catholic church took the brunt of the findings and most of the negative publicity in the Royal Commission, but those of us who know the Seventh-day Adventist Church well, know that we have our own issues with coverup as well. We too have lessons to learn and have no room for complacency.

  2. A few years ago, as a family, we were going into a deep crisis. The death of a close family member seemed to detonate a bunch of emotional barriers and we got stuck into a circle of non-sense journey. We went into therapy and it got to the point where 3 physicians were not enough to take care of our mess. Until my wife found this family, a girl at the age of our daughter and a single mom. Living in difficult conditions and at high social risk. We ended up adopting this family, which turned out to be formed of a mom, her daughter and 2 other boys that were living far away and being raised by her parents. This crtical family saved ours! Today, they are helped not only by me, my wife and my daughter, but by everyone of the surrounding relatives. Everybody does a little. The story is long, the problems are huge, but what I can say is that when we care for those in need that are around us we are the most blessed. This is our mission. And I thank God because He touched our hearts to help this "disrupted" family, at the end, for sure, mine was the one really helped!

  3. The church organization often moves to protect itself. They don't think about the people being affected. A lot of dirt has been and still being swept under the rug, but in general everyone is going on as if every thing is perfect. This brings about in the church persons who are hurt and confuse about what we really believe. Because leaders are not dealing with church issues before the Lord, it seems as if we are developing a church with the form of Godliness, but not power is streaming down. Hence, we have so many problems that God's church should not have. God must be tired of us in the same manner as He was sick and tired of the vain worship the Israelites gave.

  4. Religion oppression can take many forms.
    Now my kids are grown up as a parent am I going to use my authority oppress them when they choose not to follow in my religious direction.
    Even though I have given them the Adventist education if they choose an another religion how tolerant I will be in allowing them to exercise their new found religion.
    I am appalled when a family member is killed because of conversion from Muslim to Christianity.
    Will I be any different when my children exercise their choice?

    “The best gift you can give a human being is an introduction to a God who loves them.”
    — Bill Hybels
    Accepting my children are independent in making the choice is true religious freedom.
    Pray for me that I will be loving, patient and kind while my children find their religious identity.


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