Wednesday: Encouragement from Heaven
Read Matthew 17:1-9. What happened here, and why was it so important for both Jesus Himself and for the disciples?
Jesus “had dwelt amid the love and fellowship of heaven; but in the world that He had created, He was in solitude. Now heaven had sent its messengers to Jesus; not angels, but men who had endured suffering and sorrow, and who could sympathize with the Saviour in the trial of His earthly life.
Moses and Elijah had been colaborers with Christ. They had shared His longing for the salvation of men … These men, chosen above every angel around the throne, had come to commune with Jesus concerning the scenes of His suffering, and to comfort Him with the assurance of the sympathy of heaven. The hope of the world, the salvation of every human being, was the burden of their interview.”—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, pp. 422, 425.
How fascinating that Jesus, the Son of God, in His humanity had the need of comfort and encouragement from these men, who themselves knew their own share of suffering and discouragement. Luke records that they spoke to Him about “His decease which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem” (Luke 9:31, NKJV). Notice the word accomplish, which can also be translated as “fulfill,” more evidence that Jesus’ death was necessary for the salvation of humanity. With so much at stake, it’s no wonder that heaven saw the need and sent this encouragement.
Also, despite all that they had seen and heard already, Peter, James, and John were going to get even more reasons to believe. The voice coming out of the cloud certainly had to be encouraging, as well, once they got over their initial fear. How revealing, too, that Matthew says that Jesus “came and touched them and said, ‘Arise, and do not be afraid’” (Matt. 17:7, NKJV). Even amid all that He was about to face, Jesus comforts and encourages His disciples.
No matter who we are or how strong our faith and commitment is, we can all at times use encouragement. This also means that someone you know might be in need of it, as well. Whom do you know that you could give some encouragement to right now? |

In the previous Chapter, Matthew 16:14 we see human responses of who Jesus is. Now in Matthew 17:5 we see a divine response from God Himself.I believe the Transfiguration took place, because God the Father wanted to answer the question. Definitely - once and for all. Who is Jesus? Part of God’s response to the question: "Who is Jesus?" was to reveal Jesus in His full Glory. Jesus’ face shone like the sun and His clothes became dazzling white. Could someone elaborate on this one.Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus and we see Jesus remaining alone. Moses and Elijah, what do they represent and why did they leave we see only Jesus and God says listen to Him.I think it is of significance to explain that.
Jesus' glory was hidden while on earth and for just a short while his natural glory was displayed. Moses represented the law and Elijah, the prophets. Also, one had died and gone to heaven and the other had gone to heaven without seeing death. When Peter equated Moses and Elijah with Jesus by offering to build them booths, God interrupted (while he was still speaking), telling the disciples Jesus was greater and to honour Him above the other two. Jesus was the fulfilment of the law and the prophets.
Matt. 17: 1-3. Fittest To Minister To Christ.—“The Father chose Moses and Elijah to be His messengers to Christ, and glorify Him with the light of heaven, and commune with Him concerning His coming agony, because they had lived upon earth as men; they had experienced human sorrow and suffering, and could sympathize with the trial of Jesus, in His earthly life. Elijah, in his position as a prophet to Israel, had represented Christ, and his work had been, in a degree, similar to that of the Savior. And Moses as the leader of Israel, had stood in the place of Christ, communing with Him and following His directions; therefore , these two , of all the hosts that gathered around the throne of God were fittest to minister to the Son of God.” (2 Spirit of Prophecy 329).
Jesus spoke to those two men to receive encouragement and to give us the same. Moses represents those who had to die but overcame. Elijah represents those who never die but are translated at his coming. These are the righteous who went before him, but still awaited the great hope, the final judgment. The disciples saw them and amazingly knew who they were, probably by Revelation. We can know and be known in the same manner by communing with Jesus.
Moses represented those who die in the Lord and will resurrect when Jesus comes while Elijah represented those faithful who will be alive when Jesus comes again
They went back to heaven
Let's plan for that reunion
There is nothing more important than this statement, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to Him!" I am so humbled to be a servant of Christ! Can you imagine serving someone with whom God is well pleased!? The fact that Jesus continued encouraging His disciples despite the impending suffering makes me feel so loved by our God. Day by day we may not be at our best spiritually and even mentally. We should not let our disappointments get into the people surrounding us! we should ALWAYS encourage people around us even when we discourage ourselves!My fellow employees need encouragement, my mother, my dad, my siblings need it. I have to show them that live is better than they think. It is not as bad as they may explain!The power of the Holy Spirit will descend on them (Acts 1:8)
How amazing God is. No matter how often we read the same thing over, He will always reveal something new. In the past I have 'read over' the words "a bright cloud overshadowed them' but only this morning did I realize Who was in that cloud. God stepped down from his Throne and came Himself to support his Son. Peter, James and John could see Moses and Elijah because they had been humans, but the Father was hidden from their sight because, as in the case of Moses who hid in the cleft of the rock, they could not behold him and live. God did not make a 'long distance' call or send a messenger to reassure Jesus - He came Himself.
I think the father was living in and through Jesus throughout his life and still continues to do the same.
For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Colossians 2:9
He also wants to live in us. By his Holy Spirit he will give us the mind that was also in Christ Jesus if we will allow access to the Holy Spirit to our hearts.
One of the greatest lesson I get from today's study is that every human being needs another. The human heart longs for sympathy in times of trouble and rightly so.
Jesus needed it, and we need it much more! Nobody can grow spiritually by himself/herself. And no one will be in heaven who didn't reach out to others (even the penitent thief on the cross reached out to his impenitent friend).
Therefore, we should learn to encourage one another. The Bible is full of 'love one another', 'pray for one another', 'exhort one another'... All this to tell us that we cannot make it to heaven on our own.
In as much as our greatest helper is our Saviour Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit, human aid should also be available. For instance, Moses needed Aaron, David needed Jonathan, Daniel needed his friends, Paul needed an accompany and so on...
And again that's why Jesus became human to touch humanity, that's why He grouped His disciples into two while they were sent on a mission. And that's why John the Baptist sought a word of encouragement while he was in prison. And that's why we go to church. And that's why we here discussing the lesson together, ain't we?
Let brotherly love continue!!! Amen!
I really don't see how some people think that being selfish with christianity is the way. In and of ourselves we will fail, we must fail, but i thank God for the cross at calvary. I thank God for his love, His grace and his mercy.
What a friend we have in Jesus...All our sins and griefs to bear. Let us continue to bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.
"One of us", when i think about Jesus i feel happy for his approach with every human. "In His humanity had need of confort and encouragement". Whow do you Know that you could give some encouragement? No other single truth removes the need to ask “Why?” like this one:
'God is too kind to do anything cruel . . . Too wise to make a mistake . . . Too deep to explain Himself.' (Charles Swindoll)
So inspiring and consoling. I'm so encouraged by reading it.
We all at some point need encouragement, as this reignites, rejuvinates and empowers us. It is also important to encourage others who might be facing challenges
We all need encouragement during our time here on earth.We can hold up each other in prayer and in words of hope.Only when we build a close relationship with others and know their needs can we be effective in uplifting them
We are our brothers keepers
I would love to hear that conversation. I can't imagine what Jesus needed to hear from the humans who in their lifetime faced death and the discouragement of other rebellious humans. Their suffering was limited by what they could handle (1cor 10:13). What limits were put upon Satan? The fact that Jesus needed human support should also encourage us to do the same (1 thes4:18; 1 thes 5:11). When we see others who are discouraged, a few words from our experience can lift a cloud of Satan's sophistry. It helped Jesus, it can help you too!
It was so important to Jesus because Moses had delivered the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt though it was tough. As well as Elijah who had destroyed the prophets of Baal. And about this time it was Jesus Christ himself to save us from this corrupt world as well as defeating sin once and for all. God was sending a message of encouragement to Jesus through these men who have also been sent on their missions to the world and accomplished by the Spirit of the Lord though it was painful and tough.
To the disciples it was a much needed experience so as to fully believe that Jesus Christ who was with them was sent by the Almighty God on a mission to save such a wretch like me. It also helped them to carry on with the work of the one who called them knowing that who is in them is far greater than who is in this world, and this also ignited them on their mission of Matthew 28:19.
Faith and encouragement work together. You need encouragement from someone or you need to encourage yourself while doing the work of God.
Jesue did while on earth.For example, where He turn the water into wine John 2:3-6
Amen! We all need encouragement on times of troubles when our faith is at the lowest point. I thank God because He's always there for is. Indeed what a friend we have in Jesus. Be blessed brethren.
Tambudzai, the reason why Moses and Elijah appear here is because; 1- Moses represents the Law of God and also predicted the coming of a great prophet (Duet 18:15-19), 2- Elijah represents the prophets who foretold the coming of the Messiah (Mal 4:5,6)
Moses’ and Elijah’s presence with Jesus confirmed Jesus’ messianic mission: to fulfil God’s law and the words of God’s prophets. Just as God’s voice in the cloud over mount Sinai gave authority to His law (Exodus 19:9), He did the same at the Transfiguration.