Tuesday: The Fall
When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves
(Gen. 3:6-7 NIV).
Eating a little fruit was not a sinful act in itself.
However, we have to consider the circumstances in which it was carried out. Adam and Eve were agents with a free will, made by God in His image. This included the freedom-but also the duty-to comply with God’s expressed will. They ate the fruit, not out of any stern necessity but rather by choice. It was an act of Adam’s and Eve’s own free will in defiance of God’s clear and specific instructions.
Likewise, we must choose for ourselves whether or not to follow God and whether to cherish or to defy the Word of God. God will not force anyone to believe His Word. He will never force us to obey Him, and He can’t force us to love Him. God allows each of us to choose for ourselves which path we will follow. But, in the end, we must be prepared to live with the consequences of our choices.
By eating the fruit, Adam and Eve in effect told God that He was not the perfect ruler. His sovereignty was challenged. They proved disobedient, and as a result, they brought sin and death to the human race.
So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life
(Gen. 3:23-24 NIV).
Adam and Eve had to leave Paradise. It was a necessary yet merciful consequence. The Lord would not allow rebellious humanity access to the tree of life. With loving care He kept Adam and Eve away from the fruit that would make them immortal and thus perpetuate the terrible condition into which sin had brought them. (Imagine what eternal life would be like in a world filled with such pain and suffering and evil as ours is!) Adam and Eve were driven out from the lovely garden to work the less friendly ground outside(Gen. 3:23-24).
In the context of today’s lesson, read 1 John 2:16. How were the elements warned about in this text seen in the Fall? In what ways do we have to deal with these same temptations in our lives, as well?

What reason or explanation did God give to Adam for the command to not eat the forbidden fruit? (Genesis 2:16, 17) None, except the Creator said, and death will result. The serpent offered an attractive reason to disobey, and Eve consented (Genesis 3:5, 6).
In considering the Sabbath command (Exodus 20:8-11) or the counsel on modest dress (1 Timothy 2:9, 10) sometimes the question is raised, “why observe same?” And sometimes fairly good reasons are put forward. However if obedience and compliance are based purely on having an acceptable reason or explanation the old serpent, called the devil, may be able to devise an enticing reason to overcome the best rationale or incentive in favor.
Many refuse to keep the Sabbath because SDA’s cannot offer an adequately attractive reason. Many do not comply with modesty in dress because there is more to gain personally from defiance than compliance. They cannot see any good reason to dress discreetly and with sobriety when the culture calls for something different. Godly deportment is not sufficiently attractive.
If God said it, that settles it, whether or not anyone believes it or has a good defense for it (Deuteronomy 5:27). There are some things believers might not quite understand now anyway. In fact sometimes the Creator withholds a reason or complete explanation so that His people may learn to trust Him (Proverbs 3:5, 6). None who fails to trust Jehovah in small things here would trust Him throughout eternity.
Though some might feel a loss by obedience to the Creator scripture tells us God is in the habit of taking care of losers (Mark 8:35). Until our impulses reflect God’s will it becomes us to just do what the Lord commands and communicates through Spirit inspired counsel. Just do it.
Death may not have been a deterrent to those who had no experience with this gruesome result. We, on the other hand who have had experience with death by observation, want little part of it. Yet when tempted, we often do not recognize the consequences are death. There seems to be a reasoning that defies obedience. It says, perhaps I will be wise enough to avoid the consequences. Or perhaps this little thing can not lead to death! Sadly, we are often children of Eve, wiser in the ways of evil, but not wise enough to remain pure and avoid the results.
Hugh, I really appreciate the wisdom in your comments.
However, in this comment, you make me a little uneasy by lumping the command to avoid the tree in the middle of the garden and the Sabbath commandment right along with dress standards.
It makes me uneasy because the first two are explicit commandments of God with no room left for interpretation. By contrast, modesty standards are cultural, varying from one culture to another. Thus God left the local application of the modesty standard for us to interpret. (i.e. He did not dictate dress length, dress pattern, etc. either for men or women)
One of the biggest mistakes we have historically made in our churches was to blur the line between explicit commandments of God and our tradition of interpreting principles which the Lord left for us to interpret.
Modesty standards generally fit into the category of tradition. Tradition may be good or it may be bad, but tradition is subject to change and interpretation, and we had better remember that if we want to maintain credibility in our world and uphold a high view of Scripture. Let us take lessons from the Pharisees. They did not make a distinction between tradition and the word of God, and they crucified the King of Glory.
Practical application for today: What you deem immodest, others might deem to be modest, and vice versa. Attempting to enforce or personal ideas of modesty on others can have the effect of coming between them and God. Where the Bible is not explicit, it is better to leave things to the Holy Spirit, in my opinion.
Thanks for your comments, good points and reasonable concerns. There are actually several commands and counsels in scripture which are open to interpretation. Interestingly the Sabbath Command makes some uneasy, in particular the question of how to keep it, which can be nearly as contentious as how to dress modestly.
Whether liberal or conservative we do not get to impose our biased opinions on others or dictate to the conscience of another, as the beast power does (Revelation 13:16). However we are called to proclaim the Word of God whether or not it causes unease (Hebrews 4:12). The hearers may then decide if and how they apply what is written.
Perhaps the burden of the comment is to be resolved to do what God says first and foremost. Believers may make mistakes in application, but as the saints grow in grace things are likely to improve.
Something to consider is whether or not modesty is purely personal, or it considers the community of believers. Put another way is it okay to find a convenient cultural reference and live unto oneself without regard for others as far as dress is concerned?
Dress is actually important because of others. If each could not observe what another wears there would be little reason to pay attention to it. The counsel of modesty is really a counsel to regard others and not just self. In this sense it is about Christlikeness.
Amen for your comments
In Eve's eyes what was the difference between all the other trees and the tree of knowledge of good and evil? The difference is "to make one wise".
So what was Eve actually saying? My suggestion: This tree is just like all the others so how could it be harmful? In addition this tree will give me extra knowledge. Even this talking creature says it is not harmful. I desire it, it will make me happy, surely God wants me to be happy?
Instead of believing God the Creator's clear statement, she listen to the creature and her own reasoning. Talk about "stranger danger"
What should Eve have done when faced with this new information before acting? She should have gone to the source, the LORD, and to the angels and to her partner. Let us learn from Eve.
We too have that freedom of choice in these life
let's make wise decisions that shall make us
See Him when He comes n shine into others
too.right choice eternal life n vice versa
When the woman saw that the tree was good for food,-lust of the flesh; that it was pleasant to the eyes- lust of the eyes; and a tree to be desired to make one wise- pride of life, she took of the fruit thereof and did eat. interesting but sad. Satan is very subtil. he studies every indication of the frailty of the body and ensures that opportunities are not wanting to gratify such desires and lead us into us sin.Be sober and vigilant. Neither give place to the devil. We must watch and put on the whole armor of God and take the shield of faith and then we should be able to stand, and the fiery darts of the wicked cannot harm us. Let us take a thorough stock pf ourselves and see the parts that give the devil easy access to us. That was Adam and Eve fall; What about You and I?
Did Eve have or express lust?
She distrusted God and challenged Him and was selfish, but was the selfish expression in the form of lust?
Two brief comments:
1. I'd like to paraphrase the lesson's note:
"By eating the fruit Adam and Eve in effect told God that He was not the perfect Father. His love was challenged. They proved to distrust Him, and out of selfishness disobeyed His loving warnings. As a result they brought sin and death to human race.
2. Please help me to understand these concerns:
Were the attributes of the trees in the middle of Eden literal or symbolic? Was eternal life possible living in sin but eating the fruit of the tree of life? Is death a consequence of sin or a consequence of malnutrition (not eating the fruit of the tree of life)?
Thank you. Blessings.
Death is a result of sin.If you eat from the tree of life after you have sinned you will be immortal hence an Angel with a flaming sword was put on the gate to prevent the sinful human beings from eating from the tree of life. When we are resurrected we will have to eat from the tree of life...However it is important to notice that God can sustain life without the tree...
Do you see a difference between living forever (as long as we eat from the tree) and being immortal? Gen. 3:22 seems to say they would live forever if they ate from the tree. Would this 'forever' mean that they would live as long as they ate from the tree.
1 Tim. 6:16 we see that God is the only one who has immortality. How do we reconcile these texts?
Priscilla, the difference is that we can die, the first & second death, we can only live forever if God gives us the gift of eternal life, we are dependant on Him for life.
The idea that we will always depend on God is one that is that not always understood in connection with eternal life. Some feel once we get the tree back, we've got immortality.
Isaac, can you consider the possibility that there was a literal tree of life in the Garden and that it was symbolic of God's life-sustaining power?
I don't think it's an either/or question.
I think it was a symbol of Christ beyond just the power of God. To me the garden was the sanctuary of that time and Adam and Eve were to be priests of it to future generations. That the tree was also a symbol of the most holy place where the ark of the covenant and the mercy seat were. It even had its entrance on the east side just like the Mosiac sanctuary had.
As Ellen White said, "Those who do not know Jesus as their personal Saviour, do not avail themselves of the promised blessings; but to all who believe, he is as the Tree of Life in the Paradise of God. His branches reach to this world, that the blessings which he has purchased for us may be brought within our reach" (Signs of the Times, Oct 22, 1896).
What would've happened if Adam had not joined Eve in eating the fruit and defying God?
Good question, Would God have banished Eve and not Adam? Or is that why Adam did eat the fruit, he did not want to live without Eve, he knew she would die as God had said.
Perhaps two things to notice. First, evil did not enter the world until Adam had eaten. And second, Jesus came as the second Adam, not the second Eve.
I wonder if we forget the purpose for creation, for the garden and the two important trees, and the command of God to Adam.
We have curiosities about what if and why, and realize the sin that is recorded. It all is a continuing struggle between Christ and Satan. Between good and evil. Satan will use what ever means he can in an attempt to defeat Gods plans, and the fall in the Garden of Eden must have been great day for Satan. What is difficult to understand is the reasoning of Satan. What he has left to achieve must be to take as many of Gods children with him to be destroyed as possible. This is a very sobering thought and should create a desire in our hearts to run to God for protection.
This is a quote from Ellen White. He (Adam) must be separated from her whose society he had loved so well. How could he have it thus? His love for Eve was strong, and in utter discouragement he resolved to share her fate. He reasoned that Eve was a part of himself; and if she must die, he would die with her; for he could not bear the thought of separation from her. He did not think that God, who had created him a living, beautiful form out of the dust of the ground, and had given him Eve to be his companion, could supply her place. After all, might not the words of this wise serpent be correct?...He saw in her no signs of death....He seized the fruit and quickly ate it, and, like Eve, felt not immediately its ill effects. ST January 23, 1879, par. 1
Eve said yes to a decision she didn't NEED to say yes to because the dealer seemed so compelling and his pitch seemed oh so perfect!! Lust for what seemed to be good at the moment captivated her thoughts after having heard lies which appeared logical and believable! Oh how we often forsake "thus saith the Lord" to explore and drink of the bitter cup which appears sweet,only to realize what a mess we find ourselves in. It all boils down to trust and obedience. Who or what will we trust? Where will our allegiance lie? Will it be in the UNFAILING word of God or in our own UNRELIABLE and misguided judgment. This world offers so called peace in so many shapes and forms. Companies use taglines and ads that meet the ear and eye and oh how believable they sound and look until..... we find ourselves at the other end of the phone line calling customer service because we were lied to, cheated or dissatisfied with the end product! Then we say, if only we had known! PRAISE THE LORD, we know that the end product in this case is Eternal life and bliss. No need to feel that we are being cheated. After all the price we're required to pay is well worth the product. As a matter of fact it's a bargain that seems unfair to the dealer. He actually paid for it and is giving it away FREE to anyone who wants it...and it's the BEST GIFT EVER! Let us freely accept and enjoy God's gift to us knowing it's well worth whatever we could possibly give in return.... so help us Lord, Amen 🙂
Greetings Friends, Should Adam and Eve had eaten of the tree of life after the fall; living for eternity in a state of being spiritually separate from our Savior and Creator would be terribly unbearable. God's mercies are inexpressible.
obedience is what God desired and still desires.not degrees, not funds,not dressng well ...nothng. just obey.obey God ALONE and you will live forever.
Desire , our own desires , we should be mindful not to trust our own heart but let God lead us in His own path Psalms 32:8 .
This lesson seems to focus on Adam and Eve's choice, Eve did take the fruit for selfish reasons but she was also tricked into it by the master of all deceivers, Satan. Did God not warn Adam and Eve about Satan? The bible does not tell us exactly. Was the restriction of not eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil his warning? Until that point Eve had never heard a lie. That little lie has become the biggest calamity to ever hit man. Adam knew what Eve had done but still ate the fruit with her, did Eve not want to fall alone and lied to Adam. Adam tries to put the blame on Eve, then Eve puts the blame on Satan. Is this not an firm example of what Satan's plan is? To try and make God creations fall with him. The bible says "Then the eyes of both of them were opened" opened to evil. God spoke the truth, and has done so for eternity. I don't think it was lust that drove Adam to eat the fruit with Eve, he was without sin and did not know what lust was the only lie or sin he knew was the one that Eve most likely told him, the same lie Satan told her. (You will be like God.) Adam and Eve committed the same sin that Satan did, they wanted to make themselves like God. Why? Why did they wish to be like God? I think no matter who was in the garden of Eden man would have sinned.
So blessed are we that we have a forgiving and loving God that knows our wants and needs. We bring pain on ourselves but he always forgives us. We should all remember was lengths God has gone to give us the opportunities to make the RIGHT choices. To give our lives the the Lord. The bible does not say if Adam or Eve ever sinned again but one sin was all it took, how many times do we sin, and Jesus will give his life for every one. Remember to love the Lord with all your heart for he first loved us.
If anyone has answer to the questions I posted I would love to hear what my brother and sister in Christ have to say. I think of all of you as blessings as you may understand what I do not.
With all Gods Love,
I was thinking about other temptations throughout the Bible. They seem to have an added element that was unexpected. Perhaps Peter thought he would be called into court and then he could stand up bravely, but the temptation came from ordinary people, even a girl!
Perhaps Adam and Eve were ready to stand strong if they were to see such a creature, but a serpent? They were friends with the animals, in a way. A lie from a friend? This was not the expected way. A lesson for us to keep our eyes open, often they are Peter's eyes, until we're on our knees asking forgiveness and weeping bitterly.
What does Genesis 2:15-17 say about the reality of free will in humanity? Our freedom of choice is rooted in our ability to recognize and adhere to rules, processes, regulations - all built into our moral compass and covered by The Obedience Clause. Free to obey the rules or suffer the consequences. “Do Not Touch The Hot Stove my child. Because when you do you will be burned and be in pain.” What does the disobedient child do? Touch the hot stove and get burned. The child had another choice - obey, do not touch the hot stove, no painful burn. But is it that simple?
Fortunately because we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, we should also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking ONLY to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.(Hebrews 12:1).
When I fall the scriptures pick me up, dust me off and help me remember that there are witnesses who testify to the goodness of the Lord. Thank you Jesus for always having a Plan B.
"And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat."-Genesis 3:6
In this text, is highlighted the activities spelt out in the book of 1 John 2:16.
Three Points to Note
1. Eve SAW that the food was good for FOOD(Lust of the flesh):
One of the major temptations mankind faces is the lost of the flesh. We are tempted everyday on every side when it comes to the issue of the flesh. Many are careless when it comes to this thinking it doesn't really matter. One major example of this is on the area of appetite. Eve lost her Eden home and the divine glory with God robed her with from the beginning because of appetite. Esau sold his birthright and lost his blessing because of appetite. Even today young men and women loose their honour and dignity because of appetite. Lack of self control and Temperance is a great danger we must be aware of and careful not to be carried away by all of its endangered allurements. This seem like the alpha of every temptation. If we can discipline our flesh by allowing the Spirit prevail in our lives, then 65% of our problems in this world is already solved.
2. PLEASING to the eyes (Lust of the eyes):
Next is the lost of the eyes. It is true that our eyes has a direct link to our heart. What we see, if not controlled, has a great effect on what we eventually turn out to be. Wheather we like it or not, we are either affected positively or negatively by what we feed into our heart through our eyes. We are not only debased spiritually but our minds are also impaled. What I have come to realize is that when we feed our eyes we garbage, we can only produce (give out) garbage (GIGO). We are quick to reply "I can control it" and "it doesn't affect me" when people tell us about the things we feed our eyes with. The simple admonition is "Watch what you see". When we control what we feed our ours with, it becomes difficult for the devil to tempt us on the list of the eyes. Even when he does, we will overcome.
3. Able to make one wise (pride of life):
lastly on this text, it's the pride and crave for power and authority. Show me a man who loves power and I'll show you a proud and selfish man. These attributes don't end well with people. It is a virtue we should at all times be prayerful about not to acquire because it is the root of a man's downfall. Satan lost his heavenly home because he wanted to be like God. He wanted to usurp the very prerogatives of God. Ezekiel 28:17 puts it this way:
"Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness..."
Isaiah 14:12-14:
"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:
I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."
The bottom line of this is that, these are not and never will they be attributes of God. Our salvation depends seriously on how we respond to these issues as recorded in the scriptures. Find out time and study these themes for yourself and find light directly from the word of God. We are in much danger when we refuse to allow the word of God rule our lives. My prayer is that the Lord opens our eyes and give us His eye salve that we might be able to discern right from wrong, truth from error and light from darkness. Amen!