Tuesday: The Temptation
Read Matthew 4:1-12. What happened here with these temptations? Why did Jesus have to go through this? What does this story have to do with salvation? How did Jesus endure such powerful temptations under such hard conditions, and what should that tell us about enduring temptations?
Matthew 4:1 starts out with what seems like a strange thought: it was the Spirit that led Jesus into the desert to be tempted. We are supposed to pray that we are not led into temptation. “‘ “And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one” ’” (Matt. 6:13, NKJV). Why, then, would the Holy Spirit lead Jesus this way?
A key is found in the previous chapter, when Jesus comes to John to be baptized. Seeing John’s resistance, Jesus says, “‘Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness’” (Matt. 3:15, NKJV). To fulfill all righteousness, that is, to do what was needed in order to be humanity’s perfect example and perfect representative, Jesus had to be baptized, even though He was sinless.
In the wilderness temptation, Jesus had to pass over the same ground that Adam did. He needed the victory against temptation that we all, from Adam onward, have failed to attain. And thus, by so doing, “Christ was to redeem Adam’s failure” (Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 117), only He did so under conditions unlike anything that Adam had faced.
By this victory Jesus shows that we never have an excuse for sin, that there is no justification for it, and that, when tempted, we don’t have to fall but through faith and submission we can overcome. As we have been told: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:7-8, NKJV).
How does this account, by showing us in such a powerful way that there is no excuse for our sin, make our need for Christ’s righteousness so essential? Imagine if we had to stand in our own righteousness without that covering and without justification for our sins! What hope would we have? |

The temptations of Jesus that have been discussed here, usually pose another question to me. I have asked more than once, how do we compare the three temptations mentioned in the wilderness with the type of temptations that are desirable to the masses of human nature? Those three as discussed, would not tempt me. References,James4:7,8 and Matt6:13 may be part of my question. In our fallen nature, methods by the enemy are most definitely by design.
I see all three temptations as trust issues! Although a temptation like turning rocks to bread to satisfy my desires is not a temptation to me, mistrusting my loving creator to not supply my needs and supplying my selfish desires in my human abilities would be! Presuming on God to do things to prove I am his rather than trusting that I am is a huge temptation, throwing myself off the church roof is not the issue, do I trust God that He is who he says he is, and I am who he says I am while I WAIT for Him and His timing! Worship is always a huge temptation! Do I worship god, or who I want God to be? Worship is personal and selfless, it is about Praise to our creator! Jesus was tempted like me to show the path to overcoming, Jesus had ability to turn rocks and jump off roof without dieing , I do not! But still is the trust issue! Who do I trust?
the only one to trust is god
Hello my brother Paul . You have posed a very good question . I will encourage you to read the Desire of ages , the chapter entitled : The temptation .
Here is a quote that kind of summarises the chapter which i took from the Desire of Ages , the chapter mentioned above :
"Of all the lessons to be learned from our Lord's first great temptation none is more important than that bearing upon the control of the appetites and passions. In all ages, temptations appealing to the physical nature have been most effectual in corrupting and degrading mankind. Through intemperance, Satan works to destroy the mental and moral powers that God gave to man as a priceless endowment. Thus it becomes impossible for men to appreciate things of eternal worth. Through sensual indulgence, Satan seeks to blot from the soul every trace of likeness to God.
The uncontrolled indulgence and consequent disease and degradation that existed at Christ's first advent will again exist, with intensity of evil, before His second coming. Christ declares that the condition of the world will be as in the days before the Flood, and as in Sodom and Gomorrah. Every imagination of the thoughts of the heart will be evil continually. Upon the very verge of that fearful time we are now living, and to us should come home the lesson of the Saviour's fast. Only by the inexpressible anguish which Christ endured can we estimate the evil of unrestrained indulgence. His example declares that our only hope of eternal life is through bringing the appetites and passions into subjection to the will of God.
In our own strength it is impossible for us to deny the clamors of our fallen nature. Through this channel Satan will bring temptation upon us. Christ knew that the enemy would come to every human being, to take advantage of hereditary weakness, and by his false insinuations to ensnare all whose trust is not in God. And by passing over the ground which
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man must travel, our Lord has prepared the way for us to overcome. It is not His will that we should be placed at a disadvantage in the conflict with Satan. He would not have us intimidated and discouraged by the assaults of the serpent. "Be of good cheer," He says; "I have overcome the world." John 16:33.
Let him who is struggling against the power of appetite look to the Saviour in the wilderness of temptation. See Him in His agony upon the cross, as He exclaimed, "I thirst." He has endured all that it is possible for us to bear. His victory is ours.
May God bless your understanding ,
Joseph Wise Ministry
I can see how everything that can be desired by a man can be classified in either one of these three categories:
1. If you really have the power, you can do it! This really is taunting me as a supposedly intelligent, educated, and skilled human being. After mastering everything I need to make me successful, perhaps talents, a graduate degree, all my experience, of course I can do whatever is necessary to give me success in life. I can do it all by myself. Who needs God? This is a very common and powerful temptation, and I personally have been through it.
2. If you really trust in your God, let us see that He will really take care of you! OK, now that you claim you have a complete trust in a higher power, your God, and you will let Him do everything in your life, let’s see if He will do it for you! And many times we will have doubt because we don’t see God answering our prayers exactly the way we want it and when we want it.
3. If you just worship me, I will give you the World! And so, why go through all the troubles of trusting and worshiping the sometimes questionable God? Everything can be yours just for the asking. What do you want? Wealth, power, fame? Just ask me and I will give it to you in return for your soul. Has anyone read the story of Roger Morneau?
The three temptations are comparable to the varied types of temptations that are desiresble to the masses of human nature in that temptations are generic to three forms; 1) The lust of the flesh, 2) The lust of the eyes and 3) The pride of life. ALL temptations fall in one of the three categories. We are not tempted in like manner, or on the same subject matter, because our temptations speaks to our internal desires or lust.
I agree D. Jones.
Eve's situation fell exactly into those three things -
"And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat..." (Gen 3:6)
But yes, from the beginning ALL temptations fall into one of those three categories mentioned in 1Jn 2:16.
1) The lust of the flesh, 2) The lust of the eyes and 3) The pride of life.
Well said my brothers.
Lets reflect on the Israelites exile in Babylon.The four Israelites Daniel, Shadrack,Meshach and Abednego were taken to the kings palace to work there and were put on the royal diet [the lust of the flesh-our appetite of turning stones into bread].They remained firm on their diet and requested to be put on vegetables and water Daniel 1:12-16.
Why? Remember our bodies are Gods' temple that needs purity in all areas.In fact God favored them in their stand and were more desired and healthier than any young men who ate from the kings table.
All the three temptations are summed up to one question.How true are we to the laws and spirit of God?With the example set forth by Jesus Christ, can we able to withstand the temptations of Satan and refer to the word of God that "IT IS WRITTEN"?
The wilderness in real sense are circumstances that you are caught in temptations and need to make positive sound judgement as you remain true to the spirit of God.
One common thread I see in the temptations is that Satan tried in each one to get Jesus to satisfy himself or bring glory to himself. He may have presented it in 3 different ways to Jesus, but the objective is still the same. He may use different strategies or methods in 2016 but with the same objective.
Revelation 21:10
10 And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.
Can someone shed some light between this verse, and the one in which Jesus is led to an exceedingly high mountain, and the devil showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory? (Matthew 4:8)
In Revelation John is carried by the Angel of God to a mountain top and shown the heavenly kingdom of God, the New Jerusalem, not of this earth, a city built not with man's hands, that will reign forever by King Jesus.
Christ was taken to a mountain top by Satan and shown the earthly kingdoms built by man and offered him to rule, this are temporary, not eternal and will be destroyed, the heavenly in Revelation is never destroyed, it belongs to Christ our Lord, He is the King
Biggest difference as I see it, was that on the high mountain we decide who we will worship and which kingdom we are looking/longing for?
another aspect of the temptations was doubt - Satan said IF you are the Son of God - just like Eve & the tree - Did God really say that?
At his baptism God said this is my beloved Son, now Satan says "are you really??"
If we doubt the LORD we are lost!
To the question "why did Jesus have to go through the temptations?", let (Heb. 4:15) give us the answer: "For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin." This is precisely the point; He could not fairly and justly represent us if He had no notion of what we as humans have to face. He had to pass the TEST. Jesus did not vicariously experience humanness, instead, "what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so He condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit." I say praise God!! (Rom. 8:3-4).
The secret lies in complete submission to and reliance on God for deliverance from temptation, any temptation! That is the example Jesus set for us, He spent much time in communing with His Father, and in study of the "word" to be strengthened and to fortify His mind and subdue His passions. This is the only advantage Jesus had, and we can have that same advantage because He has overcome for all of us. We will never face any trial that the Savior has not faced. (1 Cor 10:13)"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."
Some claim that Jesus was able to conquer the temptations because He is Divine, not so! How many of us have been in the wilderness fasting for forty days and then challenged by the devil? The difference is that Jesus could actually turn stones into bread to satisfy His hunger, He could jump off the top of the mountain and not be harmed and prove to that old serpent that He is indeed the Son of God. As to the other temptation, Jesus wasted no time with the deceiver, he was sent off with the word "it is written". Our Lord did not depend on His own strength but submitted to His Father's will. We too must tell the devil "get out of here" with the word of God, when he comes to lead us into sin. Humanity subsumed by Divinity is unconquerable!!
Yield not to temptation, for yielding is sin
Each victory will help you some others to win
Fight manfully onward, dark passions subdue
Look ever to Jesus
He'll carry you through
Ask the Savior to help you
Comfort, strengthen and keep you
He is willing to aid you
He will carry you through
Temptation targets the perverted & depraved nature (Jer 17:9/Rom 8:7) of humans.
Due to the fall, humans are God wannabees (power trips), gullible, gamblers (risk takers), guilt shifters, and greedy (not satisfied with what is permissible)
I battled with the question of Jesus going into the wilderness to be tempted. I contacted my very insightful mentor who loves Jesus more than anything else.
I thought about his answer. I see God as a loving Father and would like to suggest we keep the following possibility in mind.
Jesus had just heard the voice from heaven at his baptism which owned him, valued him and loved him. This was so overwhelming that he went to the wilderness to meditate on what this implied. While there the devil tempted him. He did not go there to be tempted as Matthew seems to say.
Compare with Luke 4:1-2.
Perhaps a better translation would say "Jesus was lead into the wilderness by the holy spirit AND was tempted there".
Well looking at how the issue of temptation is well discussed,and from the scripture that talks about we resisting sin and the devil will flee away from us. Sometimes when i pray i do ask God to allow sin or temptation to do come my way so that His spirit may be made manifest in my life. I don know if i am channeling my prayers in the right way? Please i do need explanations on this
Matthew 4:1 comes close to saying that Jesus "invited" temptation, but I don't think it is actually saying that. A relevant little thought in Desire of Ages plainly says that in the wilderness "He did not invite temptation" (DA p.114). Perhaps there is a fine line here, and yet I can't cross the line to say that Jesus effectively tempted the Devil to tempt Him.
There are times when people do do exactly that, aren't there? -- They effectively tempt the Devil to tempt them... craving the feeling and the "power" of temptation. But it was not so with Jesus. He went into the wilderness on guard; He didn't enter that situation "inviting" temptation.
After reading a number of replies. their are many insightful opinions as well as helpful and thoughtful contributions. Regarding the temptations of Jesus, when, where, and why. I would like to address all three, according scripture.
When? In Mark1 :12,13.Immediately after His baptism.
Where and why. Verse 12 is one of the main why, reasons. Luke says the Holy Spirit drove. Luke4:1, uses the word led.
They would both indicate forceful means to move livestock intentionally. Not that Jesus was reluctant to the point of unwillingness. Jesus was humanity in Spiritual form, a combination that we struggle with at times. He was very hungry. Some that would attribute Jesus' time being spent in meditation, says in Mark1:13 that the surrounding area was not at all hospitable.
The comparisons that we make regarding Temptations especially ours is sometimes a glaring failure. Most if not all have to deal with the results. Do we end up with the right answers, at least most of the time? God help us no!
thanks very much I now have a better understanding when it comes to why was Jesus tempted and baptised. May God bless us all amen
(Matthew 3:17 KJV) ends by saying these words ‘And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. ‘Amen. Now we see the first temptation that the devil brings was, ‘If thou be the Son of God…..’ (Matthew 4:3), this clearly shows that the tempter wanted to put a seed of doubt in Jesus if He was really the son of God. Guess what He is not just the son of God, but the BELOVED Son. The devil is still using the same strategy even today. He will make you doubt your identity. You need to know WHO YOU ARE. Imagine just before chapter 4 of Matthew, God Himself confirmed the identity of Jesus and now the tempter is coming with, if you are the son of God’. No matter what situation you find yourself in, never ever forget that you are the beloved one of the Father. Never allow anyone to make you think otherwise.’ Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God’( 1John 3:1).No matter how many temptations you face, the first thing you need to know without a doubt, is that God loves you and that alone will make you stand firm for what you believe in.
Brothers and sisters, we have been given the formula to fight temptation. Our Lord Jesus Christ used the same formula and He admonishes us to utilize them when faced with temptation. We find these in Matt.4: 4,7,10."It is written!!!" Every promise in God's Word is ours to use in battle with Satan. "By every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" are we to live. All the Words is strengthing ours. David wrote the psalmist to help us to be honest with ourselves by looking deep in our own hearts and giving through examination in humility by looking at what is written in Psalm 119:11 "Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You."
James 4:7 "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." This "submission" calls for 'surrender in humility to God' because you know Him as your "defender" in battle with Satan. I see to "resist the devil" by every Word that proceed from the Mouth of God is our because (It is written) is tattoo in our hearts already.
And while we are on our knees in humility as God to "Create in me a clean heart. O God, And renew a steadfast Spirit within me." (Ps. 51:10). To paraphrase this verse: God help me, I realize I have no power of my own to defend the devil but in You I find this power. Amen.
To the quotation above on temptation is the key indictor of a Christian stand, purification, strengthening, and make us look unto the cross of Jesus Christ. But they are to see in every difficulty a call to prayer. Never are they to fail of consulting the great Source of all wisdom. Strengthened and enlightened by the Master Worker, they will be enabled to stand firm against unholy influences and to discern right from wrong, good from evil. They will approve that which God approves, and will strive earnestly against the introduction of wrong principles into His cause.--Prophets and Kings, p. 31. {ChL 4.1} look unto Jesus all Times