HomeDailyTuesday: The “Abomination of Desolation”    


Tuesday: The “Abomination of Desolation” — 32 Comments

  1. The "abominatio of desolation" is not when Antiochus Epiphanes sacrificed a pig to Zeus on the sacred Temple altar the way most christians interprete these days even our fellow SDA. This is false interpretation of the bible. Antiochus did this in 168 BC and Jesus was talking after 168 BC telling His disciples the future events that if u see.... The truth is: With military support from other nations, the Papacy would "pollute the Sanctuary of strength" by, eliminating all opposing Arian forces, and substituting her priesthood for the High Priestly ministry of Jesus Christ in the heavenly Sanctuary. As a result, the daily mediation of Christ in heavenly Sanctuary was erroneously replaced by papal Rome's false mediation of Catholic priests". Through this great error and its willingness to destroy all who would not recognize its authority and mediation, it became the "abomination that maketh desolate". It took place for 1260 years (AD 538 -1798) forcefully, it will be back again bt God wil b on our side.

  2. It is comforting to know that despite Satan's best efforts at eradicating the Word of God and us the Crusaders of the Word (the remnants) God assures us of Victory in the end!

  3. I need to know more about the 1290 days prophecy. Which year did it start and which year did it end? What significant event happened in those two years? Hope someone can help. Thanks.

  4. In the first century AD, this desolation was the desolation of Israel, as God "finished the transgression" foretold in Daniel 9:24. This could happen in 2 ways: the nation repents and returns to God, or God withdraws from His covenant with them, after confirming it for "one week" with those willing to accept Christ as the promised Messiah. The abomination was the fact that there was no more protection or blessing for the now desolate nation(Matt 23:38), desolate for rejecting God's grace and thus left to the abomination of being overrun and destroyed by a pagan nation(Jesus called them "His(the King's) armies"(Matt 22:7), as they would accomplish His will against His enemies, which was actually the first of the 7 trumpets of Revelation 8.

    What a lesson for any who linger in transgression(rebellion against a covenant) today. Daniel also shows the events of our day soon to come, where the king of the north will enter the "glorious land"(as in the 1st century AD) and "many shall be overthrown", meaning, they will forsake their beliefs and join with the king of the north. This should be clear as to its meaning. Any who deny the Lord will be left desolate in that day. Yet for any who will exercise it, "faith is the victory that overcomes the world"(Hymn 608, 1 John 5:4).

    • Robert, what is missing in the desolation of abomination; Daniel 11:31 12:11, was given to Daniel in the third year that Cyrus was the king of Persia. The kings of the battles between the north and south are apparently also important to Daniels vision. For those that want to compare dates in Daniel's vision with John's vision, are probably somewhat interested in papal and pagan Rome. The text given in Matthew 24:9,15, as reference texts, may go to spur interest, questions, and imagination, at hand.

  5. Genesis 46:34
    34 that you shall say, ‘Your servants’ occupation has been with livestock from our youth even till now, both we and also our fathers,’ that you may dwell in the land of Goshen; for every shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians.”

    Here we see the word abomination is used by the Egyptians to illustrate the detestable way of life of the shepherd.

    Exodus 8:26
    26 And Moses said, “It is not right to do so, for we would be sacrificing the abomination of the Egyptians to the Lord our God. If we sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes, then will they not stone us?

    Here we see abomination is related to worship.

    Abomination is the way of life and worship which is contrary to the Word of God.

    The church claims to have the power to forgive sin.
    The church claims the power to remove the 2nd commandment from the Ten Commandment
    The church claims the power to change the day of worship established by God.

    Yet claiming to be vicar of Christ

    When this entity will enforce the day of worship as the only day of rest the end will come very rapidly.

    Even now this work is more prevalent in Europe and other parts of the world.

    Matthew 10: 18-20
    18 On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. 19 But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, 20 for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

    Some of us will be called to be witnesses for the Lord.
    Some of us will be delivered to be martyrs for the cause of Christ.
    Some of us will be called to endure to the coming of Christ.

    Christ and His Spirit will give us the power to endure.

    Zechariah 4:6
    “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel (Newbegin): ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.

    Christ will be victorious.

  6. Sorry. I still don't get the interpretation of the 1290 days. I understand the 1260 days prophecy but not the 1290 days prophecy. Daniel 12:11 says that it started when the "daily" was taken away and ended when the abomination that maketh desolate" was set up. What exactly is this daily and which year was it taken away? Which year was this "abomination" set up? Further in verse 12, a 1335 days prophecy is mentioned which pique my curiosity even more. Hope someone can shed some historic or prophetic light to help me out.

    • Courtney,

      That is an interesting point you bring up, but my question to you is why are you waiting on someone to give you answers? Go study for yourself, there are plenty of resources along with the ultimate Resource, the Holy Spirit.

      If your curiosity is piqued, seek and ye shall find. God bless you on your journey.

      I actually will be doing my own research into this as well, because I don't know the answer.

    • The year was 508 AD (which would bring the closing date to 1798), and some cite the actions of Clovis in that year as leading to the papacy's achieving it's power 30 years later. I've also heard a presentation which reported that "one source" said the Catholic priesthood was set up in that year, which would lead people to turn to men for forgiveness and works of penance to replace the blood and righteousness of Christ as the sinners path to forgiveness. In this, the "daily",(more accurately the "continual") of Jesus' blood and righteousness offered as man's propitiation was replaced with a system of human absolution and prescribed works that many have accepted to their eternal ruin. This false system of justifying sinners is not accepted in heaven, and leaves the sinner without forgiveness, and thus "desolate" and without hope.

      I don't have any information regarding that one source, though the actions of Clovis are documented and accepted by many. I have a document that presents 508 and Clovis' exploits as meaning of the 1290.

      The Bible tells us "the wise shall understand", so seeking the wisdom from above is our best work for getting understanding.

    • In reply to courtney (full name please).

      Courtney, there is no consensus on the interpretation of the 1290 days, and I find that there is so much in the Bible that I do understand that I don't worry all that much about details I do not understand.

      However, Ulrike Unruh has put out a good explanation (to my mind) at "1260, 1290, 1335 Day/YearsProphetic Meaning." If you'll compare this with all the other explanations out there, I think you'll find that this is most consistent with our whole prophetic scenario.

      [Moderator Note to Courtney: Please supply your full name in any reply you wish to see published.]

  7. In Daniel 12:11 where the word "Daily" is used, the original word means "Perpetual," and not "Sacrifice." therefore it is in reference to something "Continual," and not something that is sacrificed. So it is more in reference to The Seventh Day Sabbath and not to Jesus' Once for all Sacrifice.

  8. Seventh-day Adventists have had a variety of views regarding these time prophecies and the Biblical Research Institute (A General Conference study unit) has a number of papers discussing these views.

    A short summary paper by Rodreguez gives a quick overview:


    A brief summary of the "accepted" view of the 1290 day time period is that it started in 508AD with Clovis, King of the Franks, accepted Catholicism over the Arian tribes. It ends in 1798 at the same time as the 1260 year prophecy. The 1335 day prophecy is thought to start at the same time and end in 1843.

  9. Good point Maurice, I have been reading Daniel 9:20, the message to Gabriel about the 70 week time period, 490 prophetic years. There is always confusion over metaphors and representations to apply Biblical texts to.

  10. Whoa!...I actually had to read this last paragraph several times to ensure I wasn't misreading the author, "Daniel chapter 8, particularly verses 9-12, helps place these events in their historical context, with a two-phased Roman power. The first phase, seen in the little horn’s rapid horizontal expansion (Dan. 8:9), shows the vast empire of pagan Rome. In the second phase (Dan. 8:10-12) the little horn grows vertically, casting down some of the stars (persecuting God’s people) and magnifying itself to the “prince of the host” (Dan. 8: 11), Jesus. This represents the papal phase, which arose out of the collapse of the pagan Roman Empire, but still remains Rome. (That’s why one symbol, the little horn, represents both phases of the same power.)".

    How does this interpretation square with Gabriel's, who is sent to assist the prophet's understanding of his own vision (Dan 8:15-16)? Doesn't Gabriel clearly associate the "male goat" (Dan 8:8) with the "little horn" (Dan 8:9)? Does he not go on to identify the "male goat" as Greece (Dan 8:21)? How does Rome enter the discourse?

    • Lynrol, I stand by my first opinion. To unravel and apply the prophecies of Daniel, as well as John the Revelator, is not a few paragraphs in the afternoon. Gabriel in his visions covered a number of timelines, kingdoms, metaphors,and more. Yes the horn you mention is Greece. Daniel 8:26,27 also says he doesn't understand,and seal the book. Are we many days into the future? I would say so.

      • Paul, I'd advise caution in holding to any "opinion" which even hint of the refusal of Divine assistance (Dan 8:15-16). It could become the precursor to more serious circumstances (Heb 1:1-2).

    • The little horn which waxed "exceeding great" is not from the goat, but from one of the four winds. Read the text carefully to see this point. There are other indicators in the text if needed.

      • According to Daniel 8:8,9 there were four horns that came up after the large horn was broken, and the direction was toward the four winds of heaven. I don't see any differences other than misunderstandings. The little horn is one of the four other horns verse 9. The winds are a source of direction.

        • In reply to this question alone, the last object mentioned in Daniel 8:8 was the four winds, followed by: "and out of one of them" the little horn arose. Check your history, there was no kingdom from any division of Greece that meets the details of this little horn power, which would exceed the power of the goat's "notable horn" since the four divisions were "not in his power", but weaker(Dan 8:21). Rome was outside of the domains of the 4 divisions of Greece, and Rome was the power that took over the territories that were possessed by those divisions save some eastern portions of the division of Seleucus. It was Rome that ordered Antiochus to return home while on his way to defeat Ptolemy. It was Rome that waxed to the east, south, and the holy land, ruling over Jerusalem at the time of Jesus, and from this Roman power the popes arose. No power from the Grecian divisions meets these details of the prophecy.

          Check any accurate maps of the 4 divisions of Greece which will show that none of them extended to the territory of Rome, though there were some isolated ancient Greek settlements in Sicily and southern Italy, far to the south of Rome, centuries before the time of Alexander. Rome was widely influenced by the Greek culture which they admired and idolized, while never under it's dominion.

          This is why I have concluded that the little horn rose from one of the four winds, and not one of the four horns. It just doesn't fit the facts as I have understood them.

          • Robert, I believe a misleading desire to know things God isn't communicating (as in Jn 21:20-3) has resulted in numerous misadventures in prophetic interpretation. That Jesus' disciples were also prone to this (Lk 24:13-27), should be both cautionary and instructive for 21st century disciples. Our natural, sinful, human tendencies to miss what has been communicated as well as to conversely hear what has not been communicated is a problem. This trait of our fallen nature not only fouls our horizontal relationships, it does the same in our vertical relationship (Heb 1:1-2; Jn 8:43; 21:22-23).

            This particular study became our focus as a direct result of words from the mouth of Jesus (Mt 24:15). While I accept and understand why you said, "This is very critical to understanding this prophecy correctly", I would widen the application of your words based on Scripture (Dt 8:3; 2 Tim 3:16). Your sentences highlights the basic human problem embodied in Jesus' question in Jn 8:43--and He asked the same basic question in a variety of ways: Mt 15:15-16; Lk 10:26. What does one do who finds her/himself without the organs or ability of sight, hearing, movement etc?

            It might sound like a lame attempt to evade the question you asked when you said, "what do you believe the little horn (Dan 8:9) represents?". Rather than directly answering the question, I'm going to use this opportunity to encourage you along with all other honest seekers of God's truth to pursue it patterned after the prophet's own example. Despite his own special blessing and that of his companions (Dan 1:17), apparently he was in the habit of ongoing reliance on the Source of all types of wisdom (Dan 2:17-18; Ex 31:1-5; Ex 35:25-26). Given your stated awareness of the "critical" issues at stake (Mt 24:4; Rev 12:9), I'm looking and am encouraging you to also look in the most reliable direction for your source of interpretation (Prvb 2:6-7; 2 Pt 1:20-21). Don't be surprised or discouraged, however, if that method brings you to the point of relinquishing ideas you may now be convinced are solid. The losses will be well worth the gains!

          • Lynrol, I don't really know what you are addressing or if you have stated any conclusion or not. I"m sorry, but I'm just not sure what you are addressing in your comment above. Does it have to do with the little horn of Daniel 8, since you seem to refer to that? Could you elaborate further with reference to something specific?
            Thank you.

      • Robert, I understand the object of Dan 8:5 to be a goat with a prominent horn that represents a nation Gabriel identifies as Greece. Dan 8:8 goes on to state that the prominent horn is broken and replaced by "four notable ones (horns)"(NKJV) that come "up toward the four winds of heaven". Is it your understanding that the "little horn" of Dan 8:9, depicted as destroying "the mighty and also the holy people" (Dan 8:24) arises from the "four winds of heaven" and not from goat? If that's a correct restatement of your understanding, how are you able to reconcile your understanding with Gabriel's statement in Dan 8:22?

        • Lynrol, I'm not sure I understand your question. What are you saying about Gabriel's statement in Dan 8:22? What is the connection between that verse and verse 23? What do you understand 23 to be saying?

          • Robert, for clarity my original post pointed out that the lesson author's statement that the "little horn" of Dan 8:8 represents Rome in its pagan and papal phases contradicts Gabriel's interpretation which identifies the "male goat" as Greece. You responded to my post in apparent support of the author's position with an explanation that, "The little horn which waxed "exceeding great" is not from the goat, but from one of the four winds". I responded by restating your position and asked you if my understanding of your position was correct. You responded with the conclusion, "that the little horn rose from one of the four winds, and not one of the four horns" based on your geopolitical analysis. In response I pointed your attention to Gabriel's interpretation in Dan 8:22 (I did not mention Dan 8:23), which clearly states, "four kingdoms shall arise OUT OF THAT NATION"--not "the four winds of heaven". The heavenly interpreter associates the "little horn" with THAT NATION (Dan 8:9), which he identifies as Greece (Dan 8:21).

            I am aware and sensitive to the fact that this upsets some previously held views. However, like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, we're being presented with an opportunity to have a new experience with our High Priest (Lk 24:15-16,27,32,45). Only when we're having this new experience, where He becomes central, does Scripture become clear (2 Cor 3:13-15; Heb 10:19-21; 1 Cor 3:11).

          • Lynrol, nowhere does it suggest that the little horn power rose out of the kingdom represented by the goat. I pointed to vs 23 for a reason. The little horn rises to power as the 4 divisions of the goat kingdom were in the latter part of their kingdom. How does that mean it rose out of one of them? It just isn't stated, and Gabriel never suggests it. The geopolitical facts remain for all to study, and Greece had no dominion over the territory of Rome. I feel the language is very clear in Daniel 8.

            Dan 8:8 never mentions the little horn. However, what do you believe the little horn (Dan 8:9) represents? This is very critical to understanding this prophecy correctly.

  11. 3 Wonders: 1260 Years (Dan 12:5-12) , 1290 Years (Dan 12:11) and 1335 Years (Dan 12:12). 1260 time prophecy starts from 538 to 1798 indicating the Papal rule (wearing saints/abomination of desolation) . 1290 time prophecy starts from 508 to 1798 ( France defeated the Visigoths, who represented one of the strongholds of the "Arian christians"). The defeat of Visigoths prepared the way for the events of 538, start of papacy's rule. 1335 time prophecy starts from 508 to 1843. The work of God's people who usher in the second coming of Jesus. The most "blessed" people are those who "waiteth" for the return of their Lord. The people who were touched by the blessed hope of Christ's return, knew the chart and graphs the day of His appearing were the Millerites. Whem did these Advent believers expect Jesus to first appear? In 1843. It was the year 1843 that the first and second angels' messages were first preached together REV 14:6-8. These mesags have been designed by God to prepr a pple for the Christ's 2nd coming

  12. Maurice is correct, the 30 period between 1290 and 1260 was the time-frame that the loyal subjects of the Papacy eliminated the opposition to Papal Rome. Satan had 1260 years almost unobstructed to demonstrate what his kingdom would be like through the papacy. It is important to understand prophecy, when we see how prophecy has been fulfilled, we can be confident that the unfulfilled prophecy will be.

  13. good day, and blessing.
    I would want to pass some comments on the topic because Daniel 8 and 9 give a glimpse of what contribute to the most documented period of time in the book of revelation. miss interpreting the passages misleads the hole point. An not hear to judge anyone right or wrong but just want to emphasis on point Gabriel makes to Daniel, then try and align it with history late if the account is in line.

    1.we have two characters- a).Ram (Medes and Persians). Daniel
    b).he goat( Greece). Daniel 8:21
    Greece under Alexander overthrows the Medo-persia.
    2. Dan 8:8 the horn broken and 4 kings come up to power, "out of the nation." not by Alexander's power (vs22)dividing the kingdom into 4 geo-locations
    - these were Saluccid- to the North
    Ptolemy -to the South
    Leacemacus- to the east
    Cassandra - to the west
    3.out of one of the four vs9 came fourth a "little horn?" who is the king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences vs23.
    -vs24 states that it is not by his power and shall prosper and destroy holy people.
    -vs 25 he shall also stand against "the Prince of princes?" and shall be broken without hand.
    -(vs 14&26 are for discussion when answering 1260 and 1290 days in Dan 12).

    *from the brief account we can clearly see that Gabriel was focusing on the carrier of Alexander and his empire*
    -am struggling to identify the third character outside Medo-Persia and Grease.
    -if we can agree on this brief account that is clearly portrays what Gabriel narrates then we can help each other with historical sources and some flesh to beef up the skeleton and come up with a clear interpretation.

    *PLEASE NOTE* the historical narrative explains Dan11 which is an expansion of of Dan8 focusing on two kings out of the four kings (northern and southern)


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