Tuesday: How Will Jesus Come
In His prophetic sermon, Christ expressed concern about wrong teachings in regard to His second advent, and He warned His disciples against people who would come in His name, saying, I am the Christ
(Matt. 24:5, NKJV; see also vss. 23-26). He doesn’t want His followers to be deceived. Therefore, He clearly indicated the way in which He will come.
What does Matthew 24:27 tell us about how Jesus is going to return?
Lightning cannot be hidden or faked. It flashes and shines throughout the sky in such a way that everyone can see it. So will Jesus’ second coming be. No advertisement will be needed to call people’s attention toward it. Every human being, good and evil, saved and lost, even they who pierced Him
(Rev. 1:7, NKJV), will see Him coming (Matt. 26:64, NKJV).
How does 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 help us understand what the Second Coming will be like?
In His second advent, Christ will be seen with all His divine glory as KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS
(Rev. 19:16). In the Incarnation, the Son came alone and without any external splendor, with no beauty that we should desire Him
(Isa. 53:2, NKJV). But this time He will descend with all His majesty and magnificence surrounded by all the holy angels
(Matt. 25:31) and with a great sound of a trumpet
(Matt. 24:31). If all that weren’t enough, the dead in Christ will rise to immortality.
If we trust the Lord regarding an event as incredible as the Second Coming, why should we not trust Him about every aspect of our lives?

I trust the LORD can do anything, but do wonder - how will He make it that every eye will see Him at the same time?
In a time like this with cell phones, Facebook, new reports, twitter I'm sure that each and everyone of us will see him. Cause the bible does not say we will all see it at the same time. But I'm sure we will all know of second coming with in a little bit of each other.
I don't know how it will happen, although I have some elaborate theories. But I am certain Jesus isn't coming for some visibly and for others via Twitter.
Remember Jesus warned his disciples about people telling them that Jesus was "here" or "there". I take that to mean that when Jesus comes, no one will find out via the news.
Just as everyone can see the sun during daylight hours; and the moon is always in the sky during the day but cannot be seen due to the brightness of the sun, so Christ will be see by all when He returns.
Shirley, one theory is that since the Bible does not say it will be at the same time, that people will see Him as He comes to their "side of the world." Another theory is that it will be lighting fast. Who knows? But like you say we trust He can do anything.
Hi William,
My concern is Jesus warned us if someone says he is 'in desert' don't believe them. So if Jesus is seen in USA it would be all over the media but us in Africa would think it one of the deceptions! Unless of course they were destroyed by the brightness of his coming. But if us humans can use satilites to beam images around the world I'm sure the LORD could let everyone see Him coming.
Yes, every eye shall see Him when He comes. He will come with His Holy angels and sounds of trumpet so we are not deceived by the false christs.
With GOD , nothing is impossibile , He is a GOD that never changes and always keeps His promises, He is ever so faithful, loving and true, LORD help me to be faithful, and ready when You come in the clouds to take us home.
As it is said that "Lightning cannot be hidden or faked. It flashes and shines throughout the sky in such a way that everyone can see it" So I belive that the second coming of Jesus would be. I belive that the second coming of Jesus would be a event, so great that the whole world would all see it at the same time (no matter what country U live in) Rgs
Frank i totally agree with you because that is what the Bible said. If you have anything to say contrary to what the Bible said it then means that you did not believe with what the Bible said! Mathew 24:27.make it clear and also vers 31. God please Help us to understand and also believed with your word and your promises never fail even for one!
Thank you.
The all powerful, the all knowing and the owner of wisdom. There wont be another time to witness the powerful of God after Jesus' resurrection than this time
We all have to be ready and repent for the time is very near than we first believed. About how will he make it.. oh! If we can all see the sun at once ... if we can all see the sky at once... what about him who made them? Oh how I long for that day... Lord Jesus come
My thoughts too, He's the one who made the heavens and the earth and He knows which angle to use for the whole earth to beckon His coming. With God all things are possible, how I long for that great day the sufferings in this world are just too sad. You can't watch the news and not shed a tear, if it's not Isis then it's boko haram, if not some wild fires then it's some earthquake. Sin has put this world into a state where one hopes for a better home. With all this happening may the Lord help us prepare to meet Him in the clouds.
The Bible says every eye shall see him. Because Our God, the God of the universe is coming to our "tiny" planet....(the one he created) we can trust Him to keep his word. The event that will fill the sky and include the dead being raised will make it clear to those of us who are waiting,that our Savior is coming for us. We just have trust He is able and will do what he said.
Hello all! I really love all of your thoughts and comments. These are the questions we'll be asking until the time of our Lord's return. It is good to know that other people ask the same questions as I have with reference to, how can our God and Creator do some thing outside of our understanding . I guess my comfort is that the God that spoke creation into being can also reveal himself to all of us at the same time. By faith we have to believe the things we can not comprehend.
The second coming of the Lord will be like a thief in the night, no one knows the day nor the hour. The Bible clearly puts it that, every eye shall see him even the ones that pierced Him. It will be at once and everything will no longer be the same. in the twinkling of an eye the Bible says so. Therefore, let us all amend our ways so that we will be able to stand on that great day when the one we have been waiting for shall come.
the bible said those who pierce him will also see him at his coming, I know the dead in Christ shall rise first when will those evil ones that are dead will wake up to see Jesus coming in glory?
the wicked dead will rise up after the millenium, also called the second resurrection. Rev 20:5-9. this is the time when Jesus returns to earth the 3rd time to completely eradicate sin from the earth and create a new earth where the saints will live for eternity.
The second coming of Christ is the greatest event in the history of human salvation. God isn't a human that we should put limitations on His promise. Indeed I believe that in His own creative powers which are beyond human understanding He will indeed appear once and the entire planet will see Him. The dead shall raised all at once. If we were to appear at different times in different places that implies that the dead will be raised at different intervals which is not the case. We should take Christ's word as it is without trying to give it modifications.
when i joined the adventist last year, this is one best lesson i learnt. i congratulate myself for having the courage to heed to God's call and mek that decision to be part of the adventist family
There is nothing too hard for the Lord. Our Father who spoke this world into existence can do everything!! Do not hesitate to ask your heavenly Father for help in whatever circumstances you find yourself. Do not doubt what He can do for you. Trust Him, get to know His character and you will receive peace that surpasses anything you could ever imagine. God Bless and may we be a blessing to those around us.
This lesson on Tuesday raises a serious question in my mind concerning the importance of doctrine. Is it good enough to just be a good Christian? Why bother with things like how Jesus will come?
We have already seen in the state of the dead that we can be lead astray very easily by believing that the dead go straight to Heaven or hell. When we see the ghost of grandma telling us that she is enjoying Heaven and that God doesn’t require them to keep the commandments there and that He is deeply concerned about our legalistic ways of keeping the commandments then we can begin to understand why doctrine is important.
Both Jesus and Paul have told us how the Second Advent will take place but Paul gives us some insight why knowing such things is important:
What was apparently happening in the Thessalonian church was that some, by their twisted understanding, were discouraging the believers concerning those that have died saying that the dead would not rise to eternal life in the resurrection. Then in his second epistle to them Paul attempts to straighten out some other misunderstandings concerning the Second Advent that the church was being taught by those false prophets:
In teaching that Christ had already come those false teachers were destroying faith in the promised salvation and telling the church that they were past saving. Such teaching is terribly discouraging and drives a person to despair. As is written, “If the dead do not rise, ‘Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!’” (1 Cor 15:32 NKJV). In other words, if we are past saving let’s have a wild fling and a riotous time because it doesn’t matter what we do since we aren’t saved anyway.
To me correct doctrines are extremely important for they give us direction in our lives and keeps us from doing some very dumb things that would destroy any hope of salvation. So I don’t think just being a good Christian is enough for as Paul goes on to say:
And to Timothy he said, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. (2 Tim 4:3-4 NKJV see also 1 Tim 4:1,7).
"And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them Utterance." (Acts 2:4, KJV) The God of miracles once demonstrated, that different people can hear the same message at the same time; I believe seeing will not be much different. Jesus doesn't make promises He can't keep. Love you guys, and I appreciate everyone's comments.
n consideration as to the second coming of Jesus Christ. A strange prerequisite will befall us that are still alive to witness. One of the last and most striking phenomenon prior to Jesus triumphant glorious return...
Today rebellion and apostasy are in the very air we breath. We shall be affected by them unless we by faith hang our helpless souls upon Christ. If men are so easily misled now, how will they stand when Satan shall impersonate Christ, and work miracles?
Who will be unmoved by his misrepresentations then-- professing to be Christ when it is only Satan assuming the person of Christ, and apparently working the works of Christ? What will hold God's people from giving their allegiance to false christs?
“Go not after them” (Luke 17;23)
1.will the blind witness the coming of Jesus christ?
2.who will come :Jesus christ , God or both?
3.will the kids who died before getting baptised go to heaven?
Hi Robert,
I believe the following:
1) The blind and deaf will experience the 2nd coming with the sense they still have.
2) Matt 16:27 the Son of Man will come with all His angels
3) When should kids get baptized? When they reach an age that they know the difference between right or wrong and are able to choose. Isa 7:14-16,
Neh 8:2, Luke 2:40-47
Until that age they are not held responsible. James 4:17,
John 9:41, 15:22-24
Jesus loves little children.
Mat 18:2-4, 19:13-15
If Jesus said we must be like little children to enter into kingdom of heaven then it follows that the little children will be in the kingdom of heaven.
this docrine is really important to us advens
The writings of our Sister Ellen White are more elaborate on some issues which might not be clear in the bible. I wish to implore you all der brethren to take your time to read such comments as are connected to a particular lesson.
If we can see on TV any event at the same time all over the world by human creativeness, seeing Jesus come at the same time by God's creativeness shouldn't be a doubt. Our finite minds really can't comprehend what the Almighty God can do. I'm just waiting to see the spectacular show in the sky.
the dead in Christ shall rise first, then the evil ones will follow that is how it shall be; therefore let us watch and be ready to meet our Lord Jesus Christ
We can see how merciful is our God to even allow those who pieced Him during his crucification on that cross of Calvary to see Him at His second coming.
If Adam was created from the dirt, into a living breathing human, larger in stature than we are. Why then can our feeble minds not think that GOD's ability is and will forever be beyond human comprehension. He hang the world in space, and we are still hear. I don't think it difficult for everyone to see His coming at the same time, mind you, not simultaneously but at the same time.
God has worked so many miracles in my life, sometimes I thought it impossible to survive some of the situations I was in, but the miracle working GOD which I serve, always came through. He will forever amaze me with His miracles, mercies and unconditional love; and after you have experienced or witnessed miracles, you will know that everything is possible with God.
Hi Robert,
1) The blind/deaf will experience the 2nd Coming with the senses they do have
2) Matt 16:27 Son of Man will come with all His angels
3) I don't have a text now but I will see if I can get an answer
Christ had predicted His Coming will not be a secret, but of course He knew that in the midst of persecution,even strong strong believers would find it difficult to be loyal.To keep from being deceived by false messiahs, we must understand that Jesus' return will be unmistakable( Mark 13:26)When He returns, there will be no doubt that He is the One. His coming will be obvious to everyone.
I want to know if rapture will come, because I have some friends here who believe there is going to be rapture before judgement. I really want to know of the saviour's return. pls help me
I don't believe that the Bible teaches a secret rapture 7 years before Jesus coming in glory.
They say that at sr church goes to heaven, then at 2nd Coming all the drama + destruction takes place.
The say that there are two words for coming - parousia means sr + apokalupsis means in glory.
However in Matt 24:37-42 Jesus compares his parousia to the destruction of Noah's flood and in Luke 17:26-37 He compares His apokalupsis to the destruction of Noah's flood.
Peter also says that at Christ's parousia the heaven + earth will be destroyed.
So both these words refer to the coming in glory with drama + destruction.
What about Matt 24:37-41 one is taken and other is left? Jesus is comparing to days of Noah so we need to back to Gen 7:23 where all the wicked are taken and destroyed by the flood and only Noah and his family are left. Also in Matt 13:37-43 Jesus says it is the lawless will be gathered by the angels and be destroyed, the righteous will be left and then per 1 Thess 4:15-17 will be caught up to meet Jesus in the air. This the true rapture - being caught up - but it occurs at Jesus coming in glory with its drama and destruction.
They say in the 7 yrs of tribulation after sr the antichrist sits in the temple.
But in NT Eph 2:19-22 Gods people, the church is the temple not a building in Israel, so he arises from the Christian church.
The church does not escape the tribulation. 2 Tim 3:12, Matt 24:21-22
2 Thess 2:8 antichrist is destroyed by the coming - parousia - of Jesus Christ
I hope this helps you.
Nothing GOD does is according to Natural Phenomena. If HE says every eye will see it will happen!
I don't think that God disobeys His own laws (moral or natural) but He can make things happen within the framework of His laws that seem miraculous or impossible to us. It was said at one time that man could not fly, but by applying the laws of nature man has learned to fly even faster and higher than the birds. This is a small example of how the principles of God's laws can be used to do things seemingly impossible. God knows it all. We don't have to worry about that.