Tuesday: The Unexpected
Read Job 1:13-19, Job 2:7-9. What happened to Job? In what ways does his experience reflect what happens to everyone, in one way or another, or at one time or another?
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus declared that “there is nothing permanent except change”. Just as it seems that everything is going fine, the unexpected happens. It may be the loss of a job or a limb, an illness that sends us to bed or to an early death, a house fire, a car accident, a fall while walking the family pet.
Of course, not all changes have to be negative. Maybe a promotion at work leads to better economic conditions. Or perhaps you meet someone who will become your spouse, a change that many would welcome.
Either way, we can be going along, even in a routine, a rhythm, when, instantly and unexpectedly, it’s all disrupted.
Job was certainly not expecting the new season in his life. The Bible describes him as a man who was “blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil” (Job 1:1, NKJV). We also know that he was married, had seven sons and three daughters, and was very wealthy (Job 1:2-3). By the time we reach the middle of the book, he has suffered at least six major losses: his property, his labor force, his children, his health, the support of his wife, and the encouragement of his friends. His world has been turned upside down and his family life devastated.
Though what happened to Job was quite extreme, who among us hasn’t experienced the unexpected, in a very negative way, too? Life can be going along just fine when, suddenly and without warning, everything completely changes, and our lives—and our family’s lives—might never be the same again.
This is nothing new. Abel probably didn’t expect to be murdered, and Joseph didn’t exactly expect to be sold into slavery in Egypt. In both stories, family members were the betrayers, and in both stories the families were greatly impacted by what happened to other members. Scripture is full of examples of people whose lives, and families, were greatly transformed by the unexpected.
How has your faith helped you amid the trials that unexpectedly interrupted the rhythms of your life? |

Our school principal used to tell us that "The test of a person's character was their reaction to the unusual!" This was usually announced to us over the school's public address system when it was raining and 1000 boys were cooped up inside the school buildings during the lunch break. The unexpected events change the rhythm of life. Serious illness, the death of a loved one, divorce, and job loss are all examples of unexpected breaks in the rhythm of life.
Many of us who participate in this forum belong to a church community and a good test of the vibrancy of such a community is the support we provide for one another in such events. Church is not just 2-3 hours of meetings each week, but support for one another, especially when the rhythm of life is challenged. Nothing compares to the support we get, and give, when someone's life has had a major upheaval.
I always seem to be quoting this text because it is one that I find is so difficult to put into practice personally:
The love we share with one another is the key to getting that rhythm of life together again.
The certainty in life is that we are not certain of anything. There are times in life when we all can ask ourselves "How did I get here?"
So how did we get this far? With family, friends, colleagues. Is it all coincidence, or just fate? Have we seen that curve along the way to get us right here?
God, may we be strong enough to withstand the winds of change, while soft and moldable to become whatever is your will for us to become!
Yes, love may be something that really can bind us all together! Because the love of God is what we are all destined to!
When the unexpected happens instantly.
We serve a wonderful God!
He will open a way for you and create a wall of WATER as he did to the Israelites. Ex 14:21-22.
He will hide you as he hid Elijah and help you to make it as He made Elijah run faster than the horses. 1 kings 18:19-39.
He will fight for you as He fought for the Israelites when they were attacked by their enemies while worshipping. He used a thunder to scatter them. 1 Sam 7:10-12.
He will return you back to work as He returned Manasseh back to his job.
He will forgive you of all your sins as he forgave the second most evil person mentioned in the Bible after the devil, king Manasseh. 2 kings 21:1-18.
Job refused to quit in time of devastation, but followed what God says. Waiting for God time to come and he knows nothing than to wait upon the lord.
But family, friend, and wife try to confuse him but Job condemned their advice. This is not by flesh but by the Holy Spirit.
I pray the Lord in his infinity mercy will shower anew spirit into our life amen.
It's a faith. That God can do anything in our life.
Tragedy is the violent alter of the rhythm of life that forever transforms our existence in a deeply personal way
Just this past weekend in South Carolina, a 21 year old woman had gone to a night club with friends only to eventually, for whatever reason, find herself needing a ride. She contacted Uber and waited outside. Within minutes a black Impala drives up and she got in. The tragedy began the moment she closed the door. It wasn't the Uber driver, and 14 hours later her body was found in a field by sportsmen on a hunt. The suspect has been apprehended and his car full of DNA evidence that certifies that the young woman was his victim.
The family has expressed the hole created in their lives, anger, inexpressible heartbreak. Their lives never to be the same. New normal comes. We know these kinds of tragedies are a daily occurrence around the world.
Such a life change can either destroy us or a new purpose can be found. Last night on the news journal, 60 Minutes, they did a report on a couple who lost their daughter to a mass shooting (Aurora, Colorado theater shooting) and their devastation totally changed their futures. The both quit their jobs, sold most of their belongings, and travel the nation in response to mass shootings. They arrive soon after the horrible event and offer their condolences and comfort based in their experience of loss. They share what they have learned, and try to be a catalysis for good in getting devastated lives orientated toward positive directions.
Tragedy is awful, but survivable. It alters rhythms upon which one can become a different and contributable benefit to others in gaining meaning in their new normal.
The bible starts by introducing who job was and how his relationship with God was,i believe there were so many people on earth by then.this makes me realise that fast we need to make our creator to be proud of us the same way He was proud of job by walking right,unexpeceted can happen in our lives as it did to job but what should be our response?should we run away from it, no! job knew that he was just a steward,but behind the scene the battle was great. likewise to us, we should know that what is behind the scene is far much greater than what we are exposed to.we need to thank God all the times because He is in control amidst all this confusions caused by the devil,God will sail us through.let us pass through the fire now but when HE comes,we shall see Him as He is and we will be like Him forever.Am looking forward for that day.
Can these random disruptions of the rhythm of my life be part of God's plan for me?.
I hesitate to say they are part of His plan. God never plans evil or hurt, however He can and does use the upsets of life to bring about a change that maybe needed for our good future.
I think so. He allows these things to happen to us just as in Job’s case. We just have to trust him. I think of the gold in the fire to bring out the beauty.
Undoubtedly, especially to a believer.
Maybe the Father doesn't plan the disruptions, but He plans for them, just like He did for Joseph. He knows that they will be disruptions in our lives one way or another, and He wisely plots a response that includes all we will need to grow stronger and more trusting and faithful. He still uses the trials that come our way as His 'workmen to remove the roughness and impurities from our characters and ....polish us'
Thank you to all who answered my question.
I have discovered that I am a small part of God's overall plan to show the Universe that His people love and trust Him and His final plan for eternity no matter what happens in this temporary life.
I think of the rhythm of life as being like an EKG tracing. If it is flat lined we would be dead, emotionally, physically, and especially spiritually. The tracings on the EKG goes up and down and changes with acitivity and circumstances
God allows these changes to help us trust and depend on him.
Shirley, I believe that, as Jeremiah 29:11 says, God's plans for us are "for good and not for evil, to give...a future and a hope." Sometimes, however, sin and Satan interferes with the perfect execution of God's plan and so we experience all the negative and devastating things that happen to us randomly.
At times, as in Joseph's case, others perpetrate wrongs against us that cause pain and loss; at other times, natural occurrences and circumstances beyond us are responsible; sometimes however, we frustrate God's plan for us by our selfish and sinful desires, or by our disobedience to His word.
Whatever the case, God will hear to the cries of His children and the earnest, faithful child of God will find out, like both Joseph and Job did, that those things that were meant for evil, will turn out, not only for their good, but also to the glory of God. As Romans 8:28 says, "all thing work together for good to them that love God ...who are the called according to His purpose."
So those random disruptions of the rhythm of my life, may not have been designed by God to achieve His purpose in my life, but He can use those very circumstances to bring about what He has in mind for us.
When the unexpected happens in my life I find solace in this text:
"For they are transplanted into the Lord’s own garden and are under his personal care." Psalm 92:13 (TLB).
Its encouraging to know that God has taken a personal interest in caring for us...we are special to Him.
Shock is a type of tragedy, perhaps. An unexpected and sudden tragedy. There is a huge 'bump' on my street. I warn drivers to slow down and avoid it. Whether we bounce to the roof of the car or ride smoothly depends on the speed and the shock absorbers installed in the auto. Job suffered tragic shock after shock, but he went to God for answers. God is our spiritual shock absorber.
It seems obvious that blessings and curse occupy the same space in all human affairs. When I allow my mind to get around these tenants, as I meditate only on the Lord and His will, it is eye opening that we can survive. To be presented spotless from such a fallen status, we with Job can stand in the law with mercy pitched over us and proclaim "Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."(Job1:21)
The next verse I see as a promise!(Job1:22) Again I say, we as Job will be presented SINLESS before The Father's throne. Be faithful friends,this present truth befalls us all and we are weighed in it's balance. As for me, I serve no earthly authority/ King, only the One Most High God Jesus Christ,to the death. Meet me at the gallows and guillotines, if you dare serve the only true Master, I will gladly go first, as truly I know there is such a great cloud of witnesses have gone before us all.
I think we are favoured, by reason of being given the story of Job. God has opened our eyes to the fact that the disruptions in our life come only as He allows. This gives me something to hold on to during a hard season especially. To know that God allowed that much of a tragedy because He believes I am strong enough to hold on to Him till the end. Job had no other evidence but refused to let go of God because He believed in the God that He had learnt to hold on to in his life.
I have my plans, and God has his. Each day whether it is good or bad is my opportunity to discover and work out God’s will in my life. Working out God’s will usually means changing or giving up my plans and my goals. The hard part in this is that I think my plans and my goals will make me content. 1 Timothy 6:6-10.